Main / Jun0608

Jun 06 08 - Trade Wars - Orcs with Pointy Ears (Summarised in Khan's Log entry 2)

[DM] ==== Gaming session started: Tue Jun 03 13:21:24 EDT 2008 ====

[DM] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jun 06 17:34:16 EDT 2008 ====

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Jun 06 17:35:42 EDT 2008

[DM] hey there

[DM] showing Frtiz some thigns

[DM] he says hello

[DM] will be back up in a few

[Vicki] hi

[Vicki] ok

[Vicki] I'm ready

[Vicki] minus the dinner

Vicki is receiving the map Base Map...

Vicki has received the map Base Map.

[Vicki] brb

[Vicki] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] Paul Elvenstire moved 29'07".

[DM] Fire Elemental moved 90'05".

[DM] Fire Elemental moved 329'08".

[DM] Fire Elemental moved 326'11".

[DM] To get the map SE Terraguard moved 10'01".

[DM] To get the map SE Terraguard moved 42'09".

[DM] To get the map SE Terraguard moved 44'03".

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] Fritz and John are here, Mike is on the way, will let everyone know when we get ready to start

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Vicki] ok *waves to everyone*

[Vicki] hmm... the layout on character sheet changed...

[Vicki (to GM only)] Character sheet for Tori modified: Notes - CHANGED: History -- : Victoriana was born to a human mother. Not knowing who her father was for many years, Victoriana lived among the humans, near the edge of Rivertown. Tori always knew she was different, but her mother avoided answering her questions regarding her color and her odd looks. Tori was raised to believe that it didn't matter how one looked, as long as she knew she was loved. Well, that only held true in her mother's eyes. She soon learned that it did matter. As Tori grew older, she learned that she was half human, and half orc; her father was an orc. When Tori was old enough to be on her own, she wanted to adventure out to find her father. She had the vague idea of which way her mother had gone since her mother had told her the story about her father and how she came across meeting him. She started going in the general direction of Northeast. She had started her journey away from home at dusk. She went into the trees at the northern end of the bridge. It was well after dark and she had come across a few stray adventurers and they had started attacking her when they realized she wasn't fully human. She had stayed close to the river so she knew where she was. She had gone in a westerly direction, following the river. She eventually came across some orcs. They looked as though they were pirates and had been on the river. She started asking in the common language of humans that she knew, if anyone knew what she was saying. Eventually, one spoke up in the common language of humans and spoke to her. She stated that she was looking for her father. She had told the orc what she had learned from Aislinn, her mother. The orc listened to her story and remembered her human mother who had also found him by accident just like Tori did. The orc had taught Tori the orcish language and customs. Tori had spent some time out on the river with Ringkostesh, her father. While Tori was out on the river, she learned to speak the orcish language fluently. When they came back to the land again nearby where Tori had met her father, he had told her that she had better go, since not many orcs tolerated half-breeds. Tori, was once again, on her own. Tori had made her way back to Rivertown. She had her newly acquired items with her, which she had picked up on her way out to find her father, and kept them close to her. She had asked about these items and was led to Sebrina, who ran an art gallery in Rivertown. Sebrina had sensed some magic in them and told Tori that she'd be able to learn more when she found the Dragonslayers, an adventuring group she had spent many years with. Tori had adventured out again to find the Dragonslayers in Roadhaven. When she did, she asked about the items and it seems she needed to find someone else to talk to about it. ( Victoriana was born to a human mother. Not knowing who her father was for many years, Victoriana lived among the humans, near the edge of Rivertown. Tori always knew she was different, but her mother avoided answering her questions regarding her color and her odd looks. Tori was raised to believe that it didn't matter how one looked, as long as she knew she was loved. Well, that only held true in her mother's eyes. She soon learned that it did matter. As Tori grew older, she learned that she was half human, and half orc; her father was an orc. When Tori was old enough to be on her own, she wanted to adventure out to find her father. She had the vague idea of which way her mother had gone since her mother had told her the story about her father and how she came across meeting him. She started going in the general direction of Northeast. She had started her journey away from home at dusk. She went into the trees at the northern end of the bridge. It was well after dark and she had come across a few stray adventurers and they had started attacking her when they realized she wasn't fully human. She had stayed close to the river so she knew where she was. She had gone in a westerly direction, following the river. She eventually came across some orcs. They looked as though they were pirates and had been on the river. She started asking in the common language of humans that she knew, if anyone knew what she was saying. Eventually, one spoke up in the common language of humans and spoke to her. She stated that she was looking for her father. She had told the orc what she had learned from her mother. The orc listened to her story and remembered her human mother who had also found him by accident just like Tori did. The orc had taught Tori the orcish language and customs. Tori had spent some time out on the river with her father. While Tori was out on the river, she learned to speak the orcish language fluently. When they came back to the land again nearby where Tori had met her father, he had told her that she had better go, since not many orcs tolerated half-breeds. Tori, was once again, on her own. Tori had made her way back to Rivertown. She had her newly acquired items with her, which she had picked up on her way out to find her father, and kept them close to her. She had asked about these items and was led to Sebrina, who ran an art gallery in Rivertown. Sebrina had sensed some magic in them and told Tori that she'd be able to learn more when she found the Dragonslayers, an adventuring group she had spent many years with. Tori had adventured out again to find the Dragonslayers in Roadhaven. When she did, she asked about the items and it seems she needed to find someone else to talk to about it. ).

Vicki is now controlling Tori

Vicki is no longer controlling Tori

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] hi Vicki this is Fritz.

[Vicki] hi

[Vicki] having fun?

[DM] Yea doing alot of catch up. Got here later than we planned

[DM] brb

[Vicki] it's ok

[Vicki] ok

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Vicki] brb

[Vicki] I am away from the keyboard.

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

John has joined the game on Fri Jun 06 18:46:19 EDT 2008

[Vicki] hi John

[John] hello

[Vicki] how was your week?

mikE has joined the game on Fri Jun 06 18:49:44 EDT 2008

[Vicki] hi Mike

[mikE] testies testies one, two, three?

Client has joined the game on Fri Jun 06 18:50:08 EDT 2008

[mikE] ew. i'm purple

[Vicki] it works, but it's purple

[mikE] ;kfd;kjasdf

[mikE] there's my color

[Vicki] hehe

[Traveler] Am I up?

[Traveler] yea

[Traveler] Hiya Vicki...Fritz here

[Vicki] yep

[John] sorry, back, my 10 day week was rough

[Vicki] I figured that lol

[Vicki] 10 day week?

[Vicki] i thought there was only 7 in one

[mikE] so this week will be the silent online week because we're all going to be talking here

[John] ever sence last Tuesday, it feel like one long week

[Vicki] oh

[John] so do we have a list of characters or at least classes?

[Vicki] no clue

[mikE] fighter

[Vicki] last I check... those pages didn't go anywhere

[Vicki] fighter

[John] my cast page?

mikE is receiving the map Base Map...

mikE has received the map Base Map.

[Vicki] uh huh

[John] At least Khan and Tori are there

[John] if only Mike would post his fighter

[Vicki] I hope someone has an idea what we're bringing and who's carrying what...

[Vicki] I tried asking that too... on the site

[Vicki] but I have no idea... and I tend to forget after we've finished chatting

[Vicki] Bob tells me to check last week's chat... and it's too long for me to sit there and reread

[John] he told me we have like 11 characters going

[Vicki] and not one healer?

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has joined the game on Fri Jun 06 18:58:03 EDT 2008

[Vicki] Hiya Marco

[John] really?

[John] good thing I regenerate

[Vicki] last I heard, we had 9 and no healers

[mikE] j0 bibo

[Traveler] I am away from the keyboard.

[John] BOB is watching Baceball

[John] hello Marco

[Vicki] Marlins on tonight?

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] they are always on

[Vicki] hehe

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] howdy

[John] so we can work on the list

[Vicki] sure... I grab your attention mentioning the Marlins... lol

[Vicki] ok well, Tori and Khan are already on the list

[John] Vic if you see the "party pack " on the wiki, we have the list of material

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] never heard what christy was making, maybe she was making a priest?

[Vicki] BOB... Are there any healers since we've gained a couple?

[John] we just need a folding board so we can open it

[mikE] if i sent a priest it'd have to be 7th level

[Vicki] I recall Bob mentioning something about being outdoors and it's bound to get cold

Lorie has joined the game on Fri Jun 06 19:01:00 EDT 2008

[Vicki] Hi Lorie

[John] HELLO Lori

[Lorie] Evening John and all :D

[Lorie] :: special Herro to Bibo :: How goes the Taco hunt?

[Lorie] I had one today just for you

[mikE] hey lor!

[Lorie] Hola Mike

[Lorie] and of course hello Fritz

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] the taco hunt begins tomorrow

[Vicki] hehe... I'll be making tacos tomorrow

[Vicki] I decided I didn't want to make them for dinner tonight

[Lorie] yes but you live in the States Vicki

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] tacos don't particularly exist here in japan, so it's something of a quest

[Lorie] it's pretty easy to find

[Vicki] and easy to make

[Vicki] lol

[Lorie] but you do have some resources to find

[mikE] wow. lame

[mikE] that really sucks.

[mikE] i don't think i could survive that long without tacos

[mikE] tacos are like mana from heaven

[mikE] so i take it they don't do mexican at all

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] not that I've seen

[Lorie] we found a site that lists Japanese stores that carry ethnic foods

[Lorie] So if you're having a hankering for British foods...Bibo has the link :D

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] problem is, they're all in tokyo

[Lorie] :: laughs ::

[Lorie] could you take the train?

[Lorie] I wouldn't even begin to suggest to ask crazy Brazilian lady

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I could, but I'll see if there's something closer

[Vicki] how far is Tokyo?

John has joined the game on Fri Jun 06 19:08:02 EDT 2008

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] about an hour and a half by train

John has left the game on Fri Jun 06 19:08:09 EDT 2008

[Lorie] a hike

[Vicki] and how long by foot?

[Lorie] down the mountains...across the river...through the monk village

[Lorie] LOL

[Vicki] LOL

[Lorie] well it is down the mountain

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] actually it's really popular now to walk from tokyo to up around here

[Lorie] three hours or so?

[Lorie] at least

[Vicki] power walking Lorie?

[John] so Lori, whar class is Gretchen?

[Lorie] She's a ranger

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] a POWER ranger?

[DM] pink

[Vicki] That's funny... John reentered before Klooge had him out... so now he doesn't show

[Lorie] Nope.

[Lorie] She's a white ranger

[John] can she hunt

[Lorie] ;)

[Lorie] and BOB ...that should fit for her :)

[Vicki] *covers eyes*


[Lorie] she can track and set traps though

[Lorie] and swim

Lorie is receiving the map Base Map...

Lorie has received the map Base Map.

[Lorie] Bob...could you group the characters that we'll be using tonight together?

[Lorie] so we don't have to hunt the entire tree for the party?

[DM] they are so far

[DM] oh on the tree

[DM] sorry

[Vicki] lol

[Lorie] Is that even possible?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] not really, they are sorted by hitpoints

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] at least on the thing on the bottom

[Lorie] oh

[Lorie] okay

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] he could put away all the characters that aren't currently going on this adventure though

[Vicki] actually, on my end, they're not sorted at all

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] shove them into the pc section

[DM] actually tonight you might use them

[DM] as you get started and do things

[DM] then when you get to the section where everyone is totally seperated I will move them to the other well

[Lorie] who are we waiting on tonight?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] bob

[Vicki] No clue

[Vicki] likely

[Vicki] he's watching the Marlins too

[John] no one depending on what you want to do?

[DM] I am ready

[Lorie] BOB would never multi-task and watch the marlins on us

[Lorie] never

[DM] in two secs

[DM] need to hit the restroom first

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] yeah, you're right

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] he wouldn't

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] he'd just watch the marlins

[Vicki] well... don't hurt yourself hitting it

[Vicki] LOL

[John] so the current question is can we get a healer

[Lorie] got me...but it ain't me

[Vicki] or do we have one?

[Lorie] and Hans brought 2 and Fritz brought 2 so hopefully between them they have a healer

[Vicki] I think Hans has a cleric

[Vicki] but Tori's a 7th level fighter, to get healed would take forever...

[Lorie] I have a keep full of healers... but, I'm only bringing one for the adventure

[DM] Hans does have a healer

[DM] Blabius

[DM] G

[mikE] i have a keep full of them too...

[Lorie] Blabius

[mikE] but i'm bringing my fighter

[Lorie] his cleric / informant?

[Vicki] LOL

[DM] if you want a second cleric you can take one Lorie

[John] I have a follwer, priest of Lugh, that would have healing, just never made him/her up

[DM] grins

[DM] you can take followers along with no issue

[mikE] i have a 7th and 2nd and a ton of 1st level clerics

[DM] we are starting tonight with you organizing your group

[DM] doing what you can with teh higher levels to help them out

[John] no issues with BOB

[John] I have issues

[Vicki] what issues is that?

[Lorie] LOL

[Lorie] Have you met John?

[Lorie] :: giggles giggles ::

[Vicki] I've heard a lot of things... but how is it that a man who has twins can't handle 2 characters?

[John] Mike just realized he went to the Happy Hunting Ground without using the Dimentional Pool

[Lorie] uh oh

[Lorie] lol

[John] oh I can handle lots of characters

[John] I have run half the party before

[Vicki] so where are the issues?

[John] BEFORE two kids

[John] I do not just run characters

[John] I deveop them

[John] (correct that for me will you :)

[Vicki] develop?

[Vicki] that's about as far as I can do for correcting ;)

[Vicki] I can't do it on the site... Bob said so

[John] thks

[John] i was just kidding

[Vicki] hehe

[John] did eveyone else like my idea about the Paul Pager?

[Vicki] I have corrected every other spelling error of yours though...

[Traveler (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Christy modified: character sheet imported.

[Vicki] Oh, John... when you put up the spells that Paul's considering to study for... what exactly did you want?

[Vicki] I'm not talking about the look of the page... I'm talking about what it is you're asking for...

[Lorie] why?

[Vicki] cuz I'm confused... as usual

[Lorie] I won't believe that John or BOB wrote anything on that site if teh isn't mispelled

[DM] chuckles

[Vicki] that's why I've gone through and corrected it

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Jun 06 19:28:08 EDT 2008

[John] I need input to get approval on the details of the spell

[Vicki] btw... may I point out that there is a "spell checker" so to speak on the site...

[Vicki] Hi Kaz

[DM] Hey there Kaz?

[DM] are we in Kanasas anymore?

[Kaz] Hi there

[Kaz] still here :)

[Vicki] I thought we were in Oz

[John] hello Kaz

[Kaz] It hit in town, but I think the outskirts.

[DM] glad it missed you

Kaz is receiving the map Base Map...

Kaz has received the map Base Map.

[Vicki] hehe... went completely south of us

[Vicki] all we got was rain and thunder

[Vicki] and phone line out... :S

[John] but you have internet?

[Kaz] lucky... I got a worried phone call from husband who was about to take cover in the freezer at work

[John] must be cable?

[Lorie] wow

[Kaz] How's everyone tonight?

[Lorie] that's good he's safe now though

[John] so far I count 2 mages and 4 fighter types

[Kaz] yes, thanks :)

[John] Kaz, what character are you taking on this adventure?

John is receiving the map Base Map...

John has received the map Base Map.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] you know, there already is a wizard paging spell john

[John] Lori, what about Patrice? Is she going? or is she not a healer?

[John] Spell, yes, Call?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I forget what it's called

[John] or you were thinking more basic

[John] this one teleports the wizard to your location

[Lorie] Patrice is a healer

[John] She could go

[Lorie] last time we took her out adventuring she almost died!

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] but basically the wizard knows someone needs him and he can choose to teleport to the person or not

[John] It's like 8th or 9th level, we just happen to have the scroll

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I remember it being like 4th or 5th

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] probably 5th

[John] well it's extreemly expensive, unless you have the scroll

[Kaz] sorry John, I was catching up

[John] BOB likes to talk without typing

[John] but insists we type

[Kaz] A holy warior

[DM] it builds character

Kaz has left the game on Fri Jun 06 19:35:33 EDT 2008

[John] so who votes we bring Patrice

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Jun 06 19:36:22 EDT 2008

[John] How holly?

[DM] raises hands

[Vicki] WB Kaz

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] is patrice a healer?

[Traveler (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mentor modified: character sheet imported.

Kaz is receiving the map Base Map...

Kaz has received the map Base Map.

[mikE] we don't need no stinkin' healers

[Kaz] who Patrice?

[Lorie] one of my follower clerics

[Lorie] but I don't want to be the healer on this adventure

[Traveler (to GM only)] Character sheet for Valiant modified: character sheet imported.

[Lorie] none of you rolled a cleric...tough luck for you :D

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] well, do we know what christy is making yet?

[Traveler] I am back at the keyboard.

[Traveler] Thief

[Traveler] I am away from the keyboard.

[John] thanks Fritz

[mikE] we can tough it out. a healer at our level would only have ahandful of heals anyway

[Traveler] I am back at the keyboard.

[mikE] fin can make a bunch of healing potions for us.

[John] but how long are we going to have to wait

[Traveler] True Mike. Of course alot of people with potions or even healing proficiency will hlep

[Traveler] Help

[mikE] he can make 5/day

[Vicki] and how would he get that to us if we're gone?

[Traveler] They only last a few days each time

[John] well that is easier then I thouhgt

[John] must not be true healing potions

[John] only temporay huh

[mikE] yeah.

[Traveler] yeppers

[mikE] they last 5 days each.

[mikE] but it'll keep us up for the first half a week...

[mikE] i can make/run a cleric if we really need me to i guess...

[John] do it please

[John] one day or two will do fine

[John] while we get everyone together

[John] Did everyone read about the fact we can loan magic items to our henchman/followers?

[mikE] i can make a 2nd level dwarven cleric. that's the best i can do.

[Kaz] I missed that part, thank you for bringng it to light, John

[John] it is up to you

[Vicki] brb

[Vicki] I am away from the keyboard.

[John] we have enoogh characters

[Kaz] Mike, play what you will enjoy.

[mikE] i rather like the idea of playing my centaur

[Kaz] Then play your centaur.

[Kaz] I don't think anyone should play something they don't want to just because it isn't represented in the party. We'll make do, and enjoy it, with or without a cleric.

Kaz has left the game on Fri Jun 06 19:44:06 EDT 2008

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Jun 06 19:44:27 EDT 2008

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[Vicki] wb Kaz

Kaz is receiving the map Base Map...

Kaz has received the map Base Map.

[Kaz] well, Klooge apparently doesn't love me. :)

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] I agree with Kaz to a point

[mikE] we can just spend a week at a time healing 1hp/night

[DM] but you can take a follower or two

[DM] if you want

[DM] no requirement just allowed to

[John] Paul is loaning Khan his ring so he will not look like a troll

[Traveler (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Languages - ADDED: Common. ADDED: Elf. ADDED: Drow. ADDED: Sign. Personal Information - Race:: CHANGED: Grey/Drow (Grey).

[Kaz] am I disconnected again?

[Kaz] No. Good. :D

[DM] grins

[DM] sorry eating here

[DM] but can answer questions etc.

[DM] have been uploading images for people

[Kaz] where can I find some good pics for an avatar?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] google image search

[John] yahoo image search


[Traveler] Also look on our web site. I just loaded some. What kind of picture do you want?

[Kaz] LMAO Mike

[Kaz] Thanks, Marco and John

[Kaz] and Fritz :)

[Traveler] :0

[Vicki] gee Mike, that almost sounds like a site I wouldn't want to even bother looking at

[Kaz] I dunno, I'll know it when I see it, I guess.

[Traveler] What class or race or sex?

[Kaz] OMG, just started raining so hard I can't see the house across the street.

[John] wow

[Traveler] stop standing outside

[Traveler] move in out of the rain

[Kaz] Um, human male warrior. It's for Rhys.

[DM] that is weird, I can't see that house either

[Kaz] lol

[Vicki] Kaz has what I had last night

[Kaz] See, Bob? It's a bad rain. :D

[Traveler] Oh I have a good one. I will load it on the site now for you

[DM] so Lorie is set,

[DM] Gretchen is ready to go

[Kaz] meh, the weather is just being moody because the tornado(es) didn't flatten the town.

[DM] and has Kylia's blessing

[Kaz] Thank you Fritz!

[DM] anythign that Kylia can do for the group?

[John] protection sphere?

[DM] and or wants to research, divine intentions, etc

[mikE] i'm set

[Kaz] Not worry about our possible impending deaths?

[John] does not sound like Kylia

[DM] Kaz is Rhys ready?

[DM] actually you never did magic items for him did you?

[Kaz] For the most part, I'd say as ready as he's going to be

[Kaz] you actually never said he could have magic items :P

[Vicki] ok... now I have a question... since I looked at the adventuring gear...

[DM] give me 1 d20

[John] no

[John] you can not have it

[DM] and the size of the board has to be larger than a doorway

[Vicki] that wasn't my question

[Vicki] lol

[Kaz] (d20) [9] 9

[mikE] i think we should bring along a balistae

[John] BOB is looking for the rihght folder

[mikE] that would be cool.

[Kaz] You gonna carry it, Mike?

[mikE] we could do spear salvos

[mikE] i could drag it

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] ooh ooh, can I roll for magic items too?

[mikE] hitch me up to it

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I never did for this character either

[John] NO to Bibi

[DM] yes to Marco

[John] missed by this much

[Kaz] Yay Magic Items!

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] okay, 5th level, what do I need to roll?

[DM] 1d20

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] (1d20) [7] 7

[DM] to Rhys, 1 scroll of Priest spells, contails 2 spells one of level 2 and one of level 3

[DM] John and Mike will help with picking exact spells out of the celtic spells

[DM] and to Marco that is a potoin of animal control

[Kaz] ooh, scrolls

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] woo

[DM] Kaz you can look through the list of spells that Moirra has

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] (1d20) [5] 5

[John] random or chossen?

[DM] to pick the spells

[mikE] disintegrate

[DM] what is that 5 for Marco?

[mikE] specter of death

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] what type of potion of animal control I got

[DM] ok

[mikE] don't priests just get them all?

[mikE] why do we need to pick?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] it's a scroll doof

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] 1 2nd level and 1 3rd level spell

[Vicki] So, who will carry what?

[John] she is a fighter, what good is a scoll going to do

[John] I was told we were bringing horses

[Vicki] Rhys is a fighter, Moirra is a priest

[John] Lori, do you have horses to spare?

[DM] and you have the new icon there Kaz

[DM] for Rhys

[BiBo!!!!!!!!! (to GM only)] Character sheet for Lira modified: Consumable Magic Items - ADDED: Potion of Animal Control, {5d4} small, {3d4} man sized, or {1d4} large avians have their emotions controlled by me. Creatures with 5 or more intelligence get a save., 1, 1.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] avians... woot

[Kaz] Thank you

[Traveler] How do you like that image Kaz?

[Kaz] I guess it would make some kinda sense to have them both be healing spells

[John] great now Bibo will be controling the songs the birds sing

[Lorie] Kylia only has a few horses

[Kaz] That's a good one Fritz, thanks :)

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I'll be like snow white or something

[Kaz] Just don't be like Fiona

[John] did you see Enchanted?

[Kaz] We don't need no exploding birds!

[Kaz] Okay, for the scroll, Cure Moderate Wounds and Repair Injury seem good? Throwing it out there for the party's input.

[John] Perfect

[John] Khan could loose an arm

[mikE] god i hope we don' t need repair injury.

[Kaz] lol

[John] al they need is a crit hit

[mikE] we don't need that in our nromal campaign

[Kaz] Moirra has some nature spells

[Kaz] if we're going to be in the woods, she has things like Warp Wood, Snare, Spike Growth

[John] is Moi going?

[Kaz] Plant Growth

[Kaz] No

[John] is she high enough to make scrolls?

[Kaz] Bob said to pick from the spells she has

[John] do you still listen to BOB

[John] that is the next thing you need to learn

[Kaz] yes

[Kaz] I'm sorry

[Kaz] :(

[DM] lol

[Kaz] SOMEONE has to listen to Bob!

Vicki listens to everyone

[Vicki] not sure whether or not that's a good thing... but I do

[John] so I hear we have no horses and no scroll of shelter

[Kaz] Oh, there's also Speak with Animal

[mikE] we don't send the scroll of shelter with henchmen

[Traveler] Roll #1: (d20) [20] 20

[mikE] we send them off with the armor on their back and good wishes

[DM] +1 weapon

[Traveler] Yea

[Kaz] Grats :D

[mikE] we're fighting orcs. this is their trial by fire

[DM] that was not to you Kaz, that was to Fritz

[mikE] hell, with regular orcs and tori going we don't even need much anyone else

[Kaz] I know

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] you said we can lend them stuff then?

[John] so we are empting out the scroll of the warm winter clothing and rations

[DM] grins

[DM] you can lend magic items to henchmen and followers

[Kaz] I wouldn't grats myself

[Vicki] Ok, Tori can go on her own...

[Vicki] NOT

[John] yes we can, but there is stong opposition to loaning the scroll

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I'll lend my henchman a bag of holding then

[Lorie] Ummm what?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] that'll be just as good

[John] thank you

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[John] better in some ways, not as much room

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] and we don't have to figure out how to get it open

[Lorie] huh?

[Lorie] wow

[Lorie] okay

[Kaz] Okay Bob, for the scroll, Cure Moderate Wounds and Hold Poison as the spells.

[DM] gotcha

[DM] question for Lorie and John about divination

[DM] what are you looking for

[DM] or are you just saying

[DM] fix cooridinates to attack site

[DM] and ship them off

[Lorie] well Kylia doesn't divine

[DM] ok

[Lorie] so... do you mean where am I sending them?

[DM] yes to that

[DM] and if htere are any other questions you are asking through spells or similar things

[John] the elfs have a known city?

[DM] before the snows start to close off Roadhaven

[John] village

[DM] no,

[DM] no known elven settlements on the route

[Vicki] Bob is this suppose to take several months game time?

[Kaz] Moirra does divination

[DM] you do not know Vicki

[DM] this adventure the low level people are going on could take a while

[Vicki] Well you said that snow will close off Roadhaven

[DM] adn we will

[John] if we had a hunter, we could live out there for a while

[Vicki] so that would mean that it'll be spring before we can get back in once we're out...

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] it'll especially take a while if we spend another week not going on it

[DM] it could potentially take a while to get back yes

[DM] adn no time ticked off yet Marco,

[John] I am ready to go, I just want approval on the Paul Pager

[DM] everyone is being a little careful because they might not be coming back soon

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I mean real time, you have no control of ticking that off :-P

[Vicki] I knew that, Marco... was trying to figure out now how we'll survive for at least 3 months out there...

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I was responding to bob

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] we have a ranger

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] a ranger can forrage

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] we'll be fine

[John] ok then Paul will be the Pager, Paul uses the scroll and makes the pager

[Vicki] so are we going on foot?

[Vicki] not that Tori isn't used to it...

[John] sound like it

[Traveler (to GM only)] Character sheet for Valiant modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Harbringer -- Kind of Weapon: Halberd +1 (+1 Halberd), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Type: P/S (S/P), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Speed: 0 (S), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Range S/M/L: (null), CHANGED: Harbringer -- # Atks: 3 /2 (3 / 2), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Ability Adj: $atk ($ATK), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Atk Adj: (null), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Ability Adj: $dmg ($DMG), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Racial Adj: (+0), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Skill Adj: (+0), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Profic Adj: (+0), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Magical Adj: (+0), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Damage Adj: (null), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Damage v SM: 1d10 (null), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Damage v L: 2d6 (null), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Knockdown: 1d12 (null), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Atk Snd: $thac0 (null), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Dmg Snd: (null), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Atk FX: (null), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Dmg FX: (null). CHANGED: Long Sword -- Kind of Weapon: Long Sword (null), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Size: (null), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Type: (null), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Speed: 0 (null), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Range S/M/L: (null), CHANGED: Long Sword -- # Atks: 1 (null), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Ability Adj: $atk ($ATK), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Racial Adj: (+0), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Skill Adj: (+0), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Profic Adj: (+0), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Magical Adj: (+0), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Atk Adj: (null), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Ability Adj: $dmg ($DMG), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Racial Adj: (+0), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Skill Adj: (+0), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Profic Adj: (+0), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Magical Adj: (+0), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Damage Adj: (null), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Damage v SM: 1d8 (null), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Damage v L: 1d12 (null), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Knockdown: 1d8 (null), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Atk Snd: $thac0 (null), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Dmg Snd: (null), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Atk FX: (null), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Dmg FX: (null). CHANGED: Long Bow -- Kind of Weapon: Long Bow (null), CHANGED: Long Bow -- Size: (null), CHANGED: Long Bow -- Type: (null), CHANGED: Long Bow -- Speed: 0 (null), CHANGED: Long Bow -- Range S/M/L: (null), CHANGED: Long Bow -- # Atks: 2 (null), CHANGED: Long Bow -- Ability Adj: $atk ($ATK), CHANGED: Long Bow -- Skill Adj: (+0), CHANGED: Long Bow -- Profic Adj: (+0), CHANGED: Long Bow -- Magical Adj: (+0), CHANGED: Long Bow -- Atk Adj: (null), CHANGED: Long Bow -- Ability Adj: $dmg ($DMG), CHANGED: Long Bow -- Racial Adj: (+0), CHANGED: Long Bow -- Skill Adj: (+0), CHANGED: Long Bow -- Profic Adj: (+0), CHANGED: Long Bow -- Magical Adj: (+0), CHANGED: Long Bow -- Damage Adj: (null), CHANGED: Long Bow -- Damage v SM: 1d1-1 (null), CHANGED: Long Bow -- Damage v L: 1d1-1 (null), CHANGED: Long Bow -- Knockdown: 1d1-1 (null), CHANGED: Long Bow -- Atk Snd: $thac0 (null), CHANGED: Long Bow -- Dmg Snd: (null), CHANGED: Long Bow -- Atk FX: (null), CHANGED: Long Bow -- Dmg FX: (null). DELETED: Dagger, null, null, null, null, null, --, null, $ATK, +0, +0, +0, +0, null, $DMG, +0, +0, +0, +0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Dagger/Dirk, Dagger/Dirk, , , 0, , --, 1, $atk, , , , , , $dmg, , , , , , 1d4, 1d3, 1d6, $thac0, , , .

[Vicki] ok...

[Tori (Vicki)] ::converses with Rave::

[Traveler] Valiant: Damage v L: Harbringer: (2d6) [(3+5)] 8

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[John] doing programing here

[DM] Mike and Fritz are checking weapon stuff

[Vicki] ok...

[DM] Lorie is good to go with Gretchen

[DM] Marco is good to go with Lara

[Vicki] I think Tori's ready

[DM] nods

[BiBo!!!!!!!!! (to GM only)] Character sheet for Lira modified: Magic Item Summary - ADDED: Bag of Holding, , .

[John] if we choose to walk, how far to the Elf forest?

[Vicki] Bob, did the layout change on our character pages?

[John] BOB is AFK

[Vicki] thanks John

[Kaz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Rhys of Gilmairay modified: Magic Item Summary - ADDED: Priest Scroll - 1 Cure Moderate Wounds, 1 Hold Poison, , . Misc. Attributes -

[Vicki] btw, are you trying to kill Tori as she's half-orc and wouldn't do so well in elf forest

[John] now he is backupstais

Traveler is receiving the map Base Map...

Traveler has received the map Base Map.

[Vicki] what does he do? Run?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] she's only half orc, so only half hated

[Vicki] LOL Marco...

[John] still not at the PC

[John] and Elf's like this dis like all outsiders

[Vicki] she's fully disliked by humans and orcs... not to mention Elves

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] by everyone

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] nobody likes orcs

[Traveler (to GM only)] Character sheet for Valiant modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Harbringer -- Type: $THAC0 (P/S),

[Vicki] well Tori's half-orc

[Vicki] and neither race likes her

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] people tend to have issues with a race that's sole existence seems to be to kill other races

[Vicki] Tori's an outsider to all races

[Traveler (to GM only)] Character sheet for Valiant modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Harbringer -- Type: P/S ($THAC0), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Atk Adj: $THAC0 (),

[Kaz] half-anythings are usually outsiders to both their birth races

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] at least you're not half drow

[Traveler] Valiant: Attack #1: Harbringer: (18-(d2018)) [18-(1272)] -1254

[Kaz] oh, Marco, that's a horrible thought!

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] then people would be lynching you on the spot

[Vicki] Of course, I don't know why I'm explaining it here... Tori's story is on the site

[DM] no change to character pages

[Kaz] Half-orc Hlaf-drow

[DM] I did nto alter the Def file

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] orcs and drow can't breed

[Vicki] ooh, I could do that

[Vicki] lol

[Traveler (to GM only)] Character sheet for Valiant modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Harbringer -- Atk Adj: 18 ($THAC0),

[Kaz] And that can only be a good thing, Marco

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] for whatever reason humans are the only race that can breed with other races

[DM] the elf forest is at least two weeks away

[Traveler] Valiant: Attack #1: Harbringer: (18-(d2018)) [18-(1097)] -1079

[John] what is the nearest town on the "trade route" to the last orc attack?

[Traveler (to GM only)] Character sheet for Valiant modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Harbringer -- Atk Adj: $atk (18),

[Antarias (mikE)] Antarias: Attack #1: Nightblade: (12-+3-(d20+3+5)) [12-3-(5+3+5)] -4

[Traveler] Valiant: Attack #1: Harbringer: (18-(d20+2)) [18-(8+2)] 8

[DM] along the Spice Road

[Vicki] Already counting on passing through the orcs John?

[DM] there is a small village near the last two attacks

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] probably because the developers of dnd didn't want to deal with the headaches of figuring out what every racial combination would end up with

[John] we can port there I would think

[Kaz] probably

[DM] yes to John

[Vicki] *snickers at the thought of half elf and half orc*

[DM] Carnesir moved 391'06".

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] it's easier to just say that all non human races are incompatible

[Kaz] but I think that most players are smart enough to figure it out

[John] then we are only as far as the orcs are

[Antarias (mikE) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Antarias modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Nightblade -- Atk Adj: ($atk+5),

[DM (to GM only)] Elder Rol moved 208'01".

[John] my next character is 1/2 pixie 1/2 hill giant

[DM (to GM only)] Elder Rol moved 62'07".

[Kaz] LOL John

[Kaz] That would be most amusing

[Traveler (to GM only)] Character sheet for Valiant modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Harbringer -- Ability Adj: ($atk), CHANGED: Long Bow -- Atk Adj: $MATK (), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Atk Adj: $atk (), CHANGED: Dagger/Dirk -- Atk Adj: $atk (),

[Antarias (mikE) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Antarias modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Nightblade -- Ability Adj: ($atk), CHANGED: Nightblade -- Atk Adj: $atk+5 (),

[John] it's going to be one heck of a character

[Traveler] Valiant: Attack #1: Harbringer: (18-(d20+2)) [18-(2+2)] 14

[Antarias (mikE)] Antarias: Attack #1: Nightblade: (12-+3-(d20+3+5)) [12-3-(9+3+5)] -8

[DM (to GM only)] Granny W moved 134'04".

[Vicki] isn't that one extreme to the other?

[Vicki] thus making an average man sized character?

[John] exactly

[Kaz] not necessarily

[John] but wait until the in laws come over

[Kaz] it could be a huge person... with tiny pixie wings

[Kaz] that would be hilarious

[Vicki] LOL

[DM (to GM only)] Twister moved 157'09".

[Kaz] a little pixie with giant feet

[John] a hill giant that is naturaly invisible

[Antarias (mikE) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Antarias modified: Weapons -

[Kaz] Oh, that's just scary

[Vicki] lol

[Antarias (mikE) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Antarias modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Nightblade -- Ability Adj: $atk (),

[Antarias (mikE)] so, are we ever going to go?

[DM] I am ready

[Kaz] go where? Are we going somewhere?

[Antarias (mikE)] fritz and i are disecting weapon def files for fun over here

[Antarias (mikE)] yeah, the elven forest

[DM] there is a small village along the Spice road

[Vicki] Kaz, we're going over the river and through the woods

[DM] that is close to the attack

[Kaz] Oh, Grandmother's house. Why didn't you say?

[Vicki] hehe

[Traveler] 2 weeks of iron rations per person

[Kaz] Paul Elvenstire: (r) -1

[Kaz] iron rations?

[Kaz] Pay no attention to the weird things I do when I've forgotten to click in the chat bos before typeing

[Kaz] wow

[Kaz] chat box - typing

[Traveler (to GM only)] Character sheet for Valiant modified: Magical Abilities - Weapons - CHANGED: Harbringer -- Skill Adj: +2 (+1), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Profic Adj: +2 (), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Magical Adj: +1 (), CHANGED: Long Bow -- #: 40 (--), CHANGED: Long Bow -- Ability Adj: ($atk), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Ability Adj: ($atk), CHANGED: Dagger/Dirk -- Ability Adj: ($atk), Spells -

[Antarias (mikE)] so we can take the usual rations and get a move on.

[Vicki] Anterias becoming impatient?

[mikE] no, i'm getting impatient

[Vicki] or is that Mike getting there?

[Vicki] ok

[BiBo!!!!!!!!! (to GM only)] Character sheet for Lira modified: Equipment - CHANGED: Dry rations (per week) -- Description: 2 weeks (null). ADDED: Caltrops 10, 3 gp, 1, Shady/Possibly Legal.

[Kaz] Antarias would be talking in quotes

[John] we will start out near a village, we can go back there

[DM] that is the issue here, the "normal" things are too much

[mikE] we've been sitting here for a freaking hour and fourty minutes and haven't stepped foot outside yet

[John] we are the Dragin Slayers, they will love us

[DM] what is in the bag of holding

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] nothing

[mikE] by the time we get there the orcs will have reduced the forest to toothpicks

[Vicki] well, gee Mike... If you want to go outside, couldn't you take a laptop and sit outside?

[DM] ok

[mikE] they'll die of old age

[mikE] the appocalypse will arrive

[John] before we leave what are you going to put in the bag, Marco?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] he means outside the keep

[Gretchen (Lorie)] okay... seriously, enough with the smart ass remarks

[mikE] i'm talking about the game here.

[Kaz] the apocolypse is old news. Or don't you remember the 80's?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] food and winter gear I guess

[Gretchen (Lorie)] some of us have been ready and sitting here

[mikE] yeah, we actually stopped the apocolypse five years ago now

[Gretchen (Lorie)] some of us want to contemplate inter breeding

[Gretchen (Lorie)] this is our weekly D&D game...not the fan fic community

[mikE] i almost feel like buffy where we should be stopping one every year

[Gretchen (Lorie)] so... does anyone need anything else for their characters?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] we haven't got a villan to stop particularly

[mikE] i was ready to go last week. i thought the end of last week's session was to do all this organization stuff

[Gretchen (Lorie)] everybody kissed mommy and daddy goodbye?

[DM] how much food? two weeks?

[Gretchen (Lorie)] ready? 1...2....

[Gretchen (Lorie)] three weeks to be sure

[DM] ok

[Gretchen (Lorie)] anything else/

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] all the villians we ever get are honky dory just sitting around ruling their little area

[DM] everyone is wearing cold weather gear

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] or they disappear

[John] i am

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] like those half dragon killing guys

[mikE] i'm not

[Gretchen (Lorie)] all the def file modifications finished?

[DM] mage uther moved 37'08".

[Tori (Vicki)] ((I better be))

[DM] Gretchen moved 375'04".

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] they just disappeared off the map

[Gretchen (Lorie)] :: glares ::

[mikE] i'm wearing some barding

[DM] Taurus moved 149'08".

[DM] Valiant moved 263'11".

[DM] Patrice moved 131'01".

[DM] Lira moved 395'06".

[DM] Mentor moved 283'02".

[John] let me change my sheet for the ring and clother, so I need to make an effect?

[DM] Bradwarden moved 327'07".

[DM] Glabius moved 191'00".

[DM] For Christy moved 168'01".

[DM] Antarias moved 204'09".

[DM] Finglas moved 206'01".

[DM] Ramone moved 29'02".

[DM] Tori moved 366'06".

[DM] Rave Starfire moved 48'03".

[DM] Moirra moved 64'06".

[DM] Khan moved 331'04".

[DM] Paul Elvenstire moved 23'09".

[DM] Valedianna moved 154'02".

[DM] ok, so everyone is in the OTHER ring on the base map who has gone through the pool to the vllage

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I've got food, a pavilian tent and winter blankets tucked away in the bag of holding, we'll be okay. lets march

[DM] The Village of Thenti

[DM] near the Thenti Forest

[DM] everyone ready?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!! (to GM only)] Character sheet for Lira modified: Equipment - CHANGED: Dry rations (per week) -- Description: 2 weeks for 11 people (2 weeks). ADDED: Caltrops 10, 3 gp, 1, Shady/Possibly Legal. ADDED: Winter blanket, 5 sp, 3 lbs., 11. ADDED: Tent, Pavilion, 100 gp, 50 lbs., . ADDED: Flint and steel, 5 sp, *, .

[mikE] yes

[Tori (Vicki)] ((yep))

[John (to GM only)] Character sheet for Khan modified: Notes - CHANGED: XP Awards -- : ==== Sun Dec 19 21:32:34 EST 2004 ==== All XP for the Island Adventures and Role Play through 27-2-1255 (Dec 17 2004) - 500==== Sun Feb 27 21:12:28 EST 2005 ==== Ghouls - 240 Ghouls and Ghasts - 500 (Sun Feb 27 21:07:18 EST 2005) Cube and Sword - 50 (Sun Feb 27 21:09:51 EST 2005)==== Thu Apr 28 23:00:47 EDT 2005 ==== Story Award - 1250 (Thu Apr 28 22:51:42 EDT 2005) 45000 from out of game work==== Fri Nov 25 22:26:55 EST 2005 ==== Clearing Land - 50000 (Fri Nov 25 22:25:38 EST 2005)==== Fri Dec 23 21:43:20 EST 2005 ==== Lizard Men Swamps - 1110 (Fri Dec 23 21:43:10 EST 2005) ( ==== Sun Dec 19 21:32:34 EST 2004 ==== All XP for the Island Adventures and Role Play through 27-2-1255 (Dec 17 2004) - 500==== Sun Feb 27 21:12:28 EST 2005 ==== Ghouls - 240 Ghouls and Ghasts - 500 (Sun Feb 27 21:07:18 EST 2005) Cube and Sword - 50 (Sun Feb 27 21:09:51 EST 2005)==== Thu Apr 28 23:00:47 EDT 2005 ==== Story Award - 1250 (Thu Apr 28 22:51:42 EDT 2005) 45000 from out of game work==== Fri Nov 25 22:26:55 EST 2005 ==== Clearing Land - 50000 (Fri Nov 25 22:25:38 EST 2005)==== Fri Dec 23 21:43:20 EST 2005 ==== Lizard Men Swamps - 1110 (Fri Dec 23 21:43:10 EST 2005)). Magic Item Summary - ADDED: ring of spell holding, on loan from Paul, ringth hand. Equipment -

[DM] you can set up as you want to enter the town

[DM] Khan moved 14'05".

[DM] Valiant moved 32'07".

[DM] Lira moved 11'00".

[DM] Mentor moved 20'10".

[DM] Bradwarden moved 7'01".

[DM] Tori moved 14'00".

[mikE] what race of town is this?

[mikE] elven or human?

[DM] mage uther moved 56'07".

[DM] mage uther moved 59'10".

[John (to GM only)] Character sheet for Khan modified: Magic Item Summary -

BiBo!!!!!!!!! is receiving the map Base Map...

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has received the map Base Map.

[Traveler (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Magical Abilities - ADDED: 1, +6, 6. ADDED: 2, +5, 5. ADDED: 3, 0+2, 0. ADDED: 4, 0+2, 0. ADDED: 1a, 1, 0. ADDED: 1b, 1, 0. ADDED: 1c, 1, 0. ADDED: 1d, 0, 0. ADDED: 1e, 0, 0. ADDED: 1f, 0, 0. Spells - DELETED: Spellcraft, Priest; Wizard, null, 1, $re, -2. DELETED: Arcanum Magicum, Wizard, null, 3, $re, -4. DELETED: Alchemy, Wizard, null, 2, $I, -3. DELETED: Signature Spell, Wizard, null, 1, null, null. DELETED: Observation, General, null, 1, $I, +0. DELETED: Sage Knowledge Alchemy, Wizard, null, 2, $I, -2. DELETED: Disadvantage Fanatacism, null, null, -4, null, null. DELETED: Disadvantage Powerful Enemy, null, null, -5, null, null. DELETED: Riding Land Based Lizard, General, null, 2, $ba, null. DELETED: Swimming, General, null, 2, $st, null. DELETED: Tumbling, Rogue, null, 4, $ba, null. CHANGED: Cantrip -- Group: 1 (Wizard), CHANGED: Cantrip -- Sub-Group: 1 (null), CHANGED: Cantrip -- Slots: Minor spells that last for {2*($WL)} hours (1), CHANGED: Cantrip -- Attribute: 0 ($I), CHANGED: Cantrip -- Modifier: 1 (null). DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Adhesion, 1, 1, "This Dweomer causes two solid objects to adhere to one another for {2*$L} turns. I must touch the juncture between the objects while intoning the spell. The adhered objects can be separated by a successful bend bars/lift gates check, dispel magic spell, or by exerting a force of more than {1000+100$L} lbs. If the spell is carried by an unwilling creature, the subject gains a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect.", 0, 1, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Burning Hands, 1, 1, By the Flames of Aronkabar take {d3+2+(2*($WL))} points of fire damage, 0, 1, null, null, null, fire. ADDED: Chill Touch, 1, 1, "By the nether forces of darkness and despair I call forth a blue glow of life force attacking energy to encompass my hand and any living creature which I attack successfully with a melee attack must roll a successful saving throw vs. spell or suffer {d4} points of damage and lose 1 point of Strength. Creatures not rated for Strength suffer a -1 penalty to their attack rolls for every other successful touch.Duration: {2*(3 + $L)} rounds. Lost Strength returns at the rate of 1 point per hour. Damage must be cured magically or healed naturally. Undead touched by the caster suffer no damage or Strength loss, but they must successfully save vs. spell or flee for {2*(d4 + $L)} rounds", 0, 1, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Comprehend Languages, 1, 1, I understand what you are saying for {2*(5*($WL))} rounds, 0, 1, null, null, null, green-glow. ADDED: Copy, 1, 1, Copy enables the caster to make a perfect copy of a map, letter, or any other written or drawn document. The caster must have a blank parchment or a book with blank pages of sufficient size to hold the copy. The caster holds the blank object over the object to be copied, then casts the spell; the copy immediately appears on the formerly blank object. The copy is permanent and is a perfect duplicate of the original. Copy can also be used to copy spells from a new spell book into the caster's spell book, assuming the caster's spell book is of sufficient size to contain the new spells. The caster must first roll to see if he can learn the new spells; if so, he can cast copy to instantly copy them into his spell book., 0, 1, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Firecraker, 1, 1, "With this spell, I create small, firecracker-type explosions within the 10 foot radius area of effect. A ""string"" of 10 firecrackers is created 10 seconds after each other. The firecrackers appear in a 10’ radius and inflict {($WL)*($WL)} hp damage to all in the area. The firecrackers are loud and create a bit of acrid smoke that, unless dispersed by a strong wind, remains in the area for {d3} rounds after the spell is finished. Any creatures in the area must save vs. poison, or the smoke makes their eyes smart and water, giving them -1 on attack rolls. If the spell is used in a surprise situation, the party being surprised has a +4 penalty to the die roll.", 1, 1, null, null, null, orange-ring. ADDED: Gaze Reflection, 1, 1, I reflect gaze attacks for {2+$L} rounds., 0, 1, , , , . ADDED: Hypnotism, 1, 1, "Range: 5 yds. Duration: {2*(1+($WL)rds. Area of Effect: 30 ft. cube. The gestures of the wizard, along with his droning incantation, cause {d6} creatures within the area to become susceptible to a suggestion--a brief and reasonable-sounding request (see the 3rd-level wizard suggestion spell). The request must be given after the hypnotism spell is cast. Until that time, the success of the spell is unknown. Note that the subsequent suggestion is not a spell, but simply a vocalized urging (the caster must speak a language the creature understands for this spell to work). Creatures that successfully roll their saving throws are not under hypnotic influence. Those who are exceptionally wary or hostile save with +1 to +3 bonuses. If the spell is cast at an individual creature that meets the caster's gaze, the saving throw is made with a penalty of -2. A creature that fails its saving throw does not remember that the caster enspelled it.", 0, 1, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Identify, 1, 1, By the mystic knowledge of the ages I have a {10*($WL)} %chance to gain knowledge about this object, 0, 1, null, null, null, green-glow. ADDED: Magic Missile, 1, 1, "By the mystic power of the Ancients take {3(d4+2+1)}points of mystical damage, or {d4+2+1},{d4+2+1},{d4+2+1}.", 1, 1, null, null, C:/Program Files/klooge2/sounds/beam13.wav, energy-ball. ADDED: Phantasmal Force, 1, 1, "By my Arcane magical mystical might I befuddle your simple mind with an illusion purely of visual affect. Range {60+(10*($L))} yds, area of effect {400+(100*($L))} sq feet", 1, 1, null, null, null, white-ring. ADDED: Read Magic, 1, 1, I can now read magical inscriptions for {2*(2*($WL))} rounds, 0, 1, null, null, null, green-glow. ADDED: Shield, 1, 1, "Power of magic protect me from magic missles of force and give me AC 2 against hand hurled missels, AC 3 against small device-propelled missiles and AC 4 against all other attacks with a +1 bonus to saving throws agains frontal attacks", 1, 1, null, null, null, cyan-ring. ADDED: Sparkler, 1, 1, "I create a sparkler effect that can originate from any metal object. It creates an intensely bright light at the end of the object, which throws off harmless sparks in a 2’ radius. The sparkler does not harm the object upon which it is cast. The effect sheds light in a 10’ radius similar to torchlight. If the sparkler is touched to exposed flesh , it inflicts :10 hp damage to a maximum of 10 hp. This causes the spell to end and the effect to go out. Dispel magic, darkness, and cold-generating magic does extinguish this spell, but ordinary water does not. This spell can light a torch or tinder in 3 rounds, but it cannot directly light oil. Sparkler works normally underwater.", 0, 1, null, null, null, lightning. ADDED: Spook, 1, 1, "Boogly Boogly Boo Range: 30 ft. A spook spell enables me to play upon natural fears to cause the target creature to perceive me as someone or something inimical. Failing it's saving throw vs. spell, it turns and flees at maximum speed as far from me as possible, though items carried are not dropped. The creature has a saving throw penalty of -{$L/2:6}. A natural (unmodified) roll of 20 automatically succeeds, regardless of saving throw penalties. Although the caster does not actually pursue the fleeing creature, a phantasm from its own mind does. Each round after the initial casting, the creature receives another saving throw, without penalty, until it successfully saves and the spell is broken. The spell functions only against creatures with Intelligences of 2 or more, and undead are not affected at all.", 1, 1, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Unseen Servant, 1, 1, Arise my unseen servant and do my bidding for {2*(60+$WL)} turns, 0, 1, null, null, null, magenta-glow. ADDED: Agannazzars Scorcher, 2, 2, "By the Spirits of Fire burns you for {3d6+6} points of dmge no save, others in the path save vs spell or take {2d8+4} save for half,for the next {2*2} rounds a jet 2 feet wide and 60 feet long ", 0, 1, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Blur, 2, 2, By my Arcane magical mystical might I befuddle your simple mind and protect myself from attacts with -4 penalty on first attempts and -2 penaltyon all successive attacks. +1 bonus to saving throw for any direct magical attack., 0, 1, null, null, null, blue-ball. ADDED: Choke, 2, 2, "The caster causes a pair of ghostly hands to appear around the throat of a single victim. The victim must be a human, demihuman, or humanoid. The hands will choke and strangle the affected victim for the duration of the spell; each round, the victim suffers {d4+2} hit points of damage from the choking hands. If the victim makes a successful saving throw, he suffers half-damage each round. Choke can be negated by dispel magic or a similar spell; the victim cannot wrench the ethereal hands away from his neck. The victim makes all attack rolls at a -2 penalty while affected by choke.Range: 30 yards Duration 2* rounds. ", 0, 1, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Continual Light, 2, 2, "I create a permanent light as bright as daylight with a 60 foot radius area of effect, range 60 yards", 0, 1, null, null, null, White-glow. ADDED: Deeppockets, 2, 2, I create pockets in my robe that hold 100 lbs in each pocket of 5 cubic feet in volume as if it were 10 lbs for {2*(12+$WL)} hours, 0, 1, null, null, null, blue-ball. ADDED: Drawmij's Breath of Life, 2, 2, creatures. Range 100 yards. Affected creatures can hold their breath for 5 full turns and cannot drown or be subject to the effects of inhaled gases. The wizard can cast the spell quickly in an emergency as it has no somatic or material components., 0, 1, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Flare, 2, 2, "By the magic Arcane I create a flare of light that shoots up into the air from my brass tube. The ball of light is only 1 inch in diameter when shot but bursts with a 10’ radius upon attaining the desired range. The ball slowly drifts to the ground at 20’ per round. The flare continues to shed light in a spherical area whose diameter is equal to its maximum range of {180+30*$L} feet throughout the {2*(9+2$L)} rounds duration regardless of its location. The brightness is equal in intensity to a light spell. Environmental light conditions affect the illuminatory effects of the flare, although the flare itself can be seen even in bright daylight. The flare is not hot and cannot set combustible objects on fire. It can be shot at any angle up, down, or across provided it can travel at least 90’. If the spell effect hits any object before traveling 90’, it automatically fails. The flare can be fired at a living target and, if used in this manner, acts as a light spell.", 0, 1, null, null, null, flame-ball. ADDED: Goblin Chaser, 2, 2, "By the magic Arcane I cast the Goblin Chaser and send a 3 foot diameter ball of light whistling along the ground. The ball of light can travel either in a straight line (""shoot and forget"") or any course (""actively directed"") by myself. The goblin chaser travels 100 yards per round. At the end of the spell’s duration, on impact, or sooner if so designated by me, the ball explodes with a brilliant flash of light inflicting hp damage to any creature within a 5’ radius. The ball must ravel along a solid surface or it fails. As the ball travels, it emits a shrill, downward glissando whistle.", 1, 1, null, null, C:/Program Files/klooge2/sounds/birdprey.wav, orange-ring. ADDED: Improved Phantasmal Force, 2, 2, "By my Arcane magical mystical might I befuddle your simple mind with an illusion of visual and minor auditory affect, but not discernible speech. It will last for 4 rounds after I stop concentrating and I can move at half normal speed (but not cast spells). Range is {60+(10*$L)} yds, and the area of effect is {200+(50*$L)} sq feet", 1, 1, null, null, null, white-ring. ADDED: Invisibility, 2, 2, By my Arcane magical mystical might this creature vanishes from sight and is undetectable by normal vision or even infravison until it attacks or 48 hours have passed., 1, 1, null, null, null, white-ring. ADDED: Knock, 2, 2, "Range: 60 yds. Area of Effect: {10*($WL)} sq. ft The knock spell opens stuck, barred, locked, held, or wizard-locked doors. It opens secret doors, as well as locked or trick-opening boxes or chests. It also loosens welds, shackles, or chains. If used to open a wizard-locked door, the spell does not remove the former spell, but simply suspends its functioning for one turn. In all other cases, it permanently opens locks or welds--although the former could be closed and locked again later. It does not raise barred gates or similar impediments (such as a portcullis), nor does it affect ropes, vines, and the like. Each spell can undo up to two means of preventing egress through a portal. Thus if a door is locked, barred, and held, or triple locked, opening it requires two knock spells. In all cases, the location of the door or item must be known--the spell cannot be used against a wall in hopes of discovering a secret door. The reverse spell, lock, closes and locks a door or similar closure, provided there is a physical mechanism. It does not create a weld, but it locks physically operated locking mechanisms, set bars, and so on, up to two functions.", 0, 1, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Lightning Strike, 2, 2, " Zap Zap Zappety Zap! By the Might Arcana take {(($WL)/2)d6+(($WL)/2)*2 } points of lightning damage ""Range {10+$L} yards This spell causes a small bolt of lightning 1 inch wide to shoot forth from my fingertip striking 1 or 2 creatures, save vs. spell for half. The bolt can be forked striking 2 creatures within 10 feet of each other for the full effect. It does not cause structural damage or rebound off solid materials.", 1, 1, null, null, null, lightning. ADDED: Melf's Acid Arrow, 2, 2, By the power of the arcane I summon the Acid Arrow of Melf that will damage you for {2d4+4} for {2*($WL)/2} rounds, 0, 1, null, null, C:/Program Files/klooge2/sounds/MISSLE[1].wav, gas-ball. ADDED: Mirror Image, 2, 2, By my Arcane magical mystical might I befuddle your simple mind and add {d4+$WL/3} images of myself for {6*($WL)} rounds, 0, 1, null, null, null, white-ring. ADDED: Spark Fountain, 2, 2, "By the power Arcane I create a shower of brilliant, multi-colored sparks that shoot up in a fountain 8’ high. The fountain illuminates an area with a 20’ radius with the brightness of torchlight. Anyone in a 5’ radius centered on the base of the fountain suffers 2 hp damage per round from the falling sparks. If the fountain is restricted in height, say through a low ceiling, the sparks fall outward 1’ further for each 1’ of height it is restricted. It can be created only on a solid, nonliving surface at least the consistency of mud.", 0, 1, null, null, null, lightning. ADDED: Spectral Hand, 2, 2, "Range: {30+(5*$WL)} yds. This spell causes a ghostly, glowing hand, shaped from the caster's life force, to materialize within the spell range and move as the caster desires. Any touch attack spell of 4th level or less that is subsequently cast by the wizard can be delivered by the spectral hand. The spell gives the caster a +2 bonus to his attack roll. The caster cannot perform any other actions when attacking with the hand; the hand returns to the caster and hovers if the caster takes other actions. The hand lasts the full spell duration unless dismissed by the caster, and it is possible to use more than one touch attack with it. The hand receives flank and rear attack bonuses if the caster is in a position to do so. The hand is vulnerable to magical attack but has an Armor Class of -2. Any damage to the hand ends the spell and inflicts {d4}damage to the caster", 0, 1, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Stinking Cloud, 2, 2, The wizard creates a billowing mass of nauseous vapors up to 30 yards away. Any creature caught within the cloud must roll a successful saving throw vs. poison or be reeling and unable to attack because of nausea for {d4+1+2} rounds after leaving the cloud. Those who make successful saving throws can leave the cloud without suffering any ill effects, those remaining in the cloud must continue to save each round.The cloud duration is halved in a moderate breeze (8-18 m.p.h.) and is dispersed in one round by a stronger breeze. Duration: {$WL+2}rds. Area of Effect: 20-ft. cube, 1, 1, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Vocalize, 2, 2, "Duration: {2*5} rounds This spell allows the recipient to cast spells that normally require a verbal component without the caster needing to make a sound. Such spells must be cast within the duration of the vocalize spell. This spell is also useful in situations where quiet is desired, or when the recipient is under the influence of a silence spell. Vocalize does not negate a silence spell, but merely offsets it for the purpose of spell casting; if a spell caster under the effect of vocalize casts a spell that has some audible effect, that sound will be masked for as long as silence remains in force. Vocalize does not affect normal vocal communication.", 0, 1, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Bakarapper, 3, 3, "By my Arcane magical mystical might I cast the deadly Bakarapper creating a 1 foot ball of light that shoots into the sky much like a flare. Upon reaching the designated target point, however, the ball disappears. Six seconds later, the ball explodes into as many balls of light as the caster has levels that fly out in random directions from the center and then explode inward six seconds after that. The initial explosion causes no damage; the second explosion inflicts {2*$WL} hp damage to any creature within a 20’ radius from the initial explosion. When casting the spell, the I can add a thunderclap sound that increases the casting time to 4. The thunderclap deafens all in the area of effect causing them a penalty of 2 on die rolls. This spell must be cast so that the initial ball of light is fired at a minimum of a 45 degrees angle from the horizontal plane. It can be triggered at any distance beyond 3 foot up to {120+20*$L}yds.", 0, 1, null, null, null, flame-ball. ADDED: Ball Lightning, 3, 3, Creates up to 4 glowing spheres of lighting at any time during the spell's duration. Each ball lasts no longer than 4 rounds. 4 Balls {2*(d4+2)} each, three balls {2*(d6+2)} each, two balls {5*(d4+2)} each, one ball {4*(d12+2)} each. The caster moves the spheres at a rate of 4 but controlling the balls takes all his attention for the round. Uncontrolled balls simply hover in place. Touching a creature discharges the ball save for half. Range {30+10*($WL)} yds, Duration {2*(5*($WL))}., 0, 1, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Clairvoyance, 3, 3, "Duration: {2*($WL)} rds. This spell empowers the wizard to see in his mind whatever is within sight range from the spell locale chosen. Distance from the wizard is not a factor, but the locale must be known--familiar or obvious. Furthermore, light is a factor, as the spell does not enable the use of infravision or magical enhancements. If the area is magically dark, only darkness is seen; if naturally pitch dark, only a 10-foot radius from the center of the spell's area of effect can be seen. Otherwise, the seeing extends to the normal vision range according to the prevailing light. Lead sheeting or magical protection foils a clairvoyance spell, and the wizard has some indication that it is so blocked. The spell creates an invisible sensor, similar to that created by a crystal ball spell, that can be dispelled. The spell functions only on the wizard's current plane of existence.", 0, 1, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Create Enchanted Tatoo, 3, 3, This spell allows the creation ofenchanted tatoos. The exact nature of the toatoo is determined by the caster, and the tattos's effect is baed upon the level of the caster. Only one tattoo is created by this spell, although multiple applications are possible.An individual can not have more than 3 enchanted tatoos and none of these can be of the same type. Duration {2*($WL) days. 3rd-6th level can inscribe the following tatoos. +1 to any one saving throw, +1 to attack, -1 to AC; 7-12 th level can inscribe lower plus the following +1 to all saving throws, 1 extra attack every 2 rounds, one extra spell of 1st or 2nd or third level only; 13th level or higher can cast the following or lower +5% magic resistance,+1 to any one atribute, +1 level to effective casting ability not number of spells., 0, 0, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Dragon Whirl, 3, 3, "By my Arcane magical mystical might I create a 1’ diameter circle of whirling sparks at my feet. The whirl sheds light in a 10’ radius. It shoots out in an arc to a target point designated by myself and explodes into a sphere with a 5’ radius and inflicts {2d4+4} hp damage. Save vs. spell for half, to a range of {60+10*($WL)} yds. It acts like Melf’s minute meteors in that after the first whirl is created and sent out, subsequent whirls are created automatically for {2*($WL)} rounds thereafter. Each successive whirl is created and fired in the first few seconds of a melee round. I can fire the whirl and then cast another spell that round. I must designate a target each round or the spell stays in place, exploding at the end of the round. I can discontinue the spell before the duration expires naturally. The spell flies out at a rate of 1foot per second.", 0, 1, null, null, C:/Program Files/klooge2/sounds/birdprey.wav, yellow-ring. ADDED: Leomund'sTiny Hut, 3, 3, "For {2*(4+$WL)} hours a 15 foot diameter sphere in which 7 man sized creatures can fit into an unmoving, opaque sphere of force with me is created using my arcane mystical might.", 0, 1, null, null, null, magenta-ring. ADDED: Roman Candle, 3, 3, "By my Arcane magical mystical might I cast the Roman candle spell and fire small balls of light in a brightly colored array from a silver tube. Upon impact, each ball inflicts {($WL)+2+2} hp damagethis continues for {2*(1+2+($WL))} rounds. The balls shoot out a rate of fire determined by me, but they cannot be fired faster than one ball every 20 seconds nor slower than one per round. I can target each ball separately. The balls are shot as if missile weapons fired by a warrior of {($WL)+2} level. If the ball misses, it travels to its range limit (unless it hits another object in the line of fire) and explodes, inflicting {1+2} hp damage on anyone within a 5’ radius. I must continue to direct the silver tube or (unless I discontinues the spell) the balls go off in the direction the tube is facing until the spell expires. If cast at a rate of one per round, the I can place the tube in a safe place and cast another spell as with Melf’s minute meteors. The rate of fire cannot be changed once the spell is cast.", 0, 1, null, null, C:/Program Files/klooge2/sounds/Fireball.wav, sun. ADDED: Shadow Blink, 3, 3, This spell allows the caster to instantaneously blink from shadow to shadow that is within 60 yards of each other and must be large enought to allow a thief the size of the caster to hide in shadows.The caster arrives in exactly the spot desired within range that he can see or he knows by direct and recent knowledge is present with up to 250 lbs. No other action can be taken that round. Duration {2*($WL)} rounds. Number of blinks {($WL)/3}, but only 1 blink per round., 0, 1, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Sepia Snake Sigil, 3, 3, "I conjure a small written symbol in the text of any written work. when read, the so-called sepia snake springs into being and strikes at the nearest living creature (not me) as a monster of hitdice. If it strikes the victim is engulfed in an amber field of force until realesed by my command, dispel magic, {2*(d4+($WL))} days have passed", 0, 1, null, null, null, Cyan-ball. ADDED: Spectral Force, 3, 3, "By my Arcane magical mystical might I befuddle your simple mind with an illusion of visual and auditory, olfactory, and thermal affect. It will last for 5 rounds after I stop concentrating and I can move at half normal speed (but not cast spells). Range is {60+($L)} yds, and the area of effect is {40+(10*$L)} foot cube", 0, 1, null, null, null, white-ring. ADDED: Phantasmal Killer, 4, 4, "I search deep into your mind and bring forth your most deepest fears. I create the illusion of the most fearsome thing imaginable to the victim, forming the fears of the victim's subconscious mind into something that its conscious mind can visualize--the most horrible beast. Only the spell recipient can see the phantasmal killer (the caster sees only a shadowy shape), but if it succeeds in scoring a hit, the subject dies from fright. The beast attacks as a 4 Hit Dice monster. It is invulnerable to all attacks and can pass through any barriers, It inexorably pursues the subject, for it exists only in the subject's mind. The only defenses against a phantasmal killer are an attempt to disbelieve (which can be tried but once), slaying or rendering unconscious the wizard who cast the spell, or rendering unconscious the target of the spell for its duration {2*($WL)} rds. To disbelieve the killer, the subject must specifically state the attempt and then roll an Intelligence check. This roll has a -1 penalty for every four levels of the caster.", 0, 1, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Shadow Monsters, 4, 4, Shaped from material from the Demiplane of Shadow these semireal illusions of one or more monsters with total Hit Dice of the monster or monsters thus created not exceeding . All shadow monsters created by one spell must be of the same sort. The actual hit point total for each monster is 20% of the hit point total it would normally have. (To determine this, roll the appropriate Hit Dice and multiply the hit points by.2. Any remainder less than.4 is dropped--in the case of monsters with 1 or fewer Hit Dice, this indicates the monster was not successfully created--and scores between.4 and 1 are rounded up to 1 hit point.) Those viewing the shadow monsters are allowed to disbelieve as per normal illusions, although there is a -2 penalty to the attempt (plus specialty modifiers). The shadow monsters perform as the real monsters with respect to Armor Class and attack forms. Those who believe in the shadow monster suffer real damage from their attacks. Special attack forms such as petrification or level drain do not actually occur, but a subject who believes they are real will react appropriately. Successful saving throws see the shadow monsters as transparent images superimposed on vague shadowy forms. These are Armor Class 10 and inflict only 20% of normal melee damage (biting, clawing, weapon, etc.), dropping fractional damage less than.4 as done with hit points., 0, 1, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Starburst, 4, 4, "Perhaps the most spectacular of the fireworks spells; starburst creates a huge aerial burst of colored sparks. It must be fired upwards at least at a 45 degrees angle from the horizontal. The initial effect is a 1’ diameter ball of light that explodes at a designated point and sends multicolored sparks outward in a brilliant display. Any creature caught in the area of effect suffers {2d4+(2*2)+($WL)} damage save for half. The initial ball of light must travel for at least 90’ or it fails. I can add a thunderclap sound at the casting of the spell, increasing the casting time to 6. The thunderclap causes deafness to all in the area of effect, inflicting on them a 2 point penalty on die rolls.RANGE: {180+ {20*$WL} yrds", 0, 1, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Dancing Lights, 1a, 1, For {2*$L} rounds I conjure up some balls of light to light the way., 0, 1, , , , . ADDED: Darkness, 15' Radius, 1b, 2, A 15' radius area is dark for {10+$L} rounds., 0, 1, , , , . ADDED: Faire Fire, 1c, 1, Faire Fire, 0, 1, , , , . ADDED: Detect Magic - Wizard, 1f, 1, For {2*$L} rounds I can detect magic in a 10'x60' path in front of me., 0, 1, , , , . ADDED: Levitate, 1d, 2, I lift {$L*100} lbs of load. Unwilling creatures save to avoid., 0, 1, , , , . ADDED: Know Alignment, 1e, 2, Know Alignment, 0, 1, , , , .

[DM] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 293'09".

[DM] ddi you want to blip in the morning? or evening?

[DM] you can go on teh evening of the forth

[DM] or the morning of the fifth

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] morning I guess, if we do it in the evening we'll just have to rest again

[DM] or pick a different day

[John] two days so Fin has made the potions

[Traveler (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Current: 5 (6). CHANGED: 1a -- Maximum: +1 (1), CHANGED: 1b -- Maximum: +1 (1), CHANGED: 1c -- Maximum: +1 (1), Spells - CHANGED: Dancing Lights -- Cast Level: 1a (1), CHANGED: Darkness, 15' Radius -- Cast Level: 2b (2), CHANGED: Faire Fire -- Cast Level: 1c (1), CHANGED: Detect Magic - Wizard -- Cast Level: 1f (1), CHANGED: Levitate -- Cast Level: 2d (2), CHANGED: Know Alignment -- Cast Level: 2e (2),

[DM] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 4th, 1259.

[DM] ok, so mornign on the 8th day of the month

[John] i hope you all understand, I was joking

[Traveler (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1a -- Current: 1 (0). CHANGED: 1b -- Current: 1 (0). CHANGED: 1c -- Current: 1 (0). Spells - CHANGED: Dancing Lights -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Darkness, 15' Radius -- Cast Level: 1b (2b), CHANGED: Darkness, 15' Radius -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Faire Fire -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[John] we are not telling them we are the dragonslayers

[John] we are the Forest Wariors?

[DM] you show up outside of town

[DM] and there is an old man sitting on a stump

[John] Khan apoints Brad as the speaker for the group

[DM] outside of the largest builiding

[mikE] we're the kickyourassifyougiveusahardtimewarriors

[John] what does true site revel

[DM] he looks like a wizard of some sort

[Traveler (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Current: 6 (5). Spells - CHANGED: Adhesion -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[John] Brad, do you want to talk?

[DM] Bradwarden moved 0'11".

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Humans don't take well to my people."

[John] ok I'll do it

[John] Khan waves to the old man

[John] " cold enough ofr you ?"

mage uther squints and puffs on his pipe

[John] Khan looks like an tall ugly man

[Valiant (Traveler)] I stand beside Mentor

[mage uther] gonna get a lot colder

[mage uther] you'all are strangers here

[Khan (John)] Well here,yer

[mage uther] what are you doing around here

[Khan (John)] we are trying to help keep the road clear of orcs

[Valiant (Traveler)] we are here to investigate the false accusations against the Dragon slayer's

[mage uther] I don't believe you can keep the road clear of branches

[mage uther] let alone orcs

[Khan (John)] I said try

[mage uther] you all milling about there

[Tori (Vicki)] ::keeps alert for any sounds::

[Khan (John)] to help

[mage uther] and who asked you to help?

[Valiant (Traveler)] we heard that there have been increasing raids done in this area and that someone has been impersonating the Dragon slayer's

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Human, we have heard of orc raids coming from the elven forest. We are here on a missive from Greenborough to investigate the orc presence in an elven community."

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((may be losing electricity))

[Valiant (Traveler)] we have been sent by the true dragonsslayers to clear their names and find out who was causing all these problems

[mage uther] who are these Dragonslayers?

[Khan (John)] that may not be important

[Bradwarden (mikE)] the plague of humanity!

[Khan (John)] do you know of the ocs raids?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "It does not matter. What do you know of the orcs?"

[Tori (Vicki)] ::speaks up from near the rear of the group:: "Khan, have you found out the specific activities of the area lately?"

[Tori (Vicki)] "If not, could you?"

[mage uther] there have been a couple of orc raids

[mage uther] but there are no orcs in these parts

[mage uther] the elves would not tolerate that

Kaz has left the game on Fri Jun 06 21:01:05 EDT 2008

[Valiant (Traveler)] world that seems like a true contradiction don't you think?

[Valiant (Traveler)] world = well

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Jun 06 21:01:25 EDT 2008

[mage uther] life is full of contradictions,

[mage uther] and the world still goes around

[Tori (Vicki)] ((wb Kaz))

[Khan (John)] ::thums up to Tori:: getting there

Kaz is receiving the map Base Map...

Kaz has received the map Base Map.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "When is the last you have seen the elves?"

[mage uther] I heard some singing about two weeks ago I think

[Tori (Vicki)] ::mutters "two weeks?"::

[Valiant (Traveler)] so how can there be orc raids if there are no orcs? What do you mean you heard singing?

[Tori (Vicki)] ::wonders why no one has investigated::

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "That is recent for elves. Where can we meet with the elves?"

[Khan (John)] still funny that there were orc raids from the elf woods

[mage uther] the elves sing when then travel

[mage uther] you don't know much abotu elves do you?

[Khan (John)] brb

[mage uther] Valiant moved 19'06".

[Gretchen (Lorie)] :: looks up ::

[mage uther] Mentor moved 8'02".

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "They sing when they travel? That is what you know of them? It sounds like you know little. Where can we find the elves who live in this forest?"

[mage uther] you could go into the forest I suppose

[Tori (Vicki)] "Forgive me, but as you can see, I'm not exactly one to hang around elves."

[mage uther] there is a farm or two along the way maybe if you ask they can give you some help

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Then your village does not have direct contact with them."

[Valiant (Traveler)] I know quite a bit about elves since I happened to be one. But the doesn't mean that the singing was from the elves

[mage uther] the elves don't stay here in town

[Valiant (Traveler)] do you know the names of the people who live at these farms?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] farmers don't get names

[Bradwarden (mikE)] farmer #1 and farmer #2

[mage uther] you could ask for ol' twiste

[mage uther] twister

[mage uther] he lives out on Granny W's stead

[Valiant (Traveler)] thank you and can we get your name as a reference?

[mage uther] you can tell them Uther sent you if you think it will help

[mage uther] then again how do you know that will help you?

[Valiant (Traveler)] question mark

[mage uther] Elder Rol might want to have a word with you if you are staying around these parts

[Khan (John)] just pointing the way will help

[Khan (John)] or that

[Valiant (Traveler)] and where can we find this elder?

mage uther thumbs at the doorway

[mage uther] go on in there

[Valiant (Traveler)] thank you very much. Maybe we should all head over there now?

[Khan (John)] maybe not all!

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "I'll wait outside..."

[mage uther] /puffs his pipe

[Kaz] I will wait with Brad

[Khan (John)] you should go, your one of the few normal size

[Khan (John)] normal human

[Khan (John)] no offence to the rest of us

[Valiant (Traveler)] Tori,why don't you join mentor and I inside peered

[mage uther (to GM only)] Granny W moved 30'02".

[Tori (Vicki)] "Alright, Valiant."

[mage uther (to GM only)] Elder Rol moved 5'01".

[Khan (John)] ::slaps head::

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "I hope the sight of her doesn't give him a heart attack."

[Valiant (Traveler)] or an erection

[Bradwarden (mikE)] eeeew. orc fetish

[Valiant (Traveler)] could be worse he could have a horse fetish

[Khan (John)] know any good spells to keep warm Uther?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] then he'd have to be russian

[mage uther] fire works for me

[Tori (Vicki)] "Brad, would you rather I stayed with you?"

[Gretchen (Lorie)] :: sighs ::

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "I do not care. I will not fit inside if I wanted to. I am here investigating the elven situation."

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Tori (Vicki)] "Gretchen, what would you like to do?"

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Let us just go inside, those of us who will

[Khan (John)] Gretchen,

[Gretchen (Lorie)] :: shrugs and continues to study her surroundings ::

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 13'09".

[Valiant (Traveler)] Bibo I used your shampoo last week....You give great head!!!

[Traveler] I am away from the keyboard.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] heh, you actually bought that stuff?

[mage uther] mage uther moved 70'05".

[mage uther (to GM only)] Elder Rol moved 38'11".

[Traveler] I am back at the keyboard.

[mage uther] Tori moved 75'10".

[mage uther] Bradwarden moved 93'08".

[mage uther] Khan moved 92'09".

[mage uther] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 66'02".

[mage uther] Gretchen moved 14'09".

[Khan (John)] Marco, how about your character going in and talking?

[Khan (John)] with Kaz?

[mage uther] who else beside Rhys is going inside?

[Valiant (Traveler)] ((LOL no Mike just told me about it...and I couldn't resist using the line since I am bald))

[mage uther] Valiant and Mentor moved 60'09".

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] I thought Valiant and Mentor were

[mage uther] Gretchen? Lira?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] sure I suppose, just didn't want to butt in on everyone talking. if you have 10 people talking nothing gets said

[mage uther] Lira moved 68'07".

[mage uther] Gretchen?

[Gretchen (Lorie)] ((what? Gretchen doesn't talk much ))

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::paws at the ground::

[mage uther] inside or outside?

[Khan (John)] that was for you Lori?

[Tori (Vicki)] ::peeks back inside:: "Valiant, I think I'd be of better use out here."

[Khan (John)] good thinking Tori

[Gretchen (Lorie)] ((Gretchen doesn't like inside and she doesn't like talkingl... she's fine where she is and happy ))

[Valiant (Traveler)] ok Tori...Keep an eye on everyone for me

[Khan (John)] Gretchen moved 78'07".

[Khan (John)] ok inside guys talk

[Valiant (Traveler)] waiting on Bob

[Tori (Vicki)] ::listens for any changes of sounds::

[Khan (John)] Hey Uther, how were the local cros, will you have enough for all winter?

[mage uther] will be good I hope

[mage uther] of course that depends on any traveler we get

[Khan (John)] not much trade durring the winter I understand

[Khan (John)] much travlers

[Elder Rol] Hello

[Gretchen (Lorie) (to DM only)] slowly walks towards the edge of the village and looks closer for something that might have been missed

[Khan (John)] (go Kaz)

[Elder Rol] how are you doing today young man?

[Valiant (Traveler)] good day sir

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::looks toward the woods::

[Elder Rol] who is the young woman with you?

[Valiant (Traveler)] Fine. We heard you were having some problems with raids in the area

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Old man, when was the last orc raid in the area?"

[Elder Rol] /me raised eyebrow

[Tori (Vicki)] "What is it, Brad?" ::listens keenly::

[mage uther] the last orc raid I heard of was about three weeks ago

[mage uther] maybe four

[Gretchen (Lorie)] ((Remember...we represent the dragonslayers but we're not the dragonslayers in everyone else's mind))

[Khan (John)] (( I like the Wood Wariors))

[Valiant (Traveler)] ((some of us aren't dragonslayers. we just work for them))

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "So you have heard from the elves since the last raid."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "And what of the dragonslayers? What is their part in the raids?"

[mage uther] I haven't actually talked to an elf in years

[mage uther] not much traffic with elves for me

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "You said they were last heard from two weeks ago."

[mage uther] they are far too flighty

[mage uther] a bit frivilous

[mage uther] I said I heard them singing two weeks ago

[mage uther] I have not heard of the Dragonslayers

[Khan (John)] so after the raids

[mage uther] who are they?

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Elder, we are trying to find the perpetrators of the raids, to bring them to justice. Is there nothing you can tell us that will help us with our search?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "An adventuring group."

[Khan (John)] ((skip the plesentries, is that in character?))

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) looks to the Elder with an earnest but troubled expression

[Elder Rol] what do you need to know?

[Elder Rol] and if we can help I suppose we would

[Khan (John)] ((where are they?))

[Valiant (Traveler) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Valiant modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Long Bow -- Atk Adj: $ATK ($MATK),

[Elder Rol] but everyone knows those Orcs came out of the trees and attacked those travelers

[Tori (Vicki)] ((which way they're headed))

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((If you are referring to me, John, then probably. He's not like Moirra in that.))

[Khan (John)] ((which way did they go, which way did they go)) 10 pts

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] And where did they disappear to? Does anyone know?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] find out about the elves. the elves would have better information on them

[Valiant (Traveler) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Valiant modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Long Bow -- Skill Adj: $mat (),

[Elder Rol] into the forest

[Bradwarden (mikE)] or should at any rate

[Khan (John)] ((just currious, it helps get the game going)

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Where did they attack specifically?"

[Valiant (Traveler) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Valiant modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Long Bow -- Skill Adj: $matk ($mat),

[Elder Rol] the last attacks were back about a day on the road

[Elder Rol] they were pretty beat up

[Elder Rol] axes

[Elder Rol] fire

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "So, all around the same place?"

[Elder Rol] no

[Valiant (Traveler)] Did they have any distiguishing marks

[Khan (John)] (FIRE)!!!!!!

[Elder Rol] other attacks happened farther east

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Where are the survivors?"

[Valiant (Traveler)] or ornamentation

[Elder Rol] yeah lots of them

[Tori (Vicki)] ((was anyone dead or are all still alive?))

[Elder Rol] seems they were out fo rloot

[Elder Rol] not killin

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "I didn't ask if there were any, I asked where they are."

[Elder Rol] I suppose they are were they belong

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Are there any around we can talk to?"

[Elder Rol] no one here in the village was hurt

[Lorie] I am away from the keyboard.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Elder, do you know where we might find the elves of this Wood, or how we might contact them?

[Elder Rol] they never come into town

[Elder Rol] although old Uther said he heard them singing a couple of weeks ago

[Valiant (Traveler) (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Christy modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Dagger -- Range S/M/L: 35/ 45/ 65 (25/ 35/ 55), CHANGED: Dagger -- Ability Adj: ($THAC0), CHANGED: Dagger -- Skill Adj: +1+1 (null), CHANGED: Dagger -- Atk Adj: $ATHC0 (null), CHANGED: Dagger -- Ability Adj: $DMG (null), Non-Weapon Proficiencies - DELETED: Signiture Spells, null, null, 2, null, null.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Do you never have contact with them at all?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] if they're any good at being elves all we should have to do is start walking in and they'll find us

[Elder Rol] /me shakes his head

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((that's true))

[Bradwarden (mikE)] \me oi

Bradwarden (mikE) oi

[Khan (John)] ((make sure you get directions))

[Valiant (Traveler)] \me whip me

Bradwarden (mikE) oi

Valiant (Traveler) whip me

[Tori (Vicki)] ((which direction is the town?))

[Elder Rol] I have never seen an elf live

[Valiant (Traveler)] Has anyone witnessed the raids and survived that we could talk to?

[Elder Rol] there was one that came though on the back of a horse once

[Elder Rol] the Lad said that he had shot him as a thief and was taking him back for bounty

[Elder Rol] I suppose there are survivors somewhere

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] You said no one of the village was hurt by these orc attacks. So, they haven't tried to attack the village? Or do you just have good sentries?

[Elder Rol] but no one live here

[Elder Rol] we have not been attacked by Orcs

[Lorie] I am back at the keyboard.

[Elder Rol] the last raiders through here were a couple of months ago

[Elder Rol] some horsemen came through

[Elder Rol] chasing after some dwarven clan

[Bradwarden (mikE)] eh, they're just dwarves. who cares about them

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) looks bewildered

[Valiant (Traveler)] we have been asking you about the orc raids, is it possible that there has been others that we are confusing with the current Raiders?

[Gretchen (Lorie)] :: walks back to the group ::

[Elder Rol] there were orcs that attacked a caravan about three or four weeks ago

[Elder Rol] not near the village

[Elder Rol] no orcs have attacked us here

[Valiant (Traveler)] how far away were these raids?

[Elder Rol] a day or two East

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Gretchen, do you think you could fly over the wood and look for the elven city?"

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] were there other raids? Not by orcs but by someone else?

Aythor has joined the game on Fri Jun 06 21:37:17 EDT 2008

[Elder Rol] for one of the attacks

Aythor has left the game on Fri Jun 06 21:37:24 EDT 2008

[Elder Rol]

[Elder Rol] then the eariler one was farther West

[Valiant (Traveler)] And did they have any special markings that would distiguish them as you know?

[Elder Rol] maybe four days or so

[Elder Rol] the only wagons I saw had fire damage

[Khan (John)] (what side of the road, north or south)

[Elder Rol] I did hear tell of some sort of magical attacks

[Elder Rol] (the forest is north)

[Khan (John)] can we go North from here?

[mage uther]

[mage uther] I suppose you can go anywhere you want to walk

[Valiant (Traveler)] Are there farmers homes toward where these attacks were that we could get more information from

[mage uther] there are a couple of farms out that way

[mage uther] Granny W would be the one to talk to

[mage uther] she listens to the wind they say

[Bradwarden (mikE)] is she george's grammy?

[Valiant (Traveler)] and which farm is hers?

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Then lets see granny W, unless you have anything useful to tell us?"

[Khan (John)] is she is North?

[Elder Rol]

[mage uther] she is along the road to the West

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ((bet you W stands for witch))

[Bradwarden (mikE)] westward ho!

[mage uther] she likes the sunsets there

[Khan (John)] can we wait for the rest of the party

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ((oooh, and she's the witch of the west))

[Elder Rol] I would say for you to go to Granny W

[Bradwarden (mikE)] burn her!

[Elder Rol] to see what her and Twister have to say

[Bradwarden (mikE)] burn the witch!

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Where would we find her?

[Valiant (Traveler)] thank you Elder. Where are their farms located?

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] (( no no, you throw water on her. you don't pay attention to anything))

[Valiant (Traveler)] and who is twister?

[Elder Rol] if you track along the road to the West you shoudl find her farm a bit north of the track

[Elder Rol] Twister is her man on the farm

[Bradwarden (mikE)] is he made of tin?

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Thank you, Elder

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ((of course there would be a twister))

[Valiant (Traveler)] thank you. Have a nice rest of the day.

[Elder Rol] Time of Day: 08:15 AM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 4th, 1259.

[Elder Rol] Time of Day: 08:30 AM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 4th, 1259.

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) turns to leave, then hurriedly turns back and bows.

[Valiant (Traveler)] ((I move out with my group))

[Bradwarden (mikE)] autobots, roll out!

[DM] Elder Rol moved 26'11".

[DM] Lira, Valiant, Mentor and Rhys of Gilmairay moved 19'01".

[Bradwarden (mikE)] avengers assemble!

[DM] Khan, Tori, Bradwarden and Gretchen moved 73'11".

[Tori (Vicki)] ((snickers))

[Khan (John)] Wood Warriors West ward ho

[DM (to GM only)] Granny W moved 37'08".

[DM (to GM only)] Twister moved 56'05".

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Bad spellers of the world Untie!

[Tori (Vicki)] ((LOL))

[Khan (John)] ::we bid farwell and head west::

[Twister] mage uther moved 118'05".

[Twister] Elder Rol moved 13'01".

[DM] You travel along the track for an hour or so

[Bradwarden (mikE)] tundercats, thundercats, thundercats ho!!!!

[DM] Time of Day: 09:00 AM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 4th, 1259.

[DM] Time of Day: 10:00 AM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 4th, 1259.

[DM] adn you come upon a large man

[DM] who is dragging a mule

[Khan (John)] Bigger then me?

[Valiant (Traveler)] We are riding Lizards

[DM] looks to be about 8 foot tall, big muscled person

[Khan (John)] Hello there sir

[Valiant (Traveler)] Is the mule on a wagon or is he pulling the mule trying to get it to move?

[Khan (John)] oh sorry clearly you work for a living

Twister grunts

[Bradwarden (mikE)] he's a giant! kill him!

[Twister] (the mule is digging in his feet resisting moving forward)

Twister growls and TUGS

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Stupid ass."

[Valiant (Traveler)] hello sir we are looking for Twister and Granny W

[Twister] twists and yanks

[Khan (John)] CAN WE HELP?

[Tori (Vicki)] ::mutters::

Twister looks over at Valiant

[Twister] yeah?

[Khan (John)] (anyone good with animals? Ranger?)

[Valiant (Traveler)] Yes sir. We need to speak to them. We have a few questions to ask them about what is "on the wind"

[Bradwarden (mikE)] gretchen's a ranger

[Khan (John)] (Gretchen?)

[Twister] nothign is on the wind

[Twister] the wind is cold

[Twister] feels like snow

[Valiant (Traveler)] well what the wind may be saying so to speak

[Gretchen (Lorie)] :: slowly approaches ::

[Twister] wind don't speak

[Twister] you daft or something?

[Valiant (Traveler)] any word or whispers of stories around....

[Valiant (Traveler)] ahhh it only needs to understand the language

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "We are looking for either the orcs or the elves."

[Twister] Granny don't abide no strangers around here

[Valiant (Traveler)] Ahhh but Elder Rol and Uther sent us

[Gretchen (Lorie)] :: approaches the mule ::

[Twister] well I rekon she would talk to them

[Valiant (Traveler)] Well ok, could you point us in the right direction to where she is so we can speak with her?

Twister points to a path that leads north off the track about 100 yards farther west

[Twister] up the path there to the house

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) watches Gretchen as she moves toward the mule

[Valiant (Traveler)] Thank you sir... Have a nice rest of the day.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::moves down the path::

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::lookin' for the lady::

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::secretly wishing to destroy all humans::

[Valiant (Traveler)] Moves with the rest of his group up the path while the swanmay tries to get the mule to obey her

[Valiant (Traveler)] knocks on the nearest door

[Khan (John)] :: stays with Twister & the mule in case needed::

[Twister] you best be loud when you approach

[Gretchen (Lorie)] :: pats the mule ::

[Twister] she tends to be a bit anxious

[Tori (Vicki)] ::goes with the others::

[DM] the path twists north

[Gretchen (Lorie)] She says you walk too fast

[Valiant (Traveler)] Thanks for the information....((Shouts as he approaches the house..."Granny W, Twister told us you were up here and we were sent by Elder Rol, and Uther to speak with you"))

[Gretchen (Lorie)] and she's thirsty

[DM] and then then around a small ridge

[Twister] who is thisty?

[Gretchen (Lorie)] Your mule

[Khan (John)] (if you fail your roll, I can levitate it)

[Twister] why should she be thirsty

[Valiant (Traveler)] ((Shouts as he approaches the house..."Granny W, Twister told us you were up here and we were sent by Elder Rol, and Uther to speak with you"))

[Gretchen (Lorie)] because you walk too fast and you pull on her neck too often

[Twister] shes a mule

[Twister] she is supped to be following me

[Khan (John)] (smiling)

[Twister] she needs to move faster

[Gretchen (Lorie)] She says she'll follow but you're in too much of a hurry

[Twister] it is cold out here

[Twister] in case you did nto notice

[Twister] and how could you knjow what she is thinking?

[Gretchen (Lorie)] :: shrugs :: she told me

[Bradwarden (mikE)] if we kill the donkey he won't have to worry about it anymore

[Valiant (Traveler)] ((Like minds and all that))

[Gretchen (Lorie)] It is cold... but she still needs a break

[Twister] she needs to work the day like i do

[Twister] then we could finish and go home

[Khan (John)] is the mule pulling something?

[Valiant (Traveler)] ((Shouts as he approaches the house..."Granny W, Twister told us you were up here and we were sent by Elder Rol, and Uther to speak with you"))

[Twister] (no mule is jsut not wanting to go forward and Twister is dragging it forward)

[Gretchen (Lorie)] She's happy to work ... but mules and you don't work at the same pace

[Twister] he scratches his head

[Twister] fine

[Twister] he throws down the rope

[Gretchen (Lorie)] :: shrugs and pats the mule again :: well, I should catch up with the group

[Gretchen (Lorie)] Good luck to you both ... and stay warm

[Gretchen (Lorie)] :: turns and walks up the path to find the others ::

[Khan (John)] ::shrugs to Twister and follows Gretchen::

[Valiant (Traveler)] ((Shouts as he approaches the house..."Granny W, Twister told us you were up here and we were sent by Elder Rol, and Uther to speak with you"))


[Valiant (Traveler)] ((Stops))

[Valiant (Traveler)] OK Stopping

[Khan (John)] ::stops::

[Tori (Vicki)] ::stops::

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Says who?"

[Granny W] the stump next to you suddenly is coated in green flames

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Stop or the shrubbery will burst into flame?"

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ((oh god. didn't we DO the wizard of oz thing already?))

[Valiant (Traveler)] ((Are we talking to a burning stump now Mr dreams of Godhood?)))

[Khan (John)] ::avoids the green flame::

[Tori (Vicki)] ::Shields her eyes::

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ((with the whole flying monkeys and ruby slippers?))

[Bradwarden (mikE)] look, it's the great i'm not

[Valiant (Traveler)] Hiya Granny W... We are here to ask you questions about some raids, and some orcs

[Bradwarden (mikE)] when asked who sent us, we should say i'm not what i'm not

[Granny W] what do you want to know? and why are you here?

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ((can I disbelieve the illusion?))

[Valiant (Traveler)] We mean you no harm ((all this is shouted))

[Granny W] why would those fools send you out here?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "We look for the elves."

[Granny W] you can make a roll Marco

[Valiant (Traveler)] Elder Rol, and Uther thought you could give us some information. You are wise beyond belief they said

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "If you know where they are then we will be on our way."

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ((what roll is it?))

[Granny W] saving throw versus spell

[Valiant (Traveler)] They said that you know more than anyone in these parts

[Granny W] at least they know their betters

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ((okay, and I get a bonus for being an illusionist))

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Lira: Magical Spell save: (d20) [11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Granny W] so what did you bring me?


[Valiant (Traveler)] A GNOME

[Granny W] (the flames are real, faire fire)

[Valiant (Traveler)] WE BROUGHT YOU A GARDEN GNOME!!!

[Granny W] nasty horrible creatures, I don't abide such filthy things in my garned

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "You BETTER not be talking about me tin man or I'll make sure you rust."

[Valiant (Traveler)] ((SMILES))

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Do you know where the elves are?"

[Valiant (Traveler)] OH THIS GNOME IS CLEAN...AND CUTE I HEAR...

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Or where the orc raiders camp?"


[Granny W] how blind are you boy? you have four feet and they take away your eyes?


[Granny W] see those trees there?

[Khan (John)] ::looks at trees::

[Valiant (Traveler)] ALL HE HAS IS HORSE SENSE MAM

[Tori (Vicki)] ::looks::

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "So your knowledge amounts to the elves are in the forest."

[Granny W] I don't abide no gnomes

[Valiant (Traveler)] GNO DOUBT

[Khan (John)] Khan: Observation check: (d20) [5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Granny W] why are you snooping around my part

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "What's wrong with gnomes?"

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::whispering to the group:: "If she is their wisest this is the village of idiots"

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] If we were snooping, we wouldn't have shouted out. We'd have crept in.

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) nods in agreement with Bradwarden


[Granny W] I expect you thought shouting woudl scare me off

[Granny W] I am not a flower of the valley you know

[Valiant (Traveler)] GNO TWISTER TOLD ME TO SHOUT...

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] No, Twister told us to be loud.

[Granny W] I can handle my self

[Granny W] that stump Twister

[Valiant (Traveler)] YOU GNOW...TWIST AND SHOUT

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Why would a group of 10 heavily armed people want to scare off an old lady?"

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) mutters "loopy"

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "We do not care about your farm. We are here to kill the orcs. If you know nothing of value to our mission, then we will leave you to your farm."

[Granny W] is he still brinign in old Rothbar's mule?

[Valiant (Traveler)] GNO IDEA


[Granny W] what Orcs" a bunch of hogwash

[Granny W] no orcs in those woods

[Khan (John)] I can hekp if you would like


[Granny W] the Elves wouln't abide them

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] So you don't believe that the Orc raids were perpetrated by Orcs?

[Granny W] shows how much you know


[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::sighs:: "No one here knows anything."

[Gretchen (Lorie)] :: slowly approachs the group ::

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Could they be elves doing the raiding then?"

[Tori (Vicki)] ::creeps back a bit::

[Granny W] Elves want sparkly things just like Orcs do


[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Why would the elves care about a few travelers?"

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Orcs aren't so much known for their fireballs."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Nothing, probably."


[Granny W] so you are going on your way now?



[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Well, since you don't know anything, there's no reason to stay, is there.

[Tori (Vicki)] ::Speaks softly to Khan:: What about the symbols you know about?

[Tori (Vicki)] ::encourages Khan to speak up::

[Granny W] unless you brought fixins


[Granny W] not feeding a herd like you

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Fixins? You want food?"

[Granny W] no handouts


[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] We're not asking to be fed.

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Who asked you to feed us?"

[Granny W] Time of Day: 11:00 AM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 4th, 1259.


[Khan (John)] they are dragonslayers symbols, they probably know no more then the mage

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Why are we talking about dinner when it's not even noon yet?"

[Valiant (Traveler)] YOU UP FOR PLAYING RUSSIAN?

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "We though if you're offering to prepare something, I'm sure we could pay you for your trouble."

[Khan (John)] sounds like we are done here

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Maybe have a conversation over lunch."

[Granny W] I am not sparing none of my grub for you

[Bradwarden (mikE) (to DM only)] do i sense anything out of place in the woods around us?


[Granny W] gonna be a hard winter

[Valiant (Traveler)] DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA

[Bradwarden (mikE)] how about some of her pupa then?

[Granny W] you can see it on the moutains

[Granny W]

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((LOL))

[Khan (John)] (North Woords)


[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Well, we have our own food I suppose if you aren't offering. We could still have that lunch though."

[Granny W] taint no raiders here

[Valiant (Traveler)] WE GNOW....WHERE ARE THEY. DO YOU GNOW?

[Granny W] why are you here bothering me

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Because you are supposedly so wise and knowledgeable

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "We were just told you were the person to ask about the area."

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Although I'm finding that very hard to believe, at this point.

[Valiant (Traveler)] OK WELL SEE YA WE NEED TO GO

[Tori (Vicki)] ::turns to leave::

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) turns away

[Khan (John)] ((discussion here on past chat, please hold))

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] That was a waste of time. I can imagine they must be laughing in the village over their jest.

[Granny W] I know everything about this areas

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "You could have fooled me."

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Since you've just been giving us a lot of I don't knows."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Sounds like you know nothng to me."

[Granny W] what do you want to do

[Khan (John)] if the elves would not allow orcs, why are there orc raids?

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "We want to find the raiders in this area and deal with them. If you can help us in that matter, we would appreciate it."

[Valiant (Traveler)] ((OK I teleport back to elder rol and ask him some more questions

[Granny W] there are no orc raiders, I tol ya already can't you listen?

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "There are raiders though."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i want to raze the forest, the village, and salt the earth with your desecrated bones

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Regardless of what race they are."

[Granny W] sure there are always raiders


[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Well, point us in their direction."

[Khan (John)] word came to us they were orcs, are they pretending to be orcs?


[Granny W] I am telling you no elves would abide by Orcs in their woods

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Who would be stupid enough to confuse elves with orcs?"

[Valiant (Traveler)] Enough with the orcs...dagnabbit...

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "That's great. So what raiders ARE here."

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "And where can we find them?"

[Valiant (Traveler)] none

[Khan (John)] do you have a way to contact the elves?

[Gretchen (Lorie)] :: nods her head silently in agreement ::

[Valiant (Traveler)] ahhhhhhrrrrrrggggggghhhhhh

[Granny W] there are always groups of people trying to take what ain't theirs

[Tori (Vicki)] ((It's apparent Granny can't see Tori))

[Valiant (Traveler)] Time to go back and interogate the Elder Rol

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Yes yes yes. Who are the current ones?"

[Bradwarden (mikE)] there are no raiders here, there are raiders a day to the west, and to these idiots a day away isn't part of their inbred world

[Khan (John)] do you have a way to contact the elves?

[Valiant (Traveler)] ((Starts walking back to town))

[Granny W] I could

[Tori (Vicki)] ::walks with Valiant::

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ""But?"

[Granny W] why would I ?

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Why wouldn't you?"

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i hate her. can we kill her yet?

[Khan (John)] I would help you get the mule back in

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] You hate everyone

[Valiant (Traveler)] Go ahead Bradwarden

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i think the idiot with the mule is smarter than her

[Granny W] I don't do nothin for just anyone

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i love you bibo

[Khan (John)] I would help you get the mule back in

[Khan (John)] what else would you want or need? Food?

[Valiant (Traveler)] ((And back in town speaking with Elder Rol...))

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i kinda liked the old man. maybe we should spend all day getting drunk and high with him

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Well, we aren't just anyone, we're here to try and help. It would be nice if you could help us do that. If you want payment, we can arrange something."

[Granny W] how much food could you have on you

[Bradwarden (mikE)] pay her in blood

[Bradwarden (mikE)] hers, preferably

[Valiant (Traveler)] ELDER ROL, ELDER ROL

[Valiant (Traveler)] ELDER ROL, ELDER ROL

[Valiant (Traveler)] ELDER ROL, ELDER ROL

[Bradwarden (mikE)] we can give her an arm and a leg

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "How much do you want?"

[Valiant (Traveler)] ELDER ROL, ELDER ROL

[Bradwarden (mikE)] khan'll grow them back

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] The elder was more useless than this old lady

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] don't know why you'd wanna go to him

[Tori (Vicki)] ::hands Valiant something to tone down her voice::

[Elder Rol] yes sir? what are you doing back here?

[Khan (John)] well I would prefer to bring it back later, our stuff is all iron rations

[Tori (Vicki)] ((or his))

[Valiant (Traveler)] Good were the only one to speak with survivors correct?

[Elder Rol] I think I was

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "We have food and can arrange to have more food brought here after the raiders are taken care of."

[Valiant (Traveler)] Did the survivors state anything unusual about the raiders?

[Valiant (Traveler)] Did they appear to be classic orcs, or was there somthing unusual about the raids...maybe something you noticed in their stories

[Granny W] you bring some food then I will see if I call the elves for you

[Tori (Vicki)] ::mutters to herself, then speaks up::

[Khan (John)] ("your scaring the straights" 20 pts)

[Elder Rol] I think that they were Orcs

[Elder Rol] they had axes

[Bradwarden (mikE)] no more dealing with the idiot woman!

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Sure." ::reaches into a bag and pulls out a week's worth of rations:: "Food see?"

[Bradwarden (mikE)] she knows nothing!

[Elder Rol] they used fire to stop the wagons

[Valiant (Traveler)] Ahhh and they cast spells correct.?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] we have better chances of just blindly walking into the woods

[Elder Rol] some told of magic hitting them

[Elder Rol] like darts out of no where

[Valiant (Traveler)] do you know how they created the fire?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] by rubbing sticks together

[Valiant (Traveler)] ok....and did they have a number as to the raiders?

[Tori (Vicki)] Valiant, don't you think these people would recognize the difference in the language?

[Elder Rol] what makes you so interested in these?

[Tori (Vicki)] ((that was IC btw))

[Valiant (Traveler)] Probably not, but good question.

[Elder Rol] I thought you wanted to stop the raids

[Elder Rol] not join them in raiding?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "You wouldn't have anything of interest to us."

[Valiant (Traveler)] Yes but if you have knowledge of your enemy you can better defeat them

[Valiant (Traveler)] So did these raids occur at night or during the day?

[Khan (John)] (i got that vic)

[Granny W] so are you leaving? or bringing me food?

[Elder Rol] the raids were at night

[Valiant (Traveler)] Did the raiders clearly speak orcish or another language?

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ((I already said.....)) "Sure." ::reaches into a bag and pulls out a week's worth of rations:: "Food see?"

[Elder Rol] the horsemen usually raid caravans during the say

[Khan (John)] (marco pulled out food)

[Granny W] (thought you said not iron rations sorry)

[Granny W] so set that down next to that stump there

[Valiant (Traveler)] Ok so there are 2 groups of potential raiders- Horsemen and Orcs

[Valiant (Traveler)] The last set of raids were done by which group?

[Granny W] let me see if you are really leaving something or if you are tyring to take advantage of an old woman

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] No, we will not set it next to the stump.

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::shrugs:: "Okay." ::puts the rations next to the stump::

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] You will "possibly" help us if we give you food?

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] That's paying to get nothing.

[Khan (John)] it's ok Rhys, we must earn trust by trusting

[Granny W] you leave it there and I will leave it there

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Lira modified: Equipment - CHANGED: Dry rations (per week) -- Description: 2 weeks for 11 people (-1 week) (2 weeks for 11 people). ADDED: Caltrops 10, 3 gp, 1, Shady/Possibly Legal.

[Valiant (Traveler)] How can we separate when we are talking about raiders wether you mean horsemen or orcs

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Um... okay."

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "It's food, not some alchemist explosive."

[Elder Rol] I did not hear of them say who was saying what

[Tori (Vicki)] "Valiant, shall I speak in my father's tongue to see if they recognize it?"

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) frowns and mumbles under his breath

[Valiant (Traveler)] ok so when did the horsemen come and raid, and when did the orcs raid.

[Elder Rol]

[Valiant (Traveler)] where did the horsemen raid and when did the orc s raid

[Granny W]

[Granny W] as you leave the food and step back

[Valiant (Traveler)] where did the horsemen raid and where did the orcs raid...

[Granny W] you see a humped figure move out from behind a tree

[Granny W] and KICK it over

[Bradwarden (mikE)] kill it!

[Granny W] then poke it with a stick

[Valiant (Traveler)] which group had shields with dragons or a similair symbol on them

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((kick the tree over?))

[Bradwarden (mikE)] kill it with a stick!

[Granny W] then mutters

[Granny W] I guess you mean it

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "You've slain the mighty food."

[Granny W] you can come in

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Are you happy now?"

[Granny W] but mind your feet

[Granny W] I don't want no dirt on my floor

[Granny W] and you stay out side

[Granny W] points at the Centaur

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Okay. Thanks." ::walks in, taking off her shoes at the entrance::

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "I wouldn't enter your hovel if I was invited, thanks."

[Khan (John)] ::looks at door, is it big enough?::

[Elder Rol] I know that there were complaints about these Orcs raiding

[Elder Rol] but I am not sure where they came from

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) stands just inside the door

[Elder Rol] I doubt the elves let them

[Elder Rol] everyone says the Orcs did it

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::waits to move into the woods::

[Bradwarden (mikE)] nobody here knows anything.

[DM] Granny W moved 13'04".

[Elder Rol]

[Bradwarden (mikE)] it's all they say, we never saw anything, we don't know where anything is

[Granny W]

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] is granny w old and that's a bad icon or is she actually not a granny at all?

[Granny W] so inside the hosue the hunched figure stands up

[Granny W] and shakes off her cloak

[Granny W] and hangs it up on a hook

[Granny W] shakes out her hair

[Granny W] and opens up a window

[Granny W] to let Brad look inside

[Granny W] so tell me really why are you here, I don't abide no lying

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] We've told you from the beginning.

[Granny W] yes deary

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] We're trying to find the perpetrators of the raids, and bring them to justice.

[Granny W] but no one puts all their cards on the table right away

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] We've been told they were orcs, even by the village Elder.

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Supposedly they have been posing as dragonslayers and so the dragonslayers sent us to investigate."

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "So, we are here doing that."


[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ((yeah, I asked, but bob never answered)

[Valiant (Traveler)] ((THE PICTURE IS A YOUNG WOMAN))

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ((picture means nothing in bob world))

[Tori (Vicki)] ::covers her orcish ears with all of Valiant's shouting::

[Bradwarden (mikE)] and the last set of sharks we fought had the picture of a wolf

[Valiant (Traveler)] ((sorry vicki))

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ((could just mean he was too lazy to find an old woman pic))

[Bradwarden (mikE)] and now she's asking us why we're here/ we've TOLD HER!!!!

[Bradwarden (mikE)] HATE

[Bradwarden (mikE)] HATE HATE HATE

[Granny W] she is a young blonde woman

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ((okay kefka))

[Khan (John)] does she sould old?

[Granny W] no

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((you are just filled with hate and loathing))

[Bradwarden (mikE)] in las vegas

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((exactly :D ))

[Khan (John)] :: calls in window:: truly can you contact the elves today?

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Obviously these raiders aren't what they seem. Orcs wouldn't be organized enough or care enough to bother pretending to be the dragonslayers."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] we just spent the last hour talking to these npc's and now they're fianlly all "so tell me why you're here"

[Valiant (Traveler)] ((she is a young woman...maybe human, maybe elvish we don't know Bob hasn't told us, who is pretending to be old))

[Bradwarden (mikE)] we go through this all the time. i can't think of one time we've ever not just given our purpose for being anywhere

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "If they had a beef with a group, they'd attack directly, not this cloak and dagger stuff."

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "So, either they aren't orcs, or someone who isn't an orc is directing them."

[Granny W] I have not heard of these Dragonslayers

[Khan (John)] (of course not)

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Doesn't matter if you have or not really. The point is they are who have hired us to come and investigate."

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((and yet they're famous COUNTRIES away))

[Tori (Vicki)] ::steps to the side of Valiant from behind::

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "And that is why we are here. You asked, so I'm telling."

[Tori (Vicki)] ::allows Elder Rol to get a look at her::

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] We told even without being asked. We've been nothing but honest and up-front with you.

[Tori (Vicki)] "Did they sound like this.. ::speaks in orc::?"

[Valiant (Traveler)] ((Bob is AFK))

[Valiant (Traveler)] ((Trying to figure out where we actully are))

[Khan (John)] (she is not a wittness)

[Khan (John)] (looking at actual maps)

[Tori (Vicki)] ((I think he needs to digitize these maps as well as the 1,000+ pages he's done already))

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] brb

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Khan (John)] :: calls in window:: truly can you contact the elves today?

[Elder Rol]

[Tori (Vicki)] ((maybe I'll finally be able to get through those pages and add more to Tori))

[Elder Rol] I never talked to any raiders, I do not know what they sounded like

[Granny W] I can contact the elves if you like

[Granny W] but it will take a while

[Granny W] if you are really sure you want to talk to them then you could just travel north into the forest

[Tori (Vicki)] ::speaks in W Comm again:: "I hope you aren't frightened by my appearance."

[Granny W] there is an old wizard's tower in the center

[Khan (John)] hours?

[Granny W] if you head that way

[Valiant (Traveler)] Elder Rol do you know where we can buy some wagons around here and some horses so we could pretend to be a caravan

[Granny W] [Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "And is there anyone inhabiting this tower?"

[Khan (John)] a wizard maybe?

[Granny W] I heard that there was a wizard there

[Granny W] that is why it is called the old wizard's tower

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "I see, and this wizard can get us in contact with the elves?"

[Bradwarden (mikE)] and he's directing the orcs

[Khan (John)] HOW long would it take?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] and he has beef with the ds'ers

[Khan (John)] to call the elves?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i garauntee it

[Granny W] not sure in this weather

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i would put money down

[Khan (John)] and how quickly will they respond

[Granny W] at least a few days I would reckon

[Valiant (Traveler)] I am feeling like an R. Kelly girl....abused, and pissed on!!!

[Khan (John)] How would you contact them?

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Granny W] wait till the new moon

[Granny W] and call them with a song

[Khan (John)] nuff said

[Khan (John)] we bid you good day

[Khan (John)] any issue finding the tower?

[Granny W] the wolves in teh forest?

[Khan (John)] pretty much North and we will see it?

[Granny W] there is the threat of snow soon

[Granny W] you can tell it on the mountains

[DM] Ok, so calling it a night there?

[DM] we can clarify on the site this week

[DM] and we start next session at the woods exploring ?

[Vicki] I guess so...

[Khan (John)] moving right along

[Bradwarden (mikE)] night all

mikE has left the game on Fri Jun 06 22:56:51 EDT 2008

[Gretchen (Lorie)] night

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Night Mike

Lorie has left the game on Fri Jun 06 22:56:55 EDT 2008

[Khan (John)] good night all,

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Niht Lorie

[DM] night all

[Vicki] night night

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Night John

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Night Mary Ellen

John has left the game on Fri Jun 06 22:57:11 EDT 2008

[DM] lol

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] night

[Valiant (Traveler)] Night sue ellen

[Vicki] Mary Ellen?

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has left the game on Fri Jun 06 22:57:23 EDT 2008

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Night Marco

[Vicki] oohhhh

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Damn, I'm slow

[Vicki] ok... well then...

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Yeah, so I haven't see the damn show in like 25 years. Cut me some slack. :D

[DM] chuckles

[DM] go check out the site Kaz

[DM] see the stuff that John and Fritz and Vicki added

[Vicki] I haven't a clue... I'm only 25 years old

[DM] in the Orcs with Pointy ears section

[Kaz] the Dragonslayers site, or the Waltons site?

[DM] lol

[DM] lol

[Vicki] soon to be 26 in less than 3 weeks

[Kaz] seriously, will check it out.

Traveler has left the game on Fri Jun 06 22:58:45 EDT 2008

[Kaz] Night, all

[Vicki] night night

Vicki has left the game on Fri Jun 06 22:59:00 EDT 2008

[Kaz] Hey! He left before I could say goodnight Fritz

[Kaz] that's not fair... *pout*

[Kaz] Night Bob

Kaz has left the game on Fri Jun 06 22:59:22 EDT 2008