Main / HighPriestOfSetPaphoset

Character Stories - Khamsa's Folly

Paphoset, High Priest of Set

Paphoset was a self-exiled priest of Set who had become obsessed with the flail of the desert kings and cast a series of divinatory spells to locate the weapon. His discovery of the item's whereabouts triggered a series of intrigues that embroiled the Dragonslayers in this adventure.

Treachery and deceit are the hallmarks of the followers of Set, and Paphoset truly distinguished himself in that regard, rising quickly through the ranks of Set's priesthood. However, he earned numerous influential and ruthless enemies during his rapid climb, and his rivals among the ranks of Set's priesthood became a menacing prospect. After surviving several assassination attempts (and methodically avenging the attacks), Paphoset fled into the desert, eager to establish a following of his own.

Pouring over dusty, ancient tomes bound in hides of vile creatures thankfully extinct, Paphoset uncovered passages on a number of magical items created in forgotten times. Convinced that possession of these items could assure the success of his scheme, the priest consumed his days and nights with an exhausting search for the artifacts. The location of the circlet of the adder on Khamsa's petrified body was revealed quickly because of his proximity to the temple, but that discovery proved frustrating to a follower of Set all too aware of the temple's occupants. The search for the other items proved more difficult and time consuming, and the process took its toll on the priest, who neglected his body in his unrelenting chase. Yet his diligence was rewarded when the location of the flail of the desert kings came into focus, many leagues from the desert in the possession of a small band of adventurers. Paphoset knew that the Flail would want to be united with the Circlet again and wove this facet into his enchantments.

Dealing with this group seemed easy enough, but their distance and Paphoset's ill health presented a roadblock to his goal as vexing as the location of the circlet had been. Poring over the problem, the priest was seized with diabolical inspiration that enabled him to solve both problems simultaneously. He devised a scheme that would compel the adventurers to travel to the Raurin desert to deliver the flail to him and slay the medusa in the process. Aware that his days are numbered if he remains in the South, Paphoset attempted to play his last hand, even to the point of alienating his god, who displays virtually no loyalty to even his most resolute followers once they leave his order.

Though his prayers for spells had not gone unfulfilled, Paphoset sensed a reluctance on the part of his deity, indicating that his power and potential for advancement are on the wane, and he has been compelled to perform an act of desperation. Paphoset did not think that Set was not conscious of his plans, but the priest was horrified by the prospect of the violent reprisal that will doubtlessly follow the discovery of his betrayal if he remains in the Raurin desert. Convinced that the flail and circlet can provide him with the only power he needs, the priest hoped to recover the items and flee north, away from the vengeful deity and his minions.

Paphoset plagued the adventurers with dreams and other attempts to lure them to the desert of Raurin, posing as the spirit of an ancient pharaoh whose rest has been cursed by the theft of the object the flail that was in the possession of the group. These dreams, hurled across the vastness of the world by strange and powerful magical items and spells, were inescapable and continued as log as Paphoset could divine the existence of the Flail of the Desert Kings. When the third group to possess the Flail failed to be enticed to bring it the desert he almost lost faith. Then a new mind held the Flail and Paphoset began his attempts to lure it home again.

During this time Set watched his wayward priest. Set would not let his revenge on Khamsa's lands be undone so easily. Paphoset would be allowed to have his heroes but only through the journey Set gave them. Set twisted the Transportation Vision Paphoset sent to the holder of the Flail to divert the travelers through Avernus. The Transportation Vision allowed Set to capture the heroes without a silver cord allowing them retreat.

When the group of heroes arrived at the temple and managed to slay the Medusa Paphoset was overjoyed. This quickly turned to rage when he realized that this was not the group he had lured through his Transportation Vision but just what seemed a random band of adventurers. In a fit of rage he struck out at the two of them and was in turn slain by the heroes looking for their companions.