Main / GladiatorSP

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Other Kits


Note: This kit is taken from the book Skills and Powers.

Another Gladiator kit is available from the Complete Fighter's Handbook.
There is a complete class called Gladiator. It contains two kits with Gladiator in the name: Gladiatorial Slave and Professional Gladiator

Gladiators are trained to fight people and creatures for others’ entertainment. Most are flashy, outlandish showmen whose battle tactics often cater to the crowd first, their survival second. Gladiators can be slaves who are forced to fight, or they can be freemen who choose to make a living this way. If this kit is used in a campaign, there must either be a culture that publicly allows this activity, or else the fights might be illegal— held in secret places and backed by society’s shady element. Legal or not, the gladiator definitely makes his living in an urban setting. If the campaign doesn’t revolve around, or at least contain, a sizable city, this kit could be inappropriate.

Social ranks: Gladiators can come from almost any economic background, though it is more likely they come from the lower rungs of the community. Roll 2d6 to determine the rank of a gladiator.
2d6 roll Rank
2–6 Lower Class
7–10 Lower Middle Class
11–12 Upper Middle Class

Requirements: A gladiator must have Strength/Muscle and Constitution/Fitness scores of 13 or greater. This kit is barred to satyrs and swanmays. In addition, paladins, rangers, wizards, thieves, and bards may not choose this kit.

Weapon proficiencies: Only melee and hurled missile weapons—no bows, slings, etc.—can be used by such a character, as gladiatorial combats are not about firing arrows at one another. A gladiator who kills an opponent without endangering his own life in mortal combat is not much of a showman. Possible gladiator weapons include: daggers, swords (all, but short swords are most common), scimitars, spears, tridents, polearms (all), war hammers, maces (all), scourges, nets, and whips.

Recommended nonweapon proficiencies: Blind-fighting, endurance, gaming, jumping, tumbling, armorer, weaponsmithing, healing, and rope use.

Equipment: Gladiators can have whatever weapons fit their classes. However, they are initially limited in armor types. Gladiators cannot begin with anything greater than studded leather.

Recommended traits: Fast healer, immunities, keen senses, light sleeper, lucky.

Benefits: Gladiators enjoy a +1 bonus on attack rolls with one particular melee weapon. For example, a gladiator could choose a +1 attack bonus with the short sword.

Hindrances: As gladiators are trained to make combats last a long while and to play to any crowd, they suffer a +1 penalty to their initiative rolls. They take this time to show off, display their weapon prowess, or bait their opponent.

Wealth: Standard as per the character’s class.