Main / Jul1108

Jul 11 08 - Orcs with Pointy Ears Summaries in Khan's log entry 6

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] ==== Gaming session has been running for 0 days, 0 hours, 26 minutes and 44 seconds ====

mikE has joined the game on Fri Jul 11 18:13:01 EDT 2008

mikE is receiving the map Forest Edge Two...

mikE has received the map Forest Edge Two.

Player has joined the game on Fri Jul 11 18:29:03 EDT 2008

Player is receiving the map Forest Edge Two...

Player has received the map Forest Edge Two.

[Vicki] hi

[Vicki] brb

[Vicki] I am away from the keyboard.

John (I think) has joined the game on Fri Jul 11 18:38:29 EDT 2008

John (I think) is receiving the map Forest Edge Two...

John (I think) has received the map Forest Edge Two.

[John (I think)] hello one and all

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] hey there

[mikE] hey john

[BOB] Hello John and Vicki

[mikE] so wanna give me the cliffs notes?

[mikE] i didn't have time today to go and read the line by line chat file.

[mikE] are we hunting elves? orcs? wizards? dragons?

[mikE] i think we should abandon this, find the nearest dracolich and go crazy.

[John (I think)] well......

[John (I think)] "we" made first contact with the elves

[John (I think)] Khan went to -100 or so, but is back to one piece

[John (I think)] that is about all

[John (I think)] still heading towards the tower and or elves

[John (I think)] which ever comes first

[mikE] eh. he got better.

[John (I think)] it almost got down to, when a Troll gets eaten, does it regerate from the poop

[mikE] well, no.

[mikE] stomach acid

[mikE] unless it's some weird acidless digestive tract.

[mikE] then sure. why not?

[John (I think)] It was redundent

[mikE] nothing in our group is redundant.

[John (I think)] I am sure I would regen from the bone scraps

[mikE] we will fight any ruling to the bitter end.

[John (I think)] but you would be searching poop for a magic ring

[John (I think)] "i never learn to speak hypotheticly"

[mikE] hell yeah we would.

[John (I think)] even I do not know that movie

[mikE] i wouldn't even wait for the poop, i'd cut it out of the stomach of the beast who ate it.

[BOB] Chrsity will be late, 830 or so, Fritz will be late 730 - 800 Lorie will be late, but unknown how late

[mikE] immagine fin with fly and with that ring. heehee

[John (I think)] so here we are, now we just need you to talk to the elves

[John (I think)] not much reason for me to be here but to keep you company

[BOB] was hoping for good roleplay tonight

[John (I think)] it is a nice ring, and a bargin IMHO

[John (I think)] you came to the wrong group

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[John (I think)] BOB did you se the headlines of the weekend

[BOB] I saw lots of headlines

[John (I think)] Farv

[BOB] which one in particular?

[BOB] he is not coming back

[John (I think)] "Farve asks for release to play for another team"

[BOB] did not see that

[BOB] but that would be strange

[Vicki] ok now I'm caught up on the text

[John (I think)] reported by ESPN so looks real

[Vicki] Hi Mike, BOB and John

[BOB] hmmm

[John (I think)] thanks Vic for the assist on the story, was it horible?

[Vicki] huh?

[Vicki] only one word misspelled that I recall

[Vicki] been so busy, I forgot what I've done within the last hour

[Vicki] I don't recall being on the site but once this week or was it last week?

[John (I think)] July 8 so this week

[Vicki] oh ok

[John (I think)] but was a few days ago

[John (I think)] long week for me, was considering not playing

[BOB] I hear you John

[Vicki] It's been so hectic that I nearly forgot that this was happening tonight

[Vicki] been a long 2 weeks for me

[Vicki] so much to do and so little time

[BOB] Piece 11, Piece 17, Piece 16, Piece 19, Piece 18, Piece 8, Piece 7, Piece 10, Piece 9, Piece 12, Piece 13, Piece 1, Piece 2, Piece 4, Piece 3, Piece 6, Piece 5, Piece 15 and Piece 14 moved 3'03".

[John (I think)] so no more counting huh

[Vicki] huh?

[John (I think)] or at least no pre warning what we are encountering

[Vicki] I'm lost...

[Vicki] so, someone wanna refresh my "memory" from 2 weeks ago

[John (I think)] BOB called the icon pieces not orc or wolf

[John (I think)] I did for Mike above

[Vicki] are we still sleeping?

[John (I think)] we just went through the night watch

[Vicki] I saw that part... Was just wondering if we're all still asleep

[John (I think)] thought we were done, but check with bobbie

[BOB] Piece 16 moved 9'03".

[Vicki] oh, I had to cut that short... so been 3 weeks since I've done something

[Vicki] and I did read line by line chat history too

[Vicki] been a while though

[BOB] Piece 13 moved 49'05".

[BOB] Piece 12 moved 40'05".

[BOB] Piece 18 moved 12'06".

[BOB] Piece 15 moved 30'07".

[BOB] Piece 14 moved 10'01".

[BOB] Piece 11 moved 33'07".

[BOB] Piece 6 moved 20'09".

[BOB] Piece 19 moved 39'08".

[BOB] Piece 7 moved 22'01".

[BOB] Piece 5 moved 28'02".

[BOB] Piece 10 moved 32'07".

[BOB] Piece 3 moved 14'11".

[BOB] Piece 4 moved 12'10".

[BOB] Piece 8 moved 10'03".

[BOB] Piece 1 moved 15'04".

[BOB] Piece 2 moved 19'08".

[BOB] we will likely not be using that puzzle tonight

[Vicki] I'd think something was regenerating with the names of "pieces"

[BOB] but you never know what I can make work

[BOB] getting food then will be back to start

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[John (I think)] I will be afk with Miranda, do not think it will be long

[John (I think)] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] Piece 9 moved 20'07".

[BOB] Piece 17 moved 8'04".

[BOB] Piece 17 moved 4'01".

[Vicki] ok... I guess I'll just sit here...

[BOB] Piece 17 moved 1'10".

[Vicki] but the Pieces are moving while Bob's away

[BOB] Piece 17 moved 1'02".

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] was trying someting

[Vicki] hehe

[BOB] but not sure how it will work

[Vicki] are we done updating Klooge?

[BOB] I am sure there will be more updates later on

[BOB] he si working on a connectoin issue that some people are having I know

[Vicki] oh ok

[BOB] Piece 17 moved 3'04".

[BOB] Piece 17 moved 3'07".

[BOB] ok, done messing with that

[BOB] waiting for John for now

[Vicki] are we ready?

[BOB] I don't know

[Vicki] Kaz going to be in tonight?

[BOB] no clue

[Vicki] ok... So, what are we doing now?

[Vicki] I mean the characters

John (I think) has left the game on Fri Jul 11 19:11:44 EDT 2008

[BOB] it is morning

[BOB] when John gets back, or others join

[BOB] you can decide what to do

[mikE] we shal cry havok and loose the dogs of war!

[BOB] you do not know about the Elves yet

[BOB] until you can talk with christy's character

[Vicki] lol Mike

[BOB] as of now you could try to continue to wander through the forest looking for the tower or the elves

[BOB] but if you wait till more people show up

[BOB] then will be able to accomplish more

[mikE] yes, because sitting here waiting for people to show up has worked so well for us in the past

[BOB] we can relax for a bit

[BOB] roleplay

[BOB] rather than try to push through the forest

[Vicki] hmm... Picking up a tone of sarcasm... but, on a serious note, I don't recall sitting around much in the past

[Vicki] other than once, waiting for 3 hours for people to show

[mikE] i really see no point in going to the trouble of showing up only to sit and do nothing.

[Vicki] not many people do

[mikE] besides, the way this adventure is set up having a 7th level character is like having a demigod

[Vicki] I can't help that

[BOB] this is true

[Vicki] I just was told that Tori was going

[Vicki] I didn't question it

[Vicki] Although, if Bob wanted to, he could bring Tori down several levels

[BOB] nah

[Vicki] hey...

[BOB] ok, so in the morning and moving along

[BOB] the two of you are on a new map

[Vicki] morning and a green blob

Vicki is receiving the map Forest Three...

Vicki has received the map Forest Three.

mikE is receiving the map Forest Three...

mikE has received the map Forest Three.

[Vicki] ok... so a dark part of the forest

[BOB (to GM only)] Elven Archer #2 moved 3'01".

Fritz has joined the game on Fri Jul 11 19:22:38 EDT 2008

Fritz is receiving the map Forest Edge Two...

Fritz has received the map Forest Edge Two.

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Hi Fritz))

[Fritz] Hi vicki

[mikE] hey there tall, dark, and handsome

[Fritz] Hi mike

[BOB] hey there

[Fritz] How was your trip to your dad's mike?

[Fritz] Hiya bob

[mikE] eh. slow

[Tori (Vicki)] ((new map Fritz))

[BOB] and you are on the new map Fritz

[mikE] not much happened. though we did hit philly for some steaks

Fritz is receiving the map Forest Three...

Fritz has received the map Forest Three.

Fritz is now controlling Mentor

Fritz is now controlling Val'Iant Le Quella

Hansie has joined the game on Fri Jul 11 19:26:10 EDT 2008

Hansie is receiving the map Forest Edge Two...

Hansie has received the map Forest Edge Two.

[Vicki] Hi Hans

Hansie has left the game on Fri Jul 11 19:26:48 EDT 2008

Fritz has left the game on Fri Jul 11 19:26:59 EDT 2008

Fritz has left the game on Fri Jul 11 19:26:59 EDT 2008

Mr. Bill has joined the game on Fri Jul 11 19:27:05 EDT 2008

Mr. Bill is receiving the map Forest Edge Two...

Mr. Bill has received the map Forest Edge Two.

Vicki has left the game on Fri Jul 11 19:27:22 EDT 2008

[Mr. Bill] Hidey-Ho!

[BOB] hello

[mikE] oh no mr bill!

[Hansie] (sorry, couldn't 'hep' myself)

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Jul 11 19:28:18 EDT 2008

Vicki is receiving the map Forest Three...

Vicki has received the map Forest Three.

[Hansie] Are we having problems tonight?

Fritz has joined the game on Fri Jul 11 19:28:57 EDT 2008

[BOB] we were not

Fritz is receiving the map Forest Three...

Fritz has received the map Forest Three.

[BOB] just starting slow

[BOB] at least the players have not had issues

[BOB] I am sick and half my stuff for tonight seems broken

[BOB] but other than that I am fairly sure I am still alive

[Hansie (to BOB only)] I just noticed Fritz & Vickie gettin' knocked off and I got knocked off. Just wonderin'

[Hansie] I hope you feel better, DM...

[BOB] thanks

[BOB] how si the trip so far for you Hans?

[Fritz] Ok Mr Bill....I go to all the trouble of getting you some nice cool icons and you boot me as soon as you long on!!!!!! thanks alot

[Hansie] I'm in Atlanta, looking forward to going home tomorrow. Setting some stuff up for a law firm here.

[Hansie] ::waving (like Gumby)::

[Hansie] Hello?

[Vicki] ok... are we set now? we're not going to get disconnected again, are we?

[Hansie] Just checking... I have ????ms for Bob as far as connection speed...

[Hansie] The rest of you's look good.

[BOB] there are some new known connection issues

[BOB] so far we have not had them

[BOB] but other games have

[BOB] there should be an update soon in an attempt to fix that

[Hansie] (That's pronouned you's='use')

Fritz is now controlling Val'Iant Le Quella

[BOB] tha tis supposed to be Y'all

[Vicki] and spelled youse ;)

Fritz is now controlling Mentor

[BOB] you are in the south now Hans

[Hansie] Okay, cool. Vicki, that's better.

[Vicki] hehe

[Hansie] Right. Atlanta they say y'all and it's actually 3 syllables...

[BOB] grins

[Vicki] but Bob's right... you're in Georgia... and y'all is the proper term...

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mentor modified: character sheet imported.

[BOB] out of game will have to get the lawfirm name from you Hans

[BOB] know a few lawyers in Atlanta

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Hey I say "Y'all" I am a true southern boy!!!!

[mikE] so we walking through the forests?

[Hansie] I've multiple personalities, what can I say?

[BOB] we are walking

[BOB] we are walking

[Hansie] I'm with Mike.

[BOB] Bradwarden moved 21'04".

[Hansie] ::walking::

[Hansie] ::whistling::

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Val'Iant Le Quella modified: character sheet imported.

[BOB] Tori moved 8'10".

[BOB] Rold moved 5'01".

[Hansie] ::looking around, enjoyin' the sights::

[BOB] people can set them selves up as the wish

[BOB] with Brad in the lead

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] If I seem distant is because my mind is on my stomach

[BOB] then I will reveal the encounter

[Tori (Vicki)] ((empty stomach?))

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Put Rold back with Val Bob

Hansie is receiving the map Forest Three...

Hansie has received the map Forest Three.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Val'Iant Le Quella, Rold and Mentor moved 10'02".

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Mentor moved 7'09".

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Mentor moved 3'03".

[BOB] Chohen moved 18'11".

[Chohen (BOB)] so sir centaur

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Val'Iant Le Quella modified: Magical Abilities - Spells -

[Chohen (BOB)] why do you stay with these humans?

[Hansie] I am back at the keyboard.

Hansie has left the game on Fri Jul 11 19:37:02 EDT 2008

[Chohen (BOB)] and others?

[Chohen (BOB)] rather than living in teh forest with your own clan?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Bob why is rold so far forward?

[Chohen (BOB)] (you moved him there)

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] No I didn't you did...can you put him behind Val please...He is an NPC I can't move him

[BOB] Rold moved 16'03".

[mikE] "I do not stay with these humans. I stay with elves."

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Thank you

[Tori (Vicki)] ::walking along quietly, listening for any odd sounds::

[Chohen (BOB)] but you have all these humans with you?

[Chohen (BOB)] and other... things

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Yes. They seem to follow me around. I think they like my hindquarters."

[Tori (Vicki)] ::mutters to herself, "I am not a human" and sighs::

[Fritz] Mike you don't have to use " quotes" click on or off the speech buble and that takes you in and out of character

John (I think) has joined the game on Fri Jul 11 19:39:29 EDT 2008

John (I think) is receiving the map Forest Three...

John (I think) has received the map Forest Three.

[Tori (Vicki)] ((WB John))

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i'll keep it the way i've done it.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i don't feel like clicking buttons every other line.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] not to mention if you do anything and your icon gets deselected you have to reselect it for that to work.

[John (I think)] (sorry took longer than expected) (hi fritz)

[Bradwarden (mikE)] it was an... okay idea by curris, but not as effective as i think he wanted it to be

[Chohen (BOB)] Chohen looks at Brad

[Chohen (BOB)] so what are we supposed to do when we find teh elves?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "I will talk to them. Find out what the problem is and if Greenborough can aid them in any way."

[Chohen (BOB)] where is Greenborough?

[Chohen (BOB)] I ahve never heard of it

[Chohen (BOB)] is that far south?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "It is ::describe it's relative location here::"

[Chohen (BOB)] I have heard of a big desert there

[Chohen (BOB)] (west over the Great Mountains and just North of Wolfspack)

[Bradwarden (mikE)] yup. i said that.

Hansie has joined the game on Fri Jul 11 19:43:10 EDT 2008

Hansie is receiving the map Forest Three...

Hansie has received the map Forest Three.

[John (I think)] hello Hansie

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "I have never been to the south of here. Only the forests of home and here."

[Chohen (BOB)] but you have been in the Moutains

[Hansie (to Fritz only)] when you're done eating, can you update Taurus with one of your cool icons? Thanks-

[Hansie (to John (I think) only)] Hey, there, John! Good to see you here-

[Khan (John (I think))] (we are walking correct?)

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Only once to Roadhaven. That is where the ranger calls home."

[Chohen (BOB)] (yes walking)

[Chohen (BOB)] but then how did you get here to these lands? if you did not come over the mountains?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Khan lives in the plains further west of my forest."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Magic."

[Khan (John (I think))] (not really)

[Chohen (BOB)] there are legends of of tunnels deep under the roots of the Mountains

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "We work for powerful people."

[Chohen (BOB)] but how could a hole be big enough for you to travel in?

[Khan (John (I think))] (I avoid Gon and the locals)

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Ah, the drow tunnels. We have one that surfaces in our forest. Loathesome creatures."

[Khan (John (I think))] Please Chohen

[Chohen (BOB)] drow?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz) (to BOB only)] would you please add the icons for Hans I loaded last week?

[Khan (John (I think))] do not make us believe you do not know of such things

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Dark elves. Evil things. You've never heard of them?"

[Hansie] "Especially in this area?"

[Khan (John (I think))] (I think he was talking about surface tunnels)

[Hansie] (haven't we heard there are drow around here somewhere?)

[Khan (John (I think))] (not this local, but they do use the road)

[Tori (Vicki)] ((brb))

[Vicki] I am away from the keyboard.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "I suppose the dwarves might have tunneled under the mountains. Who knows where they get to under the rocks."

[Khan (John (I think))] (but ask BOB for the facts, he'll tell us to read the website)

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Well, I think it's better for you, Chohen, that you *haven't* seen drow. I've heard they are very dangerous."

[Chohen (BOB)] brb downloading and uploading icons

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Now you can't always trust what you hear, but I'd definitely rather be prepared for the worst."

[Chohen (BOB)] ok back and Hans is updated

[Hansie] I am away from the keyboard.

[Khan (John (I think))] but of course

[Chohen (BOB)] I have heard that there are dark skinned elves that shun the light and are cruel

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "That is them."

[Chohen (BOB)] (and drow do not use the road)

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] bob while we move through the woods my characters are going to forage for herbs

[Chohen (BOB)] but you live near them?

[Chohen (BOB)] (ok)

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] Elf madien#1 and Elf madien #2 moved 11'03".

[Tori (Vicki)] ::hangs back by Val'Iant and Mentor::

[Elf madien#1 (BOB)] fa la la la la la la la la

Elf madien #2 (BOB) whistles at a passing bird

[Elf madien#1 (BOB)] OH

[Elf madien#1 (BOB)] who are you!?!?!

[Elf madien#1 (BOB)] as they see Brad and Chohen appear

Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz) fades into the foliage with Mentor

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Good day, m'lady. I am Bradwarden. Captain of the guard of the elven city of Greenborough."

[Elf madien#1 (BOB)] where is Greenborough?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::does a horse bow::

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "It is over the mountains and through the woods. To the west."

[Elf madien#1 (BOB)] are you lost?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Not anymore. I have been searching for you."

[Elf madien#1 (BOB)] (notice all the people are talking to Brad with one or two sylable words)

[Khan (John (I think))] (sounds like a pick up line)

[Elf madien#1 (BOB)] she blushes

[Elf madien#1 (BOB)] looking for me?

[Elf madien#1 (BOB)] why would you look for me?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Well, not you specifically. But the elves of this wood."

[Khan (John (I think))] ::stops so as not to stand out::

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "We have heard that there is trouble with orcs in these woods."

[Tori (Vicki)] ((lol, it does sound like a pick up line))

[Tori (Vicki)] ::runs into Khan::

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "And the master of the city, Finglas ordered me to find the elves here and see if they needed aid."

[Elf madien #2 (BOB)] you silly girl Silteen, you think he is looking for you

[Elf madien #2 (BOB)] why would he want you of all the girls in teh woods

[Khan (John (I think))] ::glares over shoulder::

[Tori (Vicki)] ::angrily whispering to Khan, "A warning when you're going to stop like that would be nice"::

[Bradwarden (mikE)] Bradwarden moved 18'02".

Elf madien #2 (BOB) bows to Brad

[Elf madien #2 (BOB)] and who are your friends with you noble centaur?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Mentor: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

Hansie has left the game on Fri Jul 11 19:58:19 EDT 2008

Hansie has left the game on Fri Jul 11 19:58:19 EDT 2008

[Elf madien #2 (BOB)] and why do you let an Orc travel with you?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "This motley collection are all members to one extent or another of the group the DragonSlayers."

[Elf madien #2 (BOB)] EEEEEEKKKKKK

[BOB] Elf madien #2 moved 21'04".

[BOB] Silteen moved 14'02".

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "I was out voted with crushing it's head beneath my hooves."

[Khan (John (I think))] (dude?!)

[BOB] shrieking and running into the woods

[Khan (John (I think))] (it has been too long sence you played)

[BOB] disapear into the brush

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] hmmmm I believe the "Dragonslayers" are really liked here

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "It would seem so. At least that rumor is true."

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] about as much as the plague

[Tori (Vicki)] Um... Let Khan do the talking next time

[Chohen (BOB)] why did they do that?

[Khan (John (I think))] I thought we all agreed

[Khan (John (I think))] we are the Wood Warriors

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "I bet if we walk in the direction they flew we will find more elves. Probably with bows."

[Khan (John (I think))] we are not the Dragonslayers

[Khan (John (I think))] Ya think

[Chohen (BOB)] I thought you were the Dragonslayers?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Come. Let's go and clear up this situation."

[Chohen (BOB)] why would they care about that?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Well either they are afraid of the Dragonslayers, or they are afraid of getting caught by the dragonslayers

[Khan (John (I think))] If you do not know, then you are not well informed

[Chohen (BOB)] you told me you were teh Dragonslayers

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "I'd be afraid of us, too. I'm just so fearsome."

[Khan (John (I think))] and your help in the woods has been less then helpfull

[Chohen (BOB)] but I am not afraid

[Khan (John (I think))] so why are you with us again

[Chohen (BOB)] I did not think I would be helping in teh woods

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "He makes for good, if uninformed, company."

[Chohen (BOB)] I have spent most of my times in the grasslands

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Uhmmm rather than talking wouldn't it be wise to race after these women and find out what is going on?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Come. Let's chase the nice one who fled north."

[Khan (John (I think))] go ahead

[BOB] ok

[BOB] anyone have tracking

[Khan (John (I think))] I'll bring up the rear

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Well, if you wish to stay here, then I'll go ahead."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] gretchen does....

[Tori (Vicki)] ::mutters "Apparently they were talking about Rold"

[Khan (John (I think))] no one wants to see me

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i can in a minute.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] let me go add it

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so you cast agbout in the bushes

[BOB] make a roll just in case

[BOB] a D20

[Tori (Vicki)] Khan, don't you have Paul's ring?

[Fritz] Did you remove your ring John?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] (d20) [1d20=8] 8

[BOB] nope

[Bradwarden (mikE)] did i get it?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] well, i'm more following a general direction.

[Khan (John (I think))] Khan: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[BOB] Bradwarden moved 15'02".

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i bet we'll be found by more elves.

Fritz is receiving the map Forest Two...

Fritz has received the map Forest Two.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] unless the bob elves are uber lame

mikE is receiving the map Forest Two...

mikE has received the map Forest Two.

Vicki is receiving the map Forest Two...

Vicki has received the map Forest Two.

[Khan (John (I think))] (I still look like a tall ugly human as far as I know)

[BOB] ok, so set your selves up in how you are fanning out to search for them

[BOB] space your selves out so I know who gets what

[Bradwarden (mikE)] Bradwarden moved 8'03".

[Khan (John (I think))] (was going to et Brad talk to the elves until that blunder)

[Bradwarden (mikE)] well, i asked you for the cliffs notes on what i missed

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Mentor moved 12'06".

[BOB] Rold moved 15'02".

[Bradwarden (mikE)] you gave me the information that khan got eaten.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Val'Iant Le Quella, Rold and Mentor moved 21'03".

Vicki has left the game on Fri Jul 11 20:05:24 EDT 2008

[Khan (John (I think))] (i am just keeping Brad in site, following straight)

[Bradwarden (mikE)] not that we're undercover borthers

[Khan (John (I think))] (they will find us)

[Khan (John (I think))] Hey Brad

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] My group is 20 feet to the left of Brad

[Khan (John (I think))] I do not want to chase them

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Yes Khan?"

[Khan (John (I think))] it will only make matters worse

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Probably not, but I'd rather walk than sit around."

[BOB] Chohen moved 10'00".

[BOB] brb restroom

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "And we're not particularly chasing. Just strolling through the woods."

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[Khan (John (I think))] as long as eveyone know we are not running

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "If you like I'll even sing us a jaunty tune."

[Khan (John (I think))] You were so chaming Brad

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Well, I try."

[Khan (John (I think))] Please , that would help

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Mentor: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

[Bradwarden (mikE)] cheep cheep cheep

[Bradwarden (mikE)] well, at least you're still here john

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Jul 11 20:09:09 EDT 2008

Vicki is receiving the map Forest Two...

Vicki has received the map Forest Two.

[Khan (John (I think))] follower of yours?

[BOB] Glabius and Taurus moved 19'10".

[BOB] is htat where you want Khan john?

[BOB] and is that where you want Tori Vicki?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "I'll tell you a story that happened to me One day as I went down to Cork by the sea The sun it was hot and the day it was warm, Says I a quiet pint wouldn't do me no harm."

John (I think) is receiving the map Forest Two...

John (I think) has received the map Forest Two.

Hansie has joined the game on Fri Jul 11 20:10:41 EDT 2008

Hansie is receiving the map Forest Two...

Hansie has received the map Forest Two.

[Khan (John (I think))] as long as we are moving

[BOB] you are all moving generally north following that one elf madian

[BOB] madien

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Went in and I called for a bottle of stout. Says the barman, I'm sorry, all the beer is sold out. Try whiskey or paddy, ten years in the wood. Says I, I'll try cider, I've heard it was good."

[Khan (John (I think))] where is Tori

[Khan (John (I think))] I would like her close, to my right

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Oh never, Oh never, Oh never again! If I live to be a hundred or a hundred and ten. I fell to the ground and I couldn't get up, after drinking a quart of the Johnny Jump Up."

[Chohen (BOB)] Oh never, Oh never, Oh never again If I live to be a hundred or a hundred and ten I fell to the ground and I couldn't get up After drinking a quart of the Johnny Jump Up Ahhh...

[Khan (John (I think))] ::shakes head::

Chohen (BOB) laughs

[Vicki] Tori moved 31'10".

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "After downing the third I went out to the yard where I bumped into Brody, the big civic guard. Come here to me boy, don't you know I'm the law? Well, I up with me fist and I shattered his jaw."

[Khan (John (I think))] and they are not even drunk yet

[Chohen (BOB)] I went down the lee road, a friend for to see They call it the madhouse in Cork by the Sea Well when I got there, sure the truth I will tell, They had this poor bugger locked up in a cell

Chohen (BOB) ooops

[Chohen (BOB)] sorry wrong verse

[Hansie (to Fritz only)] Thanks. It looks great!

[Chohen (BOB)] where did you learn that Brad

[Khan (John (I think))] (did you work this out ahead?)

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz) (to Hansie only)] welcome...anytime

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "A song one of the humans in town sing when he gets drunk."

[Chohen (BOB)] they sing that down on the docks in Port Ghast

[Khan (John (I think))] that is intresting information

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Aye. He was a sailor and decided to try a life on land. Ended up in Greenborough for a spell."

[Chohen (BOB)] (the magic of search engines)

Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz) shakes head at the obviously drunk horse and human

[Khan (John (I think))] more reason to think you are not from arround here

[Chohen (BOB)] (and Port Ghast in on the map)

[Chohen (BOB)] the site

[Vicki] ok... I believe if we're all facing North, that Tori is to the Right of Khan

[Vicki] btw bob... it's maiden (for future reference)

[Taurus (Hansie) (to BOB only)] Yeah, a *lot* of my job is courtesy of search engines. I'm more of a "Google Engineer" than anything else...

[Khan (John (I think))] (if we are walking "up" you are to the right)

[BOB] Chohen's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 13 (-1) - Lightly Wounded

[BOB] and Chohen trips over a snare and is HAULED up into the air

[BOB] hung by an ankle

[BOB] in a tree

[Tori (Vicki)] ::walks quietly alongside Khan::

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::looks up:: "I think we found them."

[Chohen (BOB)] YELP

[Chohen (BOB)] hey

[Bradwarden (mikE)] how high is he?

[Chohen (BOB)] HYE

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Everyone to the ready!!!!!!"

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "See anything from up there lad?"

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Everyone keep your weapons away!"

[Chohen (BOB)] (about 5 foot from the ground to his head, hanging upside down)

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "We're not here to fight them."

[Chohen (BOB)] um

[Khan (John (I think))] ::puts hand up in non threatening mode::

[Chohen (BOB)] **bouncing lightly**

[Chohen (BOB)] I can't see a lot right now

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::unsheathes his sword and cuts Chohen down, then sheathes it again."

[Khan (John (I think))] "No one pull a weapond"

[Chohen (BOB)] **THUDS**

[Taurus (Hansie)] ::sheathes swords, a little confused::

[BOB] Chohen's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 12 (-1) - Lightly Wounded

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::pulls him up by his collar and roughly dusts his back off.::

[Khan (John (I think))] We want to talk to the elves

Chohen (BOB) rubbing his head

[Chohen (BOB)] blinks

[Khan (John (I think))] if it is anything else, you'll have time to draw your sword

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "There ya are, lad. It's a bit of a bump, but you'll be all right."

[Chohen (BOB)] Oh never, Oh never, Oh never again If I live to be a hundred or a hundred and ten I fell to the ground and I couldn't get up After drinking a quart of the Johnny Jump Up Ahhh...

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "HAIL ELVES! WE ARE HERE TO TALK!"

[Chohen (BOB)] blinks

[Chohen (BOB)] shakes his head

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Maybe that bump did more to your head than I thought. Hah!"

[Taurus (Hansie)] ::trying to appear relaxed::

[Khan (John (I think))] ::continues to walk::

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::waits for any response form any elves::

[Taurus (Hansie)] ::looking around for more traps::


[Tori (Vicki)] ::on her guard::

[Khan (John (I think))] ::pauses::

[Khan (John (I think))] whispers, try again Brad

[Tori (Vicki)] ::bumps into Khan's right shoulder::

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "I am Bradwarden! Captain of the city guard of the elven city of Greenborough! I have been sent here by the high priest of Corelon Finglas to aid you."


[Tori (Vicki)] ::whispers:: "Must you stop so suddenly?"

Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz) in elvish...(&(&&^%^#$%@%#$^%$@%$&^&&*_)(HUYFTREY^*&$^@@%^)&)OIJIUGF$W#)*_IKOIHE%#

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Because I need someone uglier than I to make me look pretty!"

[Khan (John (I think))] I am tall enough, you should be able to see me

Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz) in common...we aren't here to hurt anyone. We are here just to speek to the elves in these woods. Please show yourselves so that we may talk as friends and not as enemies

[Tori (Vicki)] "Not when I'm looking around and walking"


[Khan (John (I think))] ::snickers outloud::

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "And we're not sure what you need aid with. It si why I was sent here."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] testing

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Mentor: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

[Elven Archer (BOB)] we will not show ourselves

[Elven Archer (BOB)] until we know you are truly friends

[Tori (Vicki)] "WE?"

[Tori (Vicki)] how many is we?

[Khan (John (I think))] sh Tori

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Well, I have to do the best I can."

Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz) in elvish...*&()*)&^*(&^RUIHKIUT&^%ER^%E$E#W#GY*LHP(*&U)*E^%DUYR*$E*

[Tori (Vicki)] ::shushes up::

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "What can we do to show you our good will?"

[Bradwarden (mikE)] dood, that elvish comes out as random symbols

[Bradwarden (mikE)] not sure if it's supposed to say something.

[Khan (John (I think))] (i bet he is IM BOB)

Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz) in common... How can we prove our friendship or non aggressiveness. This is your land you dictate to us how we can show peace

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Tori doesn't understand Elvish))

[Bradwarden (mikE)] well, fyi, brad does speak elven

[Bradwarden (mikE)] gotta to work for an elf.

[Fritz] That is why I use both common and is a role playing ploy

[Elven Archer (BOB)] calls back, you could bring us the white stag unharmed

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ah. wasn't sure if it was some weird thing that wasn't getting translated propperly.

[Elven Archer (BOB)] if you have a year and a day for the hunt

[Khan (John (I think))] I doubt it

[Khan (John (I think))] not our style

[Khan (John (I think))] no offence

[Fritz] Bob are they speaking in elvish or common

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "We don't have that much time at the moment. You see, we're having a bit of a mystery that we need to solve."

[Elven Archer (BOB)] common

[Elven Archer (BOB)] what mysteries do you seek?

[Fritz] Do they sound elvish or do they just understand what I am saying?

[Elven Archer (BOB)] they sound elvish

[Khan (John (I think))] (does an obversation confirm they have elvish accents?)

[Elven Archer (BOB)] he does at least

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Who are the ones that are raiding out of this forest, why are there reports of orcs in an elven wood, and who are the ones using the DragonSlayer crest."

[Elven Archer (BOB)] but seems to be using common to respond

[Elven Archer (BOB)] you bring orcs into our woods

[Khan (John (I think))] (sure, cut to the chase)

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "We found orcs in your woods."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Killed most of them, took one prisoner."

[Elven Archer (BOB)] quiet silence

[Elven Archer (BOB)] no birds, no sounds

[Tori (Vicki)] ::whispers to Khan:: "Pretend I'm your hostage"

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Though as of yet, he's said nothing useful. Not that that's surprising."

Fritz in elvish.... He speeks the truth brother

[Khan (John (I think))] most of one small group

[Elven Archer (BOB)] after a few moments, when the sun is at the highest point, follow the bird and we shal meet

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Oh, I forgot to mention that we were also moving toward the wizard tower to make sure he is not involved in the trouble here."

[BOB] Time of Day: 10:00 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 9th, 1259.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "As you say." ::bows::

[Tori (Vicki)] ((the sun is at highest point at 10 am?))

[Khan (John (I think))] Thank you

[Fritz] ((NO at noon))

[Khan (John (I think))] no, we get the bird at noon

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Well, let's have a lunch then. No reason to go to meet hungry."

[Khan (John (I think))] agreed

[BOB] Bradwarden moved 14'04".

[Khan (John (I think))] can we look for a little clearing

[BOB] Bradwarden moved 72'02".

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::whistles his tune as he unpacks provisions for his lunch, also grabbing tasty leaves from the surrounding bushes::

mikE is receiving the map Forest Tower...

mikE has received the map Forest Tower.

[Khan (John (I think))] "click"

Fritz is receiving the map Forest Tower...

Fritz has received the map Forest Tower.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "So, what do you think, Khan?"

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Think we can have an agreeable meeting with these elves?"

Vicki is receiving the map Forest Tower...

Vicki has received the map Forest Tower.

[Khan (John (I think))] second time's the charm

[Khan (John (I think))] they seem to trust you, as I hoped

[Khan (John (I think))] we are an odd lot

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "The centaur and elves have had little disagreement."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Mayhaps you should have adopted the guise of one."

[Khan (John (I think))] maybe I should mention, I used to be an elf

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Oh, did you? Then why didn't you make yourself look like one?"

[Khan (John (I think))] still tall and ugly, think I can pass for an elf?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] What kind of elf were you Khan?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] isn't he in an illusion to make him look human?

[BOB (to GM only)] Elven Archer #14 moved 117'07".

[BOB (to GM only)] Elven Archer #13 moved 95'04".

[BOB (to GM only)] Elven Archer #12 moved 74'11".

[Khan (John (I think))] (yes)

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Khan (John (I think))] (but I am still really tall, no way an elf is that tall)

[Hansie] I am away from the keyboard.

[Khan (John (I think))] Val, wood, but it was long ago

[BOB (to GM only)] New Encounter moved 67'09".

John (I think) is receiving the map Forest Tower...

John (I think) has received the map Forest Tower.

[BOB] Time of Day: 11:59 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 9th, 1259.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "The wood elves are a good lot."

[BOB] Time of Day: 12:00 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 9th, 1259.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "They get us better'n most."

[BOB] Elven Archer #4 moved 21'00".

[Elven Archer #4 (BOB)] Welcome

[BOB] Elven Archer #4 targets Elven Ranger #6. Distance: 6'02"

[Khan (John (I think))] ::nods::

[BOB] Elven Archer #4 no longer targets Elven Ranger #6. Distance: 6'02"

[BOB] Elven Ranger #6 moved 2'10".

[BOB] Elven Ranger #6 targets Rold. Distance: 0'01"

Hansie is receiving the map Forest Tower...

Hansie has received the map Forest Tower.

[Khan (John (I think))] if you must

[Elven Ranger #6 (BOB)] Welcome to our woods

[Tori (Vicki)] ((all I see is green with a black circle

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Thank you."

[Tori (Vicki)] ))

[Khan (John (I think))] but he is not a real threat

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Val'Iant Le Quella, Mentor and Rold moved 13'00".

[BOB] Elven Ranger #6 moved 13'06".

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Mentor moved 14'00".

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Val'Iant Le Quella, Mentor and Rold moved 3'10".

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Hansie] I am back at the keyboard.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Back move Rold closer please

[BOB] Elven Ranger #6 moved 8'04".

[BOB] Rold moved 10'10".

[BOB] Elven Ranger #6 moved 10'02".

[Khan (John (I think))] (we are just talking right)

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Mentor: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz) (to BOB only)] I am looking to see if Ican see who is the real it tihe one talking or someone else letting someone talk for him

[Khan (John (I think))] is tori on the new map?

[Elven Ranger #6 (BOB)] (so the elves appear around you as you are resting, one with a short sword pointed at Rold)

[Khan (John (I think))] found her

[Elven Ranger #6 (BOB)] now

[Tori (Vicki)] ((all I see is green with black circle))

[Khan (John (I think))] off with Cohen again

[Khan (John (I think))] zoom out

Lorie :O) has joined the game on Fri Jul 11 20:39:16 EDT 2008

Lorie :O) is receiving the map Forest Tower...

Lorie :O) has received the map Forest Tower.

[Khan (John (I think))] if you must

[Khan (John (I think))] Hey Lori

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Hi lorie))

[Elven Ranger #6 (BOB)] and Gretchen is on the map now

[Khan (John (I think))] (to Elf)

[Tori (Vicki)] ((didn't see anything in the corner either))

[Taurus (Hansie)] "I'm not that easy to kill, elf"

[Taurus (Hansie)] ::to the elf right beside him::

[Lorie :O)] Howdy all

[Bradwarden (mikE)] hey lor

[Lorie :O)] I see home plate BOB

[Elven Archer #8 (BOB)] but which of us will get you first?

[Lorie :O)] Should I see more?

[Taurus (Hansie)] Yeay! Lorie's here. Christy'll be with us shortly-

[Elven Archer #8 (BOB)] the group is in the lower right corner of the map

[Lorie :O)] :: waves at Hans :: Howdy!

[Elven Archer #8 (BOB)] in the large clearing

[Lorie :O)] Yeah...that was a big green circle = HOME PLATE

[Lorie :O)] (since the rest of the map looks like a field )

[Elven Archer #6 (BOB)] ahhhhh

[Elven Archer #6 (BOB)] gotcha

[Elven Archer #6 (BOB)] so

[Elven Archer #6 (BOB)] looking at the group

[Khan (John (I think))] ::points to Brad::

[Elven Archer #6 (BOB)] why are you in our woods?

[Elven Archer #6 (BOB)] and why should I not kill the Orc?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Because we heard there was trouble here and I don't really have a good reason."

[Khan (John (I think))] you can if you feel the need, but I would sugest you hear him out first

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::looks around at the other party members for a reason not to kill the orc::

[Elven Archer #6 (BOB)] what could he possibly say

[Taurus (Hansie)] "It will save your lives to listen to us."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "We've almost taught him to count to five."

[Khan (John (I think))] information you may not know

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "That's something to hear."

Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz) looks at the elf...The reason you shouldn't kill the orc is because he is my slave...If you wish to offend me, a kinsman, then do so...but realize you will owe me blood debt.

[Khan (John (I think))] point of view you may not of thought of

[Elven Archer #6 (BOB)] *disgusted tone* you keep slaves? are you kin to the Drow?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "So good elf, tell me, what truth is there to the reports we hear out west?"

[Elven Archer #6 (BOB)] what reports have you heard?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Orcs in the wood, raids on the humans, and the DragonSlayers at the center of it all?"

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] He is my prisoner, my "slave" escort through the woods to help ensure the safety of my companions. His task is to ensure our safety from his kind.

[Elven Archer #6 (BOB)] we had heard that the Dragonslayers had entered the woods

[Elven Archer #6 (BOB)] and we have information that they would desire

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "What information is that?"

[Elven Archer #6 (BOB)] in exchange for a a deed done in kind

[Taurus (Hansie)] "That we can do."

[Elven Archer #6 (BOB)] I can tell you all you seek about what the Dragonslayers have done in these woods

[Taurus (Hansie)] "And what do you want of us?"

Christy has joined the game on Fri Jul 11 20:47:38 EDT 2008

Christy is receiving the map Forest Tower...

Christy has received the map Forest Tower.

[Khan (John (I think))] we really want to know who has been claiming to be the DS

[Elven Archer #6 (BOB)] if you will risk your self for this information

[Khan (John (I think))] We already know what the DS have done"

[Lorie :O)] Evening Christy!

[Elven Archer #6 (BOB)] smiles, do you?

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Hi Christy

[Elven Archer #6 (BOB)] I can tell you a tale that will free you from the cobwebs of your perceptoins

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Oh, we know what they have done."

[Taurus (Hansie)] "We are risking ourselves, right now, aren't we? But let us know how we can help and we would gladly oblige, especially if we get the information we seek."

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] OH my God!!!!!! I just heard a white man from Nashville Tn, say the only black man he ever saw that discussed change had a cup in his hand!!!!!

[Christy] hello!

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "What we don't know is those who claim to be them here have done."

[Khan (John (I think))] just because they pretend to be DS, does not mean they are

[Elven Archer #6 (BOB)] blinks at Fritz

[Christy] gonna catch up-brb

[Lorie :O)] Please tell me you did not

[Khan (John (I think))] (OUCH)

[Taurus (Hansie)] what are you watching that you would hear that, Fritz?

[BOB] Elven Ranger #6 moved 6'08".

[Lorie :O)] Because after the article on Fark this week about the guy who resigned rather than post the flag at half staff and the ensuing responses was enough to make me hurl

[BOB] Elven Ranger #4 moved 10'00".

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Now I'm very confused))

[Lorie :O)] What's confusing Vicki?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] CNN news

[Lorie :O)] That's hideous and sensationalistic journalism ... ICKY ICKY ICKY

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] A white woman said that she wouldn't vote for Obama because he is a muslim...

[Lorie :O)] There's an informed opinion

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i prefer the daily show for my news.

[Lorie :O)] I hope she just doesn't vote at all

[Bradwarden (mikE)] when news breaks, they fix it

[Lorie :O)] I like FARK best I think Mike

[Tori (Vicki)] ((I prefer not to watch the news))

[Lorie :O)] I get all the news I need to know

[Lorie :O)] Plus Photoshop contests

[Bradwarden (mikE)] lol

[Khan (John (I think))] (you will find those people if you look)

[Bradwarden (mikE)] and quote contests

[Khan (John (I think))] SO what is your request dear Elf?

[Lorie :O)] Kill the Orc?

[Trueoak (BOB)] My name is Trueoak

[Bradwarden (mikE)] have the horse do a kegstand?

[Lorie :O)] "I'm not an Orc"

[Trueoak (BOB)] I will help you as I can and you wish

[Trueoak (BOB)] the rest of my people will watch from afar

[Bradwarden (mikE)] beat them in a game of tiddly winks?

[Trueoak (BOB)] we want you to wake the wizard in his tower

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "What kind of contest are we doing? I've heard that tossing the log is fun."

[Khan (John (I think))] Can I guess you want us to go to the tower?

[Khan (John (I think))] (not fast enough)

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Does he heave stairs? I don't like stairs."

[Taurus (Hansie)] "I think we were going to do that anyway, Trueoak. Nonetheless, we will do as you wish."

[Khan (John (I think))] See Trueoak, it is funny

[Trueoak (BOB)] the entrance is behind several tricks

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "It's not so bad going up, but going down is hard."

[Trueoak (BOB)] there are many stairs in side I believe

[Tori (Vicki)] So go backwards, Brad

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "How about we throw rocks in his window until he wakes up?"

[Khan (John (I think))] Tori I feel it is further into the forest

[Khan (John (I think))] I doubt we past it

[Trueoak (BOB)] the Mage Wright has not come out of his tower in several days

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Wait....I ask you why we need to wake this wizard?

[Khan (John (I think))] ::to elf:: lead on

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Is this a good wizard?"

[Trueoak (BOB)] and he has several of our family members inside

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Trueoak, I don't understand. What kind of 'tricks' are you talking about? Is he your ally or enemy?"

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "We meet so few of them."

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Before we agree to anything lets find out the why first

[Tori (Vicki)] ::wonders "if Brad can't go down stairs, how does he go down a mountain?"::

[Trueoak (BOB)] he has always been on friendly terms with the elves

[Trueoak (BOB)] and those of the forest

[Trueoak (BOB)] he keeps flame away

[Khan (John (I think))] the why is so we get the information we need

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "What of the raids? Is he involved in them?"

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz) (to BOB only)] how do I get the box off my words?

[Trueoak (BOB) (to Fritz only)] edit prefences adn plain text

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Well that is good to hear. I hope he is well and that his absence isn't something more sinister."

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Keeps the flame away? what do you meen by that?

[Trueoak (BOB)] our patrols know he is in side, or he at least did not leave through the forest

[Trueoak (BOB)] but our people have not come out either

[Taurus (Hansie)] ::he's a conservationist, obviously. we're probably going to be talking to Mr. Audobon himself.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Well, I suppose we were going to see the wizard anyway. Let's go on and see what he has to say."

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Keeps the flame away? what do you meen by that?

[BOB] Giant Raven #1 moved 244'05".

[Taurus (Hansie)] ::John James Audubon::

[Trueoak (BOB)] he is not a mage of fire

[Trueoak (BOB)] and has not brought flame to the woods

[Trueoak (BOB)] like so many othes of his kind

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] So how does he "keep them away"?

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Okay, so he's not an evoker. He's probably an enchanter of some sort."

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] ((Or a conjurer or illusionist))

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Or a necromancer."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "They are dirty wizards, to be sure."

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] ((Naaaa too easy))

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] ((Besides Kit isn't here))

[Taurus (Hansie)] "I don't think so, but smarts aren't really my department, anyway."

[Trueoak (BOB)] I will lead you to the tower when you are ready

[Khan (John (I think))] (that sounds like an jab)

[Khan (John (I think))] I am ready

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] ((Hehehee isn't Kit hunting zombies?))

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Let's be off!"

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Please lead on, Trueoak."

[Khan (John (I think))] (glad to see you keep up on things)

[BOB] Mentor, Ariella, Trueoak, Val'Iant Le Quella, Chohen, Tori, Bradwarden, Khan, Rold, Gretchen, Taurus and Glabius moved 242'11".

[Taurus (Hansie)] ::is he going with us?::

[BOB] Lira moved 2'06".

[Trueoak (BOB)] Lira is on the Map of the front of the tower

[Lorie :O)] ((Ummm.. please tell me that the baddies ruining our name aren't undead Dragonslayers...I would hate to have to kill them again ))

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "What is with that giant raven, Oak?"

John (I think) is receiving the map Tower Front View...

John (I think) has received the map Tower Front View.

[Christy] okay, i tell you, actching up on the chat is almost painful. glad to see i didn't miss too much! :)

Fritz is receiving the map Tower Front View...

Fritz has received the map Tower Front View.

[Khan (John (I think))] kind of stands out huh

[BOB] Giant Raven #1 moved 47'03".

[Bradwarden (mikE)] is it really killing them again? or just making them keep still?

[BOB] Ariella, Trueoak, Val'Iant Le Quella, Mentor, Chohen, Tori, Bradwarden, Khan, Rold, Gretchen, Taurus and Glabius moved 59'04".

[Trueoak (BOB)] THe Mage Wright's tower

[Trueoak (BOB)] the Raven is his bird

John (I think) is receiving the map Forest Tower...

John (I think) has received the map Forest Tower.

[John (I think)] I am back at the keyboard.

[Christy (to BOB only)] do i recognize anyone from last night?

[Khan (John (I think))] (we saw the raven earlier)

[Trueoak (BOB) (to Christy only)] no

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Yes the bird flew by

[Tori (Vicki)] ((we did?))

[Khan (John (I think))] Anyone want to try and talk to it?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] It flew away

[Taurus (Hansie) (to BOB only)] what's up with the scale? We all got really really tiny compared tothe background.

[Khan (John (I think))] I bet it is close

[Trueoak (BOB)] the scale on the forest tower map is now coorect

[Christy] here birdy, birdy...

[Bradwarden (mikE)] the trick isn't talking to it as much as getting it to talk back

[Trueoak (BOB)] that is the size of the tower compared to you

[Trueoak (BOB)] the front view of the tower is not to scale

[Trueoak (BOB)] close but not quite

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Lets all stand on Lira's shoulders and climb up

[Khan (John (I think))] I got to get me one of these

[Tori (Vicki)] Not sure if Lira could hold us

[Trueoak (BOB)] we have not been able to enter the tower

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Be careful. Trueoak said the entrance was behind some 'tricks'. I don't know exactly what that is, but it doesn't sound good."

[Tori (Vicki)] ((brb))

[Taurus (Hansie)] "For us, that is. It doesn't sound good for uninvited guests, which we technically are."

[Vicki] I am away from the keyboard.

[Khan (John (I think))] How do you normaly make contact?

Fritz is receiving the map Forest Tower...

Fritz has received the map Forest Tower.

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] to enter you much answer the riddles of the raven

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Mentor moved 26'06".

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Val'Iant Le Quella, Rold and Mentor moved 28'01".

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Mentor moved 23'04".

[Khan (John (I think))] Then ask away

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] the first of three

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] At night they come without being fetched, And by day they are lost without being stolen.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Stars."

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] CAW

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] very well done

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Wow he has real "Horse sense"!!!

[Khan (John (I think))] maybe we could talk first, just to be sure we agree

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Or maybe wenches, but I'd go with stars."

[Khan (John (I think))] Moons?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Let's pick a spokesman for the group please

[Khan (John (I think))] and you can see one star durring the day

[Khan (John (I think))] but I digress

[Taurus (Hansie)] "I think we already got our response from the raven"

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Ach, the sun doesn't count."

[Khan (John (I think))] says who?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Says me."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Everyone knows when you talk about the stars, you don't mean the sun."

[Khan (John (I think))] I giess Brad is the speaker

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] ((Heavy sigh))

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "The stars are the little bitty guys at night."

[Taurus (Hansie)] "What is the next question? The Dragonslayers are up to the task."

[Khan (John (I think))] (moving on)

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] We aren't Dragonslayers

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "I thought we weren't the Dragonslayers."

[Taurus (Hansie)] ::??????::

[Khan (John (I think))] Wood Warriors

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] choking to death here

[Lorie :O)] We're the Fluffie Bunnies of Doom to all the evil types

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Bradwarden explain to this human why we aren't Dragonslayers please

[Khan (John (I think))] the raven?

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Next question, Raven!"

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] FBDET

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "The elves ran in fear at the name."

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] !!!!FBODATET

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] FBODATET!!!!!

[Khan (John (I think))] (no clue Fritz, is that in character?)

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Half yes and half no....Playing with Lorie

[BOB] Time of Day: 01:00 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 9th, 1259.

[BOB] Time of Day: 02:00 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 9th, 1259.

[BOB] Time of Day: 03:00 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 9th, 1259.

[BOB] Time of Day: 04:00 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 9th, 1259.

[Taurus (Hansie)] I think Bob was hoping we'd take longer to answer the riddles, but he didn't know we've got a ringer with us...

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] you shall only have until nightfall to answer these next two

[Bradwarden (mikE)] well, that first one was easy. i'm not usually any good at riddles

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] Led blind-folded into a room, the [three wisest sages in the land] were seated around a table as the king described the test for them. "Upon each of your heads I have placed a hat. Now you are either wearing a blue hat or a white hat. All I will tell you is this- at least one of you is wearing a blue hat. There may be only one blue hat and two white hats, there may be two blue hats and one white hat, or there may be three blue hats. But you may be certain that there are not three white hats." "I will shortly remove your blind folds, and the test will begin. The first to correctly announce the color of his hat shall be my advisor. Be warned however, he who guesses wrongly shall be beheaded. If not one of you answers within the hour, you will be sent home and I will seek elsewhere for wisdom." With that, the king uncovered the sages' eyes and sat in the corner and waited. One sage looked around and saw that his competitors each were wearing blue hats. [...] For what seemed like hours no one spoke. Finally he stood up and said, "The color of the hat I am wearing is..."

[Lorie :O)] Well they can't fear why not FLUFFIE BUNNIES OF DOOM

[Bradwarden (mikE)] and he never did institute a one answer rule

[Bradwarden (mikE)] we can just shout until we get it right. anyone got a dictionary handy?

[BOB] Time of Day: 04:15 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 9th, 1259.

[Ariella (Christy)] i hate riddles

[BOB] Time of Day: 04:30 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 9th, 1259.

[BOB] Time of Day: 04:45 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 9th, 1259.

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "The king never said they couldn't take their hats off to look. He should have done that."

[Khan (John (I think))] are you going to keep clicking 15 min every 3 sec?

[Tori (Vicki)] ((I am back))

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Humans, always making things so hard on themselves."

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] (no, just heighting the tension)

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] talk amongst your selves to figure it out

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "I bet it was blue. Give everyone a blue hat and they'll think they got a white one on."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Or maybe there was a mirror and he saw his reflection."

[Tori (Vicki)] There are already two blue hats, the last one is either blue or white

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "I bet they don't even make white hats in that kingdom and the king was just having a laugh at them."

[Ariella (Christy)] why didn't they just ask each other what color their hats were? the guy didn't say they couldn't ask

[Tori (Vicki)] Personally, I don't think there was a white hat.

[Ariella (Christy)] or say, hey dude, your hat is blue. what color is mine?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] hang on, let me go find the book with the least amount of dust on the shelves and find the riddle

[Khan (John (I think))] if he were really smart he would say white or blue

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] simple one word answer

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Red."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "It's gotta be red."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Really throw him for a loop."

[Tori (Vicki)] or neither, as a it is possible there isn't a hat on his head.

[Ariella (Christy)] do we have to guess his guess or how he knew?

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] (any real answers to give?

[Taurus (Hansie)] Hmmm...

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] you can guess, or you can give the logic in how you know

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] ((we have what seems like hours....give some of us a chance to figure it out))

[Bradwarden (mikE)] we can guess?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] then one of us should guess blue, and then if that's wrong we can guess white

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] you have time

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] but if you guess and get it wrong

[Bradwarden (mikE)] he never said we can only have one answer.

[Taurus (Hansie)] I don't think that'll work...

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] the raven will not open the door

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] and you will not be able to get in

[Bradwarden (mikE)] the raven never gave us that stipulation

[Bradwarden (mikE)] no changing the rules.

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] classic riddle game

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] three riddles, three answer

[Khan (John (I think))] I say we say Blue and move on

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Say raven, what do you think the answer is?"

[Ariella (Christy)] so we get only 1 guess then. shoulda said that up front. that's a good thing to know

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] is why I am telling you before you give an answer

[Bradwarden (mikE)] so, i found it on google

[Bradwarden (mikE)] is that cheating?

[Khan (John (I think))] if you get caught

[Taurus (Hansie)] Come on, we can figure this out. Right?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] bob told me they weren't online that he could find.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i mean, uh, i figured it out. yeah

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] yes to Hans

[Ariella (Christy)] well, guess then.

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] I know you cn

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] can

[Taurus (Hansie)] Gimme a sec.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i don't see how.

[Ariella (Christy)] blue

[Bradwarden (mikE)] if just by seeing the other two are blue, i don't get how he can figure his own out, presonally.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] but i'd guess blue.

[Ariella (Christy)] otherwise, why would eveyone be sitting there wondering

[Tori (Vicki)] I'm going with Ariella on this as well

[Khan (John (I think))] There is not logical infomtion that would say if it is Blue or White, the King said it could be either

[Bradwarden (mikE)] well, you know that there's not two white or the blue hat would have an obvious answer

[Bradwarden (mikE)] so it's either two blue, or three blue.

[Ariella (Christy)] if the dude that stood up had on a white hat, then someone would have siad something

Fritz has left the game on Fri Jul 11 21:26:46 EDT 2008

Christy has left the game on Fri Jul 11 21:26:46 EDT 2008

Fritz has left the game on Fri Jul 11 21:26:46 EDT 2008

[Khan (John (I think))] maybe, but there could be two blue hats

Fritz has joined the game on Fri Jul 11 21:27:09 EDT 2008

Fritz is receiving the map Forest Tower...

Fritz has received the map Forest Tower.

[Fritz] (( I believe the color of the hat was blue. I believe so because if he had a white hat then each one of the other men would see a white and a blue hat on the other and wouldn't be able to decide which it would be white or blue...if they are all blue then each would see a blue hat on the other. only the one who realized that it would have to be the same hat color would be correct))

[Taurus (Hansie)] I'm kinda with Fritz.

[Khan (John (I think))] (I say blue but what you say would be true for all three men)

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] (christy is coming back in )

[Taurus (Hansie)] The only way that anyone could get the right answer is if there were 3 blue hats.

Christy has joined the game on Fri Jul 11 21:28:30 EDT 2008

Christy is receiving the map Forest Tower...

Christy has received the map Forest Tower.

[Khan (John (I think))] I vote Blue

Fritz is now controlling Val'Iant Le Quella

Fritz is now controlling Mentor

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz) (to BOB only)] I am getting tired of getting booted

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] so the group choice is "Blue" ?

[Lorie :O)] Bob...can you spam that one more time?

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] no clue on why people are losing connection tonight

[Bradwarden (mikE)] so did you all get my one thing i figured out?

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] Led blind-folded into a room, the [three wisest sages in the land] were seated around a table as the king described the test for them. "Upon each of your heads I have placed a hat. Now you are either wearing a blue hat or a white hat. All I will tell you is this- at least one of you is wearing a blue hat. There may be only one blue hat and two white hats, there may be two blue hats and one white hat, or there may be three blue hats. But you may be certain that there are not three white hats." "I will shortly remove your blind folds, and the test will begin. The first to correctly announce the color of his hat shall be my advisor. Be warned however, he who guesses wrongly shall be beheaded. If not one of you answers within the hour, you will be sent home and I will seek elsewhere for wisdom." With that, the king uncovered the sages' eyes and sat in the corner and waited. One sage looked around and saw that his competitors each were wearing blue hats. [...] For what seemed like hours no one spoke. Finally he stood up and said, "The color of the hat I am wearing is..."

[Christy] so did we answer it?

[Christy] it's blue people!

[Christy] there is only 1 white hat.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i'd say blue.

[Taurus (Hansie)] The weird thing is that we may be certain there are not 3 white hats. What's up with that when you can see that 2 others are blue?

[Christy] \if the guy that stood up had on a white hat, one of tghe othre 2 guys would have stood up already

[Bradwarden (mikE)] how so?

[Khan (John (I think))] there may be one white hat, or not

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ooooh, wait a second.

[Khan (John (I think))] go on cheater

[Bradwarden (mikE)] lol. no, i think i figured it out.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] didn't actually look at the answer. just looked to see if i could find it.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] but consider this: it's white blue blue

[Bradwarden (mikE)] if you're a blue, you've got the answer

[Taurus (Hansie)] If he's saying that one of you is wearing a blue hat and there are not 3 white hats, what kind of exclusions can we make there?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] because you see a white and blue

[Bradwarden (mikE)] so if you see a white and blue

[Bradwarden (mikE)] and the dude in blue doesn't immediately say he's got blue

[Bradwarden (mikE)] that means you've got a blue on.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] That is what I said

[Christy] we've got a 50/50 shot

[Taurus (Hansie)] Okay. Hold on.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] because as i said, if you see two white, the answer is obvious.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] well, your answer was worded weird. =P

[Bradwarden (mikE)] but if fritz agrees, then i must be right.

[Taurus (Hansie)] Right. The clue is that the others *don't know*.

[Tori (Vicki)] The thing is, you see two blue, so do you have blue or white?

[Khan (John (I think))] to make it a fair context it would have to be blue

[Taurus (Hansie)] We can eliminate the possibilities based on the other 2 not getting it right.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] yeah. thank god for all that mr. layton

[Tori (Vicki)] I am with Ariella on this one though

[Christy] yes, to Hans' logic

[Christy] we have that game too!

[Bradwarden (mikE)] lol

[Christy] it's professor not mr

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Blue I stick with my answer as blue

[Khan (John (I think))] me to

[Tori (Vicki)] me three

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Tell him "Blue" Bradwarden

[Taurus (Hansie)] Hold on. What is the case where the other 2 would be confused?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i stand corrected.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] nerd

[Taurus (Hansie)] Where they would see 2 hats and not know what their own hat is?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "It's blue ya overgrown feather duster."

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] If they are all blue is what has the other 2 confused...If it was blue and white they would know what to say. Since they don't know what to say it has to be blue

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] CAW

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] well done

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] and your final riddle of the evening

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] The problem with Elves While exploring the woods of Skye, Crandon was captured by hostile wood elves. Smair, the powerful chief of the elves told him he could make one final statement which would determine how he would die. If the statement he made was false, he would be fed to the eagles. If the statement were true, he would be fed to the wolves. Crandon found neither of this options too his liking, so he made a statement that got him out of this seemingly impossible situation. What is the one statement he could make to save himself?

Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz) thanks his brother for the answer in sign language

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i'm a liar

[Khan (John (I think))] no

[Bradwarden (mikE)] if this is true, and he is a liar, then he would be telling the truth and contradict himself

[Christy] hmm...don't kill me.

[Tori (Vicki)] either half true, half false, or no statement at all

[Christy] i don't want to die

[Bradwarden (mikE)] if he's not a liar, then he's telling a lie and again contradicting himself

[Bradwarden (mikE)] or better is suppose, i always lie

[Khan (John (I think))] how about I will be fed to the Eagles

[Lorie :O)] Double negative!

[Lorie :O)] Double negative!

[Bradwarden (mikE)] that statement can't be true or false

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Notes -

[Khan (John (I think))] that is why they will not kill him

[Bradwarden (mikE)] yeah, i suppose that would work, too

[Taurus (Hansie)] A statement that can't be proved as to its truthhood or falsehood?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] No that is a a false statement since if he was fed to the wolves it would make sense

[Taurus (Hansie)] (Something like the moon is made of cheese.)

[Khan (John (I think))] still a lie

[Bradwarden (mikE)] but fritz, if he does get fed to the eagles, then he's telling a truth

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] wait no...I am wrong

[Bradwarden (mikE)] and thus won't get fed to the eagles

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] thus get fed to the wolves

[Taurus (Hansie)] I will be fed by eagles.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i'll agree to that

[Khan (John (I think))] to the

[Bradwarden (mikE)] we all like that one?

[Khan (John (I think))] I do

[Taurus (Hansie)] Oh. John got that before me.

[Taurus (Hansie)] I can only be fed to eagles.

[Khan (John (I think))] Khan: INT check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

[Khan (John (I think))] that is a lie, the will be is important

[Taurus (Hansie)] no, not I can only be fed to eagles.

[Taurus (Hansie)] right, John.

[Taurus (Hansie)] I'm eagle food.

[Khan (John (I think))] imho

[Khan (John (I think))] what does True oak think?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i'm not finding this one on google

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] he doesn't

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] the elves have not been able to get past the Raven before

[Khan (John (I think))] do they normaly have to?

[Taurus (Hansie)] I will be fed to the eagles.

[Khan (John (I think))] going once?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] wait stil thinking

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] they normally just talk to the Wizard

[Khan (John (I think))] ok

[Taurus (Hansie)] Maybe we gotta phrase it some special way.

[Khan (John (I think))] it has to be a lie

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i think bob'll let our logic go on this one

[Khan (John (I think))] it has to be about being eaten by the eagle

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i will be fed to the eagles

[Taurus (Hansie)] I like that one, too. Let's do it. If that doesn't work, we can knock this tower down brick by brick.

[Khan (John (I think))] any truth and you get the wolves

[Taurus (Hansie)] You know, to help the wizard.

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] Crandon said: "You will feed me to the eagles." The Elves were faced with a dilemma. If they feed me to the eagles, that would make his statement true, which means he should have been fed to the wolves. They can only feed him to the wolves if he makes a true statement, but if they do, it would make his final statement false. The Elves had no way our of their situation so they were forced to set Crandon free.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] okay

[Taurus (Hansie)] But it can't be true if the *wolves* eat you...

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "He says he's gonna be et by the eagles."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] though i still like my i always lie answer

[Ariella (Christy)] fun fun fun fun

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] You will feed me to the eagles. Or I am going to be fed to the eagles.... I agree with that

[Taurus (Hansie)] Good job, Bob!

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] yes 3 out of 3

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Fun times Bob

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] You may enter the tower, but beware that you must leave by day's break or you shall never leave

[Khan (John (I think))] sure sure

Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz) Prepares his teleport spell

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Why is that while it's always night falling, it's the day that does the breaking?"

[BOB] Time of Day: 05:00 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 9th, 1259.

[BOB] Time of Day: 05:15 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 9th, 1259.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Good riddle

[BOB] Time of Day: 05:30 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 9th, 1259.

[BOB] Time of Day: 05:45 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 9th, 1259.

[BOB] Time of Day: 06:00 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 9th, 1259.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Hey what's with the clock going ?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] so we have twelve hours to do this

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] We didn't take that long....snicker

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] so who is going first

[Ariella (Christy)] it's probably much bigger on the inside than it looks. we're gonna get lost in there

[Taurus (Hansie)] We had to wait until nightfall to do the second two riddles, right?

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] nods

[Taurus (Hansie)] Do we have a rogoue with us?

[Khan (John (I think))] I say Ariella for now

[BOB] Ariella moved 6'09".

[Taurus (Hansie)] Christy, do want to do your check for traps?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] We all need to go in at the same time... Just the thief first.

[Khan (John (I think))] I expect more traps than monsters

[Ariella (Christy)] yes, I am rogue-ish...

[Taurus (Hansie)] I'll have your back.

[Khan (John (I think))] you going to be ok Brad?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "We'll see."

[BOB] light source?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Ariella, Taurus, Khan, Valian, Mentor, Rold, Bradwarden, Chohen

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Though I never was able to walk on my hind legs."

[Ariella (Christy)] oh that's right, you humans need light don't you?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] and then Gretchen

[Khan (John (I think))] I do not

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Neither do we

[Khan (John (I think))] pour Taurus

[Tori (Vicki)] I don't either

[Taurus (Hansie)] And put Glabius near Mentor & Rold, please...

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz) (to BOB only)] remember that Mentor sees illusions and invisible and magical darkness

[Taurus (Hansie)] poor Taurus? why's that?

[Lorie :O)] :: has a continual light rock but can't move her icon

[Khan (John (I think))] do you need light?

[BOB] Taurus moved 1'02".

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Put Glabius behind rold if we are moving single file

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i bet there's magic torches inside anyways

Hansie is receiving the map Tower 1st floor...

Hansie has received the map Tower 1st floor.

[Khan (John (I think))] I should be further back

[BOB] ok if you click on Ariella or Taurus you will see the new map

[BOB] and teh scale

[Khan (John (I think))] not much of a fighter, too tall

Fritz is receiving the map Tower 1st floor...

Fritz has received the map Tower 1st floor.

[Ariella (Christy)] what kind of wizard turns all the lights out anyway?

[Lorie :O)] Nope, I have infravision but... you still come prepared right?

[Taurus (Hansie)] You can do it, Christy!

Christy is receiving the map Tower 1st floor...

Christy has received the map Tower 1st floor.

[BOB] so who is next? or do you want to wait while those two start exploring

John (I think) is receiving the map Tower 1st floor...

John (I think) has received the map Tower 1st floor.

[BOB] (and Mike can use Chohen rather than take Brad inside)

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] no go by the pecking order I gave you

[Bradwarden (mikE)] besides, infravision shows you heat sources. if the stone's all the same temp, you don't see much

[Khan (John (I think))] I would say trueoak third

[Lorie :O)] Gretchen moved 51'09".

[BOB] (but he will be gone teh next two weeks anyway)

[Khan (John (I think))] he is a welcome guest

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Ariella, Taurus, Khan, Valian, Mentor, Rold, Bradwarden, Chohen and then gretchen

[Bradwarden (mikE)] yup. bibo and i won't be on for the next two weeks

[Lorie :O)] Gretchen moved 133'02".

[Bradwarden (mikE)] so why don't we say brad waits outside?

[Khan (John (I think))] so Brad is not comming inside

[BOB] Khan moved 1'09".

[Lorie :O)] Just an FYI, I would prefer that Gretchen wasn't last Fritz

[Lorie :O)] B ut... :: shrugs :: You've already decided an order

[Khan (John (I think))] Fritz, I should not be third

[BOB] I put only three on the new map

[BOB] so far

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] No problem I just said it so people would start moving

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] put yourself as you wish

[Khan (John (I think))] please put Trueoak 3rd

[BOB] Bradwarden moved 1'09".

[Taurus (Hansie)] "I will only keep the rogue from harm. I will not aggress unless aggressed upon and even then I will exercise restraint until we find out what's going here."

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Val'Iant Le Quella, Rold and Mentor moved 10'00".

[BOB] ok, everyone is on teh new map now

[BOB] remember it is all in scale

[Khan (John (I think))] I will take the rear if everyone agrees

Vicki is receiving the map Tower 1st floor...

Vicki has received the map Tower 1st floor.

[BOB] so it is apparent that only a couple will fit in at one time

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Val'Iant Le Quella, Rold and Mentor moved 19'04".

[BOB] Khan moved 9'11".

[Lorie :O)] I can go after Christy

[Ariella (Christy)] so is it lit or are we using our own?

[Lorie :O)] I'm finding this new version of Klooge clunky with the map interface to move via zoom

[BOB] you have to use your own

mikE is receiving the map Tower 1st floor...

mikE has received the map Tower 1st floor.

[Ariella (Christy)] the more people with weapons next to me, the better

Lorie :O) is receiving the map Tower 1st floor...

Lorie :O) has received the map Tower 1st floor.

[BOB] I want to get us started

[BOB] a room or three in

[BOB] then will call it a night a bit early

[BOB] not feeling quite right

[Ariella (Christy)] yep, let's get started with the trap checking and whatnot

[BOB] but want you to get a feel for what is happening

[Khan (John (I think))] three rooms in under an hour, must be boring rooms

[Tori (Vicki)] ok

[BOB] so there is that opening

[Khan (John (I think))] so then tori, second from back

[Taurus (Hansie)] We can call it right now, Bob. It's *okay* to be sick and want to get better.

[BOB] nah

[BOB] I am semi coherent

[Khan (John (I think))] same as always

[Ariella (Christy)] just don't yak on the computer

[BOB] and I have to infect Mike more before he leaves for Japan

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] That's your usual state Bob

[Khan (John (I think))] gmta

[BOB] This small plain room has a single door leading out the opposite wall.

GMJames has joined the game on Fri Jul 11 22:01:45 EDT 2008

GMJames is receiving the map Tower 1st floor...

GMJames has received the map Tower 1st floor.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz) (to John (I think) only)] how is the wife and kids by the way

[BOB] Hey James!

[Taurus (Hansie)] Christy, do you remember how to check for traps?

[Khan (John (I think)) (to Fritz only)] same, and yours?

[Ariella (Christy)] uh, roll it?

[BOB] you just missed the riddle contest James

[BOB] and go for it Christy

[Taurus (Hansie)] Roll your check and that gets us our movement rate per turn.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz) (to John (I think) only)] same. wife in Miami tonight with the aunt taking her to visit friends

[GMJames] Ah poo...

[Khan (John (I think))] he can read it on line

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Hi James and you can scroll up to read if you wish))

[Khan (John (I think)) (to Fritz only)] wish I could get away that long

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Hiya James

[Khan (John (I think))] truly the issue is not to over think them

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz) (to John (I think) only)] LOL well I started my new job and every day is a 15 hour or more day.

[Ariella (Christy)] okay, I know to roll but I don't know where it is in %$## klooge

[BOB] lol

[Khan (John (I think)) (to Fritz only)] ouch, sorry to hear that

[Khan (John (I think))] try the dice pannel

[Taurus (Hansie)] Hey, lady. Watch your language!

[BOB] Ariella: Find/Remove Traps check:(d100) [1d100=49] 49 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 70!!

[Taurus (Hansie)] ::chuckles::

[Ariella (Christy)] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=81] 81, Roll #2: (d100) [1d100=95] 95

[BOB] it is missing the icon on the panel, is in between the arm and the shield

[Ariella (Christy)] oops

[Taurus (Hansie)] Any positive modifiers for her since it's a 'low level' encounter?

[BOB] chuckles

[BOB] you want me to go easy on you?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] NO

[BOB] and she finds no traps

[Khan (John (I think))] not when it comes to xp

[BOB] Ariella moved 9'02".

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Easy is boring

[Taurus (Hansie)] Nah, of course not. Why change things up after all this time?

[Khan (John (I think))] Gretchen you want to go next?

[Khan (John (I think))] take the nice young elf with you

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz) (to GMJames only)] so how is your game going?

[Khan (John (I think))] he may know the way

[Taurus (Hansie)] Taurus moved 8'09".

Fritz has left the game on Fri Jul 11 22:06:43 EDT 2008

[Khan (John (I think))] (does this count as one room down?)

Fritz has joined the game on Fri Jul 11 22:07:37 EDT 2008

[Taurus (Hansie) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Taurus modified: Armor - AC FINAL:: CHANGED: 1 (8).

Fritz is receiving the map Tower 1st floor...

Fritz has received the map Tower 1st floor.

[Lorie :O)] Gretchen moved 21'04".

Christy has edited Lira's effects.

[Ariella (Christy)] sorry

Fritz has left the game on Fri Jul 11 22:08:54 EDT 2008

[Ariella (Christy)] brb-i gotta get the kids to bed. can Hans or someone roll for me for a few minutes?

Fritz has joined the game on Fri Jul 11 22:09:50 EDT 2008

[Khan (John (I think))] that's what it's all about

Fritz is receiving the map Tower 1st floor...

Fritz has received the map Tower 1st floor.

[Christy] I am away from the keyboard.

[GMJames] Nite all. Just thought I would check to see if connection problems were plaguing the largest play group I know.

[Lorie :O)] Gretchen moved 19'10".

[Lorie :O)] Gretchen moved 2'02".

[BOB] ok

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Night James))

[BOB] well it did get really laggy there for a moment

[Taurus (Hansie)] yeah.

[BOB] and one of our group has been kicked several times tonight

[BOB] but overall not the horrible problems others have had

[GMJames] Super news!

[BOB] thanks for looking in James

GMJames has left the game on Fri Jul 11 22:11:34 EDT 2008

[Fritz] Val'Iant Le Quella, Rold and Mentor moved 6'03".

[Fritz] Mentor moved 4'11".

[BOB] letting everyone settle in and get wher ethey want first

[Taurus (Hansie)] Wow, the Tour de France is averaging 24.6MPH after 3 1/2 hours *up the mountain*... Those guys are amazing.

[BOB] then will roll for Christy on the door

[Fritz] Mentor moved 2'01".

[Khan (John (I think))] Lori are you still here

[Lorie :O)] I am

[Khan (John (I think))] BOB can you make True next

[Fritz] Mentor moved 14'05".

[Fritz] Mentor moved 12'08".

[BOB] Trueoak moved 20'02".

[Khan (John (I think))] fritz, you want your group in the middle?

[BOB] Val'Iant Le Quella, Rold and Mentor moved 10'00".

[BOB] Tori moved 24'08".

[BOB] Glabius moved 17'06".

[BOB] Khan moved 2'02".

[Tori (Vicki)] Chohen?

[Khan (John (I think))] sounds like we have a marching order, right in front of you

[BOB] Chohen moved 21'10".

[BOB] and there we go

[Tori (Vicki)] where's Rold/

[Tori (Vicki)] ?

[BOB] Rold moved 16'03".

[BOB] Ariella: Open Locks check:(d100) [1d100=43] 43 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 70!!

[Taurus (Hansie)] Too bad she's missing this...

[Khan (John (I think))] he is with fritz and friends

[BOB] Ariella moved 4'05".

[Lorie :O)] Gretchen moved 5'08".

[BOB] This central are has four doors leading outwards and a circular stair case rising upwards. There is a smell in the air of some sort of strange incense.

[Lorie :O)] BRB contacts need to go for the night

[Bradwarden (mikE)] test

[Tori (Vicki)] spiral stairs again?

[BOB] and small only about 5 foot wide

[Tori (Vicki)] btw that was ooc

[BOB] or less

[BOB] from here you ahve 5 ways to go

[BOB] can pause it and pick up next week?

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

[Tori (Vicki)] sure

[BOB] or tackle one more room?

[Taurus (Hansie)] Sounds good, Bob.

[BOB] chcukles

[BOB] or try to wake the place up with yelling?

[Taurus (Hansie)] No, that's fine. Go to bed. Get better. Please.

[BOB] Ariella moved 1'04".

[BOB] Gretchen moved 2'09".

[Tori (Vicki)] don't forget you want to infect Mike before he goes...

[Taurus (Hansie)] (Just want to make sure it's clear we're not trying to be sneaky here)

[BOB] Taurus moved 5'08".

[BOB] Trueoak moved 5'11".

[BOB] Val'Iant Le Quella, Rold and Mentor moved 6'09".

[BOB] Chohen moved 1'00".

[BOB] Tori moved 6'09".

[BOB] Glabius moved 5'06".

[BOB] Khan moved 7'02".

[Taurus (Hansie)] (Our job is to 'wake up the wizard.')

[Tori (Vicki)] ((well, we can do that by yelling... it'll wake up everyone))

[Taurus (Hansie)] Hope you feel better, Bob. Thanks for hanging in there as long as you did.

[BOB] grins

[BOB] thank you

[Taurus (Hansie)] Good night, everybody.

[Vicki] night night

[Taurus (Hansie)] I vote for Mike as Role Player of the Night.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] night

[Bradwarden (mikE)] thanks hans

[Bradwarden (mikE)] good luck with the wizard

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i'll see you after japan

mikE has left the game on Fri Jul 11 22:21:38 EDT 2008

[Khan (John (I think))] night all

Hansie has left the game on Fri Jul 11 22:21:50 EDT 2008

Fritz has left the game on Fri Jul 11 22:21:53 EDT 2008

Vicki has left the game on Fri Jul 11 22:21:58 EDT 2008

John (I think) has left the game on Fri Jul 11 22:22:41 EDT 2008

[Lorie :O)] Feel better BOB

[Lorie :O)] :: hugs ::

[Lorie :O)] Night

Lorie :O) has left the game on Fri Jul 11 22:26:10 EDT 2008

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] hey

[Ariella (Christy)] well, seems I missed

[BOB] no you are caught up

[BOB] did not go too far

[Ariella (Christy)] sorry, had to get the kiddos down

[Ariella (Christy)] hope you feel better

[Ariella (Christy)] night then!

[BOB] hugs

[BOB] thanks

Christy has left the game on Fri Jul 11 22:28:08 EDT 2008