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Jul 21 06 - Mindflayer Invasion

[DM] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jul 21 18:40:24 EDT 2006 ====

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

Darkla has joined the game on Fri Jul 21 18:52:23 EDT 2006

Darkla is receiving the map Base...

Darkla has received the map Base.

Beth has joined the game on Fri Jul 21 18:53:55 EDT 2006

Lorie has joined the game on Fri Jul 21 18:54:10 EDT 2006

Beth is receiving the map Base...

Beth has received the map Base.

Lorie is receiving the map Base...

Lorie has received the map Base.

[DM] stormport moved 76 mi., 788'.

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] welcome guys

[DM] or Gals as the case may be

[DM] how are you tonight?

[Beth] lol

[Darkla] So, whats been happening since I been on vacation?

[DM] I will let Beth try to explain it

[Beth] ::snort:: Thanks!

mikE has joined the game on Fri Jul 21 18:56:39 EDT 2006

[Beth] nd the week before

[DM] Hey Mike

[Beth] new characters were added

[DM] stormport moved 16 mi., 3022'.

[mikE] hi

[Darkla] Well, the last time I was on, you were fighing the water in the tunnel, teleporting and stuff.

[Beth] um, Bob is Bob as usual, so no change there

[mikE] ya almost lost me and bibo to an old sega genisis emulator

[DM] hah

[Beth] ::grins::

[Beth] we lost 4 characters to that campaign Darkla

[Darkla] I been on a recuperation vacation.:)

[Darkla] FOUR!!

[Beth] So, the last 2 weeks was spent in creating new ones

[Beth] ::nods:: sadly, yes

[Darkla] Dam. I knew you lost the mage there, alaster

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has joined the game on Fri Jul 21 18:59:04 EDT 2006

[mikE] well, you lost two.

[Beth] and having an '

[mikE] their henchment just kinda go with the mains

[Beth] ''easy' campaign

[Beth] well, yeah

[Beth] And Molly has joined us as Rosethorn

[Darkla] So, do you still need a mage?

[mikE] we've got two now

[Darkla] I saw new names up. Milinear, rosethorn, Pepe

[Beth] HUH! You call them mages?!!! Miscreants! FAkes! ::grin::

[mikE] well, mine's mostly a mage

[Darkla] so, no Mages needed.

[mikE] bob doesn't let you start as one, anyway.

[Darkla] Still have a Cleric?

[mikE] your first character has to be a thief or fighter

[Lorie] 47 of them

[mikE] and you're not allowed to use any optional rules, either for whatever reason

[Darkla] I like Papadins.

[mikE] paladins are not allowed by popular consensus

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I wanna be a papadin!

[mikE] shutup, bibo

[Darkla] Paladins, notpapadins.

[Beth] LOL

[mikE] no more.

[Lorie] You want to be a Pepperoni?

[Lorie] What?

[Lorie] :: snicker ::

[Darkla] No Paladins?? But who is going to keep all you guys on the straight and narrow?

[Darkla] ::big smirk::

[mikE] we're as crooked as a lockpick

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I don't think we've been on anny sort of narrow since... ever

[Lorie] :: blinks :: Paladins?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] most of us are straight at least

[Beth] Hey! Not all my picks are crooked!!!

[mikE] there is no straight and narrow. just a fireball and lightning bolt

[Beth] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] ok,

[DM] waiting to hear from Sean

[DM] but in general wanted to know if anyone had any training or the like to work out

[Darkla] So anything that you do need then?

[DM] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 14 Be ___ tre, Fey {Mid Winter} 14th, 1258.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] not me :)

[DM] Lorie? wilson or gretchen?

[DM] this is the time to click off the three or so weeks for training if needed

[Lorie] I don't have any training to be done

[Beth] I am back at the keyboard.

[Beth (to DM only)] is there training I can do?

[DM (to Beth only)] no not for a while

[Beth] none for me

[DM] ok

[DM] so you are ready to swallow the hook?

[Beth] Why does that nearly make me panic?

[Darkla] Maybe just the hook,

[Darkla] shittones went off....

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] silly bob, you don't swallow the hook, you pop it into your mouth

[mikE] well, are we clicking off 7 days for mal to return to normal?

[DM] Darkla, tonight I would like to you watch, ask Lorie about anything you have questions about, think about what kind of figher, she has a good feel for what is allowed and what is not

[DM] one day has gone by Mike

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] that wasn't the question :-P

[DM] there will be an opportunity to bring in other characters later on in this adventre

[Darkla] BRB EMT tones went off...

[DM] and Mike you would not know how long it would last

[DM] so it is really up to the group if they have anything they want to do

[DM] if not we can get started

[DM] and you will just be her to start off

[Lorie] Sure...why not click off the 7 days

[Lorie] it's not like we're going anywhere ;)

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] well, pepe knows it'll stop in a few days

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] and I can talk to pepe

[Lorie] Besides that means it's 7 days more you characters will live

[Lorie] :: giggles ::

[Beth] ::grin:: I like that.

[DM] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 15 Pen ___ tre, Fey {Mid Winter} 15th, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 16 Mid ___ tre, Fey {Mid Winter} 16th, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 17 Ko ___ tre, Fey {Mid Winter} 17th, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 18 See ___ tre, Fey {Mid Winter} 18th, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 19 Fin ___ tre, Fey {Mid Winter} 19th, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 20 Trall ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 20th, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 21 Lad ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 21st, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 22 Ced ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 22nd, 1258.

[DM] there you go

[DM] morning and Mal is back to normal

[DM] how are you explaining that?

BiBo!!!!!!!!! is receiving the map Base...

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has received the map Base.

[mikE] explaining what?

[mikE] bob, it was kind of explained last week.

[mikE] how come you are always so stuck on us redoing things we have done in previous weeks? this isn't the first time you've done this

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I doubt mal would bother explaining, he prolly doesn't even know it happens

[mikE] nope.

[DM] ok

[DM] so

[DM] moving on then

[DM] Bradwarden moved 93'11".

[Bradwarden] From the Protectorate

[mikE] why is bradwarden on?

[Bradwarden] he is here to seek advice and assistance from Kylia

[mikE] he was one of finglass's followers

[Bradwarden] ( I know that)

[Bradwarden] he is requesting an audience with the Dragonslayers

[Bradwarden] he nervously clops a hoof on the flagstones of the courtyard

[Bradwarden] (by the way Sean will not be ehre tonight, just got word)

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] well I suppose he should see a dragonslayer then

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I guess kylia's the only one really

Bradwarden clop clop

Bradwarden obviously nervous

[mikE (to GM only)] Character sheet for Malagorn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Enlarge -- Expression: Duration: 5 rds./level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature or object Saving Throw: Neg. This spell causes instant growth of a creature or object, increasing both size and weight. It can be cast only upon a single creature (or a symbiotic or community entity) or upon a single object that does not exceed 10 cubic feet in volume per caster level. The object or creature must be seen to be affected. It grows by up to 10% per level of experience of the wizard, increasing this amount in height, width, and weight. All equipment worn or carried by a creature is enlarged by the spell. Unwilling victims are entitled to a saving throw vs. spell. A successful saving throw means the spell fails. If insufficient room is available for the desired growth, the creature or object attains the maximum possible size, bursting weak enclosures in the process, but it is constrained without harm by stronger materials--the spell cannot be used to crush a creature by growth. Magical properties are not increased by this spell--a huge sword +1 is still only +1, a staff-sized wand is still only capable of its normal functions, a giant-sized potion merely requires a greater fluid intake to make its magical effects operate, etc. Weight, mass, and strength are affected, though. Thus, a table blocking a door would be heavier and more effective, a hurled stone would have more mass (and cause more damage), chains would be more massive, doors thicker, a thin line turned to a sizeable, longer rope, and so on. A creature's hit points, Armor Class, and attack rolls do not change, but damage rolls increase proportionately with size. For example, a fighter at 160% normal size hits with his long sword and rolls a 6 for damage. The adjusted damage roll is 10 (that is, 6 x 1.6 = 9.6, rounded up). Bonuses due to Strength, class, and magic are not altered. The reverse spell, reduce, negates the enlarge spell or makes creatures or objects smaller. The creature or object loses 10% of its original size for every level of the caster, to a minimum of 10% of the original size. Thereafter, thesize shrinks by 1-foot increments to less than 1 foot, by 1-inch increments to 1 inch, and by 1/10-inch increments to a minimum of 1/10 of an inch--the recipient cannot dwindle away to nothingness. For example, a 16-foot-tall giant reduced by a 15th-level wizard (15 steps) would be reduced to 1.6 feet (in nine steps), then to 6/10 of a foot or 7.2 inches (in one step), and finally to 2.2 inches (in the last five steps). A shrinking object may damage weaker materials affixed to it, but an object will shrink only as long as the object itself is not damaged. Unwilling creatures are allowed a saving throw vs. spell. (a), CHANGED: Color Spray -- Expression: Area of Effect: 5 x 20 x20 ft. wedge Saving Throw: Special Upon casting this spell, the wizard causes a vivid, fan-shaped spray of clashing colors to spring forth from his hand. From one to six creatures (1d6) within the area are affected in order of increasing distance from the wizard. All creatures above the level of the spellcaster and all those of 6th level or 6 Hit Dice or more are entitled to a saving throw vs. spell. Blind or unseeing creatures are not affected by the spell. Creatures not allowed or failing saving throws, and whose Hit Dice or levels are less than or equal to the spellcaster's level, are struck unconscious for 2d4 rounds; those with Hit Dice or levels 1 or 2 greater than the wizard's level are blinded for 1d4 rounds; those with Hit Dice or levels 3 or more greater than that of the spellcaster are stunned (reeling and unable to think or act coherently) for one round. (a), CHANGED: Spider Climb -- Expression: Duration: 3 rds. + 1 rd./level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: Neg. A spider climb spell enables the recipient to climb and travel upon vertical surfaces as well as a giant spider, or even hang upside down from ceilings. Unwilling victims must be touched and are then allowed a saving throw vs. spell to negate the effect. The affected creature must have bare hands and feet in order to climb in this manner, at a movement rate of 6 (3 if at all encumbered). During the course of the spell, the recipient cannot handle objects that weigh less than a dagger (one pound), for such objects stick to his hands and feet. Thus, a wizard will find it virtually impossible to cast spells if under a spider climb spell. Sufficient force can pull the recipient free; the DM can assign a saving throw based on circumstances, the strength of the force, and so on. For example, a creature with a Strength of 12 might pull the subject free if the subject fails a saving throw vs. paralyzation (a moderately difficult saving throw). The caster can end the spell effect with a word. (a), CHANGED: Magic Missile -- Expression: Use of the magic missile spell creates up to five missiles of magical energy that dart forth from the wizard's fingertip and unerringly strike their target. This includes enemy creatures in a melee. The target creature must be seen or otherwise detected to be hit, however, so near-total concealment, such as that offered by arrow slits, can render the spell ineffective. Likewise, the caster must be able to identify the target. He cannot direct a magic missile to "Strike the commander of the legion," unless he can single out the commander from the rest of the soldiers. Specific parts of a creature cannot be singled out. Inanimate objects (locks, etc.) cannot be damaged by the spell, and any attempt to do so wastes the missiles to no effect. Against creatures, each missile inflicts 1d4+1 points of damage. For every two extra levels of experience, the wizard gains an additional missile--he has two at 3rd level, three at 5th level, four at 7th level, etc., up to a total of five missiles at 9th level. If the wizard has multiple missile capability, he can have them strike a single target creature or several creatures, as desired. (a), CHANGED: Unseen Servant -- Expression: Duration: 1 hr. + 1 turn/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 30-ft. radius Saving Throw: None The unseen servant is an invisible, mindless, and shapeless force, used to step and fetch, open unstuck doors, and hold chairs, as well as to clean and mend. It is not strong, but unfailingly obeys the command of the wizard. It can perform only one activity at a time and can move only lightweight items, carrying a maximum of 20 pounds or pushing/pulling 40 pounds across a smooth surface. It can open only normal doors, drawers, lids, etc. The unseen servant cannot fight, nor can it be killed, as it is a force rather than a creature. It can be magically dispelled, or eliminated after receiving 6 points of damage from area-effect spells, breath weapons, or similar attacks. If the caster attempts to send it beyond the allowed radius, the spell ends immediately. (a), CHANGED: Wizard Mark -- Expression: When this spell is cast, the wizard is able to inscribe, visibly or invisibly, his personal rune or mark, as well as up to six additional characters of smaller size. A wizard mark spell enables the caster to etch the rune upon stone, metal, or any softer substance without harm to the material upon which the mark is placed. If an invisible mark is made, a detect magic spell will cause it to glow and be visible (though not necessarily understandable). Detect invisibility, true seeing, a gem of seeing, or a robe of eyes will likewise expose an invisible wizard mark. A read magic spell will reveal the maker's words, if any. The mark cannot be dispelled, but it can be removed by the caster or by an erase spell. If cast on a living being, normal wear gradually causes the mark to fade. (a), CHANGED: Identify -- Expression: Area of Effect: 1 item/level Saving Throw: None When an identify spell is cast, magical items subsequently touched by the wizard can be identified. The eight hours immediately preceding the casting of the spell must be spent purifying the items and removing influences that would corrupt and blur their magical auras. If this period is interrupted, it must be begun again. When the spell is cast, each item must be handled in turn by the wizard. Any consequences of this handling fall fully upon the wizard and may end the spell, although the wizard is allowed any applicable saving throw. The chance of learning a piece of information about an item is equal to 10% per level of the caster, to a maximum of 90%, rolled by the DM. Any roll of 96-00 indicates a false reading (91-95 reveals nothing). Only one function of a multifunction item is discovered per handling (i.e., a 5th-level wizard could attempt to determine the nature of five different items, five different functions of a single item, or any combination of the two). If any attempt at reading fails, the caster cannot learn any more about that item until he advances a level. Note that some items, such as special magical tomes, cannot be identified with this spell. The item never reveals its exact attack or damage bonuses, although the fact that it has few or many bonuses can be determined. If it has charges, only a general indication of the number of charges remaining is learned: powerful (81% - 100% of the total possible charges), strong (61% - 80%), moderate (41% - 60%), weak (6% - 40%), or faint (five charges or less). The faint result takes precedence, so a fully charged ring of three wishes always appears to be only faintly charged. After casting the spell and determining what can be learned from it, the wizard loses 8 points of Constitution. He must rest for one hour to recover each point of Constitution. If the 8-point loss drops the spellcaster below a Constitution of 1, he falls unconscious. Consciousness is not regained until full Constitution is restored, which takes 24 hours (one point per three hours for an unconscious character). (a), CHANGED: Armor -- Expression: By means of this spell, the wizard creates a magical field of force that serves as if it were scale mail armor (AC 6). The spell has no effect on a person already armored or a creature with Armor Class 6 or better. It is not cumulative with the shield spell, but it is cumulative with Dexterity and, in case of fighter/mages, with the shield bonus. The armor spell does not hinder movement or prevent spellcasting, and adds no weight or encumbrance. It lasts until successfully dispelled or until the wearer sustains cumulative damage totaling greater than 8 points + 1 per level of the caster. (It is important to note that the armor does not absorb this damage. The armor merely grants an AC of 6; the wearer still suffers full damage from any successful attacks.) Thus, the wearer might suffer 8 points from an attack, then several minutes later sustain an additional 1 point of damage. Unless the spell were cast by a wizard of 2nd level or higher, it would be dispelled at this time. Until it is dispelled, the armor spell grants the wearer full benefits of the Armor Class gained. (a), CHANGED: Comprehend Languages -- Expression: Duration: 5 rds./level Casting Time: 1 rd. Area of Effect: 1 speaking creature or written text Saving Throw: None When this spell is cast, the wizard is able to understand the spoken words of a creature or read an otherwise incomprehensible written message (such as writing in another language). In either case, the wizard must touch the creature or the writing. Note that the ability to read does not necessarily impart understanding of the material, nor does the spell enable the caster to speak or write an unknown language. Written material can be read at the rate of one page or equivalent per round. Magical writing cannot be read, other than to know it is magical, but the spell is often useful when deciphering treasure maps. This spell can be foiled by certain warding magic (the 3rd-level secret page and illusionary script spells), and it does not reveal messages concealed in otherwise normal text. The material components of this spell are a pinch of soot and a few grains of salt. The reverse of this spell, confuse languages, cancels a comprehend languages spell or renders a writing or a creature's speech incomprehensible, for the same duration as above. (a), CHANGED: Alter Self -- Expression: Duration: 3d4 rds. + 2 rds./level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None When this spell is cast, the wizard can alter his appearance and form--including clothing and equipment--to appear taller or shorter; thin, fat, or in between; human, humanoid, or any other generally man-shaped bipedal creature. The caster's body can undergo a limited physical alteration and his size can be changed up to 50%. If the form selected has wings, the wizard can actually fly, but at only one-third the speed of a true creature of that type, and with a loss of two maneuverability classes (to a minimum of E). If the form has gills, the caster can breathe under water as long as the spell lasts. However, the caster does not gain any multiple attack routines or additional damage allowed to an assumed form. The caster's attack rolls, Armor Class, and saving throws do not change. The spell does not confer special abilities, attack forms, or defenses. Once the new form is chosen, it remains for the duration of the spell. The caster can change back into his own form at will; this ends the spell immediately. A caster who is slain automatically returns to his normal (a), CHANGED: Wizard Lock -- Expression: A wizard lock spell cast upon a door, chest, or portal magically locks it. The caster can freely pass his own lock without affecting it; otherwise, the wizard-locked door or object can be opened only by breaking in, by a successful dispel magic or knock spell, or by a wizard four or more levels higher than the one casting the spell. Note that the last two methods do not remove the wizard lock; they only negate it for a brief duration--about one turn. Creatures from other planes cannot burst a wizard lock as they can a held portal (see the hold portal spell). (a), CHANGED: Tasha's Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter -- Expression: Duration: 1 rd./level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 or more creatures Saving Throw: Neg. in a 30-ft. cube The victim of this spell perceives everything as hilariously funny. The effect is not immediate, and the creature feels only a slight tingling on the round the spell is cast. On the round immediately following, the victim begins smiling, then giggling, chuckling, tittering, snickering, guffawing, and finally collapsing into gales of uncontrollable, hideous laughter. Although this magical mirth lasts only a single round, the affected creature must spend the next round regaining its feet, and it loses 2 points from its Strength (or -2 to attack and damage rolls) for all remaining rounds of the spell. The saving throw vs. spell is modified by the Intelligence of the creature. Creatures with Intelligences of 4 or less (semi-intelligent) are totally unaffected. Those with Intelligences of 5-7 (low) save with -6 penalties. Those with Intelligences of 8-12 (average to very) save with -4 penalties. Those with Intelligences of 13-14 (high) save with -2 penalties. Those with Intelligences of 15 or greater (exceptional) have unmodified saving throws. The caster can affect one creature for every three levels attained--for example, one at 3rd level, two at 6th level, three at 9th level, etc. All affected beings must be within 30 feet of each other. (a), CHANGED: Stinking Cloud -- Expression: Duration: 1 rd./level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 20-ft. cube Saving Throw: Special When a stinking cloud is cast, the wizard creates a billowing mass of nauseous vapors up to 30 yards away from his position. Any creature caught within the cloud must roll a successful saving throw vs. poison or be reeling and unable to attack because of nausea for 1d4+1 rounds after leaving the cloud. Those who make successful saving throws can leave the cloud without suffering any ill effects, although those remaining in the cloud must continue to save each round. These poisonous effects can be slowed or neutralized by appropriate magic. The cloud duration is halved in a moderate breeze (8-18 m.p.h.) and is dispersed in one round by a stronger breeze. (a), CHANGED: Knock -- Expression: Area of Effect: 10 sq. ft./level Saving Throw: None The knock spell opens stuck, barred, locked, held, or wizard-locked doors. It opens secret doors, as well as locked or trick-opening boxes or chests. It also loosens welds, shackles, or chains. If used to open a wizard-locked door, the spell does not remove the former spell, but simply suspends its functioning for one turn. In all other cases, it permanently opens locks or welds--although the former could be closed and locked again later. It does not raise barred gates or similar impediments (such as a portcullis), nor does it affect ropes, vines, and the like. Note that the effect is limited by the area; a 3rd-level wizard can cast a knock spell on a door of 30 square feet or less (for example, a standard 4-ft. x 7-ft. door). Each spell can undo up to two means of preventing egress through a portal. Thus if a door is locked, barred, and held, or triple locked, opening it requires two knock spells. In all cases, the location of the door or item must be known--the spell cannot be used against a wall in hopes of discovering a secret door. The reverse spell, lock, closes and locks a door or similar closure, provided there is a physical mechanism. It does not create a weld, but it locks physically operated locking mechanisms, set bars, and so on, up to two functions. It cannot affect a portcullis. (a), CHANGED: Fly -- Expression: Duration: 1 turn/level + 1d6 turns Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None This spell enables the wizard to bestow the power of magical flight. The creature affected is able to move vertically and horizontally at a rate of 18 (half that if ascending, twice that if descending in a dive). The maneuverability class of the creature is B. Using the fly spell requires as much concentration as walking, so most spells can be cast while hovering or moving slowly (movement of 3). Possible combat penalties while flying are known to the DM (found in the "Aerial Combat" section of Chapter 9 of the DMG). The exact duration of the spell is always unknown to the spellcaster, as the variable addition is determined secretly by the DM. (a), CHANGED: Haste -- Expression: Duration: 3 rds. + 1 rd./level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 40-ft. cube, Saving Throw: None 1 creature/level When this spell is cast, each affected creature functions at double its normal movement and attack rates. A hasted creature gains a -2 initiative bonus. Thus, a creature moving at 6 and attacking once per round would move at 12 and attack twice per round. Spellcasting and spell effects are not sped up. The number of creatures that can be affected is equal to the caster's experience level; those creatures closest to the center of effect are affected first. All affected by haste must be in the designated area of effect. Note that this spell negates the effects of a slow spell. Additionally, this spell ages the recipient by one year, because of sped-up metabolic processes. This spell is not cumulative with itself or with other similar magic. (a), CHANGED: Water Breathing -- Expression: Duration: 1 hr./level Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None The recipient of a water breathing spell is able to breathe under water freely for the duration of the spell--i.e., one hour for each experience level of the caster. The priest can divide the base duration between multiple characters. Thus, an 8th-level priest can confer this ability to two characters for four hours, four for two hours, eight for one hour, etc., to a minimum of one half-hour per character. The reverse, air breathing, enables water-breathing creatures to survive comfortably in the atmosphere for an equal duration. Note that neither version prevents the recipient creature from breathing in its natural element. (a), CHANGED: Monster Summoning I -- Expression: Within one round of casting this spell, the wizard magically conjures 2d4 1st-level monsters (selected by the DM, from his 1st-level encounter tables). The monsters appear anywhere within the spell's area of effect, as desired by the wizard. They attack the spell user's opponents to the best of their ability until either he commands that the attacks cease, the spell duration expires, or the monsters are slain. These creatures do not check morale, but they vanish when slain. Note that if no opponent exists to fight, summoned monsters can, if the wizard can communicate with them and if they are physically able, perform other services for the summoning wizard. In rare cases, adventurers have been known to disappear, summoned by powerful spellcasters using this spell. Those summoned recall all the details of their trip. (a), CHANGED: Explosive Runes -- Expression: Area of Effect: 10-ft. radius Saving Throw: None or ½ By tracing these mystic runes upon a book, map, scroll, or similar object bearing written information, the wizard prevents unauthorized persons from reading his material. The explosive runes are difficult to detect--5% chance per level of magic use experience of the reader; thieves have only a 5% chance. But trap detection by spell or magical device always finds these runes. When read, the explosive runes detonate, delivering 6d4+6 points of damage to the reader, who gets no saving throw. A like amount, or half that if saving throws are made, is suffered by each creature within the blast radius. The wizard who cast the spell, as well as any he instructs, can read the protected writing without triggering the runes. Likewise, the wizard can remove the runes whenever desired. Others can remove them only with a successful dispel magic or erase spell. Explosive runes otherwise last until the spell is triggered. The item upon which the runes are placed is destroyed when the explosion takes place, unless it is not normally subject to destruction by magical fire (see the item saving throws in Chapter 6 of the Dungeon Master Guide). (a), CHANGED: Dimension Door -- Expression: By means of a dimension door spell, the wizard instantly transfers himself up to 30 yards distance per level of experience. This special form of teleportation allows for no error, and the wizard always arrives at exactly the spot desired--whether by simply visualizing the area (within spell transfer distance, of course) or by stating direction such as, "300 yards straight downward," or, "upward to the northwest, 45 degree angle, 420 yards." If the wizard arrives in a place that is already occupied by a solid body, he remains trapped in the Astral Plane. If distances are stated and the spellcaster arrives with no support below his feet (i.e., in mid-air), falling and damage result unless further magical means are employed. All that the wizard wears or carries, subject to a maximum weight equal to 500 pounds of nonliving matter, or half that amount of living matter, is transferred with the spellcaster. Recovery from use of a dimension door spell requires one round. (a), CHANGED: Dig -- Expression: Range: 30 yds. Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 rd./level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 5-ft. cube/level Saving Throw: Special A dig spell enables the caster to excavate 125 cubic feet of earth, sand, or mud per round (i.e., a cubic hole 5 feet on a side). In later rounds the caster can expand an existing hole or start a new one. The material thrown from the excavation scatters evenly around the pit. If the wizard continues downward past 20 feet in earth, there is a 15% chance that the pit collapses. This check is made for every 5 feet dug beyond 20 feet. Sand tends to collapse after 10 feet, mud fills in and collapses after 5 feet, and quicksand fills in as rapidly as it is dug. Any creature at the edge (within 1 foot) of a pit must roll a successful Dexterity check or fall into the hole. Creatures moving rapidly toward a pit dug immediately before them must roll a saving throw vs. spell to avoid falling in. Any creature in a pit being excavated can climb out at a rate decided by the DM. A creature caught in a collapsing pit must roll a saving throw vs. death to avoid being buried; it escapes the pit if successful. Tunneling is possible with this spell as long as there is space available for the material removed. Chances for collapse are doubled and the safe tunneling distance is half of the safe excavation depth, unless such construction is most carefully braced and supported. The spell is also effective against creatures of earth and rock, particularly clay golems and those from the Elemental Plane of Earth. When cast upon such a creature, it suffers 4d6 points of damage. A successful saving throw vs. spell reduces this damage to half. (a), CHANGED: Wall of Stone -- Expression: This spell creates a wall of granite rock that merges into adjoining rock surfaces. It is typically employed to close passages, portals, and breaches against opponents. The wall of stone is 0.25 inch thick and up to 20 square feet per level of experience of the wizard casting the spell. Thus, a 12th-level wizard can create a wall of stone 3 inches thick and up to 240 square feet in surface area (a 12-foot-wide and 20-foot-high wall, for example, to completely close a 10-foot x 16-foot passage). The wall created need not be vertical, nor rest upon any firm foundation (see the wall of iron spell); however, it must merge with and be solidly supported by existing stone. It can be used to bridge a chasm, for instance, or as a ramp. For this use, if the span is more than 20 feet, the wall must be arched and buttressed. This requirement reduces the area of effect by half. Thus, a 20th-level caster can create a span with a surface area of 200 square feet. The wall can be crudely shaped to allow crenelations, battlements, and so forth by likewise reducing the area. The stone is permanent unless destroyed by a dispel magic or disintegrate spell, or by normal means such as breaking or chipping. (a), CHANGED: Teleport -- Cast Level: 11 (null), DELETED: null, null, null, a, null, 1, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, a, null, 1, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, a, null, 1, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, a, null, 1, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, a, null, 1, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, a, null, 1, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, a, null, 1, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, a, null, 1, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, 1, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. 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[Malagorn (mikE)] Wow. Someone mated a horse and a person!

[Malagorn (mikE)] They must have been a great wizard to do something like that!

[Beth] I am back at the keyboard.

Bradwarden frowns

[Malagorn (mikE)] I once tried to combine a duck and a beaver.

[Malagorn (mikE)] it didn't work so well...

[Pepe (mikE)] ::chitters::

Kira (Beth) runs to get Kylia "Kylia! There's someone here to see you!

[Malagorn (mikE)] Wha? Cen- ooooh. A centar. Well, I suppose that makes some sense.

[Malagorn (mikE)] Do you think that centaurs would find horses or people to be attractive?

[Bradwarden] neither

[Malagorn (mikE)] I think I heard about a crazy queen who once had a thing for horses...

[Pepe (mikE)] ::chitter::

[Bradwarden] and our hearing is just fine thank you

[Lorie] :: walks out ::

[Malagorn (mikE)] No no, that was not just a rumor. This queen was actually crushed by it.

[Bradwarden] Hello Lady Kylia

[Pepe (mikE)] ::chitters::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Hello... what brings you so far from your home?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Shouldn't you be with Antarias?

[Malagorn (mikE)] How would I know why she liked horses? Maybe she was a horse in disguise?

[Bradwarden] well

[Bradwarden] Sir Paul was not.... amendable to being disturbed

[Bradwarden] and with Sir Finglass so recently deceased

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: frowns ::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Have you met the new recruits?

[Bradwarden] it was thought that maybe you would help us with a puzzle

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: changing the subject::

[Bradwarden] no

[Bradwarden] what new recruits?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: nods :: Kira the gypsy... that's Pepe the skunk... Malagorn the insane, and Ramone the Drunk

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I am sure you've met Sweetums the Giant hugger previously

[Bradwarden] he nods you are a colorful bunch

[Kira (Beth)] ::grins::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Yes... it was most fortunate that my wonderful deity thought to send such stellar replacements for Finglass and Alastair.

[Bradwarden] I am sure they will try to be adequate

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] So.. you have a puzzle... uh oh.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Puzzles are really Sir Paul's thing

[Bradwarden] well

[Bradwarden] this invovles one of his people

[Malagorn (mikE)] Uh, I'm Mad Malagorn.

[Bradwarden] but he is sequested away

[Malagorn (mikE)] Insane is not a polite term in mondern discussin.

[Bradwarden] and said that we was not to be disturbed for any reason

[Bradwarden] he has been ... emphatic lately

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: sighs ::

[Pepe (mikE)] ::chitters::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I know

[Malagorn (mikE)] What, Pepe? Insane IS the polite term? So... people have been insulting me all this time? Huh. So many things make sense now.

[Bradwarden] perhaps there is someone I shoudl speak with?

[Bradwarden] and not distrub this group?

[Malagorn (mikE)] You can speak with lots of people!

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] No, this is the A-Team

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Better to speak with us

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] ((I pity the foo))

[Bradwarden] he nods very well then

[Malagorn (mikE)] You should talk to the privvey cleaner. He's an interesting person.

[Bradwarden] one of Sir Pauls associates Brad Johnson

[Bradwarden] has been out travelling and adventuring

[Bradwarden] we recieved a strange communcation from him

[Bradwarden] and I thought it best to bring it to someone's attention

[Bradwarden] or rather it was recieved in Thedd

[Bradwarden] they brought it to Sir Finglass

[Bradwarden] and I am now bringing it to you

[Bradwarden] so I thought that you might be the best people to talk to about this

[Malagorn (mikE)] Thedd! Is that the place with all the knights jumping and singing?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] ::whispers:: Glad to see he gets straight to the point.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: sighs :: Very well...

[Pepe (mikE)] ::chitters::

[Bradwarden] he hands over a parchment

[Bradwarden] Meet me at the sign of the Fair Warrior in Stormport at the next new moon. Something extraordinary is happening, and you need to know about it. The ranks of The Elect are swelling.

[Malagorn (mikE)] Lich? Oh. That place? I thought that was Wolfspack.

[Pepe (mikE)] ::chitters::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] The ranks of the Elect?

[Bradwarden] that came last week

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Stormport?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: sighs more ::

[Bradwarden] we do not know of anysuch group

[Bradwarden] stormport is a small city to the north into Terraguard

[Malagorn (mikE)] No, of course I know this isn't Wolfspack. This is the Wolfspack guard recruitment center.

[Bradwarden] along the Eastern Hills, near Sargill just north of Wingstone

[Bradwarden] ok?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] They are related to the Order of Purity I would guess?

[Bradwarden] who is the Order fo Purity?

[Malagorn (mikE)] Purity? Pure is good, yes?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] They only want pure humans

[Malagorn (mikE)] Like pure guano. Makes the best fireballs!

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] They are Wingstone fanatics

[Bradwarden] Brad Johnson moved 10'10".

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] They want rid of all others

[Bradwarden] anyone who needs the overland map can click on Brad in the tree to get it

Lorie is receiving the map Robert-Overland01...

Lorie has received the map Robert-Overland01.

[Malagorn (mikE)] ((overland..? What's that? Is that what the normal people use to travel?))

[Bradwarden] Brad Johnson is on the overland map, brad warden is on the base map

Beth is receiving the map Robert-Overland01...

Beth has received the map Robert-Overland01.

mikE is receiving the map Robert-Overland01...

mikE has received the map Robert-Overland01.

[Bradwarden] brb, discuss who wants to chase off after this,

[Bradwarden] I am away from the keyboard.

[Malagorn (mikE)] ((will there be phat lewt?))

[Malagorn (mikE)] ((i want teh phat lewts!))

[Bradwarden] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kira (Beth)] you are a strange man ::shakes head::

[Bradwarden] ok

[Bradwarden] will you help me?

[Bradwarden] us? him?

[Kira (Beth)] ::looks at Lady Kylia::

[Bradwarden] I do not know why he is acting this way

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Well... who's up for another trip into the jaws of death?

[Bradwarden] I do hope it is not the jaws of death that he is in

[Kira (Beth)] ::shrugs:: Your call. You lead, I follow

[Bradwarden] maybe if you talk to him?

[Bradwarden] find out what is happening?

[Bradwarden] it should be mostly easy?

[Bradwarden] it is just that this winter seems to never end

[Bradwarden] and it is not easy to travel northward

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I know it's winter... I know it's not an easy journey... but I am not sure what else we can do

[Kira (Beth)] In other words, dress warm?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I am back at the keyboard.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Why is everyone named brad?

[Malagorn (mikE)] Death has jaws?

[Bradwarden] I was hoping that perhaps your powerful people could find a way to travel there faster?

[Malagorn (mikE)] Think they'd be useful in a spell?

[Malagorn (mikE)] Maybe we should collect them for further study?

[Bradwarden] the new moon was on the 15th

[Bradwarden] that was mid winter

[Malagorn (mikE)] Mid winter??? It's uh, what's the word?

[Pepe (mikE)] ::chitters::

[Malagorn (mikE)] Yes! Cold.

[Pepe (mikE)] ::sighs::

[Bradwarden] is there anything I can do to help?

[Bradwarden] he hangs his head

[Bradwarden] very well

[Bradwarden] I will go try to get help in Wolfspack I guess

[Bradwarden] perhaps there will be someoen to hire in the adventurers guild

[Malagorn (mikE)] ((so uh... everyone eating dinner?))

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I don't think Stormport is the place for you

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] so... let me get this straight. Brad says we have to go to some place called Stormport because it is mentioned on a note sent from Brad?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] You should go back to Antarias... he's going to need all the help he can get

[Bradwarden] will you look into this for Sir PauL?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] this Brad is a centaur... what's the note Brad?

[Bradwarden] human male

[Malagorn (mikE)] Apple

[Pepe (mikE)] ::chitters::

[Malagorn (mikE)] Robin

[Pepe (mikE)] ::chitters::

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] so... he's presumed in trouble then? Are The Elect some sort of trouble?

[Malagorn (mikE)] Rude

[Pepe (mikE)] ::chitters::

[Bradwarden] I do not know

[Malagorn (mikE)] Me??

[Bradwarden] all I know is that Sir Paul's people thought it important

[Malagorn (mikE)] What do you mean I'm the first thing that comes to mind?

[Bradwarden] and were asking for Sir Finglasses help

[Pepe (mikE)] ::chitters::

[Malagorn (mikE)] Well, that doesn't count!

[Bradwarden] and that this note seems to say to meet him on the 15th

[Bradwarden] it is now the 22nd

[Pepe (mikE)] ::chitters::

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] now when you say the new moon was the 15th, would that be the "next" new moon that just passed?

[Bradwarden] and no one has heard from him

[Malagorn (mikE)] Fine. Then I won't talk to you!

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] or do we have a month to get there?

[Pepe (mikE)] ::chitters::

[Bradwarden] I do not know

[Bradwarden] I would think it has passed

[Malagorn (mikE)] Well then stop listening to my thinking!

[Bradwarden] I meant that I think

[Bradwarden] not that you think

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] of course, it'd be silly to date the note or anything

[Bradwarden] I am not sure if you are thinking he mutters

[Bradwarden] he looks around,

[Bradwarden] should I trust that you will take care of this?

[Bradwarden] or should I try to find someoen else?

[mikE] I am away from the keyboard.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] So... why did you bring it to us NOW when the note was for the 15th?

[Bradwarden] I have been traveling

[Bradwarden] it is winter

[Bradwarden] it is many miles

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Paul couldn't have helped you along if he thought it so urgent?

[Bradwarden] we coudl not talk to Sir Paul

[Bradwarden] or I would not have brought it to you

[Bradwarden] they asked for help from Sir Finglass

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] didn't you say he thought it was important?

[Bradwarden] becasue Sir Paul would not be distrubed

[Bradwarden] no, I said that Sir Paul was not to be distrubed unless it is important

[Bradwarden] I am not sure that he would consider this important

[Bradwarden] if he own people did not think it so

[Bradwarden] but wanted the other Dragonslayers to help out

[Darkla] ({back) -1

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Of course... well I don't know anything about any dragonslayers, but it would have been nice to get this note before the meeting time

[Bradwarden] yes I am sure it would be

[Bradwarden] it is a puzzle why it came late

[Bradwarden] and why he did not deliver it himself

[Bradwarden] or what any of this means

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] well... if he delivered it himself, he wouldn't need to setup a meeting time would he?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] He could just talk then.

[Bradwarden] I suppose this is true

[Kira (Beth)] ::smirks::

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I'm guessing this is an inn or bar mentioned in the note?

[Bradwarden] I presume it is some sort of bar

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] the Fair Warrior sounds like one

[Bradwarden] from the sound of it

[Bradwarden] but I am not sure

[Kira (Beth)] You've never been to Stormport, I take it?

[Bradwarden] I have never been near it

[Bradwarden] it is up in the human lands

[Kira (Beth)] ah, yes. I see

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] So... you want Lady Kylia to find him and do what exactly?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Ramone no longer follows Sweetums.

[Bradwarden] I am not sure

[Kira (Beth)] ::sighs::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Bring him back? Tell him he's missed? Buy him a drink? What?"

[Bradwarden] I know tha tSir Finglass could have handled this

[Bradwarden] it is not normal to get messages like this

[Kira (Beth)] It WOULD help if we had a better idea of what we are supposed to do. Providing we found this person.

[Bradwarden] espcially from foriegn lands

[Bradwarden] I do not know, I can not imagine what this is about or why he would not come home

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "So... you want us to find him and ask why he sent a note home then?"

[Bradwarden] it might not be a big deal

[Bradwarden] which is most likely why Sir Paul's people did not disturb him

[Bradwarden] but they asked me to help them

[Bradwarden] and I had no one else to turn to

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "You are really vague man! What is it you want done? We can hunt him down and throw him in a pit of rabid goblins for all we know from your request."

[Bradwarden] I am sure that Sir Paul will trust in your judgement on what needs to be done

[Bradwarden] you are the Dragonslayers afterall

[Bradwarden] you are heroes

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::whispers back to the group:: "Are we really?"

[Kira (Beth)] ::whispers back:: We're a bunch of raw recruits that the Lady is certain will be all killed off shortly

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::whispers::"Ah"

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "I think we're hired bodyshields."

[Kira (Beth)] ::smirks:: I believe you foisted yourself onto this group, so don't complain

[Kira (Beth)] You're a 'volunteer', remember? ::grins::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Nothing of the sort. I seem to remember you begging me to stick around but telling me not to mention it to save face."

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::shrugs::

[mikE] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kira (Beth)] ::gives him The Look:: Yeah, Riiiigghhhttt!

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "So, it's a man hunt!"

[Malagorn (mikE)] I remember that!

[Malagorn (mikE)] I think.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "See? He remembers" ::points to malagorn::

[Kira (Beth)] ::snorts:: neither of you were sober enough to remember much of anything

[Kira (Beth)] I'm surprised you even remembered where you were when you woke up the next morning

[Malagorn (mikE)] Oh, so those djini girls didn't appear and do all those great things?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "I am always sober my dear. Never touch anything that would disrupt my senses." ::grins::

[Kira (Beth)] uh huh Right!

[Malagorn (mikE)] I knew no one could peel an elephant with their toes!

[Kira (Beth)] You don't have any sense to disrupt

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Exactly... so, man hunt. What's the pay to find this Brad Brad?"

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::leans on Brad::

[Bradwarden] um

[Bradwarden] I do not have anything to pay

[Bradwarden] that is why I was coming to the dragonslayers

[Malagorn (mikE)] Do you have a picture of him?

[Malagorn (mikE)] Or an item of his?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Nothing to pay? You came all the way here so urgently and mention going to an adventurer's guild and you've nothing to pay?"

[Malagorn (mikE)] Maybe a favorite blankie or the like?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!) (to GM only)] Ramone: Pick Pockets check:(d100) [65] 65. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (95) [95] 95!!!

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!) (to DM only)] Picking his pocket

[Malagorn (mikE)] Yes? No? Maybe so?

[Malagorn (mikE)] Heloooooo?

[Bradwarden (to BiBo!!!!!!!!! only)] has no pockets to pick, has a sling bag with only large things in it

[Malagorn (mikE)] I am talking, right? I mean, I hear the words.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] You were asking for a photo

[Bradwarden] I do not have anyting

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I don't have a photo

[Malagorn (mikE)] Well then, how are we supposed to find him?

[Malagorn (mikE)] Get me a personal item, then.

[Bradwarden] I do not know

[Bradwarden] I am sorry

[Malagorn (mikE)] Brush would be good. With some hair in it.

[Bradwarden] where would I get that?

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::rolls his eyes:: From his bed chamber, maybe?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "So why is it you're so concerned about this when no one else seems to be?"

[Bradwarden] it would take me a week or so to travel there

[Bradwarden] and travel back

[Malagorn (mikE)] Well, you better get going, then!

[Bradwarden] becuase Khan asked me to take care of this

[Malagorn (mikE)] My! Have you no concept of what is needed to find a person?

[Bradwarden] and I said that I would

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "So... by 'taking care' you mean find someone else to take care of it?"

[Malagorn (mikE)] You need more than a name to go on!

[Kira (Beth)] ::sighs:: and two more weeks on an already cold trail

[Bradwarden] I do not know

[Bradwarden] I am sorry

[Bradwarden] I know I keep saying that

[Malagorn (mikE)] What if there are two Brad Johnsons? Sounds like a common name.

[Bradwarden] but it is why I can to you

[Malagorn (mikE)] I might find the wrong one.

[Malagorn (mikE)] Where did he live, then?

[Bradwarden] he used to live in Thed

[Bradwarden] or Gon

[Bradwarden] I am not sure

[Malagorn (mikE)] ...

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] (Thed is a Person...THEDD is a place )

[Malagorn (mikE)] You, horse boy, are USELESS!!!

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::throws his hands in the air::

[Malagorn (mikE)] How am I supposed to work like this?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Apparently so..."

[Malagorn (mikE)] No paintings, no personal effects, no knowledge whatsoever of how magic even works!

[Bradwarden] no mister mad

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "You want people to tromp all over the world for no pay and you can't even give anything to go on or even what the nature of the task is."

[Bradwarden] I have never used magic

[Malagorn (mikE)] What do I look like? I miricle worker? Captain! Permission to rant, sir?

[Bradwarden] I try to stay away from it

[Bradwarden] I am sorry Sir

[Bradwarden] I will go

[Malagorn (mikE)] Because I feel a great need to rant at the poor working conditions I am being forced to endure here.

[Bradwarden] and try to find someone who can do this

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] It's a quest that was delivered to Finglass. I'll take the quest

[Malagorn (mikE)] I don't even have a table for my ball!

[Malagorn (mikE)] And the tasseled curtains! They are essential for scrying!

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] If none of you want to go ...that's your perrogative. You can camp with the farmers in my absence. Wilson will ensure you have accommodatiosn

[Malagorn (mikE)] Pepe! Where's my turban?

[Pepe (mikE)] ::chitters and flies off::

[Malagorn (mikE)] At least someone can do something right around here.

[Kira (Beth)] As I said before, Lady Kylia, you lead, I follow

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Oh, I didn't say I wouldn't go, I just said I'd like to know what it is we're going to do, as well as a clue as to who we are trying to find."

[Malagorn (mikE)] Captain, I will need to use your puddle to get to this man's bedchambers.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] they will know me

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Do you happen to know this Brad, Lady Kylia?

[Malagorn (mikE)] I can return on my own, Cap'n, so don't you worry.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I don't have to know who they are

[Malagorn (mikE)] Pepe will prepare a suitable workspace. Firey man! You seem to understand Pepe! Go help him!

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I know of him

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::taps his foot impatiently::

[Malagorn (mikE)] Cap'n? I hate to seem insubordinate, but every minute we waste is a chance for that missing soldier to be captured.

[Malagorn (mikE)] And I can't find him on a name alone!

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "I suppose we're off on a wild goose chase, hopefully we get some golden eggs out of it."

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Point the way then."

[Malagorn (mikE)] Yes. This is exactly that. A wild goose chase. Good term. I like that Bard guy who came up with it.

[Malagorn (mikE)] I would if I could get some co-operation here!

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: blinks ::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "You'll have to make do minus turban or curtains."

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] There are stone benches through out that you can put your globe upon

[Kira (Beth)] ::shakes head::

[Malagorn (mikE)] Puddle!

[Malagorn (mikE)] I need you to do the workie workie thing on the puddle, Cap'n!

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Right... puddle... Pepe? Do you know what he's going on about?"

[Malagorn (mikE)] Are you drunk or something? Slow responce time... Not talking on topic... Have you been dipping into my abrosia?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Were'd that skunk go..."

[Malagorn (mikE)] C'mon, Cap'n! Any longer and I can rememorize two teleports to get me there and back!

[Kira (Beth)] ::snorts:: at least the skunk makes sense!

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: counts to ten very very slowly ::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::nods to Kira agreeably::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] You.... through the pool now.

[Malagorn (mikE) (to DM only)] if i port to paul, does he still have the pool focused here for us to use?

[Malagorn (mikE)] Yes! That's what I've been waiting for! Put it on that Paul guys' place where Brad used to live.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Pool?" ::whispers to Kira:: "What is she talking about?"

[Malagorn (mikE)] Not going to ask why Brad lived with Paul...

[Bradwarden (to mikE only)] no tring to port to Paul will result in being shunted outside, he has a block up on his study

[Kira (Beth)] ::whispers back:: The pool is a 'port' of sorts

[Kira (Beth)] portal

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::points at the dimensional pool:: That! You ignorant mage! It's clearly a dimensional pool.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Oh... of course... Through the pool."

[Bradwarden (to mikE only)] but you can see the place where Brad used to live that way it is true

[Malagorn (mikE)] Pepe has been studying it and it's useage since we got here.

[Kira (Beth)] Well, he would have to so he could explain it to you. ::smirks::

[Malagorn (mikE)] My my my my my.... This outfit is more desparate for a competent mage than I thought.

[Kira (Beth)] know of one?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "I guess we start at the Fair Warrior."

[Malagorn (mikE)] Okay. Since you all seem to think at the speed of a sloth, I will take matters into my own hands!

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: waits for the rest to go through ::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::pops through the portal::

[Malagorn (mikE)] Malagorn: Teleport: a

[Malagorn (mikE) (to DM only)] goes to gon

[Kira (Beth)] ::pops through behind Ramone::

[Malagorn (mikE) (to DM only)] asks for paul, needs some hair of Brad's to find him so we can get to him.

[Bradwarden] ok, so Mal, Pepe, Kira, Ramone, Kylia?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] yes

[Bradwarden] Malagorn moved 103'05".

[Bradwarden] Ramone moved 101'05".

[Bradwarden] Kira moved 102'06".

[Bradwarden] Kylia Wolfslayer and Pepe moved 107'06".

mikE is receiving the map Base...

mikE has received the map Base.

[Bradwarden] Pepe moved 10'00".

[mikE] Pepe no longer follows Kylia Wolfslayer.

[Malagorn (mikE)] Pepe moved 5'10".

[mikE] Pepe follows Malagorn.

[Bradwarden] Malagorn and Pepe moved 2'10".

[Malagorn (mikE) (to GM only)] Roll #1: (d100) [71] 71

[Bradwarden] ok

[Bradwarden] so everyone is in Gon

[Bradwarden] and you find Brad's quarters

[Bradwarden] and his second in command

[Bradwarden] as Brad was the leder of the guard

Molly has joined the game on Fri Jul 21 20:36:24 EDT 2006

[Kira (Beth)] Brad Johnson moved 4682'06".

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] why is the leader of the guard stomping all over creation?

[Kira (Beth)] oops

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] shouldn't he be in town?

[Thornburn] Hello?

[Thornburn] yes Sir?

Molly is receiving the map Base...

Molly has received the map Base.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "So... why was the leader of the guard being anywhere other than the town he's supposed to be leading guards in?"

[Thornburn] Hello Molly

[Thornburn] Sir?

[Thornburn] Captain Brad was on an extended diplomatic mission

[Molly] Hi, all

[Thornburn] trying to work on trade issues

[Kira (Beth)] Hi, Mol!

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "The... why is he a diplomat?"

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Don't people usually have diplomats for that sort of thing?"

[Thornburn] he was thought to be the best one of us to represent what Sir Paul wanted

[Thornburn] with the several different factions

[Malagorn (mikE) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Malagorn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Enlarge -- # Memorized: 1 (null), CHANGED: Magic Missile -- # Memorized: 2 (null), CHANGED: Unseen Servant -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Grease -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Web -- # Memorized: (1), CHANGED: Tasha's Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter -- # Memorized: 2 (1), CHANGED: Fly -- # Memorized: 1 (null), CHANGED: Haste -- # Memorized: 1 (null), CHANGED: Fireball -- # Memorized: 2 (0), CHANGED: Lightning Bolt -- # Memorized: 2 (1), CHANGED: Polymorph Other -- # Memorized: 1 (null), CHANGED: Stoneskin -- # Memorized: 1 (null), CHANGED: Seduction IV -- # Memorized: 1 (null), CHANGED: Seduction V -- # Memorized: 1 (null), DELETED: null, null, null, a, null, 1, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, a, null, 1, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, a, null, 1, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, a, null, 1, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, a, null, 1, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, a, null, 1, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, a, null, 1, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, a, null, 1, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, 1, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, a, null, 1, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, a, null, 1, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, a, null, 1, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, a, null, 1, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, a, null, 1, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, a, null, 1, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, a, null, 1, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, a, null, 1, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, 1, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null.

[Thornburn] and he wanted to get out and adventure some more

[Malagorn (mikE)] Do you have any pictures of him?

[Thornburn] I am not sure if Sir Paul would have sent him alone like this

[Malagorn (mikE)] Or personal effects?

[Thornburn] but he wanted to go and did not want to take any of the guards with him

[Malagorn (mikE)] Hair or fingernail trimmings would be lovely.

[Thornburn] in case they were needed here

[Thornburn] in the winter

[Thornburn] excuse me sir?

[Thornburn] fingernails?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Seems all very weird to me."

[Thornburn] I am sure I do not have any of that

[Malagorn (mikE)] Yes.

[Thornburn] I can show you to his quarters if you like

[Malagorn (mikE)] You don't keep that sort of thing on hand for your captain of the guard..?

[Thornburn] he takes you to the barakrs

[Malagorn (mikE)] Yes yes. DO that.

[Thornburn] and shows you a fairly simple room

[Thornburn] a desk chair, a large feather bed

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::looks for things to help with scrying::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Is there anyone here capable of drawing a picture of the captain so we know who we're looking for?"

[Thornburn] all recently cleaned

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::hair on the pillow::

[Thornburn] I could give you a description sir

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "I guess that'll have to do."

[Malagorn (mikE)] Well... It would be a start, yes.

[Thornburn] but if you were planing on scrying him?

[Thornburn] we tried that already

[Thornburn] it was the first idea we had

[Malagorn (mikE)] How else am I to find him?

[Malagorn (mikE)] Oh? Finally, someone who has some sense.

[Thornburn] he did not appear in any form

[Malagorn (mikE)] Well, then. He's dead.

[Thornburn] is why we wanted help from Sir Finglass

[Thornburn] who can teleport

[Thornburn] pauses

[Thornburn] I do not believe he is dead

[Malagorn (mikE)] Too bad. You might want to fill up that vacancy.

[Malagorn (mikE)] Well, if you can't scry him, he's dead.

[Thornburn] that seems to be a leap

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::shrugs::

[Thornburn] I do not want to make

[Thornburn] looks over at Lady Kylia

[Thornburn] and at Kira

[Thornburn] are these two realy the best you have?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "So... are you going to give that description or what?"

[Kira (Beth)] ::sighs::

[Malagorn (mikE)] I'm better than you are!

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Any time would be fabulous."

[Kira (Beth)] Unfortunately

[Thornburn] I am a fighter sir

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "So... does that mean you can't describe things?"

[Malagorn (mikE)] Then it proves I'm better!

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Understandable if it is."

[Thornburn] I can defend this town from an onslaught of goblins with only 4 men

[Malagorn (mikE)] I can do it with a skunk.

[Rosethorn (Molly)] What am I, chopped wizard??

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "But I would hope you were smarter than that."

[Thornburn] he gives you a descrption of Brqd

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "About time!"

[Malagorn (mikE)] ((yes, but we want a description of BrAd.

[Kira (Beth)] ((rofl at Rose))

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "So... to the Fair Warrior... sounds oddly like a gay bar..."

[Malagorn (mikE)] No, if you were chopped wizard you might actually be useful in a spell of some sort... Interesting. I wonder if I could make a spell component out of ground up wizard.

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ((curtsy)) zanku.

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::eyes longsword::

[Thornburn] back to roadhaven?

[Thornburn] or ?

[Thornburn] who actually is going where?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Well, yes, then the Fair Warrior.

[Malagorn (mikE)] ((isn't this dude somewhere in that othe city?))

[Thornburn] Ramone, Kylia Wolfslayer, Malagorn, Pepe and Kira moved 117'04".

[Thornburn] Thornburn moved 7'10".

[DM] ok

[DM] so questions?

[DM] speculatoins?

[Malagorn (mikE)] You sir, should keep pieces of your important people on hand!

[Rosethorn (Molly)] Rosethorn moved 27'08".

[DM] lorie is havign a minor issue

[DM] but the rest of you

[DM] questions? problems? solutions?

[Malagorn (mikE) (to DM only)] i'm going to use a crystal ball to scry for him anyway

Beth is receiving the map Base...

Beth has received the map Base.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Well... can we find this bar?

[Rosethorn (Molly)] major issue?

[DM] /mike, you do not find him at all with scrying

[DM] doh

[Malagorn (mikE)] yeah... next time without the comma, bob.

[DM] sighs

[DM] so dead of winter

[DM] heading north

[DM] into a strange land

[Malagorn (mikE)] ((isn't that what the pool is for?))

[DM] you do know that wingstone is the place where they hate elves

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] good thing I'm not an elf

[DM] very true, I assume you are using the pool or teleporting

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::sighs:: oh goodie.

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::points at Rose:: What are we doing with her?

[DM] as long as you do not go south into wingstone should be ok

[Malagorn (mikE)] We could tie her up and call her our captive. Maybe get a reward or something.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Watch the local KKK chapter chase her out of town I suppose

[DM] you will be north of there

[Rosethorn (Molly)] I've got a better idea.

[Darkla] do the spock thingie and give her a headband

[Rosethorn (Molly)] How bout we make some wizard powder after all??

[Malagorn (mikE)] I could make her normal.

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::glares at Malagorn:: NORMAL?!?!

[Kira (Beth)] Rose, I wouldn't let him close to you with a spell

[Malagorn (mikE)] Yeah. Normal.

[Malagorn (mikE)] You know, not elf?

[Kira (Beth)] ::chokes back laughter::

[Rosethorn (Molly)] (deadly cold voice) Be VERY careful, Wizard.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "I don't think he needs to be close to use a spell."

[Malagorn (mikE)] Oh, don't worry. I know this spell like the back of my hand.

[Malagorn (mikE)] I won't do it wrong. I promise.

[DM] which one?

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::reaches for longsword::

[Kira (Beth)] ::whispers to Ramone:: This outta be good!

[Malagorn (mikE)] Yes? No?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::snickers::

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::glares at Ramone::

[Malagorn (mikE)] I will accept silence as a yes!

[Kira (Beth)] How much of him do you think she'll leave in one piece?

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::taps his foot as if counting to himself::

[Rosethorn (Molly)] Care to be wizard powder too?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "I'm putting my money on the skunk really."

[Malagorn (mikE)] Okay. Since I hear no no, I'll say it's a yes!

[Kira (Beth)] ::chuckles:: good call

[Malagorn (mikE)] C'mere, elf girl!

[Malagorn (mikE)] Time for a Mad Malagorn makeover!

[Rosethorn (Molly)] So far, the skunk is the only who's gonna live through this...

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay...sorry all. I'm back

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::draws longsword from sheath::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I vote to go ..

[Kira (Beth)] Kylia, you might want to save your fake mage ::snickers::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Good, shall we before we have... something on our hands?"

[Rosethorn (Molly)] Back OFF, Snake!!

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Excuse me Kira?

[Kira (Beth)] The elf is about to make him into chopped Wizard

[Malagorn (mikE)] Pepe's not a snake. He's a skunk. Say it with me. Sk-u-nk. Sku-nk. Skunk

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: looks at Rosethorn, drawing her sword ::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] The only arse kicking that will be done around here is on my orders.

[Kira (Beth)] ::stifles a laugh:: He says he'll make her 'Normal'

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I thank you to sheath your magic and sword.

[Malagorn (mikE)] It's an easy spell.

[Malagorn (mikE)] Sheath my magic?

[Malagorn (mikE)] How would one do that, I wonder.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: glares ::

[Malagorn (mikE)] Can I maybe make a magic sheath?

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::keeps sword out but pointed at the ground::

[Malagorn (mikE)] Hmmm.... Or more appropriately a sheath for magic?

[Rosethorn (Molly)] I'm waiting, Wizard.

[Kira (Beth)] ::turns her back so no one sees she can't control her laughter::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: continues :: I'm sure none of you have been a part of a group for at least the shortwhile... but I can't have this in-fighting

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] You don't like the rules, you can leave

[Malagorn (mikE)] Oh! Sorry. I didn't know you were so anxious to be normal.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] You can go be dead elsewhere

[Kira (Beth)] ::chokes::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::leans on Kira:: "Maybe I should change my bet to Lady Kylia?"

[Rosethorn (Molly)] If I'm gonna be "Normal" it's NOT gonna be by YOU.

[Malagorn (mikE)] No no no. You're not going to be me.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Excuse me, I wasn't finished speaking.

[Malagorn (mikE)] Just a normal woman.

[Kira (Beth)] ::shrugs out from under his arm:: Maybe ::grins::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] You both can hold your tongue or I'll hold it for you...

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::ponders::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I don't run a nursery school...

[Malagorn (mikE)] But wouldn't that get your hands dirty, Cap'n?

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::still focused on Malagorn:: Yes, My Lady?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Don't waste your breath on me with false pleasantries Rosethorn.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Put the sword away and we'll be on our way.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Malagorn I suggest you get your own bodily "issues" resolved before modifiying anyone else's

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: turns to the other two :: Shall we get to the Inn already?

[Kira (Beth)] ::stifles laughter:: Rose, it would be best to put away the sword.

[Malagorn (mikE)] My body is fine. I went before we left.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Sounds fantastic."

[Kira (Beth)] Ignore the miscreant 'mage'

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::slowly sheathes longsword, still focusing on Malagorn::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I'd rather have what I had before but this is what fate has dealt me.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] We'll manage.

[Malagorn (mikE)] Aye aye, Cap'n!

[DM] Johana, Nial and Kargan moved 129'05".

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I've worked with less talent and lived

[DM] Bar crowd moved 4'11".

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::changes into a sailor's uniform::

[DM] Johana moved 128'01".

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: turns and exits and heads for the rendezvous location ::

[DM] Nial moved 162'00".

[DM] Kargan moved 169'11".

[DM] Kira moved 177'02".

[DM] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 174'10".

[Rosethorn (Molly)] Rosethorn moved 41'00".

[DM] Ramone, Rosethorn, Malagorn and Pepe moved 172'09".

[Pepe (mikE)] ::chitters::

[DM] Rosethorn moved 0'10".

[DM] Rosethorn moved 86'11".

[DM] Nial moved 6'07".

[DM] Bar crowd moved 18'00".

[DM] Ramone moved 15'02".

[DM] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 8'06".

[DM] Malagorn and Pepe moved 10'11".

[DM] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 23 Be ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 23rd, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 08:00 PM. Day 23 Be ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 23rd, 1258.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::chitters to pepe::

[DM] ok, so it is late afternoon

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: looks up at the sky :: Haven't I been a good follower? Preached the good word? Brought in new recruits? Prayed every morning and night. Did the lunar sacrifices... Can't I have a slight reprieve?

[DM] Time of Day: 04:00 PM. Day 23 Be ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 23rd, 1258.

[Malagorn (mikE)] Cap'n, you okay? Who you talking to?

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::looks up::

[Malagorn (mikE)] Do you have an imaginary friend? I used to have one when I was a kid.

[Malagorn (mikE)] Her name was Jill. She was a nice girl.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: glares at Malagorn ::

[DM] the Sign of the Fair Warrior is an inn and tavern in the small city of Stormport

[Malagorn (mikE)] She liked to play in the pansey fields when they were in bloom.

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::scornful look at Malagorn:: you still do. and it ain't Pepe.

[Malagorn (mikE)] I used to share all my special treats with her.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Right... This looks like the place. Shall we?

[Malagorn (mikE)] She had hair the color of ripe wheat. And eyes like, uh... Something I'm sure.

[Malagorn (mikE)] I mean, everyone has eyes.

[Malagorn (mikE)] Even immaginary friends.

[Kira (Beth)] ::snorts::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: nods :: Enters the bar, finds an open table and sits

[DM] Coarse laughter follows on the heels of raucous shouting, only briefly competing with the mutter and drone of a tavern filled with commoners. Pip smoke lingers in the upper air sheathing the wide round beam of the wooden ceiling in blue gloom and assaulting your hose with the burning leaves of over a dozen exotic herbs. Amidst the haze the Fair Warrior’s martial décor glints and shine in the flickering light of its large hearth and dozen blazing lanterns. Ale is served in wooden flagons carved with the Sign of the Fair Warrior: a swordswoman engaged with a lion rampant. A central circular depression holds the bar and bartender, a massive man whose gray hair seems at odds with is alert posture and massive shoulders. Two events draw your eyes. Near the hearth a thin man with a shaved head and dark robe clutches a stack of parchment sheet to his chest, apparently trying to protect himself form the harassment of a much larger drunken patron wearing rusted chain mail. Nearer at hand a woman spill her drink across her table and immediately burst into hysterical tears. Her shoulder heave as her forlorn sobs sound throughout the tavern.

[Malagorn (mikE)] ((pip smoke!))

[DM] Handsome Jon moved 9'01".

[DM] Kargan targets Nial. Distance: 4'11"

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::immeadiately walks over to the grieving lass:: "Problem miss?"

[Malagorn (mikE)] Now now, lady. No use in crying over spilt milk. Or ale...

[DM] she sobs

[Kira (Beth)] ::smirks::

[Johana] “I don’t know what to do. The city guard won’t help me. They think me a hysterical woman but I just know that something terrible has happened to poor Durgan!”

[Pepe (mikE)] ::licks at the ale::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Calm down, what's your name and who's Durgan?"

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::picks up Pepe and puts him back on his shoulder:: No Pepe! You're too young to drink.

[Johana] I am Johana

[Johana] and Durgan is my brother

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: shakes her head and the men fawning over the woman and looks around for the man ::

[Johana] My brother was fey you see. He had certain sensitivity and of late his dreams were troubled. Beasts and evil creatures stalked his nightmares and they soon began to haunt even his daydreams! Durgan finally confided in me three days ago. He felt that something was stalking him, some inner demon he named a phthisic. Oh I’m terrible. I laughed at him! I told him to stop eating his stewed mushrooms so late in the evening. The next morning Durgan’s window was shattered and he was gone! It’s all my fault!!!

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::snorts:: takes ale flagon away from Malagorn. As are you.

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::squints at the paper clutching man. Does he look like a wizardly type?::

[Johana] (no sign of Brad in the bar)

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Ah, brother, good. Fey.... " ((uh... what race is this woman?))

[Johana] the man with the flyes seems more the clericy type

[Johana] human

[Johana] everyone here except yoru gorup is human

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::goes over to him:: Hey, is that a magic spell? ::pushes completely unawares infront of the mean fighter::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] our group? more like except our one elf

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((We are in Terraguard for the not-in-the-know... they aren't so fond of the non-human types ))

[Kargan] HEY

[Malagorn (mikE)] Huh? Hay?

[Nial] "Master Enoch has wisdom for each and every one of us. Unstop your ears and open your mind to the wisdom of Master Enoch!"

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::looks about:: They might have some in the barn for the horses if ya want some.

[Kargan] ld you to shut yoru trap

[Malagorn (mikE)] Who's Enoch? I want wisdom!

[Kargan] yuo defendin him?

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::waves his hand in the air like a schoolboy

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::glares at Ramone:: ::whispers:: CAREFUL what you say, filthy one, and where you say it!!

[Kargan] waves a hand at Mal

[Kira (Beth)] ::sits by Lady Kylia to watch the show::

[Malagorn (mikE)] Uh, am I?

[Kargan] Malagorn and Pepe moved 29'01".

[Kargan] Ramone moved 15'10".

[Kargan] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 3'06".

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Calm down calm down. Why is it your fault? Surely you can't blame yourself for a kidnapping?"

[Kargan] Kira moved 3'04".

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::to nial:: Am I defending you?

[Kargan] Handsome Jon moved 13'09".

[Kargan] Bar crowd moved 10'06".

[Rosethorn (Molly)] Rosethorn moved 7'05".

[Kargan] Kargan targets Malagorn. Distance: 4'00"

[Kargan] Kargan pokes at Nial

[Kargan] then at mal

[Kargan] You

[Kargan] you little lickspittle

[Kargan] small

[Kargan] boy

[Malagorn (mikE)] Little? I can make myself larger.

[Kargan] oh?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Do you live alone with your brother Johana?"

[Kargan] can you

[Kargan] can you really now

[Kargan] lets see it little man

[Malagorn (mikE)] Yup!

[Malagorn (mikE)] Okay!

[Kargan] lets see how you can

[Malagorn (mikE)] Stand back!

[Kargan] THUMPS into you

[Kargan] Kargan moved 2'00".

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Well... until he disappeared that is."

[Johana] yes

[Johana] we lived togetehr

[Malagorn (mikE)] Hey, now. I said stand back.

[Malagorn (mikE)] Uh... Um...

[Malagorn (mikE)] Huh. Can you wait till tomorow?

[Malagorn (mikE)] I can show you tomorow.

[Johana] he was a tobacoist

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::sighs:: huh boy. here we go again...

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Ah... you must be frightened now that he is gone. No one to protect you from intruders. Do you have someone to protect you?"

[Johana] he brought in pipeweed from many far of places

[Johana] no

[Johana] she cries

[Johana] I have no one

[Kira (Beth)] ::snorts::

[Kargan] rigth

[Kargan] sure

[Kargan] you can show me NOW

[Kargan] THUMP

[Kargan] come on little man

[Pepe (mikE)] ::chitters to himself spins around on Mal's shoulder and raises his tail to Dargan::

[Kira (Beth)] same old Ramone

[Kargan] you think you have

[Malagorn (mikE)] Pepe! Don't spray him, now!

[Kira (Beth)] huh boy! things are about to get smelly!!

[Malagorn (mikE)] You'll stink up the whole tavern. Do it outside.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Oh that is such a shame lass. I would be more than happy to console and protect you my dear."

[Kargan] BELCHES

[Pepe (mikE)] ::looks over his shoulder and chitters angrily at Kargan::

[Johana] you woudl help me find my brother?

[Johana] thank you

[Kira (Beth)] ::smirks::

[Johana] thank you

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::aside to Kira:: If worse comes to worse, save the skunk. Forget the wizard. He can take his licks on his own...

[Johana] I can show you were we lived

[Johana] and where he was taken from

[Johana] his bedroom

[Kira (Beth)] (to Kylia) He hasn't changed a bit. Always out for a bit of tail

[Malagorn (mikE)] Uh, Pepe doesn't seem to like you much. And he does spray... I'm trying to teach him not to.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Of course. One thing first though, if you do not mind."

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::laughs softly::

[Malagorn (mikE)] But teaching a skunk anything other than elvish or dwarvish is just hard.

[Malagorn (mikE)] Well, I taught him to read and write, too.

[Malagorn (mikE)] But that's just a matter of course. I mean, everyone can read and write.

[Kira (Beth)] (aside to Kylia) you want odds on Karagon or the skunk?

[Kira (Beth)] Personally I think the skunk has it

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: shrugs :: I would rather complete the task we are here on ... let them both die... they are going to anyhow

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "You see, I am here following the trail of some potentially dangerous characters, for all I know they may be related to your brother's disappearance. Does the name Brad Johnson mean anything to you? Or how about The Elect?"

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::sighs:: huh boy. that's all we need, for these people to know we have a magical skunk.

[Johana] teh Elect?

[Johana] that is what Nial calls him self

[Johana] one of the elect

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Nial... and that's who exactly?"

[Kira (Beth)] ::sighs:: We might surprise you, Kylia. It is hoped so, anyway

[Malagorn (mikE)] ((skunk's got wings))

[Rosethorn (Molly)] I'm on the skunk too.

[Kargan] wel;l hat are you waitign for little man?

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::points at Nial:: He's Nial!

[Malagorn (mikE)] I told you. I'd have to show you tomorow. I didn't learn it today.

[Nial] "Master Enoch has wisdom for each and every one of us. Unstop your ears and open your mind to the wisdom of Master Enoch!"

[Malagorn (mikE)] But I do have other tricks I can do for you.

[Kargan] I think maybe you are all talk

[Kargan] like this one

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] You hold on to that confidence... everyone else has pretty much died around here. Paul just went and hid somewhere

[Kargan] gestures at Nial

[Malagorn (mikE)] And then we can learn all the wisdom after I show you some tricks!

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Ah... are there a lot of people around here who talk like him?"

[Kargan] you should learn to stand up

[Kargan] and take it like a man

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::sighs:: he never learns, does he?

[Johana] there does seem to be a growing number of them

[Malagorn (mikE)] Take what?

[Kira (Beth)] ::smiles:: we all gotta die sometime. At least it won't be by rotting away in a rocking chair.

[Kargan] THYNP

[Malagorn (mikE)] What are we getting? The wisdom?

[Malagorn (mikE)] You know, you don't have to stand so close...

[Malagorn (mikE)] Pepe: Musk: Pepe chitters angrily and sprays a musk cloud that is 10'x10'x10'. Any creature unfortunate enough to be caught in a skunk's cloud must first save verses poison or be nauseated (lose 50% of Strength and Dexterity) for (d4) [2] 2 rounds and retreat and retch. Anyone who makes the first saving throw, but chooses to remain within the cloud, must make an additional save versus poison each round he stays. After the results of the first saving throw have been determined, a second save versus poison must be made to determine whether or not the vile musk has gotten into the victim's eyes, thereby blinding the unfortunate creature for (d4) [2] 2 rounds. The stench of the musk seems almost impossible to get rid of. All normal cloth materials must save versus acid or rot and become useless. All other items must be washed and aired repeatedly for several days to remove the horrid stench.

[Malagorn (mikE)] Pepe!

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Is that like a religion or something? Do they have a temple or other meeting place you know of?"


[Malagorn (mikE)] Oh, now you've done it!

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "oh gods..."

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ((To Lady Kylia)) I never planned on getting old anyway.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer: Zone of Sweet Air: "Range: (10*13) [10*13] 130 yds. Duration: (13) [13] 13 turns. Area of Effect: (10*13) [10*13] 130foot cube. Zone of sweet air creates an invisible barrier around the area of effect that repels all noxious elements from poisonous vapors, including those created magically (such as a stinking cloud). The spell offers no protection against poisonous vapors created by a dragon's breath weapon (such as the chlorine gas of a green dragon). Noxious gases already within the area of effect when the spell is cast are not affected. Fresh air passes into the area normally. If a poisonous vapor is expelled within the area of effect (for example, a stinking cloud is cast), the spell takes effect normally but dissipates in half the time normally required."

[Kargan] Kargan: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [8] 8. PROBABLY FAILS against (10) [10] 10

[Malagorn (mikE)] ((kinda like that, but in more of a square))

[Kira (Beth)] backs up in her chair fast away from teh sckunks cloud

[Kargan] Kargan: Initiative:(d10+10) [1+10] 11

[Kargan] Combat has begun!

[Kargan] ROUND: 0

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: looks at the skunk :: That will be enough of that. Stupid human or not

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::backs up waving his hand in the air::

[Kira (Beth)] SHITE!!!

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::sighs again:: too late.

[Kargan] Kargan: Initiative:(d10+10) [6+10] 16

[Malagorn (mikE)] Malagorn: Initiative:(d10-+2+10) [3-2+10] 11

[Kargan] ROUND: 1

[DM] INIT: 11 GOING: Malagorn

[Malagorn (mikE)] C'mon, Nial. Let's get away from the musk.

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::takes Nial's arm and backs up::

[DM] everyone else gets a chance after this round

[Malagorn (mikE)] Malagorn and Pepe moved 16'08".

[DM] Kargan moved 13'10".

[DM] Nial moved 11'05".

[Malagorn (mikE)] uh... why is he moving, too?

[DM] following you

[Malagorn (mikE)] it's not his init, BOB

[DM] Nial moved 11'01".

[DM] Kargan moved 11'08".

[Rosethorn (Molly)] and this makes a difference to the Great One??

[DM] and so you click next

[Malagorn (mikE)] ((not to mention he has to retreat and retch for 2 rounds))

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Kargan

[Malagorn (mikE)] ((since he failed his save there))

[DM] nods

[DM] VOMITS over the floor

[Kargan] ROUND: 2

[Malagorn (mikE)] Oh dear... looks like the poor man is sick.

[Kargan] anyoen want to join in?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Well... I don't want to join in, but I want to act.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: points up :: I cast Zone of Sweet Air ...

[Kargan] how so?

[Kargan] nods, saw that Lor

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] still talking to the woman

[Kargan] ok

[Kira (Beth)] stays in the zone of sweet air ::grin::

[Kargan] Nial moved 13'01".

[Malagorn (mikE)] ((probably covers the whole bar at kylia's level. =D))

[Kargan] Nial stumbles out and around in teh crowd

[Rosethorn (Molly)] Thank you, no. I'm just peachy right where I am.

[Kargan] finding his way to the door and leavign a fluttering of flyers behind him

[DM] INIT: 11 GOING: Malagorn

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] flyers... special

[Malagorn (mikE)] Um, bartender, do you have a wet washcloth for that poor man's eyes? That stuff has a tendancy to sting.

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Kargan

[Kargan] ROUND: 3

[Handsome Jon] we don't appreciate any fighting in here

[Kira (Beth)] Ramone, grab one of those flyers. We can see waht they say later

[DM] INIT: 11 GOING: Malagorn

[Malagorn (mikE)] Fighting? Where? I'll stop it!

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Kargan

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::waves his hand in the universal sign of 'shh... I'm trying to work here'::

[DM] Kargan moved 11'08".

[DM] Kargan: Attack #1: Long Sword: (14-(d20+1)) [14-(6+1)] 7. Probably MISSES Malagorn (AC FINAL: -5)

[Malagorn (mikE)] Hey!

[Handsome Jon] ROUND: 4

[DM] INIT: 11 GOING: Malagorn

[Kira (Beth)] ::throws an empty tankard at Ramone::

[DM] waves a long swoard at Mal

[Rosethorn (Molly)] :sighs:: ::yells at Malagorrn :: You ARE the FIGHTING!!

[Malagorn (mikE)] I am? Oh! A barfight!

[Malagorn (mikE)] Malagorn: Levitate: Range: 20 yds./level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature or object Saving Throw: Neg. When a levitate spell is cast, the wizard can place it upon his person, an object, or a single creature, subject to a maximum weight limit of 100 pounds per level of experience (for example, a 3rd-level wizard can levitate a maximum of 300 pounds). If the spell is cast upon the wizard, he can move vertically up or down at a movement rate of 2 per round. If cast upon an object or another creature, the wizard can levitate it at the same speed, according to his command. This spell does not empower horizontal movement, but the recipient could push along the face of a cliff, for example, to move laterally. The spellcaster can cancel the spell as desired. If the subject of the spell is unwilling, or the object is in the possession of a creature, a saving throw vs. spell is allowed to determine if the levitate spell affects it. Once cast, the spell requires no concentration, except when changing height. A levitating creature attempting to use a missile weapon finds himself increasingly unstable; the first attack has an attack roll penalty of -1, the second -2, the third -3, etc., up to a maximum of -5. A full round spent stabilizing allows the creature to begin again at -1. Lack of leverage makes it impossible to cock a medium or heavy crossbow.

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::rubbing forehead::

[DM] Kargan: Magical Spell save: (d20) [5] 5. PROBABLY FAILS against (13) [13] 13

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::lifts him to the roof::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "So my fair lady Johana... Shall we be going elsewhere? A bar brawl is not a good place for a beautiful woman such as yourself. You might be accidently injured."

[Malagorn (mikE)] I won!


[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Kargan

[Malagorn (mikE)] I won, right?

[Kargan] ROUND: 5

[DM] INIT: 11 GOING: Malagorn

[Kira (Beth)] ::empty tankard hits Ramone in teh back of the head::


[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::sighs::

[Malagorn (mikE)] It's levitate! A fun spell.

[Rosethorn (Molly)] Not yet, Mal.

[Malagorn (mikE)] How's the view from up there?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::rubs the back of his head:: "See? Just like that."

[Malagorn (mikE)] No? Then what do I do to win?

[DM] I am looking for someone to help me find my brother

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Kargan

[Kira (Beth)] RAMONE!!!

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "And I did say I would help you did I not?"

[DM] perhaps you will come by tomorrow

[DM] to help me

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: Looks at Mal :: Is this truly how you behave? A guard for Wolfspack would NEVER conduct themseles in public in such a manner

[Malagorn (mikE)] ((should we even really be in round time at this point?))

[DM] and you can look at the bedroom

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] How absolutely deploreable

[Kira (Beth)] Levitate your brain from your pants to your head. We have work tod do

[Malagorn (mikE)] But... Should I let him down, Cap'n?

[Johana] ROUND: 6

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Oh... I would love to help you in the bedroom."

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] You shouldn't have started

[Malagorn (mikE)] I was just trying to do the unit proud. He swung first, too!

[Kargan] PUT ME DOWN

[Malagorn (mikE)] I didn't start it!

[Kargan] ROUND: 5

[Kargan] ROUND: 6

[DM] INIT: 11 GOING: Malagorn

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Put him down and Pepe and you need to apologize

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::sighs:: Yes Cap'n

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::drops the spell, forgetting to let him down gently first::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Bob... seing as how that levitate spell lasts 11 turns (aka almost 2 hours) can't we just ditch the round time?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: turns to the over-zealous cleric :: And that would be about enough from you...

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::rubbing forehead again:: ::mutters to self:: the man doesn't know how to stop a fight...

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] If you want to preach piety, go find more interested parties.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Do you know who I am?

[DM] Combat has finished.

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::mutters:: Cute, Mal. You just ticked him off again. ::sighs::

[DM] shakes his head

[Malagorn (mikE)] I'm sorry, sir. Pepe, appologise!

[Pepe (mikE)] ::hangs his head and chitters very quietly::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I am Lady Kylia Wolfslayer of Roadhaven

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] We are the Dragonslayers

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ((so... as I was saying)) "Oh... I would love to help you in the bedroom."

[Malagorn (mikE)] What's that? I couldn't hear you...

[DM] pales a little

[Pepe (mikE)] ::takes a breath and chitters louder so the whole bar can hear::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Would you like to start your introduction again perhaps?

[DM] yes please come by in the mornign and we will explore what clues there are

[Malagorn (mikE)] Very good, Pepe. We must act in a manner appropriate to the Wolfspack guard.

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::glares at Malagorn::

[DM] I am Kargan Fonkenpeek

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: nods :: And...

[DM] I was here to enjoy a tankard

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Is there a reason why we couldn't investigate the bedroom now? one wouldn't want any potential clues to disappear now would one?"

[DM] and I was accosted

[DM] by that man

[Malagorn (mikE)] ((fonkenpeek??? this guy must have gotten all kinds of beat up as a kid))

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I see. Well your "enjoyment" has now infiringed upon my already very dour mood

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((LOL :: cries :: ))

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Do you realise that you are picking on a man who has lost his mental facilities?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] In essence, you were being a bully

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] How does that make you feel?

[DM] he shoves a flyer under you nose

[Malagorn (mikE)] I did what now? Did I drop something?

[DM] look at this

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::pats his pockets::

[DM] I am tired of beign pushed about

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: looks at the flyer :: I hope you aren't trying to convert

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::looks down and takes the flyer:: Okay.

[DM] when I want a quiet beer

[DM] there is no need to

[Kira (Beth)] What does the flyer say?

[DM] Kargan moved 3'05".

[Malagorn (mikE)] You want a beer? I can do even better!

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] And I am tired of being pestered when I;m awake. Life isn't fair. Suck it up

[DM] Nial moved 1'04".

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::pulls out a bottle of ambrosia and gives it to Kargan:: Here! Have some of this.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: gives Kargan the "This is me not caring about your drinking problem"

[DM] Malagorn and Pepe moved 3'04".

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] look::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Is there a reason why we couldn't investigate the bedroom now? One wouldn't want any potential clues to disappear now would one?" ::smiles slowly:: "You look very tense, perhaps some wine before we go? It might calm your nerves about your brother while we search for clues about him."

[DM] she smiles

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::glares at Ramone:: You stay OUT of that poor woman's bedroom!!

[DM] I am not sure i could have you over tonight

[DM] but in the morning you will see what there is to be seen

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((You aren't there Molly ))

[Kira (Beth)] ::snorts:: (to Rose) Like THATS gonna happen

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Why not?"

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((BOB, when you get a chance let me know what the Flyer says ))

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::offers the bottle to Kargan::

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::yeah. I grabbed one, too::

[DM] becasue there will be too many people on the streets goign to

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ((if he can talk to us, then we can talk to him, yes?))

[DM] and from the meeting

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "What meeting?"

[DM] at sunset there si a meeting

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::sighs at Kira:: trues

[DM] (I have no clue why I am not able to chat as anymore all of a sudden)

[DM] Johana moved 10'07".

[DM] Kargan moved 4'06".

[DM] Nial moved 46'01".

[DM] Johana moved 3'07".

[DM] Time of Day: 04:15 PM. Day 23 Be ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 23rd, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 04:30 PM. Day 23 Be ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 23rd, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 04:45 PM. Day 23 Be ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 23rd, 1258.

[Malagorn (mikE)] Malagorn and Pepe moved 8'09".

[Johana] I just need to know you will help me

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "And you wouldn't want anyone to see us together then? That' s not a problem. I am an expert magician and can arrange for us to get there without anyone seeing us."

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::uncorks the bottle and pours a glass for himself and Kargan::

[Johana] she smiles timidly

[Johana] it would be nice to have someone in our apartment

[Johana] it would make me feel safer

[Malagorn (mikE)] I can make you invisible!

[Kira (Beth)] ::snickers and mutters:: Another one bites the dust

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::rubbing forehead.::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "I would be honored to keep your home warm and safe this night."

[Rosethorn (Molly)] again.

[Malagorn (mikE)] I can make it warm too!

[Malagorn (mikE)] A good fireball always warms the bones.

[Pepe (mikE)] ::chitters::

[Malagorn (mikE)] Not that warm?

[Johana] do you want to coem with me?

[Malagorn (mikE)] Is that why that one farmer got so mad when he wanted his cows kept warm?

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::glares at Ramone:: we want to keep her warm, not burn the place down, Wizard...

[DM] adn teh text fo the flyers for you

[DM] As predicted by Master Enoch, the Change approaches; don’t’ be caught unawares when the True Masters arrive! For just a small contribution of gold you too can hear the revelation of Master Enoch and his inspired Ministry of the True Masters. Chose your own destiny: Remain in the dark or become one of The Elect, the chosen few guaranteed the grace of the True Master! Hear Master Enoch speak as his nightly meeting at the end of quietshore lane, just after nightfall. See you there!

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "It would be a pleasure. May I have one moment while I tell the others not to worry about me?"

[Johana] of course

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::looks up from the Flyer to Kargan :: this is a joke right? Bilking innocent villagers out of money for fear?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] this is deploreable

[Malagorn (mikE)] I want to hear Enoch talk.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: stands :: I'm going

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::walks over to the others:: "I've a hot lead to chase. I'll need to chase it alone tonight however, might I meet you all in the morning?"

[Kargan] I am not from here

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] There will be no more of this

[Kargan] I am back at the keyboard.

[Malagorn (mikE)] Oh, let me go, too!

[Kargan] I was passing through

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::waves his hand through the air::

[Kargan] on my way south to the warmth


[Malagorn (mikE)] I want to hear Enoch! Choose my destiny!

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: looks at Mal :: It's a sham

[Malagorn (mikE)] It is?

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::looks crestfallen:: Aw..

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] They are trying to bilk innocents out of their hard-earned coppers

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] You can choose your destiny remember you signed on with the Wolfspack guard

[Malagorn (mikE)] I'm so disilusioned. Why do the gods always desert me?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "I think you all should see whatever you can find about this cult that seems to be forming around here while I do that."

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::points to the flyer::

[Rosethorn (Molly)] uh huh. what happened to your ladyfriend, Ramone?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Uh huh... I think you should come with us and save the romance for later

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "As I said, I've a hot lead to chase. She may have some useful information."

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Ask Pepe...I'm sure he can explain relgion to you Mal

[Rosethorn (Molly)] like when you're eighty or dead.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: turns and looks at Kargan :: Thank you for the flyer, but I'll thank you not to cause a problem around me again.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "It's purely business, no romance at all." ::smiles::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Safe travels

[Kargan] he mumbles

[Kira (Beth)] ::snorts::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: rolls eyes :: Whatever, you go do what you're going to do

[Kargan] and goes back to drinking

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Come with us... go somewhere else... I've no preference

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: shrugs ::

[Kargan] he looks at you

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::glares at Ramone:: I don't think so, Loverboy...

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: turns and heads for the meeting location ::

[Kargan] you want me to come with you?

[Kargan] I could help with that I suupose

[Kargan] wait

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: looks at him :: How?

[Kargan] you want me to join that weirdo?

[Pepe (mikE)] ::chitters at Mal:

[Kargan] he waves his long sword

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Oh you would not wish to miss out on a valueable clue. I'll meet you all tomorrow morning."

[Kargan] I coudl do that

[Malagorn (mikE)] So it's all a sham?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::wanders back to Johana:: "So are you ready to go m'lady?"

[Malagorn (mikE)] I feel so disillusioned.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Yes, it's a made up story by a lunatic wanting to rob from the already poor

[Malagorn (mikE)] Then why do you do it, Cap'n?

[Johana] yes please

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::snorts:: ::aside to Kira:: the only thing Ramone's going to miss tonight is a night's sleep...

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::looks at Kargan:: You want to come with me?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I don't charge money for my followers

[Kira (Beth)] ::chuckles:: so what else is new? He's male

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] If you want to believe something else, that's your right

[Kargan] I do not want to come near that thing again

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Pepe will behave, trust me :: looks at Pepe ::

[Pepe (mikE)] ::ducks his head::

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::aside to Kira:: exactly.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] And I know you won't hold a grudge

[Kargan] mumbles nah

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::hands a dagger to Johana:: "Very well, take this and hold my hand. Think of your home, think of the bedroom."

[Malagorn (mikE)] Now Cap'n, he's not a bad sort. Just wanted a drink.

[Malagorn (mikE)] He wasn't really gonna hurt me.

[Kira (Beth)] ::to Rose:: precisely why I refused to get married. They're all the same

[DM] she closes her eyes and concedntrates on her bedroom

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::chants for show::

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::to Kira:: ::laughs::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] It's not him I worried about.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: turns and walks ::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Ramone: Teleport: Bampf!

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::follows the Cap'n""

[Malagorn (mikE)] Right behind you, Sir!

[DM] Johana and Ramone moved 29'04".

Darkla has left the game on Fri Jul 21 21:54:40 EDT 2006

[DM] ok

[DM] so we have ramone in the young ladies bedroom

[Malagorn (mikE)] ((cue that 70's porn music))

[Rosethorn (Molly)] snort

[DM] anyone goint to ask any ohter questions while you are here?

[Kira (Beth)] ((rofl))

[DM] or are we jumping to nightfall?

[Malagorn (mikE)] ((i'm just following kylia))

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ((::snorts:: I'm not gonna be satisfied until I have pissed off every woman in bob's world :) ))

[DM] lol

[Kira (Beth)] through all the hubbub have we found out anything useful?

[Rosethorn (Molly)] sigh. good start.

[DM] you tell me

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((How much is the Honor-loss if I off the drunkard bastard now??? :: ROFL :: ))

[Kira (Beth)] ((ROFL))

[Kira (Beth)] ((I"ll share it ::grin::))

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] (( oh, he's not REALLY drunken, just easier to pick someone's pocket when they think you're harmless :) ))

[DM] well he is a bastard, and just too drunk to be effective

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((The scary thing... he's not drunk right now... :: laughs ::))

[Malagorn (mikE)] ((awww... don't do that to poor widdle kargan))

[DM] but he tends to evil anyway

[Rosethorn (Molly)] hmmmm, sound like anyone we know??

[Kira (Beth)] ::snorts::

[Rosethorn (Molly)] sigh

[DM] questions about what you know so far?

[DM] need me to spit out any text to review?

[Rosethorn (Molly)] no, that's okay, I'm already confused BAB.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::snicker::

[Malagorn (mikE)] ((well, i always wondered how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood))

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::hands Ramone a bar of soap::

[Rosethorn (Molly)] you might do the unfortunate damsel the courtesy of at least having a wash...

[Malagorn (mikE)] ((ramone is gone))

[Kira (Beth)] Rose, if she doesn't care about that orange skin and the red eyes, I doubt if she's all that picky about clean. ::snicker::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!) (to DM only)] So, I guess I'll continue with the flirting and do some checking around for clues

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ((his hearing seems fine to me. besides, he's a magician. he can figure something out...

[Malagorn (mikE)] So, where we heading, Cap'n? Off to set up an ambush for the liers?

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ))

[DM (to BiBo!!!!!!!!! only)] yes, when you get to her place she is snuggly, and will show you the bedroom if you want or her bedroom if you prefer

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: shakes head :: I want to go listen to what he has to say

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I think we'll learn more this way

[Rosethorn (Molly)] how bout we try TALKING to them first before we try killing them??

[Kira (Beth)] ::nods::

[Malagorn (mikE)] Okay. Sounds like a plan.

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::shakes head:: Men.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!) (to DM only)] I start with her bedroom, then after finishing there make sure to sound ever so concerned about her brother

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] How about you try being less of a hot head?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I don't really think we need someone who's so quick to anger holding a sword.

[Malagorn (mikE)] But... I didn't start anything.

[Kira (Beth)] ::grins::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: looks at Rose ::

[Malagorn (mikE)] Me?

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::sighs::

[Malagorn (mikE)] Oh. ::quiets down::

[DM (to BiBo!!!!!!!!! only)] she shows you her bedroom first

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] You want to use a sword :: pulls hers out :: then let's go

[DM (to BiBo!!!!!!!!! only)] then you see the brother's room a couple of hours later?

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::keeps sword sheathed::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Your so quick to run off and jump to conclusions.

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::opens his mouth, looks at Pepe, and shuts it again::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Live by the sword, die by the sword little one... is that what you want?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I'm waiting?

[Rosethorn (Molly)] My Lady, I'm not the one jumping to conclusions here.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I will not have children with deadly weapons and if I have to say it again, we're going to have a problem

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I want a GROUP that can work together.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] We do not have to like each other... love each other, but when things get ugly, we better be there to back each other up

[Rosethorn (Molly)] If you wish to fight today, so be it, but per haps you should ask Malathorn WHY he was trying to use his magic on me against my wishes...

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Do I need to say this again?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!) (to DM only)] yep. look about for any clues, ask what she can tell me about the folks who have meetings and whatever her brother said about the pith or whatever it was that was after him

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] You sound like a child

[Kira (Beth)] ::pokes Rose and whispers:: I think you'd better just say you're sorry and leave it at that

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I don't care who started it

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I am ending this... NOW

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::mutters:: She never told me not too...

[Rosethorn (Molly)] I will not fight the group, but I WILL defend myself.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I catch one of you casting on someone in a harmful way...raising a weapon, you're gone

[DM (to BiBo!!!!!!!!! only)] will fill you in on that later, make an intution and a reason check please, one eash

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I don't need it

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] This is NOT what the Dragonslayers are about

[Rosethorn (Molly)] If I have offended, I am sorry.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I will NOT have it

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] We're past offended

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] We're frankly at shameful... BOTH of you

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I have not patience for this

[Malagorn (mikE)] I wasn't going to hurt her Cap'n. Someone said they don't like elves. I was going to disguise her to make her look normal. I was trying to help my fellow guardsman!

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: turns and walks ::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!) (to DM only)] k will observation or information gathering help me?

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::shrugs::

[Malagorn (mikE)] Aye aye, Cap'n!

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::follows Kylia again::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!) (to GM only)] Ramone: REA check: (d20) [7] 7. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (15) [15] 15!!!

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::rubs forehead::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!) (to GM only)] Ramone: INU check: (d20) [18] 18. PROBABLY FAILS against (9) [9] 9

[Malagorn (mikE)] Okay, Pepe, remember. No casting on other members.

[Malagorn (mikE)] We can only cast on enemies and ourselves. I'll have to get rid of all those people helping spells I've got.

[Malagorn (mikE)] I'll change them over to uh, people not helpy ones.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: turns and looks up :: I really must have not prayed on the right day or in the right place. That's it right?

[DM (to BiBo!!!!!!!!! only)] you find broken glass that overlooks a smal narrow alley, with a bloodstain on the lioow and greenish dried crud on the bedspread

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I've failed somehow? :: sighs :: I'm really really sorry... I thought we could get better than this. Have I managed to let all the really good adventurer's in the realm die and now I'm destined for heroes?

[Kira (Beth)] ::aside to Rose:: you'll get the hang of this mainly just ignore the oafs and do what she says. ::grins::

[DM (to BiBo!!!!!!!!! only)] make that observation check

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!) (to GM only)] Ramone: Observation check: (d20) [15] 15. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (17+1) [17+1] 18!!!

[Malagorn (mikE)] I'm a hero now? Wow. Mom would be so proud.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: continues walking and finds a seat near the back at the meeting location ::

[Malagorn (mikE)] I'll have to visit her dreams again.

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::sighs:: ::aside to Kira:: uh huh, sure.

[DM (to BiBo!!!!!!!!! only)] you spot out the window a sewer entrance mostly hidden by garbage, and you connect the green crud to sewage

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::sits down and flips through his spellbook::

[Malagorn (mikE)] No mor haste.

[Malagorn (mikE)] Don't need enlarge anymore, I suppose.

[DM] so evening comes

[Malagorn (mikE)] Or spider climb.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: glares at Pepe as if telling him he needs to set Mal straight ::

[DM] Time of Day: 08:45 PM. Day 23 Be ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 23rd, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 08:45 PM. Day 22 Ced ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 22nd, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 08:45 PM. Day 21 Lad ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 21st, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 08:45 PM. Day 20 Trall ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 20th, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 09:00 PM. Day 20 Trall ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 20th, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 09:15 PM. Day 20 Trall ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 20th, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 09:30 PM. Day 20 Trall ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 20th, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 09:30 PM. Day 21 Lad ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 21st, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 09:30 PM. Day 22 Ced ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 22nd, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 09:30 PM. Day 23 Be ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 23rd, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 09:30 PM. Day 24 Pen ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 24th, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 09:30 PM. Day 23 Be ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 23rd, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 09:45 PM. Day 23 Be ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 23rd, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 10:00 PM. Day 23 Be ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 23rd, 1258.

[Malagorn (mikE)] I can keep stoneskin for myself, but not the others.

[DM] Time of Day: 09:45 PM. Day 23 Be ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 23rd, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 09:30 PM. Day 23 Be ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 23rd, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 09:15 PM. Day 23 Be ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 23rd, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 09:00 PM. Day 23 Be ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 23rd, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 08:45 PM. Day 23 Be ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 23rd, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 08:30 PM. Day 23 Be ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 23rd, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 08:15 PM. Day 23 Be ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 23rd, 1258.

[DM] Time of Day: 08:00 PM. Day 23 Be ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 23rd, 1258.

[DM] sorry for that

[Malagorn (mikE)] Don't need invisibility for them anymore, I suppose.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!) (to DM only)] Gotcha. I examine the entrance then tell the woman "I may be going into great danger now as I hunt for your brother's abductor, I should return, but in the event that I do not, please seek my companions tomorrow morning and tell them of my fate."

[Malagorn (mikE)] My, Pepe. I really can't cast a lot of spells on them anymore.

[DM (to BiBo!!!!!!!!! only)] you do not want to do that, you should take everyoen down there

[Pepe (mikE)] ::chitters::

[DM] back at the meeting place

[DM] To the East the snow laden hills rise steeply from beyond the dark hulks of abandoned buildings and collapsing towers. The sun setting below the western horizon throws sickly purple highlights across have the cold sky until twilight finally arrives.

[Malagorn (mikE)] You don't suppose when she said no casting at party members she meant I can't cast at myself, does she?

[DM] it is very cold out

[DM] you are in a plaza at the end of one of the streets in town

[DM] on the eastern edge

[DM] the city is obviously not in good shape now

[DM] the tower has boarded up windows

[DM] then when darkness has fallen

[DM] A light flares form the 20 foot high balcony of the easternmost tower overlooking the plaza. The light spill down from above, highlighting the growing crowd whose individual faces are suffused with joy and anticipation. A robed man steps out from the tower and moves onto the balcony, his dramatic silhouette limned in the golden light of a lantern.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!) (to DM only)] okie doke, then I say, "I will bring my fellows to seek out your brother come tomorrow morning, as daytime is better for such matters. Until then, I will ensure no harm comes to you this night." I cantrip her a flower and say something suitably flirtatious then spend the night with her

[DM (to BiBo!!!!!!!!! only)] ok

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::sink back into the shadows::

[DM] The figure surveys the crowd for a silent moment, lapping up the yells and hails from below “Master Teach us! Show us your Wisdom! Finally the man begins to speak.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: rolls her eyes ::

[DM] Unstop your ears and open your mind to the wisdom of Master Enoch!"

[Pepe (mikE)] ::detects magic::

[Kira (Beth)] ::steps back into the shadows with Rose::

[Enoch] . Chose your own destiny: Remain in the dark or become one of The Elect, the chosen few guaranteed the grace of the True Master

[Malagorn (mikE) (to DM only)] any magic on the guy? is he mass charming or anything?

[Enoch] When the True Masters come they will know who was loyal

[Enoch] they will see all who were merely mouthing the words

[Enoch] and they will see who really means to follow

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::watching crowd::

[Enoch] everyone save verus spell please

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer: Magical Spell save: (d20) [2] 2. PROBABLY FAILS against (10) [10] 10

[Malagorn (mikE) (to DM only)] okay. ignore me =P

[Malagorn (mikE)] Malagorn: Magical Spell save: (d20) [11] 11. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (7) [7] 7!!!

[Kira (Beth)] Kira: Magical Spell save: (d20) [3] 3. PROBABLY FAILS against (12) [12] 12

[Enoch] Crowd of Elect moved 15'05".

[Enoch] Enoch moved 9'10".

[Malagorn (mikE)] ((very appropriate that the only one not getting brainwashed is the crazy guy))

[Enoch] waiting for pepe

[Malagorn (mikE)] ((this will affect animals?))

[Rosethorn (Molly)] Rosethorn: Magical Spell save: (d20) [12] 12. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (+12) [12] 12!!!

[Enoch] nods anyone who can see him and understand

[Malagorn (mikE)] Malagorn: Magical Spell save: (d20) [12] 12. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (7) [7] 7!!!

[Enoch] ok, so Kira and Kylia

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ((welp, glad I'm off chasing hot leads instead of getting brainwashed))

[Malagorn (mikE)] and, just one question bob, one i asked what is now probably a couple rounds ago. IS THERE ANY MAGIC ON ENOCH?????

[Enoch] smiles getting to that Mike

[Malagorn (mikE)] just making sure you weren't missing it.

[Enoch (to Lorie only)] you now feel that there is nothing wrong with Enoch, he is a good man trying to help people, you should come back tomorow night to learn more, but you are not totally convinced yet, you just do not want to hurt him

[Enoch (to Beth only)] . Chose your own destiny: Remain in the dark or become one of The Elect, the chosen few guaranteed the grace of the True Master

[Enoch] growl

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ((um, someone mind telling me exactly just what the heck I just did??)

[Enoch (to Beth only)] you now feel there is nothign wrong with Enoch he si a good man tyrign to help people you should come back tomorow night to learn more

[Enoch (to Beth only)] but you are not totally convinced yet, you just do not want to hurt him

[Enoch] molly you are watching him speak

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ((besides confuse myself BAB again??))

[Kira (Beth) (to DM only)] sighs you are evil

[Enoch (to Beth only)] thank you

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ((sigh))

[Enoch (to mikE only)] you see a blank spot like he does not exist

[Enoch (to Molly only)] you hear his words, they sound like a typical preacher trying to convert, nothign special

[Enoch (to mikE only)] you hear his words they sound like a typical preacher trying to convert nothing special

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ((to Enoch)) I KNOW that!!

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ((to Enoch)) Why was I rolling the spell thing??

[Kira (Beth)] ((you successfully evaded the spell))

[Enoch] 'so after ten minutes or so

[Enoch] he goes back inside

[Enoch] adn the meeting is over

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ((to Kira)) thank you.

[Malagorn (mikE)] Uh... Did we learn anything?

[Kira (Beth)] Huh, I'm not sure, but he didn't seem all that bad.

[Kira (Beth)] I wouldn't mind hearing more just to see what it's all about.

[Malagorn (mikE)] Well, not bad for a sham!

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::still watching crowd::

[DM] they dispearse

[Malagorn (mikE)] Pepe says that he couldn't see the guy.

[Malagorn (mikE)] Sounds weird. Like he was magically protected against scrying or something.

[Kira (Beth)] ::watches the balcony where the man stood for a moment longer with a curious look on her face::

[DM (to mikE only)] he is there, just not visible as magic

[DM (to mikE only)] like a non detection sphere around him

[Malagorn (mikE) (to DM only)] okay.

[Malagorn (mikE)] Maybe a nondetection spell.

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::looks at balcony again::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: frowns, stands and turns to leave ::

[Malagorn (mikE)] So, we assume this guy has connections, or is pretty powerful himself.

[Malagorn (mikE)] Shields himself with a nondetection spell.

[Rosethorn (Molly)] probably both...

[Malagorn (mikE)] And is using these gatherings to charm everyone into his fleece.

[Rosethorn (Molly)] the question is, why?

[Kira (Beth)] Well, maybe he DOES know something

[Malagorn (mikE)] Maybe.

[Malagorn (mikE)] Think we could go talk to him?

[Malagorn (mikE)] I'd like to learn that spell if he does have it.

[Malagorn (mikE)] That could be fun. Kinda a magic hide and seek

[Kira (Beth)] ::shrugs:: he doesn't seem so bad. I'm sure he'd talk to us.

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::looks around at the crowd leaving:: he knows a great deal. he's just not telling everytjhing.

[Kira (Beth)] ::looks back at the balcony::

[Kira (Beth)] What do you think, Kylia?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: walking back to the town already ::

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::follows::

[DM] you can get roms at the Warrior

[DM] rooms even

[Malagorn (mikE)] Cap'n, shoudl I send Byron to spy?

[Malagorn (mikE)] Byron could listen at his window for us.

[Kira (Beth)] ::follows, but keeps looking back at the balcony::

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::brings up the rear, still watching the people around the others.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I wouldn't want Bryon to meet his death too soon

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::shrugs:: Summons Byron and tells him to quietly listen at a window or balcony

[Malagorn (mikE)] Oh, Byron will be alright. He just returns to the figurine if that happens

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::Pats his pocket::

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::then his other one::

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::then a different one and smiles::

[Rosethorn (Molly)] from 20 feet down?? how's he gonna listen at the balcony from the ground??

[Malagorn (mikE) (to DM only)] so, does Byron hear anything good? He can telepathically communicate what he sees and hears to me

[Rosethorn (Molly)] or am I missing out on Byron's magical powers too?

[DM (to mikE only)] consultign on what he could hear from teh outside

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] not magical, he's just an owl :-P

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::looks at Malagorn:: uh huh.

[Rosethorn (Molly)] and you think they don't like MY kind around here...

[Malagorn (mikE)] ((uh.. molly, you do realize that ramone is not malagorn?))

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ((yep))

[DM (to mikE only)] he hears nothing of consequence some sounds of a person moving around then going downstairs the doors to the balcony are locked with no windows, he does tell you that ever window on the tower has been bricked over so it must be totally dark inside

[Malagorn (mikE) (to DM only)] okay

[DM (to mikE only)] only way into the tower is the door on teh round floor or the balcony

[DM] so is everyoen staying at the warrior tonight?

[Malagorn (mikE)] ((sure thing))

[DM] except for Ramone

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::summons Lilly and uses her for a pillow::

[Kira (Beth)] sure

[DM] ok, so in the morning Ramone rejoins you

[Rosethorn (Molly)] why not?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::waves::

[DM] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 24 Pen ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 24th, 1258.

[Rosethorn (Molly)] hi!!

[Kira (Beth)] ::smirks::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Well, my lead was hot indeed, don't suppose you found anything of interest with the cult?"

[Kira (Beth)] ::snorts:: Yeah, I'll just bet it was

[Kira (Beth)] she, I mean

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::sniffs slightly in Ramone's direction::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Are you insinuating that I was anything but a gentleman last night?"

[Malagorn (mikE)] Not really.

[Malagorn (mikE)] Just found out the cult leader is shielded from detection and lives in a completely barricaded tower.

[Kira (Beth)] insinuating nothing. ::smirks:: You've never been a gentleman

[Rosethorn (Molly)] absolutely not.

[Malagorn (mikE)] ::puts Byron and Lilly back away::

[Rosethorn (Molly)] we don't have to insinuate anything.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "I'll have you know I found a very important clue."

[Kira (Beth)] ::laughs:: I really don't want to know where

[Rosethorn (Molly)] couldn't be that good. you still reek.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Funny you should say that..."

[Rosethorn (Molly)] lemme guess, you found it in the bathtub??

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "No, I found it in that innocent woman's brother's bedroom"

[Rosethorn (Molly)] but you were too hydrophobic to get it??

[Kira (Beth)] left no room unspoiled, did you?

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::eyes Ramone:: uh huh.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Well, you see, her brother was abducted a few days ago, so I looked over his room."

[Rosethorn (Molly)] and....?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "And you know what I found?"

[Rosethorn (Molly)] do tell

[Rosethorn (Molly)] sometime.

[Kira (Beth)] a tatoo just above her tail bone?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Nope. Sewage. Not only that, but there was a sewer entrance nearby."

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::laughs::

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::eyes Ramone again:: this is news??

[Kira (Beth)] Leave it to you to find a gutter

[Rosethorn (Molly)] It's where you took your bath, isn't it??

[Kira (Beth)] ::chortles::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Oh I think whoever abducted him came from said sewer. Which means we'll be needing to make an expedition."

[Rosethorn (Molly)] you're actually improving a little.

[Kira (Beth)] Well, you'll fit right in there

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "And I'm sure you'll do fine down there with me."

[Kira (Beth)] I'm sure you know your way around a sewer very well.

[Rosethorn (Molly)] ::eyes Ramone again:: uh huh. well, someone's gonna be heading down there. three guesses who.

[Rosethorn (Molly)] the first two don't count.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::grins:: "Everyone present."

[DM] so it is mornign and I want everyone to make a sisdom check before we end

[Kira (Beth)] ::sighs:: begore anyone goes anywhere, we should probably let Kylia know what the sewer rat found

[Rosethorn (Molly)] EEEEINNNNHHHH. Thank you for playing.

[Rosethorn (Molly)] Wrong.

[DM] wisdom

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((Straight Wisdom?))

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] (that include me?))

[Rosethorn (Molly)] a what??

[DM] nods straight is fine and yes everyone

[Kira (Beth)] Kira: WIS check: (d20) [15] 15. PROBABLY FAILS against (7) [7] 7

[Kira (Beth)] damn

[Malagorn (mikE)] Malagorn: WIS check: (d20) [18] 18. PROBABLY FAILS against (14) [14] 14

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Ramone: WIS check: (d20) [4] 4. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (9) [9] 9!!!

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer: WIS check: (d20) [14] 14. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (17) [17] 17!!!

[DM] Ramone and Kylia look at each other and realize that the light outside is not as bright as it should be for this time of day,

[DM] something is a bit off with the weather and the light

[DM] and with that

[DM] everyone has full spells again

[DM] and full HP

[DM] and we will tackle the sewers or the tower or both next week

[Rosethorn (Molly)] Rosethorn: WIS check: (d20) [5] 5. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (8) [8] 8!!!

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((Night all

Lorie has left the game on Fri Jul 21 22:56:55 EDT 2006

[DM] thank you all for a great game

[Kira (Beth)] night lor

[Kira (Beth)] night everyone!

[Rosethorn (Molly)] Goodnight.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] nighty night all

mikE has left the game on Fri Jul 21 22:57:18 EDT 2006

Molly has left the game on Fri Jul 21 22:57:21 EDT 2006

Beth has left the game on Fri Jul 21 22:57:41 EDT 2006

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ramone modified: Magical Abilities - Spells - CHANGED: Teleport -- # Memorized: 2 (1), CHANGED: Detect Magic -- Level: 1 (51), CHANGED: Detect Magic -- Cast Level: 1 (51), CHANGED: Detect Magic -- # Memorized: 0 (3), DELETED: null, null, null, null, 0, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, 0, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, 0, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, 0, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, 0, null, null, null. ADDED: Detect Magic, 51, 51, Any magic?, 3, 1, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, 0, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, 0, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, 0, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, 0, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, 0, null, null, null. Personal Information -

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has left the game on Fri Jul 21 22:57:51 EDT 2006