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Another Letter from Shi

(Outside): To be delivered to Keerla Naim, Divaekah, Lorien Woods, The Wildlands

(Inside - main message):

Warning: if you are not Keerla Naim of Haathkash, who is currently residing in Divaekah, stop reading now.

Dear Keerla,

I am lost. I am very lost.

I could hear the sweet melody calling me Home, but I was not given the chance to reach it. Can one forgive a grievous offense when it was done with good intentions?

I am in Loosend for now. I have left the others to their task while I seek familiarity. It was either follow them here and see if forgiveness can be granted to them, or stay back at my shrine.

I cannot bear it there right now. We are taking a break. Will it be permanent? I do not think the others know. I am not ready for the questions. He says he'll stay and patrol the forest, but for how long? He failed his mission. There is no reason to stay now. Once a shadow guard, always a shadow guard.

I do not know what to do. Why am I still here? I don't know why Thistle won't let me go.

I wish I could go home. If only it were so simple.

I lost my voice. Did you ever think that would happen? The music does not call to me anymore. All I can do is draw, draw, draw. I hope I don't lose that, too.

I do know the stubbornness still survives as a tiny spark. It won't let me go home yet. It won't let me disappoint Thistle. It won't let him be right, and it won't let me just be.

I am in Loosend for now. I look for you in the crowds. I know it's a foolish hope, but I still have it. I hope one day you find a way to reply to my letters.


4-4-1270 TGR

*Bindbole Woods Dialect for "I miss you terribly"; literal translation: "I feel the knife once more within my soul."

After the group got back and had dinner, Nevin, Jilly, and Branwyn settled into the salon with some wine to discuss the trip and affairs of the estate. Tiberius was upstairs, very happy to be at home in his comfortable bed rather than on stone floors and was uninterested in sitting down and discussing practical matters. The rest of the group were also much in need of rest and comfort, which left the three to talk undisturbed.

Branwyn started by explaining what changes Black Cloak had made to the church when they returned and all the events that led up to and including the death of Black Cloak. “So this isn’t simply a matter of a mad necromancer using the church for his evil deeds. He had not only used it for that, but he had also supported and built up the church for Kiputytto worshippers to congregate again. Killing him does not end activity at the church and it is vulnerable for falling into evil hands again if we do not take control,” she paused and took another sip of wine. “If this was a Kayugan church devoted to Cahus with warriors and The Brotherhood making a base there, I would not be so concerned, but the followers of Kiputytto are not as strong and I do not trust they can keep the church from being infiltrated again.’

“Unfortunately this will mean a lot of work. We will make Skull Church and its surrounding areas a protectorate of Dragon Fen. After much discussion, Snezana has agreed to serve as Governor and will have the help of all of us in varying capacities to make the place secure and habitable. Nevin, if you could draw up the necessary papers and provide a writ for her expenses it would be most helpful.’

“The other thing of importance is that I returned Lord Witherbane to his family in Quellcon and told Lady Emerald of our plans to take over Skull Church. She was surprisingly quite amenable to the idea. I admit I like her and her straightforwardness. We must invite her to visit at some point. But to complete the deal I agreed to purchase 6 wagon loads of iron ore from Quellcon. There shall be a contract coming that I must sign. I will think on this and we shall speak soon on economic development at Dragon Fen. I admit I have been lax on the subject, but you shall have my attention in the coming months and we shall develop a plan.’

“Oh, and I knighted Talwin. That should be recorded somewhere. And I was thinking since we have rid Dragon Fen of undead maybe we should have a celebration in town or at least an announcement? It would be nice to share happy news. You can set that up. Any questions?” She finished picking up her wineglass and leaning back on the sofa.

Jilly starts off, "Oh there are many good things happening. I have been introducing Dahlia to how to organize the..." Nevin places a hand on her arm, "Dear, only the important parts. Do you think you can do that in 25 words?" Jilly quickly counters, "50 and you cook dinner", He smiles, "30 and I rub your feet." She opens her mouth, "Ah... Ok 30 words for 30 minutes", she says with a smile. He gives an exaggerated sigh, "Very well but you have to do my thing if you go over". She giggles, "So I can talk as long as I want then?" He turns slightly red and shakes his head as he pours more wine for everyone.

Jilly takes a sip as she concentrates and counts in her head. "Gnomes needed saving, farmers saved them. Beekeeper is disagreeing with Acien. Ilero has two new scouts. Sheriff's son died. Hin girl wants Indigo. Need fishing people. We are having a girl." She looks over at Nevin and smirks. He grabs Jilly and kisses her hard.

Nevin smiles at Jilly, "Only one that is much better." She beams. Nevin chuckles and turns to Branwyn. "I have been trying to convince her that until she can write it all in a report she has to track every word like she does ever person in the Estate.' Jilly snorts, and lifts her feet up into Nevin's lap as she winks at Branwyn.