Main / KhamsasFolly

Khamsa's Folly

Trade Wars Era

15-1-1260 TGR - 25-1-1260 TGR

The party was sent on this adventure by Meleager as a test by him. The group had determined he had the last bit of information needed they needed but he would not reveal the power behind the Trade Wars mystery until he was sure the Dragonslayers would have a reasonable chance at defeating them. This solved another problem of Meleager's in getting rid of a troublesome magic item.

Finglas took the burden of the Flail and along with several others in the Dragonslayers he followed a dream vision that the Flail induced.

Finglas went through the portal in his dream vision along with Paul, Rave, Moirra and Liam. Antarias Val and Kwan used the teleporter in the Memorial Dungeon to be transported to the place from the visions. They appeared to have arrived at the same place but not where the other group went to.

Kylia and the others upon finding so many of the other Dragonslayers gone conducted their own investigations into the visions and possible locations.

Feed Back & Recollections

I took a lower level adventure and made it a bit more challenging for the group. I also took the chance to run an adventure in a new campaign area that the group had not traveled in before.

There were a couple of threads for this story arc:

Some of the character's involved in this adventure included:

Character Quotes

[Fritz] You all need to help me with the wording of the wish people.
[Fritz] Do you think we should do the wishing well or something else?
(John) there are wish people? can I be a wish person?
[Christy] if I die I am sooo coming back as a wish person

Chat Logs

I did something different this adventure. I did not post the chat logs for each game night right after play ended but I held them back so that the players that were not there at the time would not have the same information that the players who were there that session.

May 01 09May 08 09May 15 09May 22 09May 29 09Jun 05 09Jun 12 09Jun 19 09