Main / Hephaestus

Hephaestus - Greek - Priests - Gods

Hephaestus is the god of blacksmithing and the patron of artisans, craftsmen, and mechanics. Unlike most gods, he is slightly deformed, resembling a tall, bearded hill giant with a club foot and a hunchback.

His mother, Hera, was embarrassed by her son's deformities and kept him out of sight. In order to win the respect of the other gods, he fashioned a golden throne for her. When she sat in it, she was trapped, and he would not release her until she and the other gods accepted him as their equal. Since then, he has proven one of Olympus' most valuable residents, fashioning golden palaces, intricate machines, and beautiful armor for his fellows.

Role-playing Notes:

Hephaestus is generally a benevolent god, though he is extremely touchy about his deformity. Although he is married to Aphrodite, he is in love with Athena, who will have nothing to do with him. Because he has so few worshipers, he treats them well, often making gifts of adamant weapons, shields, and armor to those that serve him especially well. Such objects have a magical +5 bonus. Omens from Hephaestus often appear in the flames of forges.

Gods Information

Alignment: HG
Worshiper's Alignment: Any
Area of Control: Blacksmithing and Crafts
Symbol: hammer and anvil

Avatar Information

Hephaestus' avatar usually takes the form of a dark man with some sort of deformity. He can call upon the alteration school of magic for his spells.(Fighter 15, Wizard 12)

Str 22 Dex 14 Con 19
Int 18 Wis 16 Cha 10
MV 12 SZ 6' MR 25%
AC 0 HD 15 HP 120
#AT 2 THAC0 5 Dmg 1d6 (hammer) +10

Special Att/Def: Any being struck by the avatar's hammer must save versus paralyzation or be knocked unconscious for 1d10 minutes.

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: Standard plus Str 15+
Alignment: any Non-EvilTurning: (no information given)
Armor: May only wear armor made by priests of the same faith
Weapons: Hammer

Major: All, Combat, Creation, Divination, Elemental, Guarding, Healing, Sun, Weather
Minor: none

1st - +1 per level ability scores when making a blacksmithing check 5th - able to repair magic weapons and armor (proficiency check required) 10th - able to create magical weapons or armors with a bonus up to +1 per 3 levels of experience (maximum of +5)

Duties of the Priesthood

Before accepting any person as a priest, Hephaestus sends his avatar to see how the person reacts to a deformed person. If they are kind, they are accepted. Priests of Hephaestus must have the blacksmithing proficiency (if these rules used in the campaign).