Main / Haxkhun


Haxkhun is a small city of Fankiang herdsmen, bordered on the east by the Chigidi Mountains and on the west by dry steppelands. Haxkhun is used mainly as a military outpost for Li-Raz. Though both cities are populated by Fankiang tribesmen, the people of Li-Raz consider themselves superior to those of Haxkhun.

Haxkhun resents its second class status, but is totally dependant on Li-Raz for supplies and services. In turn, Haxkhun provides the first line of defense in case of invasion from the north or west. Haxkhun is divided into two feuding sections. The western section is made up primarily of nomad herdsmen, while the eastern section is made up of professional military men. Each side has its own administrators and qaghan. It is not surprising that Haxkhun history is riddled with civil war, ranging from single-day skirmishes to bloody offensives lasting several weeks. When the conflicts become excessively violent, Li-Raz sends in soldiers to restore peace, but usually allows the citizens to fight it out among themselves.

Haxkhun experiences particularly harsh weather. Temperatures exceed 100 degrees in the summer and plummet well below zero in the winter. There is seldom more than an inch of annual rainfall. Strong winds blow all year long, creating sandstorms so severe that it is impossible to see more than a few feet.