Main / GemProperties

Appendix B

Gem Properties

Magical Properties of Gems

Regardless of what qualities these gems the mere possession of one or a score will convey absolutely no benefit of magical nature to the character concerned. These special qualities are presented here for use in devising special formulae for potions, inks, etc.

Gem Type or Color
AgateRestful and safe sleep
AlexandriteGood omens
AmberWards off diseases
AmethystPrevents drunkenness or drugging
BerylWards off foes
BloodstoneWeather control
CarbunclePowers of dragon's sight
CarnelianProtection from evil
Cats' eye agateProtection from spirits
ChalcedonyWards off undead
ChrysoberylProtection from possession
ChrysoliteWards off spells
CoralCalms weather, safety in river crossing, cures madness, stanches bleeding
DiamondInvulnerability vs. undead
HematiteAids fighters, heals wounds
JacinthLuck travelling, wards off plague, protection from fire
JadeSkill at music and musical instruments
JasperProtection from venom
JetSoul object material
Lapis LazuliRaises morale, courage
MalachiteProtection from falling
Malachite & SunstoneWards off spells, evil spirits, and poisons
MoonstoneCauses lycanthropy
OlivineProtection from spells
OnyxCauses discord amongst enemies
PeridotWards off enchantments
RubyGives good luck
SapphireAids understanding of problems, kills spiders, boosts magical abilities
Sapphire, StarProtection from magic
SardBenefits wisdom
SerpentineAdds to wile and cunning
TopazWards off evil spells
TurquoiseAids horses in all ways (but stone shatters when it operates)
BlackThe Earth - darkness - negation
BlueThe Heavens - truth - spirituality
ClearThe Sun - luck
GreenVenus - reproduction - sight - resurrection
RedHemorrhaging control - heat
WhiteThe Moon - enigmatic
YellowSecrecy - homeopathy - jaundice