Main / InhabitantsOfGreenborough

Inhabitants of Greenborough

The city of Greenborough is home to the Dragon Slayers Finglas, Anterias, and Valendaria.

Other notable members of the city include:

Dilneas, priest of Solonor, takes care of temple business for Finglas. Bradwarden, head of the city guard. A visiting dwarven cleric, a werebere living in the forest, Thornhock the centaur shaman, a pair of druids living outside the city. Davin a human male, and Lizbeth a half elven woman; a sylph, a brownie living in the temple who helps the acolytes keep it clean, Pooc, the satyr, a dryad, and a leprechaun

Other denizens of the forest include:

A group of drow who trade spider silk to the surface world. Finglas doesn't like the idea of drow, but they are peaceable and in the end decided that killing them would be more trouble than it is worth. He put taxes and stipulations on the drow trading including that every group of traders who enters the forest must be accompanies by a guard from Greenborough and pay a travel tax.

A gypsy family calls the forest home. They work as the middlemen for the drow traders and agreed to follow the rules of Greenborough in their trade deals.

A clan of gnomes lives in the southern reaches of the forest. Among other things, they mine and cut emeralds. They agreed to abide by the rule of Greenborough and hire the guards for when a shipment of emeralds is ready for trade.

A group of hill giants also live in the forest. As of yet they have not been cleared out, but have not bothered anyone either. An eye is being kept on them until they are dealt with.

A herd of centaurs roam the forest. Some of them have chosen to live in Greenborough and one is the head of the guard for the city.

A band of hobgoblins were found to be living in the forest. A truce was struck between them and Finglas. They would move north of the forest and the elves would not fight them if they did not bother the elves or the forest.

A band of pixies and sprites live in the forest. After talking with their leader Finglas convinced them to live in peace with the elves and even act as his scouts throughout the forest.

A treant lives in the forest as well.