Main / Jan0507

Jan 05 07 - Mindflayer Invasion

[DM] ==== Gaming session started: Wed Jan 03 22:20:44 EST 2007 ====

[DM] Varn moved 772'01".

[DM] Varn moved 93'01".

[DM] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jan 05 13:39:01 EST 2007 ====

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

Molly has joined the game on Fri Jan 05 18:57:25 EST 2007

Christy has joined the game on Fri Jan 05 19:10:41 EST 2007

[Christy] I am away from the keyboard.

[Molly] Hi Christy!

[Molly] Hello Great One.

Molly is receiving the map Base Map...

Molly has received the map Base Map.

Hans has joined the game on Fri Jan 05 19:27:20 EST 2007

[Hans] Hullo, Fellow Friday Night Gamers!!!!!!

[Hans] Molly, that is.....

Hans is receiving the map Base Map...

Hans has received the map Base Map.

Client has joined the game on Fri Jan 05 19:30:48 EST 2007

[Molly] Hi Hans!

[Hans] Hi, there!

[Hans] I'm just playing with the character controls right now....

Client is receiving the map Base Map...

Client has received the map Base Map.

[Hans (to GM only)] Character sheet for Percival modified: Weapons - DELETED: Longsword. DELETED: 2-Weapon Style. DELETED: Lance. DELETED: Flail. ADDED: Long Sword, +3, 0.00, null, --, null, $atk+4, $dmg+3, 1d8, 1d12, null, $thac0, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Longsword, +1, null, null, --, null, $atk+2, $dmg+1, 1d8, 1d12, null, $thac0, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Heavy Lance, 0.00, null, --, null, $atk, $dmg, 1d8, 3d6, null, $thac0, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Horseman's flail, null, null, --, null, $atk, $dmg, 1d4+1, 1d4+1, null, $thac0, null, null, null, null.

[Hans (to GM only)] Character sheet for Percival modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Long Sword, +3 -- Atk Adj: $atk+3+1 ($atk+4), CHANGED: Longsword, +1 -- Atk Adj: $atk+1+1 ($atk+2),

[Hans (to GM only)] Character sheet for Percival modified: Combat -

John has joined the game on Fri Jan 05 19:45:57 EST 2007

[Hans] Hey, John!!

[John] hello

[John] bob is still at my house

[John] so you each get 333 xp

John is receiving the map snow field...

John has received the map snow field.

[Molly] sorry?

[Molly] Hi John.

[John] with only 3 players you get a bonus

[Molly] oh??

[Molly] huh

[John] This is BOB

[John] hey sorry for this

[Molly] okay, thank you!

[John] we are trying to wrap up

[Molly] ah

[Molly] okay

[John] Christy did you get that package yet?

[John] or Hans

[John] and hello Client

[Hans] That's right. I forgot about that...

[Molly] Hi Client.

[John] not sure who that is

[John] yet until I get home

[Hans] No prob, Bob. Do what ya gotta do.

SPC has joined the game on Fri Jan 05 19:49:04 EST 2007

[John] Hey Sean

[Hans] Hey, SPC-

[Molly] Hi Sean!

[John] ok, getting back to this I will try to be home as soon as possile

[John] wish planing was better

[SPC] Greetings and Salutations

[John] at least we knew that Lorie was going to be late anyway

[Molly] beth will be too.

[Hans] Yeah, try to blame it on Lorie....

[Client] Hello

[Hans] Hello, Client!

[Hans] Who are you?

[John] I know we were to have a couple of people visit tonight

[Molly] it's the Client, Hans.

[John] not sure who is who from this end

[Hans] 'K

[Molly] having trouble reading? ;-)

[Client] Sorry, I'm new to this and am having trouble chatting

[Hans] Welcome, Client!

[Molly] that's okay.

[John] is perfectly fine

[John] just hit enter to start typing in the room

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Client] Thanks!! :-)

[John] or go to view chat history if it is easier for you

[John] Hey Christy

[Hans] I am back at the keyboard.

[Client] Bob invited me in to see the game. My name is Katie, its nice to meet all of you

[Percival (Hans)] Test. Chatting as Percival.

[John] grins

[Percival (Hans)] Nice to meet you, Katie.

[Molly] whoa.

[John] Hey Katie

[Molly] test works.

[Percival (Hans)] thx, Molly

[John] smiles

[Molly] Hi Katie!!

[John] this will be fun for you

[John] they have a nice epic battle

[Client] how can I see the chat, its off the screen and hidden.

[Molly] ::winks::

[Percival (Hans)] Yeah, and a lot of *bickering*

[John] view and chat hisotry

[Molly] go up to view.

[John] will show you Katie

[Percival (Hans)] Uh, negotiating, I mean.

[Molly] hit chat history.

[John] and if you go to edit and preferences then you can change yoru name

[John] from Client to just about anything you want

[Molly] semantics, hans.

[Christy] hey all-no to Bob's question about the package

[John] ok

[John] thansk Christy

[John] if you double click on Varn he is on the new snow map for you

Christy is receiving the map snow field...

Christy has received the map snow field.

[Percival (Hans)] Bob, you need to go home so you can chat as yourself and not John.... Gettin' real confused here...

Katie is receiving the map snow field...

Katie has received the map snow field.

Molly is receiving the map snow field...

Molly has received the map snow field.

[John] chuckles

Hans is receiving the map snow field...

Hans has received the map snow field.

[Molly] what, you guys not used to twins??

[Molly] prob'ly a good thing mine's not here then....

[Percival (Hans)] Actually, John *does* have a twin sister....

[John] that is John and Joann

[John] grins

[Molly] chuckle

Christy is receiving the map Base Map...

Christy has received the map Base Map.

[Percival (Hans)] What's your twin's name, Molly?

[Molly] Laurel.

[Percival (Hans)] Cool.

[Molly] thank you!

[Molly] quite a map you've got here, Great One.

[Molly] let's hope Varn doesn't get lonely.

[Percival (Hans)] Yeah, are we supposed to be lost in the greatness of the vast tundra plains?

[Molly] apparently...

[Molly] that, or a gigantic ice cap.

[Katie] Has everyone been playing D&D very long?

[Molly] hope you guys packed your shades.

[Molly] not really, Katie.

[Percival (Hans)] And I mean lost as in insignificant specks compared to the immeasurable Great White North.

[John] not everyone

[John] Bob and John have plaied most

[Christy] some longer that others

[John] Hans & Christy played a while ago but took a big break

[Percival (Hans)] Yes, I have my seal-skin straps with small horizontal slits in 'em.

[John] Molly is a newibee

[Katie] Good, I'm glad I'm not alone!

[Percival (Hans)] Saw them at an Eskimo gallery (I did some work for the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation).

SPC is receiving the map Base Map...

SPC has received the map Base Map.

[Molly] nope

[John] so the best way yo proceed, as BOB goes home to the server, is to have Molly tell Katie all she knows

[Molly] ah. sounds like an interesting contraption, Hans.

[Molly] LOL

Lorie has joined the game on Fri Jan 05 20:01:00 EST 2007

[Katie] Oh come on Molly, Share all your secrets!

[Percival (Hans)] "Necessity is the mother of invention", I guess....

[John] now Lori and SPC have plaied a while too

[Christy] Lorie! Hi, glad to *see* you!

[Percival (Hans)] Hello, Lorie!!! Great to see you, too-

[Katie] Sorry, but i have another newbie question

[Molly] um, well

[John] but don't ask SPC anything and don't believe anything Lori says

[Molly] there's dragons here

[Katie] How do you get the screen to scrool automatically

[Molly] and dungeons, apparently.

[Katie] LOL

[Percival (Hans)] Click on Pause so it turns off

[John] now that is a Klooge question

[Molly] other than that, I'm clueless.

[John] there is no one here yet that is really good

[Percival (Hans)] It'll be red if it's on and gray if it's off.

[Sweetums (SPC)] So why don't ask me anything?

[Katie] that was it. thank you

[Molly] okay

[John] oh HI SPC

[Percival (Hans)] Because Bob said so, Sean.

[Sweetums (SPC)] Ah.

[Molly] what's the meaning of life, Sweetums??

[John] it's John now

[Sweetums (SPC)] Meaning? Not sure. Answer: 42.

[Percival (Hans)] Ah, John is causing trouble. Gotta love it.

[Christy] green jello

[Molly] not sour cream, chives, and green onions??

[Molly] rats.

[Sweetums (SPC)] Oh wait ... you're not supposed to ask me anything!

[Percival (Hans)] Burned squirrels

[Molly] I"m not??

[Katie] I thought it was chocolate

[Molly] fooled me.

[John] the meaning of life is there is not secret and you don't get your money back

[Molly] I LIKE this girl!!!

[Molly] ;-D

[Sweetums (SPC)] John said: but don't ask SPC (that's me) anything ...

[Molly] you and I will take the chocolate. the others can have the burned squirrels.

[Molly] well, that was rude.

[Christy] i'm joining the chocolate group

[Lorie] :: waves :: evening Katie, welcome to BOB's world...

[Molly] ::eyes the Great One.::

[Molly] Hi Lorie.

[Lorie] :: more waving :: Evening everyone and turns :: stern look at Hans :: Hmmm...

[Molly] um, Hans??

[Percival (Hans)] Sean, I think only Katie can't ask you questions. THe question came from Molly...

[Molly] duck.

[Katie] Yes, Bob's world and he isnt here yet

[Percival (Hans)] Yes?

[Lorie] :: scribbles a note down about an inconvenient fireball and Percy

[Molly] duck.

[Sweetums (SPC)] Oh.

[Percival (Hans)] Oh, I see......

[Percival (Hans)] Um.

[John] we have proven we are not a figment of BOB's imigination

[Lorie] "Don't believe anything Lorie says " :: ponders that:: Hmm... Okay on second thought... nevermind. Good plan :O)

[Molly] we have??

[Molly] when did we do that??

[Sweetums (SPC)] Well, I know I'm a figment of my own imagination.

[Molly] see??

[Molly] voila!

[John] we are here without him, I think

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lorie] Whoo Hoo... Free Magic items and XP for everyone!!!!!!

[Molly] besides, imagination's so much more fun.

[Lorie] A wand of wishes here... wand of wishes there

[Molly] SOLD!!

[Percival (Hans)] Lorie for President!!!!!

[Lorie] 100 gold for everyone

[Katie] count me in

[Arilyn (Christy)] I like Lorie's idea!

[Lorie] I love when BOB is a away

[Katie] i'll take some freebies while Bob is out

[Arilyn (Christy)] can I be a gold dragon?

[Sweetums (SPC)] One for you ... one for me

[John] though he will see the chat history

[Lorie] :: erases all the Frost Giants and replaces them with fuzzy warm bunnies ::

[Percival (Hans)] When Bob is away, the priestess will play.

[Sweetums (SPC)] two for you ... one, two for me.

[Sweetums (SPC)] three for you ... one, two, three for me.

[Molly] ::wonders what BOB will say when he gets back and finds he's bankrupt::

[Arilyn (Christy)] or can I have a gold dragon familiar?

[Lorie] Sure... You can be a gold dragon, but you can't be ancient

[Lorie] You have to stay "hip"

[Lorie] :: erases Kit ::

[Sweetums (SPC)] A dragon with a hip replacement? What type of gold dragon is that?

[Arilyn (Christy)] who wants to be ancient anyway?

[Molly] a hip dragon??

[Lorie] :: replaces Khan to his former state ::

[John] HEY!

[Lorie] :: revives Mike's first priest ::

[Molly] that's an interesting idea....

[Sweetums (SPC)] Could you bring back Manny and Grigory while you're at it?

[John] do you have copies

[Arilyn (Christy)] can we get Celeste out of the wall?

[Percival (Hans)] Isn't Khan John's old character?

[Lorie] :: ponders :: Oh... umm... sure :: revives Manny and Girgory ::

[John] Khan is a Troll now

[Sweetums (SPC)] Woo hoo!

[Percival (Hans)] Khan started off as John's henchman, right?

[Lorie] :: takes everyone out of the Wall and restores Thedd to the good ole days ::

[John] Khan still is

[Molly] BOB really should know better than to leave the children unattended on His playground....

[Lorie] :: makes Robert and Rob sit at the table with us... hunts down the "other" Mike and convinces him to play too ::

[Arilyn (Christy)] when you let the inmates run the place...

[Lorie] :: raises Chrysania to be the party NPC for everyone to play again ::

[Molly] we get Lorie on a reincarnation spree.

[Manny (SPC)] Woot!

[Lorie] Hmm... what other changes do we need around here :: ponders longer ::

[Manny (SPC)] I'm playing Manny again 8-P

[Katie] So what does a girl have to do around here to become a real player and not an oberver?

[Lorie] Ahhh yes.... :: brings back Hainan...but leaves the body parts where they were

[Percival (Hans)] There was never an official killing of Siram. It was an assumed death....

[John] pass the test

[Manny (SPC)] (wonder how long it will take for Bob to notice)

[Molly] apparently, reincarnate for one.

[John] Katie; What is your quest?

[Katie] My quest?

[Molly] tell 'im 42.

[Lorie] :: holds breath ::

[John] strike 1

[Katie] oops :-(

[Percival (Hans)] John is in a mood tonight.....

[Molly] or one pint sour cream, two teaspoons green onions...

[Lorie] Answer : I seek the HOLY GRAIL

[Manny (SPC)] Katie, you might want to read this:

[Molly] you're sending her to a Grammar website??

[Percival (Hans)] Is Manny your character's name now, Sean?

[Manny (SPC)] Read the page ...

[Lorie] That's what family will do to you Hans...let this be a warning

[Molly] and I wonder why I'm confused...

[Percival (Hans)] Gotcha.

[Manny (SPC)] it could save your life if you ever find yourself on the bridge of death.

[Lorie] :: shakes head :: Shame to have good Monty Python lost on poor souls John....

[Manny (SPC)] 'Ere the other side you seek

[Lorie] :: oddly, starts humming another song... "Always look on the bright side of life" ::

[John] I was thinking of an easier question

[Katie] Should I be insulted that you sent me to a sight about the airspeed velocity of a swallow?

[Molly] chocolate??

[Manny (SPC)] "What is your favorite color?"

[John] it's part of the inside joke

[Manny (SPC)] No.

[Manny (SPC)] What John said.

[Lorie] Answer: Red... no blue... AHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

[John] it's a test of your knowlede of how lost you will be in our conversations

[John] it's a movie refrence

[Molly] trust me, you pass.

[Katie] well, I think I failed that test. Although I do love Monty Python. "Its only a flesh wound".

[John] that is good

[John] any one know "oh no not again?"

[Lorie] :: giggles ::

[Molly] is it like 99 bottles of beer??

[John] besides lori

[John] this is actualy a book first

[John] but they made it into a movie

[Molly] uh huh

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[Manny (SPC)] And a bowl of petunias, right?

[DM] Well welcomes everyone to the new year

[Molly] hi there.

[DM] and very glad to see everyone fitting in wel

[Katie] hello bob

[John] ok finish this line

[Manny (SPC)] Go away! We're having fun here, Bob.

[DM] Mike called and they decided to come here

[John] you killed my father....

[DM] so please conintues for a short bit

[Manny (SPC)] Prepare to die.

[Katie] i'm trying to pass the initiation

[Molly] prepare to die?

[John] yea!

[Katie] princess bride

[Katie] I love that movie

[Arilyn (Christy)] i just got the book!

[Percival (Hans)] Dark ominous theme a la Darth Vader in Star Wars. DM is here.....

[John] inconseivable

[DM] I do not think you know what this word means

[Manny (SPC)] That word. I do not think that word means what you think it means.

[Molly] ::wonders if He does::

[Manny (SPC)] He certainly can't spell it 8-P

[Percival (Hans)] He knows what it means, he just can't spell it, Bob.

[Molly] chuckle

[Percival (Hans)] Christy got a book??????

[Molly] um

[Molly] you didn't know this, Hans??

[Manny (SPC)] Hans, isn't Christy your wife?

[Arilyn (Christy)] library, honey.

[DM] lorie did your package come yet?

[Molly] call me confused...

[Percival (Hans)] What is 8-P, Sean? And if it's her book, then it's *her* book, you see....

[Manny (SPC)] You also have a library and honey?

[Lorie] Paul told me earlier today yes


[Manny (SPC)] 8-P is like 8-)

[Molly] wow. interesting combination...

[Percival (Hans)] I have a honey in my library. It's my library honey.....

[Molly] wouldn't that make the books a bit sticky??

[Lorie] :: opening box now ::

[Manny (SPC)] Oh no ... you're not going to stick me in the box now, are you?

[Percival (Hans)] Ooh, I get it Sean. I got it last week but I forgot it this week.

[Lorie] :: cheer :: HOORAY ... A gnome for the BOX

[Lorie] We haven't had any in the longest while :: stuff stuff ::

[Molly] be kinda hard to read 'em, wouldn't it??

[Percival (Hans)] Kinda like googly eyes with a tongue sticking out the side of your mouth.

[Manny (SPC)] Well, I do want to thank you for bringing Manny back.

[Manny (SPC)] Yup.

[Lorie] No problem

[Percival (Hans)] I can feel the love in the house!!!!!

[Molly] is this the one with the missing body parts??

[Manny (SPC)] Manny?

[Manny (SPC)] Nope.

[Percival (Hans)] I think that's Hainin

[Manny (SPC)] Nope.

[Molly] I am back at the keyboard.

[Molly] ah

[Lorie] :: likes her ornament ::

[Manny (SPC)] Manny was killed by a dead dragon.

[Hans] I am away from the keyboard.

[Molly] a dead dragon?

[DM] nods I do beleive the gnomes are due back

[Molly] how'd that happen??

[Manny (SPC)] Another character had just killed teh dragon, and it fell on Manny, causing *just* enough damage to kill him.

[Molly] ooooohhhh

[Molly] ouch.

[Manny (SPC)] Yeah.

[Molly] that would smart.

[Molly] poor Manny.

[Manny (SPC)] Smart would ahve to remained in teh water.

[DM] that was christy's character by the way

[Katie] note to self, watch out for falling dragons

[DM] lol

[Manny (SPC)] Christy's character that killed the dragon

[Molly] especially the dead ones...

[Arilyn (Christy)] i was never killed by a dead dragon falling on me

[Hans] I am back at the keyboard.

[John] a lot of characters died that day

[Percival (Hans)] Well, shall we get on with our epic battle?

[Percival (Hans)] I mean, epic flight?

[Manny (SPC)] Nope.

[DM] we can lay it out for you

[Manny (SPC)] I still say we go around.

[DM] Mike and Marco should be here any moemnt

[Molly] ::considering getting out the bailey's here::

[DM (to GM only)] New Encounter moved 99'07".

[Lorie] :: counts smurfs :: Let's wait for them

[Molly] beth will be late.

[Molly] she's stuck in a pass.

[Arilyn (Christy)] i was killed by my evil twin with Ty and I've been sucked into the evil wall but I slayed that dragon. Last woman standing and all-

[Lorie] :: still trying to stuff Manny in the box :: Have you put on a few pounds ? You don't quite fit?

[Lorie] :: frowns and ponders her options ::

[Sweetums (SPC)] Hey! Cut that out!

[Molly] ouch. again.

[Sweetums (SPC)] No! Not that!

[Lorie] :: thinks :: We could take out those stupid pieces...

[Molly] can't we let poor manny die in peace??

[Lorie] it's not like they do anything

[Percival (Hans)] Don't expect me to stick up for you. You picked me up rather harshly last week.

[Sweetums (SPC)] No, that was Sweetums who picked you up.

[Sweetums (SPC)] We're taking about Manny here.

[Molly] the picking 'up' wasn't the problem...

[Percival (Hans)] I am *not* a figurine of a statue of armor here....

[Molly] it was the dropping 'down' that hurt.

[Percival (Hans)] I am *not* an armor clad doll for giants.

[Sweetums (SPC)] No, it was the decelleration trama.

[Molly] you're not??

[Molly] huh

[Arilyn (Christy)] would be convenient to be able to put the paladin in our pocket wouldn't it?

[Sweetums (SPC)] Falls don't hurt. Deceleration trama does.

[Percival (Hans)] Yeah, that sudden stopping thing.

[Molly] sorry, Sweetums, you'll have to give your toy back.

[Molly] but you could have a dead dragon fall on him, perhaps??

SPC is receiving the map snow field...

SPC has received the map snow field.

[Lorie] Blacky fall go down go squish

[Lorie] Now that hurts!

[Percival (Hans)] I'm from the "Pocket Paladin" line. Just like Buzz Lightyear....

[Katie] Blacky fall down go boom

[Molly] to the snow fields and beyond??

[Percival (Hans)] To the Great White North. And BEYOND!!!!!

[Molly] uh huh

Lorie is receiving the map snow field...

Lorie has received the map snow field.

[Percival (Hans)] snow fields and beyond is good, too, molly

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] No ... in this case, Blacky went Squish

SPC has edited Sweetums's effects.

[Molly] ::bows:: zanku.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: sighs :: He was a roguish type fellow who met his untimely demise at the hand of a falling heavy stone wall

[Molly] ouch. again.

SPC has edited Sweetums's effects.

Christy is receiving the map snow field...

Christy has received the map snow field.

[Molly] you guys have any characters that DIDN'T die from falling objects??

[Percival (Hans)] Katie, we're waiting for 2 more players before we attack a large group of even larger giants. It'll be an epic battle, like Bob said....

[Molly] dragons, walls, what's next??

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Yes... Marco's first character was eaten by a rug

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] and then he fell in a hole

[Arilyn (Christy)] do we have a plan?

[Molly] ::looks down at the floor::

mystic_angel] has joined the game on Fri Jan 05 20:30:37 EST 2007

[Percival (Hans)] And *our* giant wants to go around them, which won't work.

[Sweetums (SPC)] Yes, there was Grigory

[Molly] I HAD to ask...

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Sure...hack hack...slash slash... complain complain

[Sweetums (SPC)] He died when a dragon breathed on him.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] we had LOTS of people that died when a dragon breathed on them

[Molly] a word of warning, Katie...

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] oh and umm... we had a character turned to ash by a Beholder

[Molly] avoid the dragons.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Gold dragons are good

[Percival (Hans)] They'll find our tracks, follow us, and stomp on us and kill us. If we don't kill *them* first, that is.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] unless you try to steal from them

[Sweetums (SPC)] There was Hiro Protagonist.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] that's generally a bad idea

[Sweetums (SPC)] He got hit with two fireballs.

[John] we had a few killed by ants

[John] tow killed by themselves

[Molly] SO not goin' there....

[John] two

[Arilyn (Christy)] they were big ants

[DM] giant rats

[Molly] 'xactly.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] and... .LIZARDMEN

[Percival (Hans)] Hello, mystic angel!

[Molly] gee, and I was hoping for a decent night's sleep tonight....

[DM] Mike and Marco through the gate

[Molly] bang goes that one.

[John] my forst character was killed by a sand creature

[Percival (Hans)] Here's a plan for tonight:

[Percival (Hans)] We attack in two groups.

[Molly] marshmallows and chocolate??

[John] I had one character swallowed by a fish

[Molly] damn.

[Sweetums (SPC)] What's this "We" stuff, whiteman?

[Percival (Hans)] We draw them into 2 different directions.

[Percival (Hans)] Then, one of the groups flies away, courtesy of someone who can fly.

[John] the giants will jus t sit there and throw things

[Sweetums (SPC)] Remember?

Sweetums (SPC) picks up some snow

[DM] the Giants are about a quartermile away at this point

[Molly] oh dear.

[Percival (Hans)] Here we go again.

[Molly] DUCK.

[Percival (Hans)] Ducking

[Arilyn (Christy)] throwing from far, far away

[John] we need to spread out, get the mages invisible

[Percival (Hans)] I like John's idea...

[Sweetums (SPC)] I thought we had about three hours to plan?

[DM] They can only throw..... oh ...... quite a ways

[Percival (Hans)] I think it's only 2 hours now....

[Sweetums (SPC)] at least 200 yards.

[DM] and yes to Sweetums you have yoru plans ready

[DM] not a problem at all

[Percival (Hans)] Maybe one. We talked a lot and lot in real time.

[Molly] translation, farther than you wanna know.

[DM] not starting intitive yet

[Sweetums (SPC)] I certainly didn't see any plans on the mailing list.

[Arilyn (Christy)] is this on a need to know basis?

[mystic_angel]] hello to everyone

[Arilyn (Christy)] hello!

[Molly] Hi Angel!

[DM] you can be sure of what you want to do right now before we click into combat

[mystic_angel]] hi there..

[Percival (Hans)] We only need to split the bad guys into 2 groups. Then we'll finish one group off by the time the other realizes they've been duped.

[Sweetums (SPC)] Greetings and Salutations.

[Percival (Hans)] And *then* we'll finish them off.

Sweetums (SPC) eyes Percival

[Arilyn (Christy)] how smart are they?

[mystic_angel]] hello sweet..

mikE has joined the game on Fri Jan 05 20:37:24 EST 2007

[Sweetums (SPC)] Smarter than dogs.

[Percival (Hans)] And dumber than mind flayers.

[Sweetums (SPC)] But they won't exactly place a decent game fo chess

[Percival (Hans)] Oh, those guys are pretty smart. I mean, they eat brains for breakfast.

[Percival (Hans)] And lunch.

[Percival (Hans)] And dinner.

[Percival (Hans)] And midnight snacks.

[Arilyn (Christy)] are we talking chiwawas (how do you spell that?) or german shepards?

[mystic_angel]] he is talking divide and concour..its a usual way of concoring

[Percival (Hans)] Where are MIKE and MARCO?

[Molly] ::wonders what creatures we're talkin' bout here::

[Percival (Hans)] chihuahua.

[Sweetums (SPC)] Frost Giants: chihuaha.

[Percival (Hans)] CHIi HOO-AAAH HOO-AAAH

[John] Katie, you can run kit. I have company so I have to go

[DM] well Katie

[John] or Molly can use Kit, Please

[Percival (Hans)] Uh.

[DM] I think we would have Molly do that

[Molly] okay....

[Katie] Ah, mean DM

[DM] if anyone

[Sweetums (SPC)] Illithid: um ... Wile E. Coyote.

[John] she is a tough chick

[Molly] wanna fill me in on how??

[mystic_angel]] that's a nippy idea...burr.

[Molly] moi??

[John] she runs up and claw claw

[Molly] ::runs and hides in terror::

[DM] you do not have to Molly

[John] take care

[Molly] what'm I doing??

[Percival (Hans)] Have a great night, John!!!!

[Molly] have fun, John.

[Katie] bye John

[Arilyn (Christy)] bye John!

[Sweetums (SPC)] Bye

[John] I'll try to see you in a bit

[John] I am away from the keyboard.

[Molly] ok

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has joined the game on Fri Jan 05 20:41:08 EST 2007

[mystic_angel]] byejohn..

[Molly] Hi Marco.

[Molly] Hi Mike.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] howdy

[Hans] I am back at the keyboard.

[Percival (Hans)] We might really need John, people. He could help us in our epic flight from the frost giants.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] flight?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] we're running now?

[Percival (Hans)] Bibo is here. Yeay!!!!!!

[Molly] ::eyes the paladin::

[Percival (Hans)] No, no running.

[Molly] fight? or flight??

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] thought we were fighting

[Percival (Hans)] Yeah, we're gonna split up and divide them.

BiBo!!!!!!!!! is receiving the map snow field...

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has received the map snow field.

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sigh

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] not goin with building a fortification?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] cuz we can really easy

[DM] Kit moved 258'07".

[Percival (Hans)] THen, we'll have a person who can *FLY* lead one group about 5 rounds away.

[mystic_angel]] tryto fight then

[Arilyn (Christy)] we could build a snow fort

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] we can

[Percival (Hans)] In those 10 rounds, we should be able to take care of half of the giants.

[Molly] um, anyone seen how powerful these things are??

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] well, they're giants. that's what they do

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] be powerful

[Percival (Hans)] Although, we could probably use your wizard spells againts the first group of baddies.

[Arilyn (Christy)] can we build something to duck behind for when thry throw those rocks and stuff at us?

[Sweetums (SPC)] Bob ... I have a question

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] we can, fortification

[Percival (Hans)] It's called a CASTLE.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] yep

[DM] you have 12 turns to work what ever you want befroe they get to this point

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] kylia can build one really quick

[Sweetums (SPC)] Bob ... question.

[Sweetums (SPC)] When I shrink or grow, my weapons shrink and grow along with me, right?

[Arilyn (Christy)] with little windows the mages can cast out of?

[mikE] sean ... pithy responce

[DM] yes to Sean

[Sweetums (SPC)] 8-)

[Percival (Hans)] Maybe everybody could hide while I confront them. Then, when they get close, everybody else attacks....

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] well, hit ctrl+d

[Sweetums (SPC)] But damage remains the same, right?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] then when a window pops up, type fortify in the field there

[DM] yes

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] lookie that spell

[Sweetums (SPC)] Okay, grow me to 30'

[Sweetums (SPC)] Three times the size.

[Percival (Hans)] I just want the priest to pray for me. And cast protection from evil.

[Arilyn (Christy)] we could dig little holes to hide in and jump out and surprise them

[Sweetums (SPC)] That will extend my weapon reach three times, right?

[Molly] oh boy.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] she'd do better casting fortify

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] then we'd have cover from their boulders until they get up to us

[Percival (Hans)] Just don't get too close. They'll get frustrated when they find they can't hit me that well. I have a really good AC & I'll use my shield while they are throwing at me.

[DM] yes to Sean

[DM] but remember it is not meant to be that big

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I'm sure some wards could also be applied to make things even more fun

[Arilyn (Christy)] cover sounds good

[DM] so it is more brittle

[Percival (Hans)] Go, Bibo, Go!!!!!

[DM] that wood shaft is breakable

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] well, I'm not a priest, that's all kylia

[Sweetums (SPC)] could I grow not holding the weapon and keep it its regular size then?

[DM] Frost Giant #1 moved 1898'11".

[Percival (Hans)] I'll stand right *here*. You guys cast all your spells and then go and hide 120' away.

[DM] Frost Giant #1 moved 69'05".

[Percival (Hans)] Draws shield.

[DM] Frost Giant #1 moved 24'04".

[Percival (Hans)] Very shiny....

[DM] yes to Sweetums

[Percival (Hans)] I'll blind them with my shield!!!

[Sweetums (SPC)] Okay, I do that then.

[DM] I moved a giant next t percy just to show the difference

SPC has edited Sweetums's effects.

[Molly] oh dear.

[Percival (Hans)] Uh. They're *that* big?

[Percival (Hans)] I'll bite his ankles off.

mikE is receiving the map snow field...

mikE has received the map snow field.

[Sweetums (SPC)] Yes, I told you they were around 20' in height.

[DM] Frost Giant #1 moved 667'09".

[Molly] ::beginning to wonder about sweetums' plan, perhaps::

[mikE] Faye moved 2'05".

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] that's okay, they still take damage normally

[DM] Frost Giant #1 moved 1285'11".

[DM] Frost Giant #4 moved 62'06".

[DM] Frost Giant #2 moved 89'08".

[DM] Frost Giant #5 moved 88'05".

[DM (to GM only)] New Encounter moved 180'10".

[DM] Frost Giant #3 moved 69'02".

[DM] Frost Giant #6 moved 35'04".

[DM] Frost Giant #1 moved 15'09".

mystic_angel] is receiving the map snow field...

mystic_angel] has received the map snow field.

[Percival (Hans)] Marco, can you get about 200 yards from my flank? And stay hidden until they get close enough to blast 'em? And then run/fly away to hopefully draw a couple of 'em towards you?

[Percival (Hans)] Don't fly away tooooo fast.

[Percival (Hans)] You want them to follow you

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] sure I suppose, though what about the fortification?

[Percival (Hans)] But hurt 'em bad in the round you get the chance so they'll want to get you.

[Percival (Hans)] fortification is good for everybody else.

[Percival (Hans)] unless you think it'll work for you, too.

[Sweetums (SPC)] With incoming rocks?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] yep

[Sweetums (SPC)] I think it'll work for you too

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] that's the point of the fortification

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] missile cover

Hans has left the game on Fri Jan 05 20:54:39 EST 2007

Hans has joined the game on Fri Jan 05 20:56:17 EST 2007

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] once they get up to us, it's not as useful. but at least until that happens we don't have boulders raining death on us

mystic_angel] has left the game on Fri Jan 05 20:56:34 EST 2007

[DM] ok, everyone should be better now

[Molly] hello?

[DM] ok

[DM] we are back to normal

[DM] sorry for that, think something at the other end choked for angel

[DM] continue

[DM] and I will work with that later

[Molly] where is everyone?

[Sweetums (SPC)] I'm here

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] nowhere

[Molly] hi

[Hans] Can we get an explanation of fortification?

[Sweetums (SPC)] it's a structure that strengthens a location

[Sweetums (SPC)] like a fort.

[Sweetums (SPC)] usually more defensible than being ou tin the open

[Sweetums (SPC)] Or do you mean the spell? 8-P

[Hans] Um. The spell, please.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I just told you how to get hte spell description

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Kylia Wolfslayer modified: Spells - CHANGED: Wall of Fire -- Level: 14 (5), CHANGED: Wall of Fire -- Cast Level: 14 (5), CHANGED: Wall of Fire -- Expression: The wall of fire spell brings forth an immobile, blazing curtain of magical fire of shimmering color--violet or reddish blue. The spell creates either an opaque sheet of flame up to one 20-foot square per level of the spellcaster, or a ring with a radius of up to 10 feet + 5 feet per two levels of experience of the wizard. In either form, the wall of fire is 20 feet high. The wall of fire must be cast so that it is vertical with respect to the caster. One side of the wall, selected by the caster, sends forth waves of heat, inflicting 2d4 points of damage upon creatures within 10 feet and 1d4 points of damage upon those within 20 feet. In addition, the wall inflicts 2d6 points of damage, plus 1 point of damage per level of the spellcaster, upon any creature passing through it. Creatures especially subject to fire may take additional damage, and undead always take twice normal damage. Note that attempting to catch a moving creature with a newly-created wall of fire is difficult; a successful saving throw enables the creature to avoid the wall, while its rate and direction of movement determine which side of the created wall it is on. The wall of fire lasts as long as the wizard concentrates on maintaining it, or one round per level of experience of the wizard, in the event he does not wish to concentrate upon it. (Let's see them get through this! The wall of fire spell brings forth an immobile, blazing curtain of magical fire of shimmering color--violet or reddish blue. The spell creates either an opaque sheet of flame up to one 20-foot square per level of the spellcaster, or a ring with a radius of up to 10 feet + 5 feet per two levels of experience of the wizard. In either form, the wall of fire is 20 feet high. The wall of fire must be cast so that it is vertical with respect to the caster. One side of the wall, selected by the caster, sends forth waves of heat, inflicting 2d4 points of damage upon creatures within 10 feet and 1d4 points of damage upon those within 20 feet. In addition, the wall inflicts 2d6 points of damage, plus 1 point of damage per level of the spellcaster, upon any creature passing through it. Creatures especially subject to fire may take additional damage, and undead always take twice normal damage. Note that attempting to catch a moving creature with a newly-created wall of fire is difficult; a successful saving throw enables the creature to avoid the wall, while its rate and direction of movement determine which side of the created wall it is on. The wall of fire lasts as long as the wizard concentrates on maintaining it, or one round per level of experience of the wizard, in the event he does not wish to concentrate upon it.), CHANGED: Wall of Fire -- # Memorized: 1 (--), ADDED: Wall of Fire, 5, 5, Let's see them get through this! The wall of fire spell brings forth an immobile, blazing curtain of magical fire of shimmering color--violet or reddish blue. The spell creates either an opaque sheet of flame up to one 20-foot square per level of the spellcaster, or a ring with a radius of up to 10 feet + 5 feet per two levels of experience of the wizard. In either form, the wall of fire is 20 feet high. The wall of fire must be cast so that it is vertical with respect to the caster. One side of the wall, selected by the caster, sends forth waves of heat, inflicting 2d4 points of damage upon creatures within 10 feet and 1d4 points of damage upon those within 20 feet. In addition, the wall inflicts 2d6 points of damage, plus 1 point of damage per level of the spellcaster, upon any creature passing through it. Creatures especially subject to fire may take additional damage, and undead always take twice normal damage. Note that attempting to catch a moving creature with a newly-created wall of fire is difficult; a successful saving throw enables the creature to avoid the wall, while its rate and direction of movement determine which side of the created wall it is on. The wall of fire lasts as long as the wizard concentrates on maintaining it, or one round per level of experience of the wizard, in the event he does not wish to concentrate upon it., --, 1, null, null.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] hit ctrl+D

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] when the window pops up

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] type fortify

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] in the little field there

[Hans] I didn't get it, Marco-

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] if that doesn't work, bring it up by clicking view -> description

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] then type fortify in the window that pops up

Hans is receiving the map snow field...

Hans has received the map snow field.

[Hans] fortify

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] yes, fortify

[Hans] okay. I opened Kylia's character sheet, looked at her spells and right-clicked and chose Description.

[Hans] That will work perfectly.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] well... I suppose that works too

[Hans] For the missiles.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] ya

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Marco... the issue is COOPERATIVE spell :: looks around for priests of her faith and sees none ::

[Hans] They're still going to be very very tough in melee, which is why I want to draw at least 1 or 2 of them away.

[Hans] You should still be able to get 10 cubic feet/2 levels for yourself.

[Hans] that would be what, 60 cubic feet? That'll make a nice wall.

[Hans] Only takes a round, too.

[DM] so Katie any questions at this point?

[Katie] no questions

[DM] ok, if you want to click on Rosethorn on the tree, you will load the map she is on

[DM] and you can see how the dice roller works

Katie is receiving the map Base Map...

Katie has received the map Base Map.

[DM] and targeting etc

[DM] you can attack Paul or Varn on that map

[DM] grins

[DM] and we will know to ignore them

[Molly] just don't shoot me, Please.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] umm.... what are you talking about it being cooperative?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] there's no mention of the spell being cooperative

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] First line of the spell description

[Hans] Lorie, the description of the spell didn't indicate another priest must be there. It's just that you'll be limited to 60 cubic feet of fortification.

[Katie] Varn: Damage v SM: Nagelring: (1d8+5) [5+5] 10 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[John] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] This is a simple cooperative magic spell.

[John] so what ound are we on

Molly is receiving the map Base Map...

Molly has received the map Base Map.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] are you reading the right spell?

[John] round

[DM] not there yet John

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Kylia Wolfslayer modified: Spells - CHANGED: Wall of Fire -- Level: 14 (5), CHANGED: Wall of Fire -- Cast Level: 14 (5), CHANGED: Wall of Fire -- Expression: The wall of fire spell brings forth an immobile, blazing curtain of magical fire of shimmering color--violet or reddish blue. The spell creates either an opaque sheet of flame up to one 20-foot square per level of the spellcaster, or a ring with a radius of up to 10 feet + 5 feet per two levels of experience of the wizard. In either form, the wall of fire is 20 feet high. The wall of fire must be cast so that it is vertical with respect to the caster. One side of the wall, selected by the caster, sends forth waves of heat, inflicting 2d4 points of damage upon creatures within 10 feet and 1d4 points of damage upon those within 20 feet. In addition, the wall inflicts 2d6 points of damage, plus 1 point of damage per level of the spellcaster, upon any creature passing through it. Creatures especially subject to fire may take additional damage, and undead always take twice normal damage. Note that attempting to catch a moving creature with a newly-created wall of fire is difficult; a successful saving throw enables the creature to avoid the wall, while its rate and direction of movement determine which side of the created wall it is on. The wall of fire lasts as long as the wizard concentrates on maintaining it, or one round per level of experience of the wizard, in the event he does not wish to concentrate upon it. (Let's see them get through this! The wall of fire spell brings forth an immobile, blazing curtain of magical fire of shimmering color--violet or reddish blue. The spell creates either an opaque sheet of flame up to one 20-foot square per level of the spellcaster, or a ring with a radius of up to 10 feet + 5 feet per two levels of experience of the wizard. In either form, the wall of fire is 20 feet high. The wall of fire must be cast so that it is vertical with respect to the caster. One side of the wall, selected by the caster, sends forth waves of heat, inflicting 2d4 points of damage upon creatures within 10 feet and 1d4 points of damage upon those within 20 feet. In addition, the wall inflicts 2d6 points of damage, plus 1 point of damage per level of the spellcaster, upon any creature passing through it. Creatures especially subject to fire may take additional damage, and undead always take twice normal damage. Note that attempting to catch a moving creature with a newly-created wall of fire is difficult; a successful saving throw enables the creature to avoid the wall, while its rate and direction of movement determine which side of the created wall it is on. The wall of fire lasts as long as the wizard concentrates on maintaining it, or one round per level of experience of the wizard, in the event he does not wish to concentrate upon it.), CHANGED: Wall of Fire -- # Memorized: 1 (--), ADDED: Wall of Fire, 5, 5, Let's see them get through this! The wall of fire spell brings forth an immobile, blazing curtain of magical fire of shimmering color--violet or reddish blue. The spell creates either an opaque sheet of flame up to one 20-foot square per level of the spellcaster, or a ring with a radius of up to 10 feet + 5 feet per two levels of experience of the wizard. In either form, the wall of fire is 20 feet high. The wall of fire must be cast so that it is vertical with respect to the caster. One side of the wall, selected by the caster, sends forth waves of heat, inflicting 2d4 points of damage upon creatures within 10 feet and 1d4 points of damage upon those within 20 feet. In addition, the wall inflicts 2d6 points of damage, plus 1 point of damage per level of the spellcaster, upon any creature passing through it. Creatures especially subject to fire may take additional damage, and undead always take twice normal damage. Note that attempting to catch a moving creature with a newly-created wall of fire is difficult; a successful saving throw enables the creature to avoid the wall, while its rate and direction of movement determine which side of the created wall it is on. The wall of fire lasts as long as the wizard concentrates on maintaining it, or one round per level of experience of the wizard, in the event he does not wish to concentrate upon it., --, 1, null, null.

[Molly] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] getting closer debating a spell or three

[John] ok, let me know when you are done

[Molly] have fun with Kit, John. duck.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Fortify...the 4th level spell?

John has left the game on Fri Jan 05 21:07:44 EST 2007

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] That's on my spell list?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] no, that's a healing spell

[Arilyn (Christy)] we're still making plans

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] this one is a war spell

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] and it's 3rd level

[Hans] You'll be a veritable army of one...

John has joined the game on Fri Jan 05 21:08:09 EST 2007

[DM] Katie you know you can type the slash and a person's name to chat only to them

John is receiving the map Base Map...

John has received the map Base Map.

[John] AFK not AWAL

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] that's not on my spell list

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] page 167 of spells and magic

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I'm not Electra

[Katie] I did nt know that. thanks

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] you said you had war when I asked you last week

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: nods :: I do

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] But not on my spell list

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] then you have the spell :-P

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: looks at BOB ::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay... then I have it great

[Hans] "Only one priest can cast the spell"

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Let's move on ... what other issues are there to discuss before we sail off to death?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] his database may have confused the war version with the healing version

[Molly] hello?

[Sweetums (SPC)] Hello.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] cuz they're the same name and all

[mikE] hi

[Hans] "but another priest must....."

Molly has left the game on Fri Jan 05 21:10:09 EST 2007

[John] btw Lori, the spell I found is 7th level sorry

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] page 167 of Spells and Magic in case you wanna lookit in the book

Molly has joined the game on Fri Jan 05 21:11:39 EST 2007

[John] hey Molly!

[John] Welcome back

[Hans] "Another priest is required for the spell to have an effect."

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] you should be able to make a 60 ft cube fortification

[John] your dreams were your ticket out

[John] Sorry, why are you fortifying an area in the wilderness?

[Hans] The "expression" is different from the "description" of the spell.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] that's because that's the healing version

[Arilyn (Christy)] so we can duck more effectively

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] there's 2 spells with the exact same name

[Hans] Do we have another priest? It doesn't say it needs to be the same exact faith, Lorie.

[Molly] Hi there.

[DM] Hans

Molly is receiving the map Base Map...

Molly has received the map Base Map.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] there is one spell, healing sphere

[DM] problem is two spells same name

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] healing sphere is cooperative

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Well I believe Fritz typed in all the spell descriptions... based on information from BOB... so :: shrugs ::

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] the one I'm talking about is war sphere

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] war sphere is not cooperative

[DM] No lorie, Fritz did nto do the description file

[Sweetums (SPC)] You know, like President George Bush, and President George Bush

[DM] that is marco john adn I

[Hans] Good. Then we're good.

[DM] spell expressions are a different thing

[DM] just trust marco on this one

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] the version I'm talking about is a third level spell from the war sphere

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] which is what you read in the description file

[Arilyn (Christy) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Arilyn modified: Magical Abilities - Spells -

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: frowns ::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Whatever... do what you want then.

[John] but Bibo, will it stop boulders?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Why ask?

[mikE] he's actually sitting here, with the book open in front of him and bob and they are reading it and saying there is no coop on the spell

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: sighs ::

[Hans] Yes.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] yes. missile fire

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] that's what it does

[DM] because Marco has said it 8 or 9 times and no one is listening to him

[John] sometimes boulders are not included

[DM] that is why Lorie

[John] ::backs away quietly::

[Arilyn (Christy)] are there boulders laying around in this area or should we expect big snowballs?

[Hans] I was listening to him but not *understanding* him.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I SAID FINE... LET US MOVE ON

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: frowns ::

[Hans] Ditto to Lorie-

[Hans] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] ok

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Scroll up

[DM] so are you ready then?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] What other planning is still necessary?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] so, can we cast it then?

[mikE] so, there are giants. let's go kill them

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Whatever... cast

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: sighs ::

[DM] I did not think any planning was necessary at all

[DM] who is casting what?

[Sweetums (SPC)] No, not for you. For you it's "kill the Dragon slayers. Kill the Dragon Slayers"

[mikE] if we're going to sit here for a second week wasting time bickering about spell semantics all for a plan that will be ignored anyway i might as well watch a movie and pretend i'm paying attention

[DM] for a group that hates to plan

[Arilyn (Christy)] then lets get on with the killing

[Molly] Rosethorn moved 12'00".

[BiBo!!!!!!!!! (to GM only)] Character sheet for Kylia Wolfslayer modified: Spells - CHANGED: Fortify -- Level: 3 (4), CHANGED: Fortify -- Cast Level: 3 (4), CHANGED: Fortify -- Expression: This spell is in the war sphere, it builds a fortification. It is not the cooperative magic spell in the healing sphere of the same name. (This is a simple cooperative magic spell. Only one priest can cast the spell, but like mystic transfer, another priest is required for the spell to have any effect. Through this spell, the priest improves the quality of another priest's healing spells. For the fortify spell to work, it must be cast simultaneously with a cure light wounds, cure serious wounds, or cure critical wounds. The priest casting fortify must lay his hand on the priest attempting the cure. When both spells are cast, additional energy flows through the second priest and into the creature being healed. Fortify automatically causes the cure spell to function at maximum effect. Thus, a cure serious wounds would automatically heal 17 points of damage and a cure critical wounds would heal 27 points of damage.), CHANGED: Fortify -- Sound: (null), CHANGED: Fortify -- Effect: (null). CHANGED: Wall of Fire -- Level: 14 (5), CHANGED: Wall of Fire -- Cast Level: 14 (5), CHANGED: Wall of Fire -- Expression: The wall of fire spell brings forth an immobile, blazing curtain of magical fire of shimmering color--violet or reddish blue. The spell creates either an opaque sheet of flame up to one 20-foot square per level of the spellcaster, or a ring with a radius of up to 10 feet + 5 feet per two levels of experience of the wizard. In either form, the wall of fire is 20 feet high. The wall of fire must be cast so that it is vertical with respect to the caster. One side of the wall, selected by the caster, sends forth waves of heat, inflicting 2d4 points of damage upon creatures within 10 feet and 1d4 points of damage upon those within 20 feet. In addition, the wall inflicts 2d6 points of damage, plus 1 point of damage per level of the spellcaster, upon any creature passing through it. Creatures especially subject to fire may take additional damage, and undead always take twice normal damage. Note that attempting to catch a moving creature with a newly-created wall of fire is difficult; a successful saving throw enables the creature to avoid the wall, while its rate and direction of movement determine which side of the created wall it is on. The wall of fire lasts as long as the wizard concentrates on maintaining it, or one round per level of experience of the wizard, in the event he does not wish to concentrate upon it. (Let's see them get through this! The wall of fire spell brings forth an immobile, blazing curtain of magical fire of shimmering color--violet or reddish blue. The spell creates either an opaque sheet of flame up to one 20-foot square per level of the spellcaster, or a ring with a radius of up to 10 feet + 5 feet per two levels of experience of the wizard. In either form, the wall of fire is 20 feet high. The wall of fire must be cast so that it is vertical with respect to the caster. One side of the wall, selected by the caster, sends forth waves of heat, inflicting 2d4 points of damage upon creatures within 10 feet and 1d4 points of damage upon those within 20 feet. In addition, the wall inflicts 2d6 points of damage, plus 1 point of damage per level of the spellcaster, upon any creature passing through it. Creatures especially subject to fire may take additional damage, and undead always take twice normal damage. Note that attempting to catch a moving creature with a newly-created wall of fire is difficult; a successful saving throw enables the creature to avoid the wall, while its rate and direction of movement determine which side of the created wall it is on. The wall of fire lasts as long as the wizard concentrates on maintaining it, or one round per level of experience of the wizard, in the event he does not wish to concentrate upon it.), CHANGED: Wall of Fire -- # Memorized: 1 (--), ADDED: Fortify, 4, 4, This is a simple cooperative magic spell. Only one priest can cast the spell, but like mystic transfer, another priest is required for the spell to have any effect. Through this spell, the priest improves the quality of another priest's healing spells. For the fortify spell to work, it must be cast simultaneously with a cure light wounds, cure serious wounds, or cure critical wounds. The priest casting fortify must lay his hand on the priest attempting the cure. When both spells are cast, additional energy flows through the second priest and into the creature being healed. Fortify automatically causes the cure spell to function at maximum effect. Thus, a cure serious wounds would automatically heal 17 points of damage and a cure critical wounds would heal 27 points of damage., --, 1, null, null. ADDED: Wall of Fire, 5, 5, Let's see them get through this! The wall of fire spell brings forth an immobile, blazing curtain of magical fire of shimmering color--violet or reddish blue. The spell creates either an opaque sheet of flame up to one 20-foot square per level of the spellcaster, or a ring with a radius of up to 10 feet + 5 feet per two levels of experience of the wizard. In either form, the wall of fire is 20 feet high. The wall of fire must be cast so that it is vertical with respect to the caster. One side of the wall, selected by the caster, sends forth waves of heat, inflicting 2d4 points of damage upon creatures within 10 feet and 1d4 points of damage upon those within 20 feet. In addition, the wall inflicts 2d6 points of damage, plus 1 point of damage per level of the spellcaster, upon any creature passing through it. Creatures especially subject to fire may take additional damage, and undead always take twice normal damage. Note that attempting to catch a moving creature with a newly-created wall of fire is difficult; a successful saving throw enables the creature to avoid the wall, while its rate and direction of movement determine which side of the created wall it is on. The wall of fire lasts as long as the wizard concentrates on maintaining it, or one round per level of experience of the wizard, in the event he does not wish to concentrate upon it., --, 1, null, null.

John is receiving the map snow field...

John has received the map snow field.

[mikE] my character isn't even going to be effective in this combat, so you all just let me know when it's over

[Molly] Rosethorn targets Varn. Distance: 16'11"

[Hans] I am back at the keyboard.

[Hans] I really think we need to draw some of 'em away. 6 14th level fighters would be tough for us.

[Hans] We will have trouble with 3 of them at a time.

[John] they are not likly to chase us, just stone us from a far

[Hans] I'm only 7th level.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I've put in the spell entry under your third level spells

[John] that is why the protection from missles is so important

[Hans] How many 14th level fighters are in our group?

[Katie] Rosethorn targets Rosethorn. Distance: 0'00"

[Katie] Rosethorn no longer targets Varn.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] thank you

[Hans] How many levels worth of fighter do we even have? 28?

[Arilyn (Christy)] is there any way we can put another wall of fire in the middle oftheir group and seperate them?

[Hans] That's still 14 levels short. They are going to pound us.

[Hans] Hard.

[John] it's not the size of the fighters, it's the size of the mages

[Katie] /mollly I'm trying. I can get the arrow but then how do I move?

[Katie] Rosethorn moved 15'03".

[Arilyn (Christy)] get them to fall in a big ditch?

[Hans] We need to return the favor in a big way, folks. Get your ducks in order.

[mikE] who has fudge's djini ring at this point?

[DM] so any protection spells that last long term? or other alteration things?

[Hans] I can only do 29 points of damage/round MAX. It'll take me 4 rounds to kill one of 'em by myself.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] well, yes, if you think like a fighter, muscle against muscle they win. That's why we blastify them many times at a distance while hiding in our fortification, that way when they get to us, they're very much weaker

[mikE] summon it up and have it cast the illusion of a lava field opening up beneath them

[DM] before start counding off rounds?

[Katie] Rosethorn moved 16'08".

[Arilyn (Christy)] can we get some fire elementals or something to join us?

[Molly] /WAY TO GO!!

[Sweetums (SPC)] Excellent Idea Mike.

[Hans] I am back at the keyboard.

[Molly] oops. sorry.

[Percival (Hans)] Fire elementals. I like that.

[John] if Kylia is just waiting she can summon an elemental

[DM] grins at molly and katie

[Percival (Hans)] Get a bunch of 'em.

[DM] are you casting fortify?

[Percival (Hans)] And other things with fire, fire, fire!!!!

[Arilyn (Christy)] can we summon giant bees to sting them?

[DM] adn then are you summoning the elemental

[Percival (Hans)] Ice bees!!!

[DM] the rest all last in rounds and you have to wait till they arrive I believe

[Arilyn (Christy)] can we cause them to break out in itchy hives?

[Percival (Hans)] I'll stand in front of the fortification, to give them a target. I'm using my shield, DM.

[Katie] Rosethorn moved 20'10".

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay... could you please let me know what all I need to cast and when and I'll do thusly?

[Percival (Hans)] -7 AC with shield.

[mikE] i think bibo's told you what he wants lorie

[Arilyn (Christy)] I'll fireball as soon as they are in range

[DM] ok, to Percy

[mikE] fortification, fireballs and lightning bolts

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] well there are two spells up there...

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] ::pats the paladin:: You will get a severe beat down if you are the only target. They have a fair chance to hit you

[DM] ok to arylin

[Percival (Hans)] And I want prayer if you would be so kind (or whatever spell is the equivalent/higher version)

[Molly] /okay, deal.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] and if you are the only one there, they will all hit you

[mikE] then bless and chant and whatnot when they are in melee

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] there is Fortification and Summoning a Fire elemental

[Sweetums (SPC)] Here, let me stand outside the fortification.

[Sweetums (SPC)] I can catch anything thrown at me.

[Arilyn (Christy)] could we trip them with anything?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] So I cast Fortification...then I summon the Fire Elemental

[Percival (Hans)] Lady Kylia, it is fortunate to have a priestess of your level with our party. Thank you.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] and then I do whatever else I have to do

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Let's just get on with this already

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: sighs ::

[Percival (Hans)] Get on with the rat-killin'!!!!!!!

[Molly] Rosethorn targets Paul Elvenstire. Distance: 35'09"

[DM] there is the fort

[Molly] /good. it means I"m ready to attack Paul.

[Arilyn (Christy)] groovy

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sweetums moved 254'03".

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] everyone in, summon the elemental when they are within a turn distant

[John] Brad Johnson moved 47'08".

[Percival (Hans)] Marco, could you get behind them once they get into melee with us?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Ramone moved 265'02".

[Arilyn (Christy)] I can teleport once/day

[John] Kit moved 423'06".

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I could, and probably will be

Sweetums (SPC) mumbling about the folly of it all

[Percival (Hans)] Can any other character get *behind* them once we're in melee with them?

[Percival (Hans)] Maybe, say, stab them in the back?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] that'd be the plan yes

[mikE] sure. if we're 30 feet tall.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] or blast them in the back

[mikE] i can stab them in the heel

[Sweetums (SPC)] At their height, it's be the knees.

[Katie] Rosethorn targets Varn. Distance: 15'06"

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] or I dunno what them in the back

[Percival (Hans)] 4X heel stab....

[Katie] Rosethorn no longer targets Rosethorn.

[Arilyn (Christy)] I can teleport behind them

[Katie] Rosethorn no longer targets Varn.

[Katie] Rosethorn targets Varn. Distance: 15'06"

[Percival (Hans)] If there are characters attacking them from behind, they won't be able to stomp us from the front. As much.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] focus on the blasty mage. that's what you do best.

Sweetums (SPC) is scanning the skies for incoming rocks

[Arilyn (Christy)] I can teleport up to 600 lbs, does that mean I can take 600 lbs of people with me?

[DM] yes to christy

[DM] adn frost giants are over that weight

[John] I think it's half of people

[Arilyn (Christy)] does anyone want to teleport to behind them with me?

[Percival (Hans)] Sweetums, we have a party of wizards & priests who love to burn our enemies. They'll do more damage than we will do.

[mikE] can you cast fly?

[DM] they weight in at about 8,000 pounds

[Sweetums (SPC)] If they have any spells left

[Sweetums (SPC)] They do tend to burn through them.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] we just rested the night

[DM] typical male is 21 feet tall

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] we have all our spells

[DM] yes everyone has all the spells

[Arilyn (Christy)] no, no fly-not today anyway

[mikE] yes, but the question still stands, can she cast fly?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Ramone: Mirror Image: There's (1d4+1) [1+1] 2 more of me now.

[mikE] okay, then i'll go stand over there and watch

[Sweetums (SPC)] I don't see any streams nearby ... no fly casting here (fishing joke)

[DM] groans at sweetums

[Percival (Hans)] That's great, Faye. Please stay out of harm's way.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::twaps sean:: lets get on with the battle.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] fire elemental please bob?

[Katie] Rosethorn: Attack #1: LongBow +1: (14-(d20+3++2)) [14-(6+3+2)] 3

[Percival (Hans)] Everybody, I still want to *talk* to the giants, even while we prepare for the worst, dear friends.

Sweetums (SPC) rolls his eyes

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "I'll write your eulogy"

[Percival (Hans)] We will need your great halberd, giant.

[mikE] uh, my name is mike

[Percival (Hans)] Thank you, Wizard.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "It'll be fantastic."

[mikE] hi hans.

[mikE] i'm not chatting as anyone here

[Sweetums (SPC)] I swear, next time we come across giants I say to avoid, I will personally *toss* you out of the way first.

[Percival (Hans)] Okay. That makes sense.

[mikE] in fact, i think i will stand way off.

[mikE] does anyone see any reason for me to be in the fort?

[Sweetums (SPC)] No.

[Percival (Hans)] You the player or you the character that's not present?

[Sweetums (SPC)] I don't see any reason for *anyone* to be in front fo the fort.

[mikE] the character is on the map,hans

[Sweetums (SPC)] But Percival Giantslayer here might get killed.

[mikE] if it wasn't i wouldn't be here

[Percival (Hans)] The scale on the map is too big. I can't even see myself.

[mikE] well, since only sean answered, bob, i'm going to be waaaaay off to the side

[John] you can zoom

[DM] just zoom in on your self

[mikE] Faye moved 355'10".

[John] Mike, You are kidding

[Sweetums (SPC)] I can see myself just fine

[Sweetums (SPC)] (oh wait, that's right ... I"m a giant)

[mikE] nope

[Arilyn (Christy)] we have to be tiny so the giants will fit on he screen

[Percival (Hans)] You're a landmark, not a person.

[mikE] can't backstab them unless i'm flying, john

[mikE] no one here can make me fly

[Sweetums (SPC)] I just hope you don't become a landmark

[Sweetums (SPC)] Do you know how hard blood is to get out of snow?

[John] yes but outside the fortify, you will be dead

[mikE] you ever see the patriot?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] well, she's invisible

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn moved 261'07".

[mikE] where mel and the family are off to the side watching the battle? that's me

[John] OH well then

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] albeit the snow will be a great indicator of where she is...

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn moved 15'10".

[Percival (Hans)] I will hypnotize them with my shiny shield!!!!!!!

[John] I will trip then then you can back stab

[Percival (Hans)] They will KNOCK OFF ALL THAT EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sweetums (SPC) mumbles something nasty about paladins

[John] Kylia, you may want to move

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] true enough, there are rope traps I set out there

[Percival (Hans)] Percival moved 199'00".

[Kit (John)] Oh I forgot Lori erassed Kit

[Arilyn (Christy)] you know, our fortress needs a nasty crude filled moat

[mikE] then do you want me in the fort?

[Arilyn (Christy)] with big alligators-can we do that?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 125'10".

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] actually you might be best hiding invisible near the rope traps so you can backstab em whien they fall

[Kit (John)] it is cincevable they may know your there

[Katie] Rosethorn: Damage v SM: Arrow +1: (d6+4) [4+4] 8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to Varn

[Kit (John)] they may miss and hit you by mistake

[Kit (John)] we may hit you by mistake

[Molly] n the way. hang on a sec.

[Kit (John)] I would like you near

[Percival (Hans)] How many different ways can you spell conceivable?

[mikE] you say i'm going to get hit by you guys by mistake, so you want me near?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] correct ways?

[Kit (John)] as long as you understnd

[mikE] does that make no sense to anyone else?

[Percival (Hans)] I'm sorry. Just teasing. Ignore me. Completely.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 29'08".

[Kit (John)] what part

[DM] is ok

[DM] lets move along

[Percival (Hans)] Where's the fire elemental, DM?

[mikE] you saying if i move in you'll hit me, so you want me iclose

Beth has joined the game on Fri Jan 05 21:43:22 EST 2007

[Percival (Hans)] Percival moved 1'00".

[Arilyn (Christy)] hey Beth!

[Kit (John)] no, out side you may get hit by a stray rock

[Sweetums (SPC)] Ah Beth ... welcome

[Percival (Hans)] Hello, Beth!

[Molly] Varn targets Rosethorn. Distance: 15'10"

[Sweetums (SPC)] just in time for the killing, followed by a light salad.

[Beth] I made it!!!

[Kit (John)] it bounces off the fortify and randomly hit s u

[Percival (Hans)] I'm not eating any of the dead giants.....

[Molly] Hi Beth!!

Beth is receiving the map Base Map...

Beth has received the map Base Map.

[Beth] Hi!

[Kit (John)] ok now we have an archer the plan changes - NOT!

[Sweetums (SPC)] Bob, tell me when the giants get within shouting range please.

[Molly] Varn: Attack #1: Nagelring: (9-(d20+5)) [9-(19+5)] -15. PROBABLY HITS Rosethorn (AC FINAL: 3)!!!

[DM] Fire Elemental moved 15'02".

[Beth] snow on the pass and new studs on car

[Percival (Hans)] Yeay!!!!! An archer!!!!!

[DM] Fire Elemental moved 138'01".

[Percival (Hans)] Stick 'em.

[DM] thought you had a boyfriend Beth

[DM] why new studs?

[Percival (Hans)] With lots and lots of arrows.

[DM] the old one wearing out?

[Percival (Hans)] Bob.......

[DM] Kira moved 15'09".

[DM] ok

[DM] so

[Beth] um, no, not yet *grins*

[DM] fire elemental is there

[DM] adn Kira is there

[DM] ready set

[Percival (Hans)] Sweetums. You and I will stand in glorious battle to defeat the evil ones.

[Molly] Varn: Damage v SM: Nagelring: (1d8+5) [3+5] 8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to Rosethorn

[Sweetums (SPC)] Are they in shouting distance?

[Sweetums (SPC)] Can it Percival, before I throw *you*

[DM] you can put the fire elemental where you wish Lorie

[DM] and Beth of course with Kira

[DM] Rosethorn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 43 (-8) - Lightly Wounded

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] fire elemental wouldn't give a crap about the rocks, since they're presumably nonmagical

[DM] Varn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 103 (-8) - Lightly Wounded

[Arilyn (Christy)] is anyone going to teleport with me to behind them?

[Kit (John)] Brad Johnson moved 25'04".

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] I doubt they are throwing +2 rocks :)

[Beth] sound isn't working for me

[Katie] Varn: Attack #1: Nagelring: (9-(d20+5)) [9-(17+5)] -13. PROBABLY HITS Rosethorn (AC FINAL: 3)!!!

[Beth] I keep errofrs

[Percival (Hans)] Touchy giant. Cranky, but still my friend.

[Kit (John)] Woould love to but I have to stay with Brad

[DM] ok

[DM] no worries Beth

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Ramone moved 51'11".

[Percival (Hans)] Any more fighters in the group?

[Molly] Rosethorn no longer targets Paul Elvenstire.

[Percival (Hans)] We need, like 3 more.

[Molly] Rosethorn no longer targets Varn.

[Molly] Varn no longer targets Rosethorn.

[Katie] Rosethorn targets Varn. Distance: 15'10"

[Katie] Rosethorn targets Rosethorn. Distance: 0'00"

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] not currently

[Sweetums (SPC)] So where was this inspired line of throught a few hours ago?

[Katie] Rosethorn: Damage v SM: Dagger/Dirk: (1d4) [1] 1 added to Varn added to Rosethorn

[Percival (Hans)] It just looks different than I *envisioned* it.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] so... the giants here yet?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] (1d10) [8] 8

[Sweetums (SPC)] I'm just waiting until they get into shouting range

[Arilyn (Christy)] you, Sweetums and me are the only fighters, I think

[Kit (John)] ::holding Brad back::

[Percival (Hans)] All right. We do the best with what we've got. We can do this.

[Beth] need to log out and in again

[Katie] Rosethorn: Attack #1: Arrow +1: (14-(d20+4++2)) [14-(10+4+2)] -2. PROBABLY HITS Varn (AC FINAL: 0)!!!

Sweetums (SPC) sighs

[Percival (Hans)] If we separate them somehow.

[Beth] getting sound error messages

Beth has left the game on Fri Jan 05 21:49:21 EST 2007

[Arilyn (Christy)] well, paladin, how about you and I teleport behind them and see if we can't break off a few?

[Katie] Rosethorn: Damage v L: Arrow +1: (d6+4) [3+4] 7 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to Varn

[DM] Ok, so the prep spells are done

[Percival (Hans)] I have to meet them head-on.

[DM] lets start off combat rounds and see how things go

[Percival (Hans)] Paladin "rules" and all.....

[Arilyn (Christy)] they're gona turn towards you once I fireball them

[Arilyn (Christy)] think of yourself as my *protector*

[DM] Combat has begun!


[Percival (Hans)] Um. I'm a cavalier, too. I go straight for the biggest enemy....

Beth has joined the game on Fri Jan 05 21:51:08 EST 2007

[Kit (John)] Kit: Initiative:(d10+10++0) [6+10+0] 16

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer: Initiative:(d10(+10-+0)) [5(10-0)] 15

[Molly] Paul Elvenstire targets Rosethorn. Distance: 35'09"

[mikE] Faye: Initiative:(d10+8) [1+8] 9

[Kit (John)] Brad Johnson: Initiative:(d10+10) [3+10] 13

[DM] Frost Giant #2: Initiative:(d10+30) [8+30] 38

[DM] Frost Giant #3: Initiative:(d10+30) [2+30] 32

[DM] Frost Giant #1: Initiative:(d10+30) [4+30] 34

[DM] Frost Giant #6: Initiative:(d10+30) [9+30] 39

[DM] Frost Giant #4: Initiative:(d10+30) [1+30] 31

[DM] Frost Giant #5: Initiative:(d10+30) [8+30] 38

[Percival (Hans)] Percival: Initiative:(d10+10-+2) [2+10-2] 10

[Arilyn (Christy)] well, I'm not drawing them off by myself

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Ramone: Initiative:(d10+10-+3-2) [4+10-3-2] 9

Client has joined the game on Fri Jan 05 21:51:38 EST 2007

Beth is receiving the map snow field...

Beth has received the map snow field.

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn: Initiative:(d10+10-+0) [5+10-0] 15

Client has left the game on Fri Jan 05 21:52:00 EST 2007

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sweetums: Initiative:(d10+20-+3) [8+20-3] 25

[Katie] /kit yes I am. Molly is helping me

[Arilyn (Christy)] I'll be centering a fireball on their giant behinds as soon as they are within range

[Percival (Hans)] Katie, it's /john

[Beth] k, back again

wlofie has joined the game on Fri Jan 05 21:52:47 EST 2007

wlofie has left the game on Fri Jan 05 21:52:58 EST 2007

[DM] ok, goign to start the frirst round


[DM] INIT: 9 GOING: Ramone

[DM] that is the real distance

[DM] INIT: 9 GOING: Faye

[Percival (Hans)] Party, be thinking about things you can do to distract them once they are in melee range. Ramone can fly, Arilyn can teleport, etc.

[DM] INIT: 10 GOING: Percival

[DM] INIT: 13 GOING: Brad Johnson

[Sweetums (SPC)] Bob ... do you have any more licences ... wlofie is trying to log in and having problems.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] I think fireballs make better distractions :)

[Kit (John)] waiting

[DM] INIT: 15 GOING: Kylia Wolfslayer

[Percival (Hans)] 'K

[Beth] ok, I'm still getting the playback error everytime a sound goes off

[Arilyn (Christy)] how far out are they?

[Percival (Hans)] Fireballs make *great* distractions.

[Beth] I have to click ok every time

[Hans] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: hold casting for the moment as the far distance seems far ::

[DM] INIT: 15 GOING: Arilyn

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] you didn't happen to delete your sounds folder by any chance beth?

[Beth] not that I'm aware of

[Beth] haven't even turned the laptop on since Tuesday morning

[DM] there should be 13 licenses and Marco is using his own so not sure why that is Sean

Katie is receiving the map snow field...

Katie has received the map snow field.

[Sweetums (SPC)] okay, thanks Bob.

[Arilyn (Christy)] holding casting til they are within range

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Kit

[Molly (to DM only)] katie is asking if you need her to log off so wolfie can logon.

[Kit (John)] Do I need to hold Brad?

[DM] INIT: 25 GOING: Sweetums

[Hans] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] sweetums no action right?

Molly is receiving the map snow field...

Molly has received the map snow field.

[Sweetums (SPC)] Bob, are they in shouting range?Bpb. ar

[DM] not realy

wlofie has joined the game on Fri Jan 05 21:58:28 EST 2007

[Sweetums (SPC)] Then waiting.

[DM] you are big enough to make them out

[DM] INIT: 31 GOING: Frost Giant #4

[Percival (Hans)] 1400 feet away right now.

wlofie has left the game on Fri Jan 05 21:58:41 EST 2007

[DM] no clue on that Sean

[Sweetums (SPC)] Tell me when they get into shouting range.

[DM] why that is happening to WOlfie

[Sweetums (SPC)] We're working on it.

[DM] Frost Giant #4 moved 308'07".

[DM] Frost Giant #3, Frost Giant #2, Frost Giant #1, Frost Giant #6 and Frost Giant #5 moved 301'01".

[DM] INIT: 32 GOING: Frost Giant #3

[DM] INIT: 34 GOING: Frost Giant #1

[DM] INIT: 38 GOING: Frost Giant #2

[DM] INIT: 38 GOING: Frost Giant #5

[Arilyn (Christy)] they might be in fireballing range around the same time as shouting

[Percival (Hans)] they have a movement rate of 30?

[Percival (Hans)] Or are they running toward us?

[DM] INIT: 39 GOING: Frost Giant #6


[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] jogging

[DM] INIT: 9 GOING: Ramone

[DM] INIT: 9 GOING: Faye

[DM] INIT: 10 GOING: Percival

[DM] INIT: 13 GOING: Brad Johnson

[DM] INIT: 15 GOING: Kylia Wolfslayer

[Kit (John)] elemental?

[Sweetums (SPC)] It's on the map.

[Kit (John)] but on int?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Fire Elemental: Initiative:(d10+20) [9+20] 29

[Kit (John)] tks

[DM] Lorie are you thinking?

wlofie has joined the game on Fri Jan 05 22:03:27 EST 2007

wlofie has left the game on Fri Jan 05 22:03:37 EST 2007

[DM] INIT: 15 GOING: Arilyn

[Arilyn (Christy)] still holding-

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Kit

[DM] INIT: 25 GOING: Sweetums

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I'm sorry... haven't seen any progression made, so still holding action

[Sweetums (SPC)] oh sorry.

[DM] so far they have only had one round of movemtn

[Sweetums (SPC)] Shounting range?

[Kit (John)] u can try

[DM] not yet, at 1,000 feet I woudl say you can be easily understood and still be outside of missle range

[Sweetums (SPC)] okay.

[DM] INIT: 29 GOING: Fire Elemental

[DM] so very close to that now

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Fire elemental is holding as well...

[Kit (John)] why can't we be friends

[Kit (John)] why can't we be friends

[Percival (Hans)] maybe they just want to *talk* to us

[DM] waiting on fire elemental

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] if by talk you mean they want to shout obscenities as they smoosh us, then they totally want to talk

[mikE] then click next, lor

[Sweetums (SPC)] So what happened to attacking them?

[DM] INIT: 31 GOING: Frost Giant #4

[DM] Frost Giant #4 moved 307'10".

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] well, they're very very far away

Beth has left the game on Fri Jan 05 22:07:33 EST 2007

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] we're waiting for them to not be

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] not sure why we're going round by round for this

[DM] INIT: 32 GOING: Frost Giant #3

[DM] Frost Giant #3 moved 314'07".

[DM] INIT: 34 GOING: Frost Giant #1

[DM] Frost Giant #1 moved 307'07".

[DM] INIT: 38 GOING: Frost Giant #2

[DM] Frost Giant #2 moved 299'10".

[DM] INIT: 38 GOING: Frost Giant #5

[DM] Frost Giant #5 moved 307'02".

[DM] INIT: 39 GOING: Frost Giant #6

[DM] Frost Giant #6 moved 301'01".


[DM] INIT: 9 GOING: Ramone

Beth has joined the game on Fri Jan 05 22:08:47 EST 2007

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] they are in shouting distance now, commence shouting whatever it is you plan on shouting

[DM] INIT: 9 GOING: Faye

[Sweetums (SPC)] okay.

[Percival (Hans)] Shield up. Weapons ready to be drawn.

[Sweetums (SPC)] (waiting turn)

[Percival (Hans)] mike, are you there?

Beth has left the game on Fri Jan 05 22:09:35 EST 2007

[mikE] sort of

[Percival (Hans)] what is your action?

[DM] INIT: 10 GOING: Percival

[Kit (John)] twiddling thumbs

[Percival (Hans)] Percival moved 22'07".

[DM] INIT: 13 GOING: Brad Johnson

[Kit (John)] twisting hair

[DM] INIT: 15 GOING: Kylia Wolfslayer

wlofie has joined the game on Fri Jan 05 22:10:44 EST 2007

wlofie has left the game on Fri Jan 05 22:10:57 EST 2007

Beth has joined the game on Fri Jan 05 22:10:59 EST 2007

[Kit (John)] someone lock the door

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] They are now in shouting distance... I am still waiting for them to get closer

[DM] INIT: 15 GOING: Arilyn

[Arilyn (Christy)] holding

wlofie has joined the game on Fri Jan 05 22:11:51 EST 2007

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Kit

[Kit (John)] holding Brad

wlofie has left the game on Fri Jan 05 22:12:03 EST 2007

[DM] INIT: 25 GOING: Sweetums

[Christy] I am away from the keyboard.



[DM] INIT: 29 GOING: Fire Elemental

[Beth] ok, I think I'm back and problem solved

[Beth] I have sound

[Beth] and no playback errors


[Kit (John)] yea!

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :Fire Elemental :: ponders these things coming his way his size and whether he should move ::

[DM] INIT: 31 GOING: Frost Giant #4

[Sweetums (SPC)] MY KINGDOM!

Beth is receiving the map snow field...

Beth has received the map snow field.

[Kit (John)] ::you are short for a Giant


[Percival (Hans)] To Kylia: Um.... Is the fire elemental going to attack when they get closer?


[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: shrugs :: he's thinking

[Frost Giant #5] if this is your area then you owe tribute to

[Percival (Hans)] To party: Oh, boy. There's a king around here.

[Kit (John)] I am getting dizzy looking at the fort

[Frost Giant #5] the king of the frost giants

[Frost Giant #5] as being one of the lowly smaller races


[Sweetums (SPC)] ME? SMALL?

[Percival (Hans)] We don't want to hurt you!!!! We just want you to renounce your evil ways!

[Sweetums (SPC)] shut up you!

[Kit (John)] I'll be your tribute to the king


[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "It's okay, they can't understand him anyway."

[Frost Giant #5] Frost Giant #4 moved 314'00".

[DM] INIT: 32 GOING: Frost Giant #3

[DM] Frost Giant #3 moved 308'09".

[DM] INIT: 34 GOING: Frost Giant #1

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "What are they saying?"

[DM] Frost Giant #1 moved 328'04".

[DM] INIT: 38 GOING: Frost Giant #2

[DM] Frost Giant #2 moved 275'03".

[DM] INIT: 38 GOING: Frost Giant #5

[DM] Frost Giant #5 moved 306'08".

[DM] INIT: 39 GOING: Frost Giant #6

[DM] Frost Giant #6 moved 302'05".

[Frost Giant #5] ROUND: 4

[DM] INIT: 9 GOING: Ramone

[Percival (Hans)] Oh, they're speaking *giant*. No, I don't speak giant.

[DM] INIT: 9 GOING: Faye

[DM] INIT: 10 GOING: Percival

[Kit (John)] I never learned to speak Giant

[DM] INIT: 13 GOING: Brad Johnson

[DM] INIT: 15 GOING: Kylia Wolfslayer

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "You know... I could learn how to speak giant. Give me a moment."

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Ramone: Potion of Language Learning: And now I know a new language

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: takes a queue from Sweetums and notices he's not charging and waits ::

[DM] INIT: 15 GOING: Arilyn

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ramone modified: Languages - ADDED: Giant.

[Kit (John)] but they will understand me

[Percival (Hans)] I still want them to knock off all that evil, though. That's a constant for me.....

[Sweetums (SPC)] Am I going to have to throw you to the giants?

[Kit (John)] that's like asking them not to be ugly

[Percival (Hans)] If I have to speak the language of longsword, so be it.

[Kit (John)] or not to be quite so big

[Kit (John)] ::talks like Palidin:: you stop being a giant and shrink

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Kit

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Arilyn (Christy)] so are they in range?

[DM] INIT: 25 GOING: Sweetums

[Sweetums (SPC)] In shouting range

[Arilyn (Christy)] sorry, I'm trying to get kids to bed

[John] I am away from the keyboard.

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sweetums moved 63'05".

[Frost Giant #5] how close do you want one Arilyn?

[Sweetums (SPC)] (in giant) COME HERE FLINTY!

[Sweetums (SPC)] (Flinty being the Fire elemental)

[Percival (Hans)] He's drawing some of them away. That's great!


[DM] INIT: 29 GOING: Fire Elemental

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Fire Elemental moved 159'09".

[DM] INIT: 31 GOING: Frost Giant #4

[Sweetums (SPC)] Oh, Kylia, could you move the Fire Elemental by me? Thanks.

[DM] Frost Giant #4 targets Sweetums. Distance: 565'02"

[Sweetums (SPC)] If it's a rock, I'm trying to catch it.

[DM] Frost Giant #4: Attack #1: Natural Attack boulder: (7-(d20+0)) [7-(9+0)] -2. PROBABLY HITS Sweetums (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] go for it

[DM] Frost Giant #4: Damage v L: Natural Attack boulder: (2d10) [(7+2)] 9 added to Sweetums

[Sweetums (SPC)] What do I need to roll to catch it? It's in the Humanoids book.

[Sweetums (SPC)] Bob?

[DM] not sure what percentage but roll

[Sweetums (SPC)] (d100) [64] 64

wlofie has joined the game on Fri Jan 05 22:22:43 EST 2007

[Frost Giant #5] not good enough

[Frost Giant #5] they have a 40% and yours is less

[Frost Giant #5] getting the actual number now

wlofie has left the game on Fri Jan 05 22:22:59 EST 2007

[Sweetums (SPC)] Did you check?

Beth has left the game on Fri Jan 05 22:23:12 EST 2007

[Frost Giant #5] 30% to you Sean

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ya, book says 6 or less on a d20, so 30% chance

[Percival (Hans)] let him roll again now that he knows the %

[Sweetums (SPC)] So I need a 30 or less, okay

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] oh

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] sorry

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] I read that backwards

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] 6 or better on a 1d20 swats them away

[Frost Giant #5] Sweetums's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -19 (-81) - Dead

[Frost Giant #5] Sweetums's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 62 (81) - Unharmed

[Sweetums (SPC)] So I caught it? Or what?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] and if you wish you can catch it and throw it back with a -2 penalty

[Frost Giant #5] Sweetums's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 44 (-18) - Moderately Wounded

[Frost Giant #5] you missed it Sean

[Frost Giant #5] sorry

[Frost Giant #5] we are double checking teh rules on if you take the damage too

[Percival (Hans)] 18 points of damage?

[Arilyn (Christy)] i've got to get the kids for a few minutes-be right back

[Percival (Hans)] From a thrown rock?

[Christy] I am away from the keyboard.

[Sweetums (SPC)] Okay, waiting.

[Sweetums (SPC)] I tried telling you guys ...

[Sweetums (SPC)] but would you listen?

[Sweetums (SPC)] NooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo!

[Hans] I am away from the keyboard.

[Frost Giant #5] so you do not catch it Sean

[Frost Giant #5] you have a 30% chance

[Frost Giant #5] a 6 or better in this case means 6 or less on a D20

[Frost Giant #5] we are clear now, they have a 40% chance just in case you do the same to them

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] anyways, you take much less damage than he did you either way :-P he mistyped damage

[Sweetums (SPC)] Really?

[Sweetums (SPC)] It sounds like a save type roll to me.

[Sweetums (SPC)] But whatever.

[Frost Giant #5] Damage is correct 2d10 plus the strngth

[Sweetums (SPC)] 18 points?

[Frost Giant #5] yes the 18 is corect

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ya, instead of 81

[Sweetums (SPC)] ah.

[Hans] I am back at the keyboard.

[Percival (Hans)] No, I don't think you get a strength bonus for missile weapon at 400 feet (or whatever).

[DM] INIT: 32 GOING: Frost Giant #3

[DM] Frost Giant #3 moved 284'07".

[DM] INIT: 34 GOING: Frost Giant #1

[DM] Frost Giant #1 moved 309'05".

[Percival (Hans)] The 2d10 *is* the strength, etc, to throw the rock.

[DM] INIT: 38 GOING: Frost Giant #2

[DM] Frost Giant #2 moved 298'09".

[DM] INIT: 38 GOING: Frost Giant #5

[DM] Frost Giant #5 moved 311'03".

[Percival (Hans)] The strenght is already figured into the damage, Bob. For missile & melee.

[Percival (Hans)] I don't have a monster manual on me, but someone check that out, please.

[DM] actually Hans is right, in the monster manual it lists only the 2d10, in teh players handbook it lists the strenght bonus for hurled weapons

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] yay

[DM] Sweetums's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 53 (9) - Lightly Wounded

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] bob agrees

[DM] INIT: 39 GOING: Frost Giant #6

[DM] Frost Giant #6 moved 608'11".

[Frost Giant #5] ROUND: 5

Beth has joined the game on Fri Jan 05 22:32:03 EST 2007

[Frost Giant #5] that last one is running full tilt at yoru wall

[Percival (Hans)] What? 600 feet per round. He's not a giant, he's a bullet train.

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] outside movement is wonky

[Frost Giant #5] he is sprinting rightnow

[Sweetums (SPC)] Percivel, you got that one, right?

[DM] INIT: 9 GOING: Ramone

[Sweetums (SPC)] Good boy.

[Percival (Hans)] Yes to Sweetums.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] someone with 12 movement can got 120 yards apparently

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] am I getting that right bob?

[Percival (Hans)] Not during combat. Only during movement.

Beth is receiving the map snow field...

Beth has received the map snow field.

[Frost Giant #5] yes to Hans

[Sweetums (SPC)] They're probably charging or something

[Frost Giant #5] you can move up to half your movement and attack

[Beth] I am back at the keyboard.

[Frost Giant #5] anything over that you give up attacks except for a charge

[Beth] ok, I'm trying to get the map again

[Arilyn (Christy)] /as soon as you are able-they are asking for you

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] but the movement rate is correct. assuming they dont' attack and make full movement, it's 120 yards right bob?

[Percival (Hans)] Fine. Lets' go.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] so 60 yards and still attack

[Percival (Hans)] Let's just go.

[DM] INIT: 9 GOING: Faye

[DM] INIT: 10 GOING: Percival

[DM] yes to Marco

[DM] and Hans

[Percival (Hans)] We'll work it out with Bob later, because it's not hurting us nw.

[Percival (Hans)] Percival moved 190'00".

[DM] you can charge him

[Percival (Hans)] I'm charging.

[DM] and get yoru attack

[DM] if you miss you might end up prone at his feet

[Hans] Percival targets Frost Giant #6. Distance: 15'03"

Beth has left the game on Fri Jan 05 22:35:05 EST 2007

[Hans] Percival follows Frost Giant #6.

[Frost Giant #5] only charging if you want to get the bonus

[Frost Giant #5] you can just do a normal attack

[Frost Giant #5] withotu that

[Percival (Hans)] I'll charge, I think.

[Percival (Hans)] How do I add a bonus to the roll?

[Percival (Hans)] Or can you just add it for me if I roll regular?

[Frost Giant #5] a +2 to attack

[Frost Giant #5] roll and see what you get

[Percival (Hans)] Percival: Attack #1: Long Sword, +3: (14-(d20+1+3+1)) [14-(2+1+3+1)] 7. Probably MISSES Frost Giant #6 (AC FINAL: 3)

[Percival (Hans)] Percival: Attack #1: Longsword, +1: (14-(d20+1+1+1)) [14-(18+1+1+1)] -7. PROBABLY HITS Frost Giant #6 (AC FINAL: 3)!!!

[Percival (Hans)] 2 attacks this round

[Percival (Hans)] one of 'em definitely hit.

[Frost Giant #5] only one attack Hans

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] can't if you're charging

[Frost Giant #5] when you charge

[Frost Giant #5] but

[Frost Giant #5] you do get a dex check to try to stay up

[Percival (Hans)] Okay, then I don't want to charge.

[Frost Giant #5] ok

[Percival (Hans)] I just wanted to close the distance.

[Frost Giant #5] I will go with that then

[Frost Giant #5] and take teh second attack

[Percival (Hans)] I thought I needed to "Charge" to do that.

[Frost Giant #5] becasue it hit withotu the bonus

[Frost Giant #5] no

[Percival (Hans)] Sorry for misunderstanding.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] make with the damagy

[Percival (Hans)] I don't understand.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] you hit, roll damage

[Percival (Hans)] Percival: Damage v L: Longsword, +1: (1d12+1+1) [10+1+1] 12 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to Frost Giant #6

[Frost Giant #5 (to GM only)] Frost Giant #6's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 108 (-12) - Lightly Wounded

[DM] INIT: 13 GOING: Brad Johnson

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] like that :)

[Sweetums (SPC)] Does he get knockdown?

[DM] no

[Percival (Hans)] no knockdown on these.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] I dunno that he can roll high enough for it to matter

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] with a longsword

[DM] need to roll over a 12 I think

[Percival (Hans)] Fine. I'm done.

[DM] INIT: 15 GOING: Kylia Wolfslayer

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 96'05".

[DM] INIT: 15 GOING: Arilyn

[Arilyn (Christy)] how far out is the group?

[Sweetums (SPC)] Pretty far out.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] a good 100 yards for the closest ones

[Sweetums (SPC)] The closest one is the one on Percival

[Molly (to DM only)] Beth's having trouble logging onto klooge. it keeps timing out on her.

[Arilyn (Christy)] if I was holding casting, can I change the spell?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] the others double that at least

[Percival (Hans)] new round, christy. do whatever you want.

[John] I am back at the keyboard.

[Percival (Hans)] you could cast fireball at 120 yards and it would get him but not me.

[Frost Giant #5] yes to chrsity

[Kit (John) (to DM only)] if I don't hold Brad will he wander off?

[Frost Giant #5] yes to john

[Christy] Arilyn targets Frost Giant #6. Distance: 304'01"

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn: Magic Missile: (4d4+4) [(3+4+2+2)+4] 15 points of magical bolty doom added to Frost Giant #6

[Percival (Hans)] because the radius is 20 feet. Wait. Don't cast it exactly 120 yards away. Cast it 20 feet behind giant.

[Kit (John) (to DM only)] then i am useless and tired

[Percival (Hans)] Way to go, wizard!!!

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Kit

[DM] Frost Giant #6: Magical Spell save: (d20) [6] 6. PROBABLY FAILS against (7) [7] 7

[Kit (John)] holding brad

[DM] INIT: 25 GOING: Sweetums

[DM (to GM only)] Frost Giant #6's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 93 (-15) - Lightly Wounded

[Kit (John)] good night all

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sweetums moved 130'01".

[Kit (John)] have fun storming the castle

[Percival (Hans)] Good night, JOhn. See you next week!

[Molly] Night, John!

[Arilyn (Christy)] night JOhn

[Sweetums (SPC)] Good night.

[Sweetums (SPC)] As I move, I pick up the rock that hit me.

John has left the game on Fri Jan 05 22:44:07 EST 2007

[SPC] Sweetums targets Frost Giant #4. Distance: 464'04"

[Frost Giant #5] yes to Sweetums

[Percival (Hans)] There will still be giants to fight next week.


[Sweetums (SPC)] (d20) [1] 1

[Sweetums (SPC)] boy ... that's an incredible throw there ...

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::snicker::

[Percival (Hans)] chuckles

[DM] INIT: 29 GOING: Fire Elemental

[Percival (Hans)] we all roll 1's or 2's sometimes....

[Sweetums (SPC)] Might want to send Flinty over to the one on Percival.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Fire Elemental moved 168'08".

[DM] INIT: 31 GOING: Frost Giant #4

[DM] Frost Giant #4: Attack #1: Natural Attack boulder: (7-(d20+0)) [7-(4+0)] 3

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Fire Elemental moved 145'04".

[DM] Frost Giant #4 targets Sweetums. Distance: 464'04"

[DM] Frost Giant #4: Attack #1: Natural Attack boulder: (7-(d20+0)) [7-(16+0)] -9. PROBABLY HITS Sweetums (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[Sweetums (SPC)] (d20) [12] 12

[Sweetums (SPC)] sigh

[DM] Frost Giant #4: Damage v L: Natural Attack boulder: (2d10) [(2+4)] 6 added to Sweetums

[DM] Sweetums's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 47 (-6) - Lightly Wounded

[DM] INIT: 32 GOING: Frost Giant #3

[Percival (Hans)] Have faith, Brave Giant!!!

[DM] Frost Giant #3 moved 446'03".

[DM] INIT: 34 GOING: Frost Giant #1

[DM] Frost Giant #1 moved 290'06".

[DM] INIT: 38 GOING: Frost Giant #2

[DM] Frost Giant #2 moved 301'03".

[DM] INIT: 38 GOING: Frost Giant #5

[DM] Frost Giant #5 moved 297'05".

[DM] INIT: 39 GOING: Frost Giant #6

[DM] Frost Giant #6 targets Percival. Distance: 16'06"

[DM] Frost Giant #6: Attack #1: Battle Axe: (5-(d20+0)) [5-(15+0)] -10. PROBABLY HITS Percival (AC FINAL: -5)!!!

[Percival (Hans)] Ouch.

[DM] Frost Giant #6: Damage v SM: Battle Axe: (2d8+9) [(2+4)+9] 15 added to Percival

[DM] Percival's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 43 (-15) - Moderately Wounded

[Frost Giant #5] ROUND: 6

[Frost Giant #5] ok

[Arilyn (Christy)] what's their distance now? the scale looks off

[DM] Now before we start the next round

[DM] the scale is right christy

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] it'sjust a bloody huge battlefield

[DM] you have to zoom in closer to be able to get a good feel for it

[DM] do you want to go one more round now?

[Percival (Hans)] yes!!!!!!!!

[Percival (Hans)] YES!!!!!!!!

[Percival (Hans)] One more round. One more round!!!!

[Percival (Hans)] Just one more.

[DM] INIT: 9 GOING: Ramone

[Percival (Hans)] Burn them, wizards!!!!

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Ramone targets Frost Giant #1. Distance: 271'11"

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Ramone: Fireball: Take (10d6) [(3+1+1+6+1+2+3+4+1+4)] 26 points of blastiness! added to Frost Giant #1

[DM] Frost Giant #1: Magical Spell save: (d20) [17] 17. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (7) [7] 7!!!

[DM] INIT: 9 GOING: Faye

[DM (to GM only)] Frost Giant #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 107 (-13) - Lightly Wounded

[DM] INIT: 10 GOING: Percival

[Percival (Hans)] Percival: Attack #1: Long Sword, +3: (14-(d20+1+3+1)) [14-(1+1+3+1)] 8. Probably MISSES Frost Giant #6 (AC FINAL: 3)

[Percival (Hans)] Percival: Attack #1: Longsword, +1: (14-(d20+1+1+1)) [14-(12+1+1+1)] -1. PROBABLY HITS Frost Giant #6 (AC FINAL: 3)!!!

[Percival (Hans)] Percival: Attack #1: Long Sword, +3: (14-(d20+1+3+1)) [14-(9+1+3+1)] 0. PROBABLY HITS Frost Giant #6 (AC FINAL: 3)!!!

[Percival (Hans)] Percival: Damage v L: Longsword, +1: (1d12+1+1) [3+1+1] 5 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to Frost Giant #6

[Percival (Hans)] Percival: Damage v L: Long Sword, +3: (1d12+1+3) [8+1+3] 12 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to Frost Giant #6

[DM (to GM only)] Frost Giant #6's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 76 (-17) - Moderately Wounded

[DM] INIT: 13 GOING: Brad Johnson

[DM] INIT: 15 GOING: Kylia Wolfslayer

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 1'08".

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer targets Frost Giant #1. Distance: 328'01"

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer: Fireball: Feel the fiery wrath of Gobinhinu (10d6) [(4+1+2+2+5+6+5+2+1+4)] 32. Range: 10 yds. + 10 yds./level. Area of Effect: 20-ft. radius added to Frost Giant #1

[DM] INIT: 15 GOING: Arilyn

[DM] Frost Giant #1: Magical Spell save: (d20) [20] 20. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (7) [7] 7!!!

[DM (to GM only)] Frost Giant #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 91 (-16) - Lightly Wounded

[Percival (Hans)] Wow, these foes are strong!

Sweetums (SPC) marvels at the perception of Percival

[Molly (to DM only)] you want me to do anything with Kit?

[DM (to Molly only)] no

[Arilyn (Christy)] how do I define the blast radius?

[Molly (to DM only)] okay

[DM] for a fireball you can only get one of them

[Arilyn (Christy)] can I place it so that it does get percival?

[DM] at these ranges

[DM] yes to that

[DM] you can just target the giant or both of them your choice

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] lol

[Percival (Hans)] Just 20' in front of me. Make that 22'.

[DM] or just him

[DM] grins

[Christy] Arilyn targets Frost Giant #1. Distance: 340'10"

[Christy] Arilyn no longer targets Frost Giant #1.

[Percival (Hans)] hah hah hah.

[Christy] Arilyn targets Frost Giant #1. Distance: 340'10"

[Christy] Arilyn targets Frost Giant #2. Distance: 292'02"

[Percival (Hans)] marco, can you please help her through this?

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn: Fireball: I blast for ((8)d6) [(8)(6+5+1+1+6+1+3+5)] 28 of fiery doom! added to Frost Giant #6 added to Frost Giant #1 added to Frost Giant #2

[Percival (Hans)] She's going to kill me.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] lol. you're fine

[DM] which Arlyn? #1 or #2?

[Arilyn (Christy)] wait, I didn't want to target #6 because he's on percy

[DM] ok

[Percival (Hans)] Okay. II would hope an 8th level wizard wouldn't *accidentally* torch the party, but ya don't know....

[DM] you wnat the one in teh middle then?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] didn't sound like she was going for accidental :)

[DM] Frost Giant #1: Magical Spell save: (d20) [6] 6. PROBABLY FAILS against (7) [7] 7

[Percival (Hans)] chuckles...

[Arilyn (Christy)] the one that won't hit percy

[Hans] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM (to GM only)] Frost Giant #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 63 (-28) - Moderately Wounded

[DM] there you go

[Sweetums (SPC)] Doesn't fire do extra damage to them, being FROST giants and all ...

[Arilyn (Christy)] thank you-

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Kit

[DM] INIT: 25 GOING: Sweetums

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sweetums moved 110'06".

[DM] no to Sean

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] not really

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sweetums moved 118'07".

[Sweetums (SPC)] I can't move that far and attack?

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sweetums moved 7'04".

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] sure you can

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] we're outside remember?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] we teleport outside :)

[DM] grins

[Sweetums (SPC)] oh, you meant no to my question!

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sweetums moved 108'10".

[DM] you can move that far

[DM] and attack yes

[DM] no to the fire question

[SPC] Sweetums no longer targets Frost Giant #4.

[SPC] Sweetums targets Frost Giant #2. Distance: 23'05"

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sweetums: Attack #1: Giant-kin 2handed sword: (13-(d20+3+2)) [13-(17+3+2)] -9. PROBABLY HITS Frost Giant #2 (AC FINAL: 3)!!!

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sweetums: Attack #1: Giant-kin 2handed sword: (13-(d20+3+2)) [13-(6+3+2)] 2. PROBABLY HITS Frost Giant #2 (AC FINAL: 3)!!!

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sweetums: Damage v L: Giant-kin 2handed sword: (2*(3d6)++7+3) [2*((4+3+4))+7+3] 32 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to Frost Giant #2

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sweetums: Damage v L: Giant-kin 2handed sword: (2*(3d6)++7+3) [2*((1+1+6))+7+3] 26 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to Frost Giant #2

[Sweetums (SPC)] And the knock down rolls

[Sweetums (SPC)] (d20) [2] 2

[Sweetums (SPC)] (d20) [17] 17

[DM (to GM only)] Frost Giant #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 62 (-58) - Moderately Wounded

[Sweetums (SPC)] I think he's knocked down.

[DM] Frost Giant #2: Petrification or Polymorph save: (d20) [11] 11. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (5) [5] 5!!!

[DM] still standing

[Hans] I am back at the keyboard.

[Sweetums (SPC)] Well, at least I'm behind him and thus harder to hit from Mr. Rock Throwing Giant.

[Percival (Hans)] Good show, Sweetums!!!

[DM] INIT: 29 GOING: Fire Elemental


[Lorie] Fire Elemental targets Frost Giant #6. Distance: 23'11"

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Fire Elemental: Attack #1: Fiery fist: (9-(d20+0)) [9-(19+0)] -10. PROBABLY HITS Frost Giant #6 (AC FINAL: 3)!!!

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Fire Elemental: Damage v SM: Fiery fist: (3d8) [(7+4+8)] 19 added to Frost Giant #6

[DM (to GM only)] Frost Giant #6's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 57 (-19) - Heavily Wounded

[DM] INIT: 31 GOING: Frost Giant #4

[DM] Frost Giant #4 moved 339'04".

[DM] INIT: 32 GOING: Frost Giant #3

[DM] Frost Giant #3 moved 357'03".

[DM] INIT: 34 GOING: Frost Giant #1

[DM] Frost Giant #1 moved 264'02".

[DM] INIT: 38 GOING: Frost Giant #2

[DM] Frost Giant #2 targets Sweetums. Distance: 23'06"

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie) (to DM only)] I need to get the L damage added please for next time ;O)

[DM] Frost Giant #2: Attack #1: Battle Axe: (5-(d20+0)) [5-(19+0)] -14. PROBABLY HITS Sweetums (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[DM] Frost Giant #2: Damage v L: Battle Axe: (2d8+9) [(2+4)+9] 15 added to Sweetums

[DM] Sweetums's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 32 (-15) - Moderately Wounded

[DM] INIT: 38 GOING: Frost Giant #5

[DM] Frost Giant #5 moved 196'00".

[DM] INIT: 39 GOING: Frost Giant #6

[DM] Frost Giant #6: Attack #1: Battle Axe: (5-(d20+0)) [5-(15+0)] -10. PROBABLY HITS Percival (AC FINAL: -5)!!!

[DM] that is a grab attack on percy

[DM] not a battle axe

[DM] he is picking up percy

[DM] adn using him as a boulder to throw

[DM] Percival moved 284'04".

[Sweetums (SPC)] Ouch

[Percival (Hans)] Well he has to do that next round, of course....

[DM] no

[Percival (Hans)] he's used his attack this round.

[DM] he can pick and throw in one round

[DM] he just can not aim it well

[Sweetums (SPC)] It's how we lost Spring's character.

[Percival (Hans)] Not a unwilling victim.

[DM] it is a -2 to the throw

[Percival (Hans)] Okay, fine.

[DM] to hit the unwilling person is a normal to hit Hans

[DM] then the throw

[DM] but rather than the normal aim

[DM] he has the negative to that

[Percival (Hans)] He just wants to hurt me.

[Percival (Hans)] And he certainly will....

[DM] Percival moved 3'10".

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] well yeah. you give him icky paladin vibes ;)

[DM] ok,

[Percival (Hans)] WAITTT!!!!!!

[DM] so he hurls you towards the fort where the fireball came otu of

[Percival (Hans)] He has a -1 to hit me because he's evil....

[DM] you only take 2d10

[DM] he his ac -10

[Percival (Hans)] oh.

[Percival (Hans)] he hit me.

[mikE] yes, but he hit -a lot

[DM] so now there is the chance to hit aryln

[Percival (Hans)] WAIT!!!!!

[DM] will roll a normal to hit

[DM] yes Hans?

[Percival (Hans)] If he's trying to grab me, don't I get an attack of opportunity?

[DM] no he is attacking you

[DM] just not doing direct damage toyou

[Percival (Hans)] Check your grapple rules, Bob.

[Percival (Hans)] A grapple invites an attack of opportunity.

[Sweetums (SPC)] Oh wait! He's leaving Percival's area of attack ... does that mean Percival gets an attack of opportunity as he's thrown?

[Percival (Hans)] And he grappled me.

[Percival (Hans)] No, not when I'm thrown....

[DM] combat and tactics? will check quickly

[Sweetums (SPC)] Well, I tried.

[DM] just let me get though this part

[Percival (Hans)] Yes. We can check next week if you want.

[DM] you will get your attacks before we move on

[DM] Frost Giant #1 targets Arilyn. Distance: 77'10"

[DM] Frost Giant #1: Attack #1: Club; Great: (5-(d20+0)) [5-(2+0)] 3. Probably MISSES Arilyn (AC FINAL: -1)

[DM] ok, so that is a miss on the spell caster

[DM] adn take (2d10) [(7+3)] 10 points of damage from hitting the fort walls

[Arilyn (Christy)] pphht! (that's a rasberry)

[DM] Percival's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 33 (-10) - Moderately Wounded

[DM] ok

[DM] checking the other part now for Hans


[DM] befroe we end it

[Percival (Hans)] fine.

[DM] sorry Hans

[DM] correction on teh damage to you

[DM] hans make a swing just in case you hit

[DM] while we check the rule and I fix the damage

[Percival (Hans)] Percival: Attack #1: Long Sword, +3: (14-(d20+1+3+1)) [14-(17+1+3+1)] -8. PROBABLY HITS Frost Giant #6 (AC FINAL: 3)!!!

[Percival (Hans)] Percival: Damage v L: Long Sword, +3: (1d12+1+3) [10+1+3] 14 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to Frost Giant #6

[DM] Percival's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 43 (10) - Moderately Wounded

[Percival (Hans)] not gonna kill him, but it'll make him think next time he grabs me.

[DM (to GM only)] Frost Giant #6's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 43 (-14) - Heavily Wounded

[Percival (Hans)] And throws me.

[DM] now the corrected damage to Percy

[DM] (10d6) [(2+2+1+5+5+4+3+4+5+3)] 34 for being hurled, not hte damage that arlyn would have taken

[Percival (Hans)] Well, we know he didn't get an *ideal* throw.

[DM] Percival's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 9 (-34) - Massively Wounded

[DM] and we are done

[DM] counting that attack by percy on the giant for now

[Percival (Hans)] That's pretty good for a throw at a negative.

[DM] and during the week will make sure it was correct before

[DM] but it counts no matter what

[DM] so we can end the round right now

[Percival (Hans)] I don't think this is right, Bob.

[Percival (Hans)] That's more damage than they can possibly create by throwing a *ROCK*.

[Percival (Hans)] *400 feet*

[Sweetums (SPC)] But Hans, you *are* the rock.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] you essentially fell that distance

[DM] the other damage was for the person or thing you hit

[DM] but he missed

[Percival (Hans)] yeah yeah yeah. i just want to know how he came up with that. He threw me up in the air 400 feet?

Lorie has left the game on Fri Jan 05 23:16:55 EST 2007

[DM] so far the battle is going well I think

[DM] we start at thsi point next week

[mikE] well all, i'll see you next week, i suppose.

[Sweetums (SPC)] For you, it's going well.

[Percival (Hans)] It doesn't say that in the rules. We'll talk more next week. THanks everybody!

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] night everyone

[Sweetums (SPC)] See you.

mikE has left the game on Fri Jan 05 23:17:26 EST 2007

[Percival (Hans)] Night-

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has left the game on Fri Jan 05 23:17:28 EST 2007

SPC has left the game on Fri Jan 05 23:17:31 EST 2007

[Arilyn (Christy)] night-

[DM] thanks guys

[Molly] Good night, all!!

Christy has left the game on Fri Jan 05 23:17:53 EST 2007

[Katie] bye, thanks for letting me sit in

[DM] anytme

[DM] welcome to come on back by

Katie has left the game on Fri Jan 05 23:19:24 EST 2007

Hans has left the game on Fri Jan 05 23:19:48 EST 2007

Molly has left the game on Fri Jan 05 23:22:07 EST 2007