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Hades - Spell Data Files

Hades Spell Data List

This is the data list for KloOge for a priest of Hades in the Greek pantheon.

# Name	Level	Cast Level	Expression	# Memorized	Cost	Sound	Effect
Bless/Curse	1	1	For 6 rounds, attack rolls and saves vs fear receive a +1 bonus.	--	1		
Combine	1	1	3 to 5 priests combine their efforts so that one can cast and turn undead at a higher level.	--	1		
Detect Magic - Priest	1	1	For 1 turn, I can detect magic in a 10'x30' path.	--	1		
Orison	1	1	I can create minor effects.	--	1		
Purify Food and Drink	1	1	Spoiled food and water is made pure again.	--	1		
Chant	2	2	For as long as I chant, friends in a 30' radius receive a +1 to attack, damage and save rolls while enemies receive a -1 to the same rolls.	--	1		
Mystic Transfer	2	2	A priest can send me a spell to cast.	--	1		
Sanctify	2	2	All friendlies within the area get a +1 to fear/charm spells and undead are turned at 1 level higher.	--	1		
Dispel Magic - Priest	3	3	I dispel {11-(1d20)+$L} level magic.	--	1		
Remove Curse - Priest	3	3	I remove a curse.	--	1		
Focus	4	4	Using the prayers of a bunch of faithful I maintain a spell for up to a year.	--	1		
Tongues - Priest	4	4	I can speak {$L/3} additional languages for 1 turn.	--	1		
Uplift	4	4	I increase the casting level of a priest, allowing him to cast spells beyond normal ability.	--	1		
Atonement	5	5	The target is atoned for past regretable deeds.	--	1		
Commune	5	5	I ask my god {$L} yes or no questions.	--	1		
Meld	5	5	For up to 12 hours, I can take over a willing subject's body.	--	1		
Quest	5	5	The target must undergo a quest or else suffer a -1 penalty to saves for each day he avoids the quest.	--	1		
True Seeing - Priest	5	5	For {$L} rounds I see things as they are.	--	1		
Speak with Monsters	6	6	For {$L*2} rounds I can speak with monsters.	--	1		
Gate - Priest	7	7	I'm aged by 5 years but I create a gate which allows an extraplanar being of great power to appear.	--	1
Command	1	1	I command the target to follow a single round action. Those with 13 intelligence or more or 6 hit dice or more are entitled saves.	--	1		
Remove Fear	1	1	I allow {($L+3}/4} target creatures to geta new save vs fear effects.	--	1		
Sanctuary	1	1	For {2+$L} rounds, people can't attack me unless they save vs spell.	--	1		
Enthrall	2	2	I enthral those in a 90' radius with my talking.	--	1		
Hold Person - Priest	2	2	Up to 4 target humanoids are held immobile for {$L*2} rounds unless they make a save vs spell.	--	1		
Music of the Spheres	2	2	Up to {$L/3} creatures within a 20' diameter circle cannot harm me and are vulnerable to a suggestion for the next {10+$L} rounds.	--	1		
Snake Charm	2	2	I hypnotise snakes for a duration based on how pissed off they are.	--	1		
Dictate	3	3	Up to 6 creatures follow a single command for {$L} rounds.	--	1		
Emotion Control	3	3	I alter emotions for {$L} rounds.	--	1		
Cloak of Bravery	4	4	The target recieves a bonus to the next fear saving throw that happens within 8 hours.	--	1		
Free Action	4	4	The target cannot be stopped by spells or water for {$L} turns.	--	1		
Imbue with Spell Ability	4	4	The target is imbued with a spell which it can cast at a later time.	--	1		
Command Monster	6	6	A monster does as I command for {$L/2} rounds.	--	1		
Confusion - Priest	7	7	{1d4+($L/2)} creatures act confused.	--	1		
Exaction	7	7	I demand a service from a powerful extraplanar creature.	--	1		
Light - Priest	1	1	I create a 20' radius globe of light which lights the way for {6+$L} turns.	--	1			
Create Holy Symbol	2	2	I conjure forth an appropriate holy symbol to my faith.	--	1			
Continual Light - Priest	3	3	A permanent, 60' radius globe of light is created.	--	1			
Create Food and Water	3	3	I create {$L} cubic feet of food and water.	--	1			
Blessed Abundance	5	5	I duplicate {$L} cubic feet of animal and vegetable matter.	--	1			
Blade Barrier	6	6	I create an immobile barrier of blades between 5 and 60 square feet in area. Anyone who is caught in it takes {8d8} points of damage. The barrier stays up for {$L*3} rounds.	--	1			
Heroes' Feast	6	6	I create a feast for {$L}. Those who partake of it are healed {1d4+4} points of damage, are immune to poison, cured of disease, immune to fear. In addition they recieve the benefits of a bless spell. These effects last 12 hours.	--	1			
The Great Circle	6	6	Several priests chant together for an hour. When they finish, a halo of light bursts through the area, destroying undead along the way.	--	1			
Analyze Balance	1	1	I detect how far from neutral alignment an area or person is.	--	1			
Detect Evil - Priest	1	1	For {10+($L*5)} rounds, I can detect evil in a 10'x360' path in front of me, though I must concentrate for a round to do it. If the evil is overwhelming, I have a {$L*10}% chance of knowing what kind of evil it is.	--	1			
Detect Poison	1	1	I hold up a sheet of vellum. If it is placed in front of poison within the next {10+$L} rounds, it will turn black. There is a {$L}% chance that I can detect the exact type of poison.	--	1			
Augury	2	2	I ask a question about a future task and recieve a reply with {70+$L}% certainty.	--	1			
Detect Charm	2	2	For 1 turn I can detect if one creature per round is under some sort of influence, be it charm or possession or whatnot. I also have a {5*$L}% chance of knowing what that influence is.	--	1			
Find Traps	2	2	For 3 turns I can detect traps in a 10'x90' path in front of me.	--	1			
Detect Spirits	3	3	For {1+$L} turns I can detect any spirits in a 10'x60' path in front of me.	--	1			
Extradimensional Detection	3	3	For {$L} rounds, I can detect any extradimensional spaces in a 10'x60' path in front of me.	--	1			
Locate Object - Priest	3	3	For 8 hours, I can detect the direction to an item of my choosing as long as it is within {60+($L*10)} yards.	--	1			
Speak with Dead	3	3	I may speak with the recently deceased and ask a few questions.	--	1			
Detect Lie	4	4	For the next {$L} rounds, I know any falsehoods of which you speak. Though I do receive a save vs spell, adjusted by the caster's Wisdom.	--	1			
Divination	4	4	I divine information about a future task or goal with {60+$L}% chance of success.	--	1			
Omniscient Eye	4	4	For the next {10+$L} rounds, I can see through any normal or magical darkness, mist or fog out to 60 feet and have a chance of seeing through illusions and invisibility as well.	--	1			
Consequence	5	5	I can see how a single event fits into the grand scheme of things.	--	1			
Magic Font	5	5	I turn a holy font into a scrying device, much like a crystal ball.	--	1			
Find the Path	6	6	For the next {$L} turns, I can detect the direction into or out of a specific locale.	--	1			
Stone Tell	6	6	I speak to stone and ask it what has touched it as well as what is covered, concealed or behind it.	--	1			
Divine Inspiration	7	7	I ask the gods for a clue as to what to do next.	--	1			
Cure Light Wounds	1	1	You're healed {-1d8} points.	--	1			
Cure Moderate Wounds	2	2	You're healed {-1d10-1} points.	--	1			
Slow Poison	2	2	Poison doesn't take further effect for the next {$L} hours.	--	1			
Cure Blindness or Deafness	3	3	Blindness or deafness is cured!	--	1			
Cure Disease	3	3	Disease is cured.	--	1			
Hold Poison	3	3	Poison doesn't take further effect for the next {$L} days.	--	1			
Repair Injury	3	3	You're healed {-1d10-1} points.	--	1			
Cure Serious Wounds	4	4	You're healed {-2d8-1} points.	--	1			
Fortify - Healing	4	4	The next healing spell cast does maximum healing.	--	1			
Neutralize Poison	4	4	Poison is neutralized.	--	1			
Cure Critical Wounds	5	5	You're healed {-3d8-3} points.	--	1			
Heal	6	6	Disease, blindness, damage, and mental disorders are cured.	--	1			
Regenerate	7	7	A lost limb is regenerated.	--	1			
Dispel Fatigue	1	1	The target is no longer fatigued.	--	1			
Invisibility to Undead	1	1	For 6 rounds, undead cannot see me, though those of 4 hd or more do get a save.	--	1			
Aid	2	2	For {$L+1} rounds, I gain {1d8} hitpoints and +1 to saves and attack rolls.	--	1			
Restore Strength	2	2	Lost strength is restored.	--	1			
Animate Dead - Priest	3	3	Skeletons or zombies are created from corpses.	--	1			
Feign Death - Priest	3	3	I appear dead for {10+$L} rounds.	--	1			
Negative Plane Protection	3	3	I am protected from negative energy for {$L} turns or until I'm actually struck by a negative attack, whichever comes first.	--	1			
Remove Paralysis	3	3	{1d4} creatures in a 20' cube are cured of paralysis.	--	1			
Speak with Dead	3	3	I may speak with the recently deceased and ask a few questions.	--	1			
Suspended Animation	4	4	A willing target is placed in suspended animation.	--	1			
Unfailing Endurance	4	4	I'm highly resistant to fatigue for the next {$L} days. 	--	1			
Raise Dead	5	5	A corpse is brought back to life. If reverse, the target must save vs spell or die. Success still indicates {2d8+1} points of damage.	--	1			
Restoration	7	7	A lost energy level is restored, however, both the caster and the recipient are aged 2 years.	--	1			
Resurrection	7	7	I bring a corpse back to life and age 3 years.	--	1	
Endure Cold/Endure Heat	1	1	For {9*$L} turns, I'm immune to natural extremes of heat or cold. Though magical extremes cause this spell to fail.	--	1			
Protection from Evil - Priest	1	1	For {$L*3} rounds, I am protected from evil attacks and summoned creatures.	--	1			
Ring of Hands	1	1	For {2d10} rounds, between 2 and 10 priests create a circle of protection which acts like a protection from evil spell.	--	1			
Sanctuary	1	1	For {2+$L} rounds, people can't attack me unless they save vs spell.	--	1			
Resist Acid and Corrosion	2	2	For {$L} rounds, I am immune to normal acids and recieve a +3 to saves against more potent ones as well as halving the damage caused by them.	--	1			
Resist Fire/Resist Cold	2	2	I'm immune to normal hot or cold conditions for {$L} rounds. In addition, magical hot or cold conditions reduce their damage by half and I receive a +1 to saves.	--	1			
Withdraw	2	2	I withdraw from time for {2+$L} rounds, allowing me to think, cast detections or heal myself.	--	1			
Line of Protection	3	3	I create a field of energy that deals damage to those who pass through it. It may be stationary or anchored by 2 or more priests. In any case, it lasts {$L} rounds.	--	1			
Magical Vestment	3	3	My vestments grant me an AC of {5-(($L-5)/3)} for the next {$L} rounds.	--	1			
Negative Plane Protection	3	3	I am protected from negative energy for {$L} turns or until I'm actually struck by a negative attack, whichever comes first.	--	1			
Protection from Evil, 10' Radius - Priest	3	3	For {$L*3} rounds, both myself and everyone in a 10' radius are protected from evil attacks and summoned creatures.	--	1			
Remove Paralysis	3	3	{1d4} creatures in a 20' cube are cured of paralysis.	--	1			
Spell Immunity	4	4	For {$L} turns, the touched creature is immune to a specific spell.	--	1			
Anti-plant Shell	5	5	For {$L} turns, a 15' radius barrier stops intelligence plants from passing through.	--	1			
Impregnable Mind	5	5	I'm protected from magical attacks on the mind for {10+$L} rounds. This allows a save if none is normally allowed, and a +4 bonus if there are normally saves allowed.	--	1			
Anti-animal Shell	6	6	For {$L} turns, I have a 10' radius barrier which keeps out animals and things with animal parts.	--	1			
Antimineral Shell	7	7	For {$L} turns, animated minerals cannot enter a 10' radius area.	--	1			
Impervious Sanctity of Mind	7	7	For {$L} turns, I'm completely immune to mind affecting spells and effects.	--	1	
Call Upon Faith	1	1	The priest recieves a +3 or +15% to any one check.	--	1			
Draw Upon Holy Might	2	2	For {$L} rounds, either my Strength, Constitution, Dexterity or Charisma is raised by {$L\3} points.	--	1			
Dust Devil	2	2	I conjure forth a dust devil for {$L*2} rounds.	--	1			
Messenger	2	2	I tie a message to a bird who delivers it for me.	--	1			
Summon Animal Spirit	3	3	I summon forth a minor animal spirit which does as I ask for {$L} rounds.	--	1			
Abjure	4	4	I send a {1d20-11+$L} HD creature back to it's home plane.	--	1			
Dimensional Translocation	5	5	Undead that exist in two planes are forced into one of the two of my choosing for {$L} rounds.	--	1			
Dispel Evil	5	5	I send back evil creatures to their home plane if I touch them.	--	1			
Aerial Servant	6	6	An invisible servant is conjured which will spend the next {$L} days fetching what I ask it to. 	--	1			
Animate Object	6	6	For the next {$L} rounds an inanimate object is now animate.	--	1			
Conjure Animals - Priest	6	6	I conjure forth {$L*2} HD worth of random or {$L} HD worth of specified animals. They stick around for {$L*2} rounds and do as I ask.	--	1			
Word of Recall	6	6	I can return to a sanctuary.	--	1			
Exaction	7	7	I demand a service from a powerful extraplanar creature.	--	1			
Mind Tracker	7	7	I summon an ethereal creature which follows and reports on a target in my sight for as long as I remain conscious or until I dismiss it.	--	1			
Spirit of Power	7	7	Six priests of the same faith, unite their souls to create an avatar of their god or goddess for an hour. The god may choose to keep the avatar around longer, but this kills the priests.	--	1			
Succor - Priest	7	7	I create a special item that when broken and a command word is spoken, transports the target to my sanctuary or me to the target's aid.	--	1