Main / HighDesert

High Desert

note: not to be confused with the high desert that is part of the Great Mountains

Zakhara has two great deserts: the High Desert and the Haunted Lands. Beyond the walls of cities, beyond the bands of orchards and fields, lies the true Burning World of Zakhara. Here, in regions known as the High Desert and the Haunted Lands, creatures must live with the world on its terms instead of their own.

Both are situated on plateaus that rise to an average elevation of 2,500 feet. Between them lie the waters of the Golden Gulf, Suq Bay, and the Al-Tariq Channel ("The Passage"). At the heart of these deserts, however, virtually no permanent water source exists—just a handful of precious wells and oases.

A lack of water is not the only danger the desert holds. Mirages entice the unwary travelers toward waters of sheer illusion. Sandstorms scour men and beasts and bury encampments. Winter storms fill the sky with lightning, flood the hollows, and rip tents from moorings. Worst of all, perhaps, are the black clouds of locusts that strip a pasture bare to the last blade of grass before the nomads and their herds arrive.

The High Desert is one of the most forlorn and empty areas of the world.

Tribes of the High Desert

The people of the High Desert are mostly enlightened nomadic tribes. They are the "classic" desert riders—passionate, romantic, and powerful. In spring, they travel in search of the seasonal grasses. In summer, they camp near wells and oases, many of which are unmapped. But in the very heart of the desert, not even the nomadic tribes and their mounts can survive, for here lies the Genies' Anvil (Saddan al-Jinn). Nine major tribes lie scattered throughout the High Desert. These are described below. Hundreds of smaller tribes, bands, and raiding parties make their home here as well. Even the major tribes aren't found together in full numbers, save at gatherings for water or trade. These tribes are broken into clans, each of which consists of several families. The clans of the major tribes are often larger than some of the smaller tribes, numbering hundreds of individuals and thousands of livestock (horses, goats, camels, and sheep).