Main / Imagemaker

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Gnomish Kits


This is the maestro of the gnomish world. His or her services are in demand at every gnomish festival; his or her skills known far and wide, sought by humans, dwarves, and others beyond the ken of gnome society. The Imagemaker is an artist in the art of illusion who can create spectacles and is capable of drawing audiences to the edge of awe and beyond with soaring images, thunderous sound effects, and realistic creations.

Any gnomish illusionist can elect to be an Imagemaker.

Role: The Imagemaker's role in gnomish society extends far beyond his or her ability to tell tales and create pictures. On the battlefield, Imagemakers are the primary source of the diversionary illusions that gnomish forces use so well to balance the odds against them. Since they specialize in the creation and manipulation of very realistic illusions, they can be very useful to adventuring parties--for example, by creating duplicate images of the party to distract a powerful enemy. And, of course, no gnomish ceremony would be complete without the sound and spectacle of the Imagemaker's art.

Bonus Nonweapon Proficiencies: The Imagemaker gains the Ventriloquism proficiency (normally available only to rogues) as a free proficiency as soon as this kit is selected.

Recommended Nonweapon Proficiencies: Artistic Ability is a useful accompaniment to the Imagemaker's skill, as are proficiencies in Ancient History, Astrology, and Singing.

Equipment: An Imagemaker likes to have several mechanical tools available to augment his or her spellwork, including smokepots, flashballs, and probably a musical instrument. Smokepots must be lit by a fuse, which can be set for 1-10 rounds; upon igniting they belch out a 10' diameter cloud of colored smoke, blocking all visibility. The cloud disperses in one round out of doors or in a large enclosed space; in more constricting quarters it lasts for 2-5 rounds. Flashballs erupt with a bright flash of flame when they are thrown (or dropped) and strike a solid object such as stone or metal. When used in darkness they will effectively blind (for 1-6 rounds) a character who witnesses the flash.

Special Benefits: The Imagemaker has perfected the use of specific kinds of illusions--specifically, those that create the image of something from nothing. The various phantasmal force spells, minor creation, the shadow monster spells, programmed illusion, and shades are examples of spells that fall within this specialty; invisibility, vacancy, and seeming are spells that do not.

The pictures, sounds, and smells created by the Imagemaker are especially realistic. Therefore, any player attempting disbelieve them does so with a -2 penalty. In addition, all creatures--even those not normally susceptible to illusion--can be taken in by the creations of the Imagemaker. However, creatures that would not normally be fooled by illusions do not suffer the -2 penalty when they attempt to disbelieve.

In addition, the Imagemaker's skill is such that the images he or she creates last longer than those cast by a non-specializing illusionist. Illusions that do not require concentration have their duration doubled when cast by an Imagemaker. Illusions requiring concentration last for 2-12 rounds after the caster ceases concentrating. In the latter case, of course, the object will not be able to respond to specific events, but it can continue to repeat movements or patterns established when the caster was concentrating.

Special Hindrances: Because of intense specialization, the Imagemaker suffers additional restrictions on spells he or she can learn; specifically, Imagemakers cannot learn spells from the greater divination or conjuring/ summoning schools of magic.