Main / IntermediateEra-OOC

Intermediate Era - Out of Character Discussions

Talk about what comes after this Era:

Talk about what to do in this Era:

5/28 Carissa

Current Party Makeup (based on observations):

One thing that we will need to confirm is the location of each building.

In Hourglass? That is near the Inn of the Lost Eagle. Rae intended to build there. Do you want the other buildings there also? There are other towns like Otsuan you can build in if you want to help build those up too. Just want to give options.

6/3 Carissa

I've been trying to avoid an ultimatum myself, but just want to iterate it here after a comment last night: If there is an adventure you do not want to do, whether it's a deal killer or game killer for you, SPEAK UP.

If starting at Level 1 is a deal killer for Michael, that's great to know! Then we won't do that because we don't want to lose Michael as a player. For me, I'll tell you now that I am still so against the whole Underdark figure out the Mist nonsense that it's a deal killer for me (again, might change in the future but absolutely not something I want to do next). Bob's got lots of plans, ideas, and all that so no one should worry about what happens after this era. And if he knows which ones to cross off now, that might help him better figure out the next step or MORE plans, ideas, and all that. I know I don't want to stress about the possibility of going on an adventure I'll hate starting in July-ish, so I don't want anyone else to do that, either.