Main / Jun1308

Jun 13 08 - Orcs with Pointy Ears

Summaried in Khans Log entry 3

[DM] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jun 13 18:10:48 EDT 2008 ====

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 18:19:17 EDT 2008

[Kaz] Hello

Kaz is receiving the map Base Map...

Kaz has received the map Base Map.

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] hey there

[DM] how are you tonight?

[Kaz] how are you?

[Kaz] I'm good, thanks :)

[DM] feeling a bit better now

[Kaz] Some little boy in CoV just called me a douche

[Kaz] lol

[DM] have been sick on the couch for 6 days

[DM] CoV?

[Kaz] Oh no!! That's awful. :( What are you sick with?

[Kaz] City of Villains

[DM] have not been there

[DM] I am sick with having lungs, apparently my body wants me to hack at least one of them up

[Kaz] ugh

[Kaz] Bronchitis type of cough?

[DM] nods

[DM] there is a new version of Klooge coming out tomorrow

[DM] nothign to worry about tonight

[Kaz] bleah. I'm glad you're feeling somewhat better.

[DM] but this week we will experiement with it

[Kaz] Oh? Do I need to re-download and all that?

[DM] nope

[Kaz] oh, good

[DM] when you bring up klooge sometime during the week

[DM] you can check for downloads

[DM] under hlep

[DM] if it does not automatically do it for you

[Kaz] ok

[DM] and it will download and update itself

[DM] for you should be painless

[DM] for me.......

[DM] we will see what happens

Kaz has left the game on Fri Jun 13 18:23:01 EDT 2008

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 18:24:36 EDT 2008

Kaz is receiving the map Base Map...

Kaz has received the map Base Map.

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 18:33:35 EDT 2008

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Vicki] Hi

[Kaz] Hello

[Vicki] well, I'm ready but I need to get water

Vicki is receiving the map Base Map...

Vicki has received the map Base Map.

[Vicki] ok... am ready...

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] back

[DM] how are you Vic

[Vicki] I'm doing well, thanks

[Vicki] I hope you're up to this tonight

[DM] I am eating here now

[DM] will be good

[Vicki] ok...

[DM] and tonight marks the 5th year we have had an online game

[Vicki] ok...

[DM] did the two of you read the Spice Road entry on the site?

[Vicki] was that added today?

[Vicki] or edited today?


[DM] no

[Vicki] then I've read it

[Vicki] a while ago

[Vicki] *sigh* now I suppose I ought to reread it?

[DM] is up to you

[DM] just pointing it out as there is a link from the crurrent story arc to there

[Vicki] holy cow Bob... you did a lot of work since I last checked it

[DM] chuckles

[Vicki] *sigh* no one does much for a whole day and half... then all the sudden there's a list of recent changes

[DM] is a good thing

[DM] people do what they like as they see fit

[Vicki] or when they have time... which is apparently the case

[Vicki] have we got a map?

[DM] nope

[Vicki] oh

[Kaz] It exercises the imagination :)

[Vicki] so we're in this circle on base map marked for "other"...

[DM] nods

John has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 18:55:12 EDT 2008

[DM] Hey John!

[Vicki] Hi John

John has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 18:55:42 EDT 2008

John has left the game on Fri Jun 13 18:55:42 EDT 2008

[Kaz] Hi John! Did you kick me out? :D

[DM] no

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 18:55:52 EDT 2008

[DM] hmm

Kaz is receiving the map Base Map...

Kaz has received the map Base Map.

Kaz has left the game on Fri Jun 13 18:56:04 EDT 2008

Vicki has left the game on Fri Jun 13 18:56:09 EDT 2008

[Vicki] You are using more than 80% of your available memory. Care should be taken so you do not encounter memory limitation errors.

[Kaz] doh

[John] I was almost in then someone draged me back out

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 18:56:14 EDT 2008

[Vicki] that's the message I got when disconnected

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 18:56:18 EDT 2008

[Vicki] hmm...

Vicki is receiving the map Base Map...

Vicki has received the map Base Map.

[John] hello all

[DM] Hey Marco

[Vicki] Hi Bibo

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] herro

[Kaz] Hiya Marco!

John is receiving the map Forest Edge One...

John has received the map Forest Edge One.

[DM] National Geographic Travler had pictures of Maid Girls this month

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] sweet

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I heart maid girls

[Kaz] Maid Girls?

[DM] and John you can just get the Base Map

[John] i can try, but y

John is receiving the map Base Map...

John has received the map Base Map.

[John] yes I can


[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] that would be what he's talking about

Lorie has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 18:58:47 EDT 2008

[Vicki] ok... now I have a green box...

[DM] Hey Lor!

[Vicki] hmm... what's going on?

[Vicki] hi Lorie

[John] speaking of gisl

[John] girls

[Lorie] Hey Hey

Lorie is receiving the map Base Map...

Lorie has received the map Base Map.

[Vicki] oh ok... someone's playing with my view... and here I thought it was on my end

[DM] Ok, so everyone has the Base Map now

[DM] and the Forest Edge map has been loaded

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] ya

[John] i here a so comming

[DM] and so that everyone knows there is the new update for Klooge tomorrow morning

[Kaz] Hiya Lorie :)

[DM] nothing to worry about tonight

[John] so I won;t be here next week

[Vicki] lol

[DM] but I will have to test things during the week

[DM] yeah yeah yeah

[John] and maybe the week after

[John] depending on the log

[DM] I have the day off on Friday

[Vicki] I don't know when I'll be absent

[DM] so should be able to set things

[DM] if I need to

[Vicki] but there will come a time or so that I won't be available this year

[DM] Lor how are the girls and scouts?

[John] r they making the cookies yet?

[Vicki] hehe

[Kaz] cookies?

[DM] is there anything going on in scouting for that group in the midwest with the tornados?

[Vicki] you anxious for the next cookie sale?

[Kaz] wait, we need to get back to the cookies.

[Vicki] haha

[John] oh, I feel for Iowa, I told them they need a water pipe line to CA

[Kaz] I've yet to see a girl scout cookie. This please is uncivilised.

[DM] I have two boxes left here

[Vicki] um... I live in Iowa

[John] or at least a few bardges to carry the snow down the miss a little faster

[Vicki] and we're doing just fine

[Kaz] Two? Two boxes? Of girl scout cookies? You have girl scout cookies? Two boxes of them?

[John] cedar rapids?

[Vicki] the boy scouts had tornados

[Kaz] brb, buying a plane ticket

[John] HA!

[Vicki] nope... western Iowa

[John] ok, good for you

[John] so i do not feel for you

[DM] chuckles, boxes not cases

[DM] and wait to talk with Christy

[Vicki] I'm about an hour and half from Little Sioux

[DM] between her and Lorie I am sure they can hook you up

[Kaz] YAY!

[Vicki] cookie sale isn't until next Feb.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] girlscout cookies are so unbelieveably overrated

[Vicki] Vicki is a troop leader too...

[DM] nods to Vick but Christy might have some boxes still around, doubtful but maybe

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] and I'm just generally disgruntled with them because whenever I find a cookie I like, they discontinue it

[DM] not sure about Lorie

[John] yea, they are not even made with real girl scouts

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] and up the price

[John] or by

[Vicki] this fall, I believe it's candy and nuts

[John] ah nuts

[Vicki] but we must be careful with the allergies

[Vicki] :S

[Kaz] cooooooooooooookies

[John] so what/who are we waiting for?

[Vicki] No clue

[DM] Mike Fritz Christy Hans will all be here but late

[DM] when you are ready

[DM] can start

[Vicki] I'm ready

[Kaz] This cookie obsession has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I'm starving, btw.

[John] so why are we not in the forest?

[John] or at least the farm

[DM] you are walking away from Granny W farm

[DM] and a young man calls after you

[Lorie] Mike installed Java this afternoon

[Young man] Hey

[Young man] Hey

[Young man] Wait up!

[Khan (John)] Hello there

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[Young man] Hi!

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Khan (John)] (does he have a weapond?

[Young man] I heard you were going into the forest

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) turns to the young man

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Yep?"

[Young man] (he has a club but no armor)

[Young man] well

[Young man] I thought I could come with you

[Young man] you look like you need some help

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Who are you and why do you want to come with us?"

[Khan (John)] ::laughs out loud::

[Chohen] my name is Chohen

[Khan (John)] can you count?

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "And more importantly what skills do you offer other than a big stick?"

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Is Tori with the group now or still with Valiant and Elder Rol?))

[Chohen] grins at you, I can count, and I know the forest better than you

[Chohen] (everyone is together)

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Thanks))

[Chohen] (you can go back to town easily at this point if anyone has other things to do, talk to, etc.)

[Chohen] It looks to me like you are strangers

[Chohen] and you are stumbling around looking for something

[Tori (Vicki)] ((don't recall having anything special to do, just was a big jump))

[Chohen] you must be adventurers

[Khan (John)] it is true we do not know you

[Tori (Vicki)] ::stifles a snicker::

[Chohen] and after all, you don't learn as much on the farm as you do from adventuring

[Khan (John)] i certainly see the benefit for you

[Chohen] grins, well you know my name, and I don't know yours yet

[Khan (John)] but what would your parents say

[Chohen] good ridance

[Khan (John)] what is in a name......

[Chohen] that I am finally making a name for myself

[Chohen] that is what a name is for after all

[Khan (John)] oh, they would say good ridance, ok

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) stifles a smile

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Well, I'm Lira. What can we expect going into this forest?"

[Tori (Vicki)] *whispers to Khan* "What skills does he have that would benefit us?"

[Chohen] trees

[Chohen] bushes

[Chohen] birds

[Chohen] poison plants

[Chohen] wolves

[Khan (John)] ""maybe local knowledge""

[Chohen] orcs

[Chohen] elves

[Chohen] lots of stuff in there

[Khan (John)] so you know of orcs and elves

[Chohen] some

[Khan (John)] you have been in there?

Chohen sheepish

[Chohen] not from up close and personal

[Chohen] but I have tried to listen in

[Chohen] and gather what I can

[Khan (John)] we would not stop you from following, but we cannot gauarenty your safety

Chohen hefts his club

[Chohen] I can take care of myself

[Chohen] you can test me if you want

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Okay, so you've seen nothing in there. How is that any different from us then?"

[Chohen] looks over your group

[Chohen] anyone want to cast on me?

[Tori (Vicki)] ::tries to hide among others in the back::

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Why?"

[Khan (John)] no no, we certainy do not need to be fighting amongst ourselves

[Chohen] to test me, see if I am hiding anything

[Khan (John)] ::cantrip to make him glow::

[Chohen] don't you test people before they join you?

Chohen holds up a hand

[Khan (John)] Khan: Cantrip check: (d20) [13] 13 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Chohen] this looks like faire fire

[Chohen] Granny W does that trick a lot

[Khan (John)] you are not joining us, you might follow us

Chohen shrugs

[Chohen] as long as I can come along

[Khan (John)] for now

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "So you've said you've never been in the forest, so other than that big stick, what skill do you possess?"

[Chohen] I have all the normal Druidic training

[Chohen] I know several spells

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Prove it."

[Khan (John)] let's not waste spells

Chohen quirks an eyebrow

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Turn into a duck or something."

[Chohen] um,

[Chohen] not that advanced yet

[Khan (John)] (chuckles)

[Chohen] that is why they call it experience

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Talk to a duck then."

[Khan (John)] maybe identify some plants as we enter the forest?

[Chohen] do you have one here?

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "No, that's part of your test."

[Khan (John)] (chuckles)

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Why would we give you a duck? Silly."

[Khan (John)] (does it float)

[Chohen] because it is heavier than a witch?

[Khan (John)] ooc?

[Chohen] (grins)

[Chohen] so can I come along?

[Khan (John)] so shal we continue

[Khan (John)] we, er I will not stop you

[Chohen] thanks

[Khan (John)] I will try and stop the oterhs from attacking you

[Chohen] want me to show you the closest path into the forest?

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "But no waving that stick in our direction."

Chohen shrugs,

[Chohen] not likely to ned to wave it at you

[Khan (John)] to the tower?

[Tori (Vicki)] ::shrugs:: "Let's continue."

[Chohen] you are just a cute girl

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Onwards."

Sabato Gigante has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 19:20:00 EDT 2008

[Khan (John)] if fact, you can lead, dear Chohen

[Sabato Gigante] howdy

[Chohen] Chohen moved 4'00".

[Khan (John)] hello fritz

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((Hi Fritz))

[Lorie] Hola Don Francisco ... como estas hoy?

[Chohen] Khan moved 1'05".

[Khan (John)] can we swith maps now

John is receiving the map Forest Edge One...

John has received the map Forest Edge One.

[Chohen] and you are on the new map

Sabato Gigante is receiving the map Forest Edge One...

Sabato Gigante has received the map Forest Edge One.

Lorie is receiving the map Forest Edge One...

Lorie has received the map Forest Edge One.

Vicki is receiving the map Forest Edge One...

Vicki has received the map Forest Edge One.

Kaz is receiving the map Forest Edge One...

Kaz has received the map Forest Edge One.

BiBo!!!!!!!!! is receiving the map Forest Edge One...

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has received the map Forest Edge One.

[Khan (John)] Tori moved 10'04".

[Khan (John)] Lira moved 15'10".

[Chohen] Chohen moved 16'06".

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 24'04".

[Khan (John)] Valiant moved 24'04".

[Khan (John)] Mentor moved 18'00".

[Sabato Gigante (to GM only)] Character sheet for Tori modified: character sheet imported.

[Khan (John)] Gretchen moved 3'00".

[Sabato Gigante (to GM only)] Character sheet for Valiant modified: character sheet imported.

[Khan (John)] (can Gretchen track?)

[Khan (John)] (I would think)

[Chohen] ok, so people are set?

[Sabato Gigante (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mentor modified: character sheet imported.

[DM] new character sheet for you Vicki

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Thanks))

[Khan (John)] I think Tori needs to be closer to the front

[DM] was fritz

[Sabato Gigante] Mentor moved 1'05".

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Why Tori in the front? Why not Khan?))

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] cuz tori's the leader and not a wizard

[Sabato Gigante] who is in front?

[Khan (John)] Tori moved 8'04".

[Khan (John)] Tori moved 7'02".

[DM] (take your tiem to settle things in no hurry)

[DM (to GM only)] fungus #1 moved 7'07".

[DM (to GM only)] fungus #2 moved 6'11".

[Sabato Gigante] who is in front?

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] choder

[Sabato Gigante] Valiant moved 10'02".

[DM] Tori moved 0'11".

[Sabato Gigante] Mentor follows Valiant.

[DM] everyone ok with that?

[Khan (John)] Tori moved 9'11".

[Khan (John)] Lira moved 7'10".

[Lorie] Gretchen moved 36'02".

[Lorie] Gretchen will be doing her thing

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] sure

[DM] what is gretchen doing?

[Lorie] the ranger thing

[DM] tracking? hunting?

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] looks good

[DM] anyting in particular?

[Lorie] tracking and nothing in particular...

[DM] ok

[DM] so far this looks to be a game trail

[Sabato Gigante] Bob none of my attacks in the weapon section or Vicki's are correct as I didn't understand how to do it despite the instruction sheet

[DM] you are just on the edge of the forest a few hundred yards away to the West of Granny W's farm

[Sabato Gigante (to GM only)] Character sheet for Valiant modified: Weapons - ADDED: Bastard Sword; two hands, Bastard Sword; two hands, , , 0, , --, 1, $atk, , , , , , $dmg, , , , , , 2d4, 2d8, 1d10, $thac0, , , .

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] yeah... the hundred field system is silly

[DM] well the new version of Klooge is out tomorrow

[DM] if you did not read above

[DM] so we will work on those things later on

[Sabato Gigante] There are to many fields to fill in FYI

[Khan (John)] so what ever we don't finish tonoght.....

[DM] no one is supposed to fill in those fields by hand, but from the data file, but that can wait for now

[DM] getting back on track here

[DM] as you start go move forward

[DM] Gretchen moved 6'11".

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] yeah, but the data file is wrong :-P


[Khan (John)] Khan: Observation check: (d20) [17] 17 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!



[Sabato Gigante (to GM only)] Character sheet for Valiant modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Harbringer -- Kind of Weapon: +1 Bastard Sword; two hands (Halberd +1), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Size: (L), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Type: (P/S), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Range S/M/L: (null), CHANGED: Harbringer -- # Atks: 3 / 2 (3 /2), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Ability Adj: $atk (null), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Profic Adj: (+1), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Racial Adj: (null), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Skill Adj: +3 (null), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Profic Adj: (+2), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Magical Adj: (+1), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Damage Adj: (null), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Damage v SM: 2d4 (1d10), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Damage v L: 2d8 (2d6), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Knockdown: 1d10 (null), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Dmg Snd: (null), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Atk FX: (null), CHANGED: Harbringer -- Dmg FX: (null). CHANGED: Bastard Sword -- Atk Adj: $atk (null), DELETED: Bastard Sword; two hands, Bastard Sword; two hands, , , 0, , --, 1, $atk, , , , , , $dmg, , , , , , 2d4, 2d8, 1d10, $thac0, , , .

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::grabs her ears:: "Someone burn that bush."

[Khan (John)] HELLO!

[fungus #1] no answer

[fungus #1] hard to hear each other

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Shouts, "Do you normally talk to alarms troll boy?"

[DM] unless you shout

[Sabato Gigante] Is it loud like a bird or an animal?

[Sabato Gigante] or an alarm?

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] it's a shrieker

[DM] like a steam whistle

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] that's bob's universal sound for shrieker

[Khan (John)] oh I thoght it was someone weeping

[DM] loud screaming shriek

[Tori (Vicki)] ::covers her ears::

[Khan (John)] so we can't see it

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] bob always makes that sound for shriekers

[Khan (John)] I yell KiILL it

[Lorie] :: sighs ::

[Khan (John)] and point Tori left and gretchen right

[Lorie] ((where are the shriekers?))

[DM] you can not see them

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] Val pulls out his sword

[DM] they must be in teh bushes somewhere

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] I get a spell ready

[Khan (John)] Chohen, GO GET IT

[DM] Chohen moved 48'04".

[Khan (John)] Khan moved 21'09".

[Tori (Vicki)] Tori moved 10'04".


[Khan (John)] Khan moved 4'03".

[Khan (John)] Khan: Observation check: (d20) [15] 15 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Tori (Vicki)] "OK, if you insist" ::sigh::

[Tori (Vicki)] Tori moved 20'01".


[Khan (John)] (can I tell where it's comming from)

[Tori (Vicki)] I CAN'T SEE HIM

[DM] one from either side of the path


[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] Mentor: Observation check: (d20) [13] 13 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

[DM] but with all the noise can not pinpoint it exactly

[Tori (Vicki)] ::returns::

[Tori (Vicki)] Tori moved 16'05".

[Khan (John)] I grab Tori's arm and head back to this side of the bushes

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] wait wait wait, it's so loud that we CAN"T find wher eit is?

[Khan (John)] Khan moved 7'08".

[Khan (John)] Tori moved 8'08".

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] wtf mate

[DM] you can hear it up ahead and to both sides


[DM] you would have to actually move to find them

[Khan (John)] farther north

[Khan (John)] Khan moved 22'00".

[Tori (Vicki)] Tori moved 20'08".

[DM] Combat has begun!


[Khan (John)] like that

[DM] Ankheg #1 targets Khan. Distance: 5'01"

[Khan (John)] oh well

[Tori (Vicki)] ((need int?))

[DM] Ankheg #1: Attack #1: Bite: (16-(d20+0)) [16-(16+0)] 0. PROBABLY HITS Khan (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Khan (John)] now we will

[Khan (John)] or rather you will

[Lorie] Gretchen: Initiative:(d10+10) [10+10] 20

[DM] Ankheg #1: Damage v SM: Bite: (3d6+1d4) [(2+5+5)+4] 16 added to: Khan

[Kaz] Rhys of Gilmairay: Initiative:(d10+10) [7+10] 17

[Khan (John)] I am down

[DM] Ankheg #1: Initiative:(d10+20) [5+20] 25

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] Mentor: Initiative:(d10+10) [1+10] 11

[DM] Khan's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-16) - Disabled

[Tori (Vicki)] Tori: Initiative:(d10+10) [7+10] 17

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ankhegs? yay we're gonna die

[DM] ok,

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] Valiant: Initiative:(d10+10-+1) [5+10-1] 14

[Khan (John)] Khan: Initiative:(d10+20+) [4+20+] -1

[DM] so everyone rolls Init

[DM] and we go from there

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Lira: Initiative:(d10+0-+2-2) [1+0-2-2] -3

[DM] Chohen: Initiative:(d10+10) [4+10] 14

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] John yours is messed up

[Khan (John) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Khan modified: Combat -

[Tori (Vicki)] ((negative int?))

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] troll= large size right?

[Khan (John)] yes

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] d10+d20+ what is the last plus for?

[DM] the +20 is right, the last plus should come off or you have the dex modifier wrong

[Khan (John)] I was ooking at, just go with the combat

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] reaction adjustment


[DM] INIT: -3 GOING: Lira

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] try (d10+20) [1+20] 21

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] he didn't put it in

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Khan modified: Ability Scores - Reaction Adjust: (RA) : CHANGED: +4 (null). Combat -

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] reroll init john, should work now

[DM] thank you Marco

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] though I did a guess on the reaction adjustment :-P

[Khan (John) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Tori modified: Weapon Proficiencies - Weapons - Ability Scores - Weapon Proficiencies - Non-Weapon Proficiencies - Spells - DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. Languages - Saving Throws - Armor - Personal Information - Magic Item Summary - Combat - Misc. Attributes - Class Skills - Racial Abilities - Temporary Modifiers - Class Levels - Equipment -

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] should look it up

[DM] and yes Lira's Init is soooo fast that she goes before zero

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] so there's an ankheg eh?

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] just one?

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] Yes so does RAve sometimes

[Khan (John) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Khan modified: Ability Scores - Reaction Adjust: (RA) : CHANGED: -4 (+4). Combat -

[Kaz] ((is Khan unconscious or just down?))

[Khan (John)] Khan: Initiative:(d10+20+-4) [8+20-4] 24

[DM] waiting on Lira

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] just the one then?

[DM] yes just the one ankheg

[DM] that you can see

[DM] the two shriekers are farther up the path is seems to Tori

[DM] may or may not be related to this

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] bah, my weapons are all messed up because I can't figure out your hundred fields

[Khan (John)] no kidding

[Khan (John)] I am shocked

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] it's a mess

[Khan (John)] I am so surprised that someone else can not read BOB's fields

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] woah... earthquake

[Khan (John)] so glad I am not a fighter for once

[Tori (Vicki)] ::feels a tug on her arm as Khan goes down::

[DM] fixed for you now Marco

Client has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 19:45:57 EDT 2008

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Lira targets Ankheg #1. Distance: 46'03"

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Lira: Attack #1: Short Bow: (18-(d20+0)) [18-(8+0)] 10. Probably MISSES Ankheg #1 (AC FINAL: 2)

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Valiant modified: Weapons -

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] doesn't have dex in there

[Khan (John)] this is BOB's idea of 2nd level adventure

[DM] can't use a bow from there anyway

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Lira modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Short Bow -- Racial Adj: +$MATK (+0),

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] why not?

[DM] thos are three tree you are tring to shoot through

[DM] Khan and Tori are in a patch of trees to the right

[Masked Avenger] wazzaaaaap?

Masked Avenger is receiving the map Base Map...

Masked Avenger has received the map Base Map.

[Khan (John)] oh thank gaud your here

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] k, then I'll go closer

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] Hello Masked avenger

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Lira moved 28'06".

[DM] Lira moved 19'02".

[DM] INIT: 11 GOING: Mentor

[DM] woud have to be there to have a shot

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] k

[Sabato Gigante] Mentor targets Ankheg #1. Distance: 50'06"

[DM] and you can clearly hear one of the shriekers to your left now, about ten feet away

[Masked Avenger] so what are we doing?

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] can't see it though

[Khan (John)] resting

[Khan (John)] at least I am

[DM] not yet Marco

[Masked Avenger] sorry i'm late. lost track of time

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] shriek is left of me or Lira?

[DM] Bradwarden moved 1'10".

[DM] brad on the map for you now

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Hi Mike))

[DM] and Mentor?

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] shriek is left of me or Lira?

[DM] left of Lira

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] this a random encounter in the woods? did we go into the woods to look for the elves?

[DM] her left

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Chohen

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] holding action

[Lorie] ((yes // yes))

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] and should i roll init?

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] yea mike

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] Bradwarden: Initiative:(d10-+1+20) [5-1+20] 24

[Khan (John)] (you guys are going to confuse all our outside readers

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] our readers are weak

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] oh and remember this is trees so you can't use a bow to easily and need to move around obstacles so can't charge

[DM] Chohen targets Ankheg #1. Distance: 16'05"

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] this makes them stronger

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] Does Chohen look like Bruce Lee?

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] can i use the defense that i'm a centaur and know how to charge in the woods?

[DM] trying to cast here

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] of course centaurs know how to charge in the woods

[DM] no charging through trees

[Khan (John)] (have your character set up prior to game please);)

[DM] Chohen: Calm Animals: (2d4+2) [(1+3)+2] 6 hit dice worth of animals are calmed for (10+2) [10+2] 12 rounds.

[Tori (Vicki)] ((I think Brad should be in front with Gretchen))

[Khan (John)] (no arround trees)

[Kaz] ((I thought so too, Fritz))

[Khan (John)] (not throuogh trees)

[DM] checking on that save

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] well, i can't do anything this round anyway. i'm catching up from my round behind.

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] Ankhed aren't animals

[Kaz] aren't they like giant insects?

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] their monsters

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] they're rather

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] (('d have to agree that a ten foot roach is a monster, hehe))

[Tori (Vicki)] ((lol Kaz))

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] ((LOL))

[DM] (yeah does not work will take it back and skip him for hte round)

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Valiant

[DM (to GM only)] Ankheg #1: No adjustments made

[DM] Chohen moved 22'11".

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] Valiant and Mentor moved 37'05".

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] They move together

[Khan (John)] (I guess having Valiant watch Mentor is a moot point)

[Sabato Gigante] Mentor no longer follows Valiant.

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] how many feet do you need for a charge?

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] Valiant moved 7'02".

[Sabato Gigante] Valiant targets Ankheg #1. Distance: 7'09"

[Sabato Gigante] Valiant no longer targets Ankheg #1.

[Sabato Gigante] Valiant targets Ankheg #1. Distance: 7'09"

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] Valiant: Attack #1: Harbringer: (18-(d20+2)) [18-(1+2)] 15. Probably MISSES Ankheg #1 (AC FINAL: 2)

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] what do I roll for a crit miss?

[DM] nothing

[DM] INIT: 17 GOING: Tori

[Tori (Vicki)] ::steps over Khan::

[Tori (Vicki)] Tori: Attack #1: Long Sword: (13-(d20+2+2)) [13-(11+2+2)] -2

[Vicki] Tori targets Ankheg #1. Distance: 8'04"

[Tori (Vicki)] Tori: Attack #1: Long Sword: (13-(d20+2+2)) [13-(10+2+2)] -1. PROBABLY HITS Ankheg #1 (AC FINAL: 2)!!!

[Tori (Vicki)] Tori: Attack #1: Long Sword: (13-(d20+2+2)) [13-(12+2+2)] -3. PROBABLY HITS Ankheg #1 (AC FINAL: 2)!!!

[Tori (Vicki)] ((oops))

[Tori (Vicki)] Tori: Damage v L: Long Sword: (1d12+2+3+2) [9+2+3+2] 16 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Ankheg #1

[DM (to GM only)] Ankheg #1: No adjustments made

[DM] INIT: 17 GOING: Rhys of Gilmairay

[DM (to GM only)] Ankheg #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 12 (-16) - Heavily Wounded

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 42'02".

[Kaz] Rhys of Gilmairay targets Ankheg #1. Distance: 5'11"

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Rhys of Gilmairay: Attack #1: Long Sword: (20-(d20+0)) [20-(18+0)] 2. PROBABLY HITS Ankheg #1 (AC FINAL: 2)!!!

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] i can move this round, right bob?

[DM] yes to Mike

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((this is a large or medium?))

[DM] large

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Rhys of Gilmairay: Damage v L: Long Sword: (1d12) [3] 3 added to: Ankheg #1

[DM (to GM only)] Ankheg #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 9 (-3) - Heavily Wounded

[DM] INIT: 20 GOING: Gretchen

[Khan (John)] bind?

[DM] Lorie?

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] why john you will regenerate won't you?

[Khan (John)] I am betting if I go to -1 I loose my spells

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ankhegs are acidy

[Khan (John)] 0 I do not

[DM] john and marco are both correct

[Lorie] Gretchen targets Ankheg #1. Distance: 19'09"

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] does anyone have a jar to bottle the blood he's losing?

[DM] and Lorie?

[Lorie] Gretchen: Attack #1: Shortsword +2: (17-(d20++0+2)) [17-(9+0+2)] 6. Probably MISSES Ankheg #1 (AC FINAL: 2)

[DM] INIT: 24 GOING: Bradwarden

[DM] thanks

[DM] Gretchen moved 18'03".

[DM] Mike?

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] what's with the raven?

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] has that attacked us, too?

[DM] there is space behind the tree with Chohen

[DM] and no one else noticed the raven yet

[DM] no attack from it

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] so it's just sitting there?

[DM] nods

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] okay.

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] Bradwarden moved 46'06".

[DM] INIT: 24 GOING: Khan

[Khan (John)] i rolled two observations rolls and all I got was this headache

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] it's not saying never more then?

[DM] INIT: 25 GOING: Ankheg #1

[DM] Ankheg #1 targets Tori. Distance: 8'04"

[DM] Ankheg #1: Attack #1: Bite: (16-(d20+0)) [16-(3+0)] 13. Probably MISSES Tori (AC FINAL: -4)


[DM] INIT: -3 GOING: Lira

[Khan (John)] do I bleed on my int?

[DM] yes to John

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] you bleed at 0?

[Khan (John)] (LROFL)

[DM] no to Marco

[Khan (John)] so I am not bleading?

[DM] correct

[DM] you are on zero

[Khan (John)] ok waiting until lround 4

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] okay, I can shoot this thing now then?

[Khan (John)] I'll be back, about 10 ish sougn right?

[DM] lol

[DM] yes to Marco

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] (18-1d20-1-2) [18-3-1-2] 12

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Lira: Attack #1: Short Bow: (18-(d20+0)) [18-(15+0)] 3. Probably MISSES Ankheg #1 (AC FINAL: 2)

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Lira: Attack #1: Short Bow: (18-(d20+0)) [18-(4+0)] 14. Probably MISSES Ankheg #1 (AC FINAL: 2)

[DM] INIT: 11 GOING: Mentor

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante) (to DM only)] what isthat large raven I see....DId I see that with observation?

[DM (to Sabato Gigante only)] no it just seems to have been noticed when teh combat got started

[DM] remember everyone the two shriekers are still going off

[Khan (John)] (there are still loud noises)

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] If I do an observation check can I locate the shrieking?

[DM] yes to Fritz

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] Mentor: Observation check: (d20) [2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

[Tori (Vicki)] ::tries to cover her ears and fight at the same time, to no avail::

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] Made my obs check where are the other ankheds?

[DM] no more ankheds

[Lorie] ((going AFK a moment to check on Kristen -- she's been sick ))

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] VERY LOUD NOISES!

[Tori (Vicki)] ::mutters to herself:: "I swear I'm going to be deaf by the end of this adventure"

[DM] shriekers

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] Where are they?

[DM] up ahead on the track

[Khan (John)] they r on the map now

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] ok hold attack

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Chohen

[Khan (John)] when I wake up I am going to have a few words with Chohen

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] I tell people where the shriekers are

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] i've always wondered why shriekers don't attract monsters that eat them

[DM] Chohen: Attack #1: Club: (20-(d20+0)) [20-(11+0)] 9. Probably MISSES Ankheg #1 (AC FINAL: 2)

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Valiant

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] who says they don't?

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] Valiant: Attack #1: Harbringer: (18-(d20+2)) [18-(6+2)] 10. Probably MISSES Ankheg #1 (AC FINAL: 2)

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] Valiant: Attack #1: Harbringer: (18-(d20+2)) [18-(6+2)] 10. Probably MISSES Ankheg #1 (AC FINAL: 2)

[DM] INIT: 17 GOING: Tori

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] if a shrieker gets eatin in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make any noise?

[Tori (Vicki)] Tori: Attack #1: Long Sword: (13-(d20+2+2)) [13-(19+2+2)] -10. PROBABLY HITS Ankheg #1 (AC FINAL: 2)!!!

[Tori (Vicki)] Tori: Damage v L: Long Sword: (1d12+2+3+2) [5+2+3+2] 12 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Ankheg #1

[DM (to GM only)] Ankheg #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -3 (-12) - Dying

[DM] INIT: 17 GOING: Rhys of Gilmairay

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] it's pretty hard to get eaten with no one around

[Khan (John)] woot

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] someone has to do that eating

[DM] Combat has finished.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Rhys of Gilmairay: Attack #1: Long Sword: (20-(d20+0)) [20-(13+0)] 7

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] monsters aren't people

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ok

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] no, but they can hear

[Khan (John)] tks

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] unlike soilant green

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] guess I should notice things better :D

[DM] Chohen moved 15'08".

[Tori (Vicki)] ::covers her ears::

[DM] Chohen targets Khan. Distance: 6'06"

[DM] Chohen: Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] who's chohen?

[DM] cures 2 points on Kahn

[Khan (John)] smiles

[DM] Khan's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 2 (2) - Massively Wounded

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] how much of the damage he took was acid?

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] can we kill him?

[DM] none

[DM] pure luck

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] he cast an offensive spell on khan

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ah, well then he'll get better


[Khan (John)] wakes up with headache

Mentor (Sabato Gigante) takes some jars out and takes some ankhed parts for future study


[Khan (John)] NOT YET

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] are the shriekers still going?

[DM] (YES)

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] and where'd this guy come from?

[DM] Giant Raven #1 moved 45'07".

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "You DO know what a troll is right?"

[DM] Giant Raven #1 moved 49'00".

[Tori (Vicki)] ((the farm))

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] if they're still going why are we out of combat? can we go kill them?

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "You are a druid, you should know about trolls."



[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] Hey giant bird just flew away

[Khan (John)] (i DO NOT LOOK LIKE A TROLL)

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] okay, i'll go kill them then.

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] Bradwarden moved 31'06".


[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] WHO THE HELL IS YELLING?



[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] do i need to make any rolls bob?


[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] you had no name up

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] or can i just say i kill them?


[Masked Avenger] Bradwarden targets fungus #2. Distance: 3'10"

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] they have no attacks or defense

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] Bradwarden: Attack #1: Two Handed Sword: (18-(d20+1++2)) [18-(3+1+2)] 12. Probably MISSES fungus #2 (AC FINAL: 7)

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] Bradwarden: Attack #1: Two Handed Sword: (18-(d20+1++2)) [18-(16+1+2)] -1. PROBABLY HITS fungus #2 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Mentor (Sabato Gigante)] Mentor moved 7'02".

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] Bradwarden: Attack #1: Two Handed Sword: (18-(d20+1++2)) [18-(14+1+2)] 1. PROBABLY HITS fungus #2 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] Bradwarden: Attack #1: Two Handed Sword: (18-(d20+1++2)) [18-(10+1+2)] 5. PROBABLY HITS fungus #2 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Sabato Gigante] Mentor follows Valiant.

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] Bradwarden: Damage v SM: Two Handed Sword: (d10+2++4) [6+2+4] 12 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: fungus #2

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] is it dead yet?

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] Bradwarden: Damage v SM: Two Handed Sword: (d10+2++4) [1+2+4] 7 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: fungus #2

[DM (to GM only)] fungus #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 3 (-19) - Massively Wounded

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] Bradwarden: Damage v SM: Two Handed Sword: (d10+2++4) [7+2+4] 13 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: fungus #2

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] not sure why i'm rolling for anything since we're nto in combat...

[DM] becasue I am counting how long it takes you to kill them

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 4'06".

[DM] they have been going off for 5 rounds already

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] well, apply the damage there.

[Khan (John)] SO , ER so Chohen, come to the woods often>

[DM (to GM only)] fungus #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -10 (-13) - Dead

[Masked Avenger] Bradwarden targets fungus #1. Distance: 11'07"

[Mentor (!!)] Changed my name

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] Bradwarden: Attack #1: Two Handed Sword: (18-(d20+1++2)) [18-(13+1+2)] 2. PROBABLY HITS fungus #1 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] Bradwarden: Attack #1: Two Handed Sword: (18-(d20+1++2)) [18-(10+1+2)] 5. PROBABLY HITS fungus #1 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((Bob, can you move me out onto the path?

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] Bradwarden: Damage v SM: Two Handed Sword: (d10+2++4) [4+2+4] 10 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: fungus #1

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] Bradwarden: Damage v SM: Two Handed Sword: (d10+2++4) [4+2+4] 10 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: fungus #1

[DM] Ankheg #1 moved 6'08".

[DM] Ankheg #1 moved 3'11".

[DM] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 20'10".

[DM] Ankheg #1 moved 6'08".

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((thanks))

[Khan (John)] oh no it's alive

[Khan (John)] or undead

[DM (to GM only)] fungus #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-20) - Disabled

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] so that's two rounds to kill them

[Mentor (!!)] Bob did you get that I tried to get some body parts and acid and stuff?

[DM] ok, so that was three more rounds they went off

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] does this guy look like an elf?

[DM] yes to Mentor

[DM] no to Brad

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] Bradwarden moved 12'06".

[DM] he is a Druid

[Khan (John)] Chohen, that would have been something you could have warned us about

[Mentor (!!)] He looks like Bruce Leew

[Mentor (!!)] Lee

[Tori (Vicki)] ((is it quiet now?))

[DM] and yes it is quiet now

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] bluce ree!

[Tori (Vicki)] ::uncovers her ears::

[Khan (John)] are there always those type of fungus in these woods?

[DM] well how was I do know there would be one of those bugs here

[Mentor (!!)] ((snicker))

[DM] (did that show as him talking?)

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 8'10".

[Khan (John)] The bug I can live with

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((no Bob))

[Khan (John)] I ears will be ringing for a while

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] "You, do you know where the elven city is?"

[DM] ( I have chat as up and running right now)

[DM] Chohen moved 30'02".

[Mentor (!!)] I also take some shrieker parts

[DM] Chohen moved 4'05".

[DM] there is no elven city

[Mentor (!!)] I look for shrieker spores if Ican find any

[Khan (John)] (BOB r u counting "rounds" for me)

[DM] yes to John

[Khan (John)] Brad can you do a sweep see if anythnig else comming to visit

[DM] and Mentor just taking the parts is enough

[Khan (John)] I need to catch my breath

[DM] Chohen says there is no elven city

[Mentor (!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Notes -

[Tori (Vicki)] ::turns around to Khan:: "You just need to lie there and rest, you'll be fine."

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] "He'll be fine. Now this was known as an elven wood. If it is an elven wood, where do they live?"

[Mentor (!!)] Of course if that creature had hit me I would be dead I think I will continue to stay in the rear with my brother

[Khan (John)] Oh thanks MOM

[Khan (John)] ;)

[DM] I have never heard of anyone visiting an elven city

[Mentor (!!)] ((snicker))

[DM] I have only heard of the elves in teh forest

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] "And did you recognize that large bird? Might that have been a messenger of theirs?"

[DM] and of course the wizard's tower

[DM] every wizard has a tower right?

[Mentor (!!)] Have you heard of anyone causing the raids?

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] "We are looking for the elves."

[Mentor (!!)] Or the orcs

[DM] I am sure we can find some elves

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] "I come as an emissary from the elven city of Greenborough."

[Tori (Vicki)] ::snicker:: "Of course, I said that so this young man ::points to Chohen:: would know that too."

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] What are the chances that giant bird belonged to the wizard?

[Mentor (!!)] Or to you Chohen?

[DM] what to me?

[Mentor (!!)] The large raven that just flew off

[DM] I have never seen it in my life

[DM] why do you think it was following us?

[Mentor (!!)] With our luck...probably

[DM] it could be one of the senior Druids maybe?

[Tori (Vicki)] "Watching is more like it..."

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Well, it didn't attack us so that's what matters."

[Mentor (!!)] Have you ever heard of the wizard in that tower having a familiar?

[DM] there was a lot of noise

[DM] I have not heard of any wizard

[Khan (John)] I thnk I can move now, Lets take is slow

[DM] just that there is a wizard's tower in the middle of the woods

[Khan (John)] everyone keep your eyes and ears open

[Tori (Vicki)] ::helps Khan to his feet::

[DM] Khan's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 12 (10) - Lightly Wounded

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] and this is a druid?

[Khan (John)] so does this path head to the tower?

[DM] Druid

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] what kind of crappy druid doesn't know what's in his woods?

[Lorie] :: asks the man softly in elven where he hails from ::

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] he's never been in the woods before. he said so earlier. he's a crappy druid.

[DM] does not respond to Gretchen

[Khan (John)] (ears still rinning?)

[DM] getting better

[Chohen] Time of Day: 11:15 AM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 4th, 1259.

[Chohen] Time of Day: 11:30 AM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 4th, 1259.

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] he is. we should kill him for his incompetence

[Khan (John)] ::we move along::

[Khan (John)] did you get your arrows back?

[Chohen] Khan's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 16 (4) - Unharmed

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] bob, keep in mind that as we move through the woods i'll get a heads up for anything weird around us.

[Chohen] nods to Brad

[Tori (Vicki)] "Do you need help or can you go on your own, Khan?"

[Mentor (!!) (to DM only)] do I see any magic on the druid?

[Khan (John)] I'll be fine, you know me, (nudge nudge) glass jaw

[Chohen] Chohen says "the woods up here get pretty dark

[Lorie] :: ponders why he doesn't respond and nods and moves on ::

[Khan (John)] but I am a fast healer

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] because he's a crappy druid and doesn't know elvish

[Chohen (to !! only)] no magic

[Tori (Vicki)] "Alright then."

[Tori (Vicki)] ::lets go of Khan and proceeds to move::

[Chohen] I know a lot about plants and animals

[Tori (Vicki)] Tori moved 8'05".

[Chohen] Tori moved 6'01".

[Chohen] Bradwarden moved 12'09".

[Chohen] Tori moved 12'05".

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] holy green circles batman

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] (d!!))) -1

[Khan (John)] thank you Chohen, again

[Mentor (!!) (to DM only)] for the future also remember I can see in darkness and invisible as well.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((I'm blinded!!))

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[Tori (Vicki)] ((LOL))

[Mentor (!!)] I am blind

Vicki is receiving the map Forest One...

Vicki has received the map Forest One.

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[Tori (Vicki)] ((different map?))

[Khan (John)] I take it is because of the foliage not somting strange

Kaz is receiving the map Forest One...

Kaz has received the map Forest One.

BiBo!!!!!!!!! is receiving the map Forest One...

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has received the map Forest One.

is receiving the map Forest One...

has received the map Forest One.

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Chohen] Time of Day: 11:45 AM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 4th, 1259.

[Chohen] Time of Day: 12:00 PM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 4th, 1259.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] despite the fact that it says I've received the map, I've got nothing.

[Chohen] Time of Day: 12:15 PM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 4th, 1259.

[Chohen] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 5'02".

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] clocking... you got it Marco?

[Mentor (!!)] Bottom right corner

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] now I do

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] just finished loading

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] nope, still clocking

[Chohen] waiting till everyone has it

[Khan (John)] i see the little map in the corner

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] just got it

[Chohen] Kaz you up to speed now?

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] nope

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] still clocking

[DM] you are about an hour into exploring the forest

[Tori (Vicki)] ((I'm guessing that's all we can see... the green area we don't know about yet along with the black semi-circle))

[DM] right

[DM] the trees are very close here,

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] I don't see anything at all

[Khan (John)] Chohen , I thought this was a path

[DM] even just after noon you have a hard time seeing too far ahead

Kaz has left the game on Fri Jun 13 20:38:06 EDT 2008

[Chohen] all the paths wind around

[Chohen] they petter out

[Chohen] and then get better

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] okay, so we walk to the get better part and continue to the tower

[Chohen] there are no tracks through the forest that a man could walk

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 20:39:00 EDT 2008

[Khan (John)] yet here we are

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] meaning... we need to cut our way through?"

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] the trees grow so close that people can't fit through?

Kaz is receiving the map Forest One...

Kaz has received the map Forest One.

[Khan (John)] stay close people

[Khan (John)] single file

[Chohen (to GM only)] Blink dog #1 #4 moved 98'02".

[Mentor (!!)] Valiant and Mentor moved 1'00".

[Chohen (to GM only)] Blink dog #1 #3 moved 87'06".

[Chohen (to GM only)] Blink dog #1 #2 moved 72'01".

[Tori (Vicki)] "If people can't fit through, how would a centaur fit?"

[Chohen (to GM only)] Blink dog #1 #1 moved 34'05".

[Mentor (!!)] Mentor moved 6'05".

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] oh dear god. my father just turned on that show with the baby animals who rescue other animals

[Mentor (!!)] ??

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] wonderpets

[Lorie] WONDER PETS!!!!

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Wonderpets))

[Mentor (!!)] Baby animals that rescue other animals?

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] never heard of it

[Mentor (!!)] Ditto Bibo

[Lorie] We're on our help the baby elephant and save the day

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] you guys should google video it

[Khan (John)] what's goin work

[Lorie] we're not too big and we're not too small but when we work together we got the right stuff... GO WONDER PETS!

[Lorie] TEAM WORK!

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Now that's in my head))

[Mentor (!!)] Set the pecking order

[Kaz] ((No don't, if you value your sanity))

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] oh god

[Tori (Vicki)] ((What's gonna work?))

[Khan (John)] (part of the song)

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] is it a cartoon or something?

[Tori (Vicki)] ((yes))

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] we're not too big, and we're not too tough, but when we work together we can handle big stuff!

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] yaaaaaaaaay wonderpets!

[Chohen] Chohen moved 16'11".

[Chohen] Bradwarden moved 11'03".

[Chohen] Tori moved 9'11".

[Chohen] Gretchen moved 13'09".

[Khan (John)] Khan moved 27'04".

[Mentor (!!)] Valiant and Mentor moved 13'04".

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] so... can we move through the trees or not?

[Chohen] you can move aroudn the trees, winding in and out

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] from what bob's saying i'm getting the impression we can't pass through.

[Chohen] around stuff

[Chohen] brb door

[Chohen] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] k

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] i should have brought my voadkyn.

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] they could just make a path through this.

[Khan (John)] you wil have to do

[Chohen] I am back at the keyboard.

[Chohen] back sorry

[Mentor (!!)] Yes so are we

[Chohen] yeah yeah

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] you know, wouldn't this many trees growing this close together choke each other out?

[Mentor (!!)] snicker

[Chohen] so you have the trees there

[Chohen] and you can see the areas that are easier to move

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] or, if they are this close, they'd have to be small to survive, and we could just push them aside

[Chohen] is that easier to tell the differeence now?

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] okay, now i see puke salmon obscurement

[Khan (John)] ::we press on, slowly::

[Tori (Vicki)] ((snickers, Bob's playing with colors))

[Chohen] Chohen moved 11'07".

[Chohen] Bradwarden moved 8'02".

[Chohen] Gretchen moved 13'02".

[Mentor (!!)] no some woods are large and thick...don't forget not everything is like florida...just go visit some woods in virginia and I am sure you will understand

[Mentor (!!)] ((bob is colorblind))

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] yeah, i'm here now actually.

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] woods aren't that thick here.

[Chohen] you can move forward

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] unless you count the bamboo thickets in williamsburg that someone let grow there

[Chohen] in the areas that are being revealed

[Mentor (!!)] My character has disappeared

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] he's lost in the trees

[Chohen] Mentor moved 4'00".

[Chohen] Valiant and Mentor moved 1'05".

[Tori (Vicki)] ((mine has as well))

[Khan (John)] can we see each other still?

[Mentor (!!)] Valiant and Mentor moved 20'00".

[Khan (John)] we need to see who can whistle

[Mentor (!!)] Bob what is going on now?

[Tori (Vicki)] ((or are we going to have to go by sounds to find each other?))

[Khan (John)] see if we can whistle in order so we know who is missing

Christy has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 20:51:46 EDT 2008

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Sorry Marco, but I have to say this... like a game of Marco, Polo ;)))

[Mentor (!!)] Hiya christy

[Khan (John)] hello Christi

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Hi Christy))

[Kaz] ((Heya Christy))

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ((::lights vicki on fire::

[Chohen] Hey Christy

[Christy] hey there!

[Chohen] ok,

[John] I am back at the keyboard.

[Tori (Vicki)] ((::drops and rolls to put out the fire::))

[Christy] Hans will be in soon

[Chohen] I have a pathway revealed for you

[Khan (John)] continues to walk

[Chohen] as you move forward

James has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 20:53:16 EDT 2008

[Lorie] ((Evening christy))

[Christy] howdy

[Khan (John)] James, the number 5 engine

[Tori (Vicki)] ((is lost in the green))

[Khan (John)] I am watching your video

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] okay, well move choder forward bob, he's leading us I guess

[Tori (Vicki)] ((::covers eyes::))

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] we'll follow

[Mentor (!!) (to DM only)] I am here visiting Miriam's dad for fathers day. she bitched at me for wanting to play while here...All they are doing is speaking spanish and watching spanish TV....

[Khan (John)] Khan: Observation check: (d20) [16] 16 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Tori (Vicki)] ((we went from Wonder Pets to Thomas the Engine?))

[DM] Chohen moved 29'03".

[Mentor (!!)] Mentor: Observation check: (d20) [5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

[Khan (John)] James logged on, I had to respond

[Lorie] James?

[Tori (Vicki)] ((LOL))

[Khan (John)] I do not know James, that I know

[Khan (John)] hello James

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Bob, I can't see Tori))

[Khan (John)] Valiant and Mentor moved 1'01".

[Tori (Vicki)] ((of all the PC's I can only see 7 of us))

[DM] Mentor moved 3'09".

[DM] Tori moved 4'05".

[Tori (Vicki)] ((8 including Chohen))

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] so are we supposed to just be moving ourselves through?

[Christy] I'm gonna catch up-brb

[Tori (Vicki)] ((thanks))

[DM] and everyone this is James, better known as GMJames

[Khan (John)] (James is a peeper?)

[DM] on teh Klooge boards

[James] Well met all. Just stopped in for a gander...or goose

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] someone be a leader move that icon around the map. oh hi james

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Hi James))

[DM] Chohen moved 22'09".

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] the rest of the icons don't need to move

[Kaz] and me Bob, please

[DM] Chohen moved 11'06".

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] until we get attacked

[Khan (John)] famous last words

[Kaz] Don't know you James, but Hello :)

[Khan (John)] we don't care where we are, until we are attacked

[DM] Chohen moved 6'09".

[DM] Chohen moved 14'06".

[James] Hello Kaz. Good luck keeping out of the attack.

[James] Hi Bibo!!!!!!!!

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] still in that thursday game?

[Chohen] Hey

[Chohen] come here doggie

[Chohen] whistle

[Chohen] come here

[James] Absolutely. Years of tragic total party kills has not convinced anyone to leave me alone yet.

[Khan (John)] Tori are you watching him?

[Mentor (!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: Dancing Lights -- Maximum: 1a (1), CHANGED: Fairy Fire -- Maximum: 1b (1), CHANGED: Darkness -- Maximum: 1c (1), Spells - DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Dancing Lights, 1a, 1a, For {2*$L} rounds I conjure up some balls of light to light the way., 0, 1, , , , . ADDED: Darkness, 20' Radius, 1b, 1b, A 15' radius area is dark for {10+$L} rounds., 0, 1, , , , . ADDED: Faerie Fire, 1c, 1c, I outline several creatures in magical light for {$L*4} rounds., --, 1, , , , .

[DM] grins at James

[DM] and welcome tonight in particular, this marks 5 years online for our game

[Tori (Vicki)] Tori moved 12'08".

[James] I saw! Congrats.

[Tori (Vicki)] Tori moved 88'05".

[DM] Fritz and Lorie

[Khan (John)] Khan moved 39'11".

[Tori (Vicki)] Tori moved 20'06".

[DM] were the reason we moved to this format

[Lorie] I was the reason?

[Lorie] I was behaving myself

[Lorie] not bothering anyoone

[Lorie] don't blame whatever this is on me

[Bradwarden (Masked Avenger)] Bradwarden moved 38'01".

[Khan (John)] I blame Barbara

[DM] grins,

[Khan (John)] I blame BOB for picking Klooge

[DM] so you see what happened up front there?

[DM] the dog peering out of the bushes

[Khan (John)] I was all ready to go to Net meeting

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] nope

[Mentor (!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Magical Abilities - DELETED: Dancing Lights, 1a, 0. DELETED: Fairy Fire, 1b, 0. DELETED: Darkness, 1c, 0. ADDED: 1a, 1, 1. ADDED: 1b, 1, 1. ADDED: 1c, 1, 1. Spells - DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Dancing Lights -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Darkness, 20' Radius -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Faerie Fire -- # Memorized: 1 (--), ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null.

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] oh, there it is


[Tori (Vicki)] ((I don't know what happened 5 years ago... I started watching 7 months ago))

Percy has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 21:02:26 EDT 2008

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Hi Percy))

[Khan (John)] Khan moved 18'01".

[Kaz] ((heya Hans!))

[Lorie] Hey there Hans

[Mentor (!!)] I take full blame....for NOTHING

[DM] map on the way hans

[Khan (John)] he is not Percy today

[Khan (John)] Hello Hans

[Mentor (!!)] Valiant and Mentor moved 67'02".

Masked Avenger has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 21:03:32 EDT 2008

Masked Avenger is receiving the map Forest One...

Masked Avenger has received the map Forest One.

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Bob, we still can't see Rhys))

[Mentor (!!)] Bob do I notice anything unusual about the dog?

[Tori (Vicki)] ((wb Mike))

[DM] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 12'00".

Masked Avenger has left the game on Fri Jun 13 21:03:59 EDT 2008

[Khan (John)] Bradwarden: Observation check: (d20) [5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Khan (John)] Khan: Observation check: (d20) [1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Masked Avenger] Bradwarden moved 79'06".

[Khan (John)] woot

[Mentor (!!)] Mentor: Observation check: (d20) [19] 19 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

[DM] pausing for everyone so they can all catch up and get reset

[Masked Avenger] do i sense that blink dog?

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] um... where am I?

[DM] Lira moved 1'02".

[Khan (John)] I can tell what sex it is

[Mentor (!!)] Valiant and Mentor moved 11'01".

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Lira moved 80'07".

[Mentor (!!)] You can tell when it had sex last John!!!

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 11'09".

[Lorie] Gretchen moved 42'06".

[Lorie] Gretchen moved 54'11".

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 69'01".

[Mentor (!!)] Valiant and Mentor moved 1'04".

[!!] Valiant follows Tori.

[Masked Avenger] so... we need to worry about it blink humping our legs?

[Mentor (!!)] WE stay about 10 feet behind Tori

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((you'll only see it every-other-hump, don't worry))

[DM] Letting Hans and Christy get caught up

[Mentor (!!)] LOL

[James] ...only when it is phased into the material plane.

[Khan (John)] Khan moved 27'10".

[DM] chokes

[Percy] Fine. Don't let us stop you...

[Mentor (!!)] Just as long as it only climaxes while it isn't phased on me I don't care

[Tori (Vicki)] ((brb, phone))

[Vicki] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] that is a great line with teh girls, I swear baby I will phase to the ethereal plane

[DM] we don't need protection

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ROFL

[Mentor (!!)] LOL

[Masked Avenger] god...

[Masked Avenger] so nerdy

[James] (...that doesn't phase them at all)

[Mentor (!!)] OUCH

[Mentor (!!)] Painful PUN

[Mentor (!!)] SOrry I didn't think of it myself

[Khan (John)] ::ignores the childern::

[Mentor (!!)] Tell us 'bout the puppy BOB!!

[DM] so there is a blink dog hiding under a bush

[Mentor (!!)] Christy did you see your character

[DM] what are you goig to do?

[Mentor (!!)] cast find familiar

[Mentor (!!)] !!!!!

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((cal Ghostbusters?))

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] have the ranger or druid talk to it

[Mentor (!!)] Here puppy

[Mentor (!!)] I takeout some food for it

[DM] Giant Raven #1 moved 150'05".

[Mentor (!!)] And hold it out for it

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] this is a forest, they should be doing what they do. I'm not designed for dealing with forests

[Mentor (!!)] Giant Bird at our rear again.

[DM] Giant Raven #1 moved 19'10".

[Percy (to GM only)] Character sheet for Taurus modified: Armor - Armor Bonus:: CHANGED: 7 (null). Shield Bonus:: CHANGED: 1 (null). DEX Bonus:: CHANGED: 2 (null). Equipment - ADDED: Armor, plate mail, 700, 70, Plate mail armor.

[Khan (John)] ::waves at bird::

[Mentor (!!)] It is a REAR BIRD...Used to be a free bird

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((rocks fall, Fritz dies...))

[DM (to GM only)] Blink dog moved 89'10".

[Mentor (!!)] "Here puppy, have some food"

[Mentor (!!)] ((snicker))

[Percy (to GM only)] Character sheet for Taurus modified: Armor - Armor Bonus:: CHANGED: -7 (7). Shield Bonus:: CHANGED: -1 (1). DEX Bonus:: CHANGED: -2 (2). AC FINAL:: CHANGED: 0 (10).

[DM] behind Rhys now

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "You gonna talk to that thing Choder?"

[Chohen] I was trying

[Chohen] did nto seem to like me

[Masked Avenger] is it attacking or just blinking around?

[Tori (Vicki)] ((*sigh* I can't believe some people could live in a small town for over 10 years and not know where something is))

[Mentor (!!)] Here doggy...I am talking to it but bob doesn't seem to realize I am doing something

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Some druid YOU are."

[Masked Avenger] if it's not attacking us, let's keep moving

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "I thought you knew about animals."

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) turns and sees the dog behind him

[DM] It seems that it is investigating your group


[DM] is not responding to attempts to talk

[DM] or feed it

[Christy] okay, caught up now

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Hello little dog

[Mentor (!!)] ((thank you))

[DM] is not attacking or being agressive

[Mentor (!!)] I walk closer to it. And bring the food closer to him/her/it

[Khan (John)] come on guys , lets keep going

[Mentor (!!)] slowly

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Well, it's leaving us alone, I guess we leave it alone."

[Taurus Quirinius (to GM only)] Character sheet for Taurus modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Long Sword -- Atk Adj: $atk+1 ($atk),

[Masked Avenger] "Let us continue on then."

[Taurus Quirinius (to GM only)] Character sheet for Taurus modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Long Sword -- Atk Adj: $atk+1+1 ($atk+1),

[DM] ok

[DM] and you move deeper into the forest

[DM] Time of Day: 12:30 PM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 4th, 1259.

[DM] Time of Day: 12:45 PM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 4th, 1259.

[DM] Time of Day: 01:00 PM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 4th, 1259.

[James] (does that come with ominous music?)

[Khan (John)] I play with the mute on

[Mentor (!!)] Valiant and Mentor moved 25'10".

[Khan (John)] just in case it does

[Christy] hello?

[James] 9so do most of my players...)

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] if we can barely walk through this forest, how's a giant raven flying through it?

[DM] Yes christy

[Mentor (!!)] Super bird

[DM] you have your caracter there

[DM] and teh bird appears to be flying overhead, or hopping from branch to branch

[Taurus Quirinius] I am back at the keyboard.

[Mentor (!!)] Bob I walk closer to the blink dog and try to give it food

[DM] it disapeared

[Taurus (Taurus Quirinius)] She's just making sure her chat is coming through. She can't see her chat...

[Mentor (!!)] the bird or the dog?

[Taurus (Taurus Quirinius)] (she's gonna log off & then back on)

Christy has left the game on Fri Jun 13 21:15:43 EDT 2008

[Tori (Vicki)] Tori, Mentor and Valiant moved 1'02".

[Mentor (!!)] what disappeared?

[Mentor (!!)] the bird or the dog

Christy has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 21:16:06 EDT 2008

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((the dog, I think))

[Mentor (!!)] I never saw the daggum dog in the first place

[James] (Christy probably needs to set PREFERENCES to DOCK CHAT)

[DM (to GM only)] Orc #12 moved 28'04".

[DM (to GM only)] Orc #11 moved 28'08".

[DM (to GM only)] Orc #10 moved 23'02".

[DM (to GM only)] Orc #9 moved 13'09".

[DM (to GM only)] Orc #8 moved 40'05".

[DM (to GM only)] Orc #7 moved 35'07".

[DM (to GM only)] Orc #6 moved 25'07".

[Masked Avenger] Bradwarden moved 19'10".

[DM (to GM only)] Orc #5 moved 38'04".

[DM (to GM only)] Orc #4 moved 56'04".

[DM (to GM only)] Orc #3 moved 32'06".

[DM (to GM only)] Orc #2 moved 17'03".

[DM (to GM only)] Orc #1 moved 48'01".

[Mentor (!!)] Valiant and Mentor moved 31'00".

[Christy] nah, i was stuck somewhere. i didn't even see that Hans had logged on

[DM] both the dog and the bird are gone

[Taurus (Taurus Quirinius)] Taurus moved 76'10".

[Tori (Vicki)] Tori, Mentor and Valiant moved 8'00".

[Taurus (Taurus Quirinius)] For Christy moved 59'04".

[Taurus (Taurus Quirinius)] Glabius moved 74'03".

[Khan (John)] Khan moved 28'05".

[DM] Bradwarden moved 12'00".

[DM] Bradwarden moved 47'01".

[DM] Chohen moved 97'08".

[Taurus (Taurus Quirinius)] Taurus moved 64'08".

[Taurus (Taurus Quirinius)] For Christy moved 15'05".

[Taurus (Taurus Quirinius)] Glabius moved 63'01".

[Chohen] so what is it like to be a Centaur?

[Taurus (Taurus Quirinius)] Taurus moved 33'07".

[Tori (Vicki)] Tori, Mentor and Valiant moved 55'11".

[Taurus (Taurus Quirinius)] Glabius moved 33'07".

[Mentor (!!)] I think I am going to come back here and cast find familiar in this forest and try and get a blink dog

[Tori (Vicki)] Tori, Mentor and Valiant moved 33'03".

[Chohen] do people treat you ok?

[Taurus (Taurus Quirinius)] Taurus moved 11'07".

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 80'04".

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Lira moved 89'07".

[Taurus Quirinius] Glabius follows Taurus.

[Taurus (Taurus Quirinius)] Taurus moved 18'01".

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 43'03".

[Taurus (Taurus Quirinius)] Glabius moved 18'08".

[Lorie] Gretchen moved 27'07".

[Mentor (!!)] Half good half bad

[Taurus Quirinius] Glabius no longer follows Taurus.

[Lorie] Gretchen moved 42'06".

[Mentor (!!)] kinda 50 50

[Masked Avenger] "What's it like being a human?"

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Lira modified: Misc. Attributes - Light Radius:: CHANGED: 60 (0.0).

[Lorie] Gretchen moved 24'09".

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Lira moved 49'08".

[Taurus (Taurus Quirinius)] Taurus and Glabius moved 17'02".

[Taurus (Taurus Quirinius)] Taurus moved 9'09".

[Taurus (Taurus Quirinius)] Taurus moved 4'10".

[Taurus (Taurus Quirinius)] Taurus moved 2'10".

[Taurus (Taurus Quirinius)] Taurus moved 3'01".

[Taurus (Taurus Quirinius)] Glabius moved 6'02".

[Masked Avenger] ;lakdsfjal;skdjfalskdjf

[Taurus (Taurus Quirinius)] Glabius moved 5'09".

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 33'02".

[Khan (John)] Khan moved 36'10".

[Taurus Quirinius] Glabius follows Taurus.

[Masked Avenger] okay, my chat lag is horrible

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((true words of wisdom, Mike))

[Chohen] I like being human

[Mentor (!!)] Bob why don't you just move us as a group?

[Masked Avenger] i don't know if it's because everyone is moving

[Khan (John)] Khan moved 58'00".

[Mentor (!!)] stop with the partial stuff

[Taurus (Taurus Quirinius)] Taurus and Glabius moved 20'10".

[Chohen] I did not move anyone, because there was no need to move

[Chohen] you said to move the front until combat

[Tori (Vicki)] ((brb again, phone))

[Khan (John)] so we move on

[Mentor (!!)] That makes no sense just move the whole group at one time...that is what the function is for

[Mentor (!!)] It is called group move

[Taurus (Hans) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Taurus modified: Personal Information - Name:: CHANGED: Taurus Quirinius (Taurus).

[Chohen] and I will do that when it is needed

[Masked Avenger] Bradwarden moved 51'02".

[Taurus (Hans)] test

[Masked Avenger] Bradwarden moved 49'09".

[Masked Avenger] Bradwarden moved 43'07".

[Taurus (Hans)] Taurus and Glabius moved 49'04".

[Masked Avenger] Bradwarden moved 59'06".

[Christy] ok, really caught up now. And yes, Bob, I did see my character. Did you??

[Chohen] Chohen moved 162'07".

[Christy] Fritz is the coolest [Masked Avenger] Bradwarden moved 69'03".

[Chohen] Bradwarden moved 75'00".

[Chohen] now everyone stop moving

[Mentor (!!)] Thanks Christy...Glad I could help you


[Tori (Vicki)] Tori, Mentor and Valiant moved 148'05".

[Tori (Vicki)] ((ok))

[Lorie] do I need to move up or am I good here BOB?

[Tori (Vicki)] ((I'm back and can now play without interruptions))

[DM] I will move the icons as I want them to move

[Christy (to DM only)] can you change my name to Ariella?

[Khan (John)] Khan: Observation check: (d20) [10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Mentor (!!)] Mentor: Observation check: (d20) [18] 18 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

[DM] now, I will move Brad and Chohen forward

[Masked Avenger] did you move me back for a reason bob?

[Masked Avenger] well fi you're moving us, just move us forward to the next encounter.

[DM] adn then after I am done

[Christy] /(!!) how do I get to be able to research?

[DM] I am trying to

[Christy] uh...

[Mentor (!!)] It makes no sense to move Brad and Chohen and then take the time to move everyone else when you can move us all at the same time

[Khan (John)] research what?

[DM] ok, now we have Chohen and Brad up front

[Christy] that was supposed to be a question for Fritz

[Khan (John)] i c

[Christy] /Mentor(!!) too bad, that was sool

[DM] Tori, Mentor and Valiant moved 20'03".

[DM] Taurus and Glabius moved 43'04".

[DM] Glabius moved 16'00".

[Khan (John)] its /!!

[DM] Gretchen moved 128'02".

[DM] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 109'05".

[DM] Khan moved 128'10".

[DM] Lira moved 117'03".

[Christy] thank you John

[Khan (John)] np

[Mentor (!!)] Geez taking all this time to move us one at a time when you could do it all at once....

[DM] Ariella moved 164'00".

[DM] Ariella moved 86'05".

[James] (Gonna free up your bandwidth a bit. Thanks for letting me watch!)

[DM] have a fun time James

[Christy] bye James

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((Take care, James))

[Khan (John)] ttfn

James has left the game on Fri Jun 13 21:26:17 EDT 2008

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Bye James))

[Mentor (!!)] ttfn

[DM] and I would have done that Fritz, if everyone would have stopped moving when I told them to

[DM] now I have to put everyone back in position

[Tori (Vicki)] ((sorry))

[Khan (John)] ::waiting::

[Christy (to DM only)] I need a powerful enemy-got any local suggestions?

[Mentor (!!) (to DM only)] click on the lock character icon button so we can't move for the time being that will help

[Masked Avenger] we're just mobbing through the forest.

[Christy (to DM only)] and what does a girl have to do to get a bag of holding-even a little bag?

[DM] Combat has begun!


[Taurus (Hans)] I

[Taurus (Hans)] LOVE

[Taurus (Hans)] THAT

[Taurus (Hans)] SOUND!!!!!!!!!!1

[Khan (John)] Khan: Initiative:(d10+20+-4) [9+20-4] 25

[DM] and we skip ahead to just finding the orcs thsi close to you

[Tori (Vicki)] Tori: Initiative:(d10+10) [7+10] 17

[Mentor (!!)] ((Yea fight time))

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] I don't care much for it, it feels like we are about to start some olympic games rather than kill something

[DM] Chohen: Initiative:(d10+10) [8+10] 18

[DM] so everyone can roll Init

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Lira: Initiative:(d10+0-+2-2) [6+0-2-2] 2

[Taurus (Hans)] Taurus: Initiative:(d10+10) [3+10] 13

[Mentor (!!)] Mentor: Initiative:(d10+10) [3+10] 13

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Rhys of Gilmairay: Initiative:(d10+10) [7+10] 17

[Taurus (Hans)] Glabius: Initiative:(d10+10) [10+10] 20

[Lorie] Gretchen: Initiative:(d10+10) [6+10] 16

[Mentor (!!)] Valiant: Initiative:(d10+10-+1) [2+10-1] 11

[Christy] Ariella: Initiative:(d10+10) [4+10] 14

[DM] I have confirm player moves on for now, remember you are in the middle of the trees and can not see everything, you can only hear the sounds of combat and such from up ahead

[Mentor (!!)] Bob any clear shot

[Taurus (Hans) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Glabius modified: Armor - Armor Bonus:: CHANGED: -5 (null). Shield Bonus:: CHANGED: -1 (null).

[DM] adn can move on your init only

[Taurus (Hans) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Glabius modified: Armor - AC FINAL:: CHANGED: 4 (10).

[Mentor (!!)] ok thanks

[Masked Avenger] Bradwarden: Initiative:(d10-+1+20) [2-1+20] 21

[DM] no clear shots for bows at all

[DM] except in those little bits of grey that are the forest floor

Christy is receiving the map Forest One...

Christy has received the map Forest One.

[Masked Avenger] do i know what's up ahead?

[DM] Orc #12: Initiative:(d10+10) [9+10] 19

[DM] Orc #1: Initiative:(d10+10) [9+10] 19

[DM] Orc #2: Initiative:(d10+10) [10+10] 20

[DM] Orc #3: Initiative:(d10+10) [9+10] 19

[DM] Orc #4: Initiative:(d10+10) [1+10] 11

[DM] Orc #5: Initiative:(d10+10) [8+10] 18

[DM] Orc #6: Initiative:(d10+10) [6+10] 16

[DM] Orc #7: Initiative:(d10+10) [10+10] 20

[DM] Orc #8: Initiative:(d10+10) [7+10] 17

[DM] Orc #9: Initiative:(d10+10) [9+10] 19

[DM] Orc #10: Initiative:(d10+10) [8+10] 18

[DM] Orc #11: Initiative:(d10+10) [5+10] 15

[DM] Time of Day: 01:15 PM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 4th, 1259.

[DM] Time of Day: 01:30 PM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Ohm {Early Winter} 4th, 1259.

[DM] ok, so ready to start


[Hans] Glabius no longer follows Taurus.

[Masked Avenger] i'm guessing orcs. hey guys, i bet there's orcs up ahead fo us.

[Chohen] Hey there up ahead ORCS

[Tori (Vicki)] ((::snicker::))

[Masked Avenger] wait a minute, a wizard tower in th emiddle of the woods, raising an army of orcs...

[DM] INIT: 2 GOING: Lira

[Masked Avenger] didn't i read this in a book once?

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] hold action

[DM] INIT: 11 GOING: Orc #4

[!!] Valiant no longer follows Tori.

[Khan (John)] sounds farmiliar

[DM] Orc #4 moved 135'06".

[DM] INIT: 11 GOING: Valiant

[Mentor (!!)] on guard

[DM] INIT: 13 GOING: Mentor

[Taurus (Hans) (to DM only)] is there a spell of darkness or something to the west of Taurus?

[Christy (to DM only)] so are you assuming that I have joined this party aleady then?

[DM] the areas that are not revealed are brush and undergrowth you have not moved into yet

[!!] Mentor targets Orc #3. Distance: 154'08"

[!!] Mentor targets Orc #12. Distance: 150'00"

[Masked Avenger] sweedes are crazy. freezing, below zero temperatures, and they have a specialty snow mobile drive through mcdonalds

[DM (to Christy only)] yes you are part of the group, and we will find your enemy as soon as I can, try to later on tonight

[Mentor (!!)] Mentor: Firecraker: "With this spell, I create small, firecracker-type explosions within the 10 foot radius area of effect. A ""string"" of 10 firecrackers is created 10 seconds after each other. The firecrackers appear in a 10’ radius and inflict ((3)*(3)) [(3)*(3)] 9 hp damage to all in the area. The firecrackers are loud and create a bit of acrid smoke that, unless dispersed by a strong wind, remains in the area for (d3) [1] 1 rounds after the spell is finished. Any creatures in the area must save vs. poison, or the smoke makes their eyes smart and water, giving them -1 on attack rolls. If the spell is used in a surprise situation, the party being surprised has a +4 penalty to the die roll."

[DM] you can not see that spot Mentor

[DM] you get the spell back

[Masked Avenger] they even have a play gym outside

[Mentor (!!)] You just said we could see revealed areas

[Christy (to DM only)] no rush on the enemy-I'm still working on Ariella's backstory

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] don't have line of sight

[DM] yes, but there are still I count 6 trees between you and them

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] there's a tree there

[Mentor (!!)] I don't need unobsructed

[Mentor (!!)] but ok

[DM] I could conceal the area that the trees block for you if you like

[DM] INIT: 13 GOING: Taurus

[!!] All targets for Mentor removed.

[Taurus (Hans)] What would be my movement rate as a progress to the west through the darkness?

[DM] half movement and can still attack

[Mentor (!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Magical Abilities - Spells - CHANGED: Burning Hands -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Firecraker -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Gaze Reflection -- # Memorized: 0 (1), DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null.

[DM] and normal movement rate,

[DM] just weaving in and out of trees

[DM] no straight lines

[DM] for bows, charges, etc

[Taurus (Hans)] I hear an orc in there, but I guess I'm wondering how far I can see in front of me. 5 feet? 10 feet?

[DM] you can see about 30 feet in front clearly

[Taurus (Hans)] Can you clear out the blackness as I proceed?

[DM] then another 30 feet that is mostly concealed

[Taurus (Hans)] Okay, I'm right on the edge of the blackness. I'm partially inthe blackness, actually.

[DM] Taurus moved 39'00".

[Masked Avenger] you should cast magic missile at it

[DM] Taurus moved 19'08".

[DM] like that Hans?

[Taurus (Hans)] Yes.

[DM] and you are close enough to attack

[Taurus (Hans)] Except I still can't see anything on the map...

[DM] Orc #4 targets Taurus. Distance: 4'09"

[Mentor (!!)] ok so we can only target things within 30 feet even if it is an area of effect spell and not a straight line spell? So even magic missile is only good now at a range of 30 feet is that correct Bob?

[Taurus (Hans)] THanks, Bob.

[Taurus (Hans)] I'll roll now...

[DM] yes to Fritz

[DM] 30 feet is no problem at all

[Mentor (!!)] ok just needed to clarify thanks

[Taurus (Hans)] Taurus: Attack #1: Long Sword: (16-(d20+2+1+1)) [16-(1+2+1+1)] 11

[DM] 60 feet there is concealment some things will work others won't

[Taurus (Hans)] Um.

[Masked Avenger] we should nuke them from orbit

[Masked Avenger] only real way to be sure

[Mentor (!!)] where is taurus? hidden in the woods?

[Taurus (Hans)] Now that I read the chat, it shows the Orc targeted me, not me targeting the orc...

[Khan (John)] ::whispers to Tori:: " Tak to them, get them to surrender"

[DM] Taurus targets Orc #4. Distance: 4'09"

[Taurus (Hans)] I thought you had targeted the orc for me. Didn't read it closely enough.

[Taurus (Hans)] thx.

[Taurus (Hans)] Taurus: Attack #1: Long Sword: (16-(d20+2+1+1)) [16-(5+2+1+1)] 7. Probably MISSES Orc #4 (AC FINAL: 6)

[Taurus (Hans)] Taurus: Attack #1: Long Sword: (16-(d20+2+1+1)) [16-(14+2+1+1)] -2. PROBABLY HITS Orc #4 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Taurus (Hans)] Taurus: Damage v SM: Long Sword: (1d8+3) [3+3] 6 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Orc #4

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Ariella

[Tori (Vicki)] ::Whispers to Khan:: Do you want me to see if they can speak Comm?

[DM (to GM only)] Orc #4's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-6) - Disabled

[DM] Ariella moved 1'00".

[Christy] Ariella: Hide in Shadows check:(d100) [16] 16 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 45!!

[Taurus (Hans)] Taurus: (1d8) [5] 5

[Christy] I'll be making my sneaky self scarce right about now

[DM] ok

[DM] INIT: 15 GOING: Orc #11

[DM] Orc #11 moved 118'10".

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Orc #6

[DM] Orc #6 moved 126'05".

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Gretchen

[Mentor (!!)] Val is guarding to protect his brother Mentor

[Masked Avenger] so the orcs know we're here, too?

[DM] apparently yes

[Masked Avenger] because they cheat

[Khan (John)] at least we were not surprised

[DM] (lorie?)

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Bob, wouldn't Tori have been able to hear them?))

[Lorie] :: ponders and slowly heads towards the darkness ::

[DM] INIT: 17 GOING: Rhys of Gilmairay

[Lorie] Gretchen moved 27'11".

[DM] (yes if everyone would have stayed back I had several things happening but people wanted to jump to the next encounter)

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((sorry, trying to find myself))

[DM] the easiest way to find an icon

[Tori (Vicki)] ((sorry, was told to watch Chohen))

[DM] is to zoom in on teh map

[DM] and then double click on your name on the tree

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((found it, can't move it))

[Masked Avenger] well anything you have going on is an encounter, bob

[DM] it will automaticlly center it for you

[DM] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 10'00".

[DM] there you go Kaz

[DM] try now

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] nope

[DM] where do you want to go? west with Taurus or north with Brad?

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Up by Brad and Chohen

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] please :)

[DM] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 59'04".

[DM] and can still attack

[DM] can you target and such?

[Christy] Hans went to get kids started on showering-he'll be back

[Hans] I am away from the keyboard.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((I think it was because it was on top of another one))

[DM] Rhys of Gilmairay targets Orc #11. Distance: 4'05"

[Kaz] Rhys of Gilmairay no longer targets Orc #11.

[DM] there you go

[DM] Rhys of Gilmairay targets Orc #11. Distance: 4'05"

[DM] and again

[DM] grins

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Rhys of Gilmairay: Attack #1: Long Sword: (20-(d20+0)) [20-(4+0)] 16. Probably MISSES Orc #11 (AC FINAL: 6)

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Wow... I left Moirra behind but took her rolls with me.

[DM] INIT: 17 GOING: Orc #8

[DM] Orc #8 moved 94'02".

[DM] INIT: 17 GOING: Tori

[DM] should I stay with you Brad?

[DM] the Druid asks

[Masked Avenger] "If you stay with me be prepared to charge into combat, druid."

[DM] vicki?

[Masked Avenger] "There are orcs in the woods and we have come hunting for orcs. It is time for battle!"

[Tori (Vicki)] ::decides to speak as she walks west in orc::

[Tori (Vicki)] Tori moved 30'04".

[DM] Tori moved 20'03".

[DM] you can move that far and still attack

[Tori (Vicki)] ((I can't see to do anything))

[Mentor (!!)] attack what we can't see anything?

[Tori (Vicki)] ((besides, my orders were to talk to them))

[Mentor (!!)] speak softly but carry a big stick

[Tori (Vicki)] ((I see no orc living at this point))

[Masked Avenger] and use said stick to beat people to death

[DM] how is that for everyone now? clearer to see?

[Mentor (!!)] to the right of you is an orc

[Tori (Vicki)] ((oh thanks Fritz))

[Tori (Vicki)] ::Speaks to the orc in their language::

[DM] what do you say?

[DM] and are you attacking?

[Lorie] ((Vicki is Tori taking orders from voices in her head or someone else in the party?))

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] attacking is part of the orc language

[Mentor (!!)] JOhn

[Tori (Vicki)] ((any suggestions, anyone?))

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] saying hello involves stabbing the person you're talking to

[DM] no time for discussion

[Masked Avenger] yup. you should see sex.

[Christy] sounds orcish to me

[DM] just a few brief words

[Mentor (!!)] Ask them if they have seen "Sex and the City"

[Christy] ick. orc sex. visual images I did not need

[Khan (John)] "we want to talk"?

[Khan (John)] or " stop or die"?

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Mentor (!!)] Ask them if they would like a Latte?

[Lorie] I thought this was a PG13 game

[Masked Avenger] ask them for their numbers. maybe they'll give you a call later

[Khan (John)] even after the blink dog

[Tori (Vicki)] "We want to talk."

[DM] INIT: 18 GOING: Orc #5

[DM] Orc #5 moved 126'03".

[DM] INIT: 18 GOING: Orc #10

[Tori (Vicki)] ((*sigh* of all things... and you had to do that?))

[Mentor (!!)] Ask them if they if they know the way to Pockipsee

[DM] Orc #10 moved 121'09".

[DM] INIT: 18 GOING: Chohen


[DM] Chohen moved 17'00".

[DM] Chohen targets Orc #10. Distance: 4'02"

[DM] Chohen: Attack #1: Club: (20-(d20+0)) [20-(11+0)] 9. Probably MISSES Orc #10 (AC FINAL: 6)

[Masked Avenger] ask them to rub their belly and pat their heads

[DM] INIT: 19 GOING: Orc #1

[DM] Orc #1 moved 123'11".

[DM] INIT: 19 GOING: Orc #3

[DM] Orc #3 moved 77'06".

[DM] INIT: 19 GOING: Orc #9

[Khan (John)] ::khan gets lost in the woods::

[DM] Orc #9 moved 91'08".

[DM] INIT: 19 GOING: Orc #12

[Khan (John)] sorry, I have to call it an early night

[DM] Orc #12 moved 76'05".

[DM] INIT: 20 GOING: Orc #2

[Khan (John)] big day tomorrow

[Ariella (Christy)] ahh...bye John

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((Good night John))

[DM] Orc #2 moved 112'11".

[DM] INIT: 20 GOING: Orc #7

[Mentor (!!)] Bye John

[Tori (Vicki)] ((good night John))

[DM] Orc #7 moved 103'01".

[DM] INIT: 20 GOING: Glabius

[Khan (John)] ttfn

[DM] night john

John has left the game on Fri Jun 13 22:00:00 EDT 2008

[Masked Avenger] okay, i've got half the horde coming at me. this is going to be painful

[DM] INIT: 21 GOING: Bradwarden

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Mike... so do I))

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((and just your luck, you're standing next to the person most hated by Klooge dice))

[Masked Avenger] at least the stupidest little druid is being a good distraction for me. =P

[Masked Avenger] you a firefly watcher kaz?

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((??))

[Masked Avenger] yes, but you're level 7 vicki. 6 orcs is nothing.

[Hans] I am back at the keyboard.

[Taurus (Hans)] brb

[Hans] I am away from the keyboard.

[Mentor (!!)] Attack already

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Mike, I chose not to attack first time around))

[Masked Avenger] well, i was going to make a firefly reference about your combat rolls, but i guess you wouldn't get it

[Masked Avenger] Bradwarden targets Orc #11. Distance: 7'06"

[Mentor (!!)] stop worrying about who can survive and who is the highest level

[Masked Avenger] Bradwarden: Attack #1: Fore Hoof: (18-(d20+2)) [18-(3+2)] 13. Probably MISSES Orc #11 (AC FINAL: 6)

[Masked Avenger] Bradwarden: Attack #1: Fore Hoof: (18-(d20+2)) [18-(14+2)] 2. PROBABLY HITS Orc #11 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Masked Avenger] Bradwarden: Attack #1: Two Handed Sword: (18-(d20+1++2)) [18-(18+1+2)] -3. PROBABLY HITS Orc #11 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Masked Avenger] Bradwarden: Damage v SM: Two Handed Sword: (d10+2++4) [1+2+4] 7 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Orc #11

[Masked Avenger] Bradwarden: Damage v SM: Fore Hoof: (d6+4) [3+4] 7 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Orc #11

[DM (to GM only)] Orc #11's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -8 (-14) - Dying

[DM] INIT: 25 GOING: Khan


[DM] INIT: 2 GOING: Lira

[Mentor (!!)] oh wow if you had broken that up you could have killed an orc a hit Mike

[Masked Avenger] but you can't break it up.

[Masked Avenger] this ain't besm or shadowrun.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((thre is only one nearby, anyway))

[Mentor (!!)] why not?

[Mentor (!!)] you can in D&D

[Mentor (!!)] if they are next to each other

[DM] you can hit one with your hooves and one with your sword if they are in a 30 degree arc of you

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((moot point - there's only one orc there))

[Masked Avenger] well, there's only the one right in front of me at the moment.

[Hans] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] and he can stomp on it

[DM] Marco?

[DM] anything?

[Mentor (!!)] Marco, Marco, Marco....Bueller, Bueller,Bueller

[DM] ok, will say holding action till he gets back

[DM] INIT: 11 GOING: Valiant

[Tori (Vicki)] ((*keeps her mouth shut*))

[Mentor (!!)] Valiant and Mentor moved 69'10".

[Mentor (!!)] Mentor moved 63'11".

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] afk a minute

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

[!!] Valiant targets Orc #10. Distance: 10'01"

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] nope, nothing. sorry the door ran and the round was taking so long thought no one would notice :-P

[Mentor (!!)] Valiant and Mentor moved 4'07".

[Masked Avenger] did you catch it?

[Mentor (!!)] Valiant and Mentor moved 3'04".

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] I did

[!!] Valiant no longer targets Orc #10.

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] doors aren't known for their speed

[!!] Valiant targets Orc #12. Distance: 4'06"

[Mentor (!!)] Valiant: Attack #1: Harbringer: (18-(d20+2)) [18-(3+2)] 13. Probably MISSES Orc #12 (AC FINAL: 6)

[Masked Avenger] j00 go f00

[DM] INIT: 13 GOING: Mentor

[Mentor (!!)] Mentor moved 56'02".

[DM] INIT: 13 GOING: Taurus

[Taurus (Hans) (to DM only)] I have to ask: who the biggest orc that I can see?

[DM] you can hide on the other side of the tree there

[DM] Mentor

[Mentor (!!)] Mentor moved 9'05".

[Mentor (!!)] here?

[DM (to Hans only)] they all appear to be the same

[Taurus (Hans) (to DM only)] thought so...

[DM] and yes to Mentor they can not see you from there

[Mentor (!!)] Thank you

[Mentor (!!)] Taurus' turn

[Hans] Taurus targets Orc #2. Distance: 3'02"

[DM] just picture each green blob as having a trunk in the middle

[DM] and you are all weaving between

[Taurus (Hans)] Taurus: Attack #1: Long Sword: (16-(d20+2+1+1)) [16-(16+2+1+1)] -4. PROBABLY HITS Orc #2 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Taurus (Hans)] Taurus: Attack #1: Long Sword: (16-(d20+2+1+1)) [16-(19+2+1+1)] -7. PROBABLY HITS Orc #2 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Taurus (Hans)] Taurus: Damage v SM: Long Sword: (1d8+3) [5+3] 8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Orc #2

[Taurus (Hans)] Taurus: Damage v SM: Long Sword: (1d8+3) [1+3] 4 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Orc #2

[DM (to GM only)] Orc #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -10 (-12) - Dead

[Hans] Taurus targets Orc #8. Distance: 3'09"

[Taurus (Hans)] Taurus: Attack #1: Long Sword: (16-(d20+2+1+1)) [16-(12+2+1+1)] 0. PROBABLY HITS Orc #8 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Taurus (Hans)] Taurus: Damage v SM: Long Sword: (1d8+3) [2+3] 5 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Orc #8

[Taurus (Hans)] Taurus: (1d8) [3] 3

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Ariella

[DM (to GM only)] Orc #8's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-5) - Disabled

[Taurus (Hans)] (no knockdown)

[Ariella (Christy)] what's movement when hiding in shadows?

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] hrm... can I move?

[Lorie] ((Be right back all ... thunderstorm ahoy... need to make sure windows are closed ))

[DM] 1/4 christy

[Mentor (!!)] 1/3

[DM] and yes to Lira

[DM] can move

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] oooh... hiding in shadows... what a good idea

[DM] and it is 1/3 if you are not attacking, 1/4 your move if you want to attack

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] oh wait... this character doesn't do that

[Tori (Vicki)] ((1/4 or 1/3? 1/3 is larger than 1/4))

[Taurus (Hans) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Taurus modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Long Sword -- Damage Adj: $dmg+1+2 ($dmg), ADDED: Long Sword, Long Sword, , , 0, , --, 1, $atk, , , , , $atk+1+1, $dmg, , , , , $dmg+1+2, 1d8, 1d12, 1d8, $thac0, , , .

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Lira moved 60'09".

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] that okay?

[Ariella (Christy)] so I'll take my 1/3 and go see what's going on in the direction of the noise to the east

[Mentor (!!)] I think it is a 1/3

[DM] yes to marco

[Tori (Vicki)] ((of course it got answered by the time I was done playing with the different keys and figuring out what I was gonna say))

[DM] will check that in a bit Fritz

[Ariella (Christy)] Ariella moved 61'11".

[Ariella (Christy)] and not attacking-looks like they have things under control

[DM] Ariella moved 17'09".

[DM] can move to about there

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Orc #6

[Ariella (Christy)] sure, whatever

[DM] 60 would be half your move

[Taurus (Hans) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Taurus modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Long Sword -- # Atks: 3/2 (null), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Atk Adj: $atk+1+1+2 ($atk+1+1), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Damage Adj: $dmg+1+3 ($dmg+1+2), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Kind of Weapon: null (Long Sword), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Size: null (), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Type: null (), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Speed: 0.00 (0), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Range S/M/L: null (), CHANGED: Long Sword -- # Atks: 3/2 (1), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Ability Adj: null ($atk), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Racial Adj: null (), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Skill Adj: null (), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Profic Adj: null (), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Magical Adj: null (), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Atk Adj: $atk+1+1+2 ($atk+1+1), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Ability Adj: null ($dmg), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Racial Adj: null (), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Skill Adj: null (), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Profic Adj: null (), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Magical Adj: null (), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Damage Adj: $dmg+1+3 ($dmg+1+2), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Dmg Snd: null (), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Atk FX: null (), CHANGED: Long Sword -- Dmg FX: null (). ADDED: Long Sword, Long Sword, , , 0, , --, 1, $atk, , , , , $atk+1+1+2, $dmg, , , , , $dmg+1+3, 1d8, 1d12, 1d8, $thac0, , , .

[Ariella (Christy)] close enough to see and not be seen

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ((60 is my full move right?))

[DM] Orc #6 moved 50'04".

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Gretchen

[Mentor (!!)] Orcs running away?

[DM] I believe yes to Lira

[DM] INIT: 17 GOING: Rhys of Gilmairay

[DM] gretchen is holding until Lorie comes back

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 24'05".

[Kaz] Rhys of Gilmairay targets Orc #9. Distance: 3'05"

[Lorie] Sorry... moving up but probably won't be able to attack this round

[Lorie] I miseed her init I guess

[Lorie] Gretchen moved 38'06".

[Lorie] Gretchen moved 5'10".

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Rhys of Gilmairay: Attack #1: Long Sword: (20-(d20+0)) [20-(5+0)] 15. Probably MISSES Orc #9 (AC FINAL: 6)

[DM] did not know you were back sorry

[DM] you can get close enough to attack

[Taurus (Hans)] We're just all waiting on you, Lorie. Sheesh...

[Mentor (!!)] While moving silently, the thief's movement rate is reduced to 1/3 normal.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] (Wow, I REALLY took Moirra's roles with me...)

[DM] Chohen moved 1'04".

[Lorie] LOL

[DM] Gretchen moved 4'01".

[Taurus (Hans)] (Just kidding. Heh heh heh)

[DM] Gretchen targets Orc #3. Distance: 3'07"

[DM] INIT: 17 GOING: Tori

[Lorie] I'm a mom, that guilt just slides

[Lorie] :: hugs ::

[Mentor (!!)] Got that from the PHB bob

[Ariella (Christy)] guilt, what guilt?

[DM] thank you Fritz

[DM] and Getchen can attack if you like

[DM] and Tori can also

[Lorie] Gretchen no longer targets Orc #3.

[Lorie] 2 attacks this round...

[DM] need to retarget

[DM] I had targeted for you sorry

[Lorie] Gretchen: Attack #1: Shortsword +2: (17-(d20++0+2)) [17-(2+0+2)] 13

[DM] Gretchen targets Orc #3. Distance: 3'07"

[Lorie] Gretchen: Attack #1: Shortsword +2: (17-(d20++0+2)) [17-(6+0+2)] 9

[DM] there you go now you can swing

[Hans] I am away from the keyboard.

[Tori (Vicki)] ::speaks in Orc:: "See your friends dying around you? You could talk and we would know what's going on."

[Tori (Vicki)] ::translates what she just said in Comm for the others nearby::

[Lorie] sorry... re-swing BOB?

[DM] you were not targeted

[DM] now you are

[Lorie] oh... hmmm... how odd

Tori (Vicki) holds further action for now

[DM] INIT: 18 GOING: Orc #5

[Lorie] Gretchen: Attack #1: Shortsword +2: (17-(d20++0+2)) [17-(14+0+2)] 1. PROBABLY HITS Orc #3 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Lorie] Gretchen: Attack #1: Shortsword +2: (17-(d20++0+2)) [17-(9+0+2)] 6. PROBABLY HITS Orc #3 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Hans] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lorie] Gretchen: Damage v SM: Shortsword +2: (1d6++0+2) [5+0+2] 7 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Orc #3

[Lorie] Gretchen: Damage v SM: Shortsword +2: (1d6++0+2) [4+0+2] 6 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Orc #3

[DM (to GM only)] Orc #3's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -18 (-22) - Dead

[Ariella (Christy) (to DM only)] do you have wizards and rogues from the realms?

[Taurus (Hans)] Woo-hoo, Lorie. Go on with your bad self...

[Masked Avenger] kill, kill, kill the green man

[Lorie] LOL

[DM (to Christy only)] no

[Lorie] I killed something... whoo hoo...err umm, how awful

[DM] Orc #5 moved 52'07".

[DM] INIT: 18 GOING: Orc #10

[Masked Avenger] the white man is always keeping the green man down.

[DM] Orc #10 targets Chohen. Distance: 3'11"

[Masked Avenger] green opression

[Ariella (Christy) (to DM only)] GASP!!! a D&D book you do not have??

[DM] Orc #10: Attack #1: Battleaxe: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(8+0)] 11. Probably MISSES Chohen (AC FINAL: 10)

[DM] INIT: 18 GOING: Chohen

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Guess they don't wanna talk))

[DM] Chohen: Attack #1: Club: (20-(d20+0)) [20-(2+0)] 18. Probably MISSES Orc #10 (AC FINAL: 6)

[DM] INIT: 19 GOING: Orc #1

[DM] Orc #1 moved 60'03".

[DM] INIT: 19 GOING: Orc #9

[DM] Orc #9 targets Rhys of Gilmairay. Distance: 3'05"

[Ariella (Christy)] ((orcs talk??))

[DM] Orc #9: Attack #1: Battleaxe: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(14+0)] 5. Probably MISSES Rhys of Gilmairay (AC FINAL: 1)

[Taurus (Hans)] They are definitely communicating with their actions, no?

[DM] INIT: 19 GOING: Orc #12

[Tori (Vicki)] ((that's why tori knows orc))

[DM] Orc #12 targets Valiant. Distance: 4'05"

[Masked Avenger] well, i immagine if their grunts meant something that's what they'd say

[Ariella (Christy)] but she's only 1/2

[DM] Orc #12: Attack #1: Battleaxe: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(1+0)] 18. Probably MISSES Valiant (AC FINAL: 1)

[DM] INIT: 20 GOING: Orc #7

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Tori learned orc language when she was among her father's tribe... as stated on the website))

[DM] drops his axe, "will be slave"

[Taurus (Hans)] "Begone foul beasts!"

[DM] INIT: 20 GOING: Glabius

[Masked Avenger] this isn't a raiding party, it's a rights march

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Bob, can I ask what he'll be slave to?))

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((certainly not fashion))

[Mentor (!!)] what just happened with that orc Bob?

[Taurus (Hans)] "I don't want an orc slave. I don't think Percy would approve."

[Lorie] ((I have to be honest... I haven't read everything on the website))

[Taurus (Hans)] "Maybe he can just owe us a favor or something."

[DM] the last one just dropped to his knees and dropped his axe

[Masked Avenger] i read what i wrote. does that count?

[Taurus (Hans)] ::chuckles::

[DM] and Hans?

[DM] Glabius?

[Masked Avenger] too bad we can't see that way up here. heh heh. game on!

[Taurus (Hans)] Yes?

[Taurus (Hans)] I'm not gonna attack him.

[DM] click done?

[Taurus (Hans)] oops.

[DM] INIT: 21 GOING: Bradwarden

[Ariella (Christy)] "Hey, if someone is offering to be a slave, I'll take a slave if no one else wants him"

[Masked Avenger] Bradwarden moved 20'00".

[Masked Avenger] Bradwarden targets Orc #10. Distance: 4'03"

[Taurus (Hans) (to DM only)] sorry. i keep forgetting about glabius...

[Masked Avenger] Bradwarden: Attack #1: Fore Hoof: (18-(d20+2)) [18-(2+2)] 14. Probably MISSES Orc #10 (AC FINAL: 6)

[Masked Avenger] Bradwarden: Attack #1: Fore Hoof: (18-(d20+2)) [18-(8+2)] 8. Probably MISSES Orc #10 (AC FINAL: 6)

[DM (to Hans only)] grins, is ok

[Masked Avenger] Bradwarden: Attack #1: Two Handed Sword: (18-(d20+1++2)) [18-(17+1+2)] -2. PROBABLY HITS Orc #10 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "I rather have a cuter slave than an orc."

[Masked Avenger] Bradwarden: Attack #1: Two Handed Sword: (18-(d20+1++2)) [18-(20+1+2)] -5. PROBABLY HITS Orc #10 (AC FINAL: 6)!!! [CRITICAL HIT x2]

[Masked Avenger] Bradwarden: Damage v SM: Two Handed Sword: (d10+2++4) [2+2+4] 8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Orc #10

[Masked Avenger] Bradwarden: Damage v SM: Two Handed Sword: (d10+2++4) [6+2+4] 12 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Orc #10

[DM (to GM only)] Orc #10's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -12 (-20) - Dead

[Orc #7] ROUND: 3

[DM] INIT: 2 GOING: Lira

[Ariella (Christy)] I'll trade up whenI find a cuter one

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Bob, can I further give instructions now, or wait til Init?))

[DM] wait till Init

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Lira moved 21'10".

[Tori (Vicki)] ((OK))

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Lira targets Orc #12. Distance: 3'08"

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Lira: Attack #1: Short Sword: (18-(d20+0)) [18-(19+0)] -1. PROBABLY HITS Orc #12 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Masked Avenger] lira's a fast little bugger

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Lira: Damage v SM: Short Sword: (1d6) [3] 3 added to: Orc #12

[DM (to GM only)] Orc #12's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-3) - Disabled

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] does that count as backstab by any chance?

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] since he can't see me wandering around the forest?

[DM] does it matter?

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] yes, it's cooler as a backstab

[DM] lol

[Taurus (Hans)] Obviously it's the principle of the matter w/BiBo...

[DM] then no, that was a flank attack

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] lame

[Mentor (!!)] LOL

[DM] INIT: 11 GOING: Valiant

[Mentor (!!)] Valiant and Mentor moved 6'04".

[Mentor (!!)] Mentor moved 6'03".

[!!] Valiant targets Orc #9. Distance: 4'06"

[Mentor (!!)] Valiant: Attack #1: Harbringer: (18-(d20+2)) [18-(5+2)] 11. Probably MISSES Orc #9 (AC FINAL: 6)

[Mentor (!!)] Valiant: Attack #1: Harbringer: (18-(d20+2)) [18-(11+2)] 5. PROBABLY HITS Orc #9 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Mentor (!!)] Valiant: Damage v SM: Harbringer: (2d4) [(4+2)] 6 added to: Orc #9

[DM (to GM only)] Orc #9's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-6) - Disabled

[Ariella (Christy)] which one surrendered?

[DM] INIT: 13 GOING: Mentor

[Taurus (Hans)] #7

[DM] the one still alive

[Taurus (Hans)] Over by Tori & Taurus.

[DM] the rest either died or ran away

[Tori (Vicki)] ((the one in front of us))

[Mentor (!!)] Where?

[DM] Combat has finished.

[Mentor (!!)] OH ok

[Mentor (!!)] Mentor moved 12'07".

[Ariella (Christy)] Ariella moved 18'11".

[Taurus (Hans)] "Can we learn anything useful from this poor wretched creature?"

[DM] Thank you Brad

[Taurus (Hans)] "Tori, can you talk to it?"

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] the orc can

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Bob, now can I talk to the orc?))

[DM] you saved me

[Lorie] ((well he does have a Paula Deen recipe that only requires half a pound of butter... so it could be useful ))

[DM] (grrrr not sure why the chat as is flicking in an dout)

[Tori (Vicki)] "Yes Taurus, I can talk to him"

[Masked Avenger] "You are welcome."

[Taurus (Hans)] ::chuckles at Lorie::

[Ariella (Christy)] :sniffs: hmph...orcs probably worthless but I shall check them anyway

[DM] I am your slave

[Masked Avenger] "You can get me a bottle when we find civilization next."

[DM] (talking in orc to Tori)

[Tori (Vicki)] ::listens as the orc speaks::

[Ariella (Christy) (to DM only)] I'd like to employ all my sneaky skills and check these stinky orcs for anything of value

[DM] I will do what you tell me to

[Taurus (Hans)] "Ask it what it's doing here."

[Ariella (Christy) (to DM only)] and I'd like to assess before I announce what I find

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "More importantly, what it knows about orc raids in the area."

[DM (to Christy only)] ok, a few rounds checking pockets and such, you turn up some silver pieces but nothing else

[Taurus (Hans)] "Was this a raiding party?"

[Taurus (Hans)] "How many more are there?"

[Mentor (!!)] I look at the armor and equipment of the orcs

[Ariella (Christy) (to DM only)] how much?

[Taurus (Hans)] "Who's in charge?"

[Tori (Vicki)] (( Can we find his name first?))

[Mentor (!!)] What's your favorite color?

[DM (to Christy only)] a totla of 14 SP all together

[Taurus (Hans)] "We'll just call him 'Orc'"

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

[Tori (Vicki)] ::speaks to the Orc:: "Tell me your name."

[DM] Tori is the only one who speaks Orc

[Masked Avenger] what is the average air speed of a swallow?

[Mentor (!!)] English or African?

[Masked Avenger] i don't know

[DM (to Vicki only)] my name is shorg

[Tori (Vicki)] "Taurus, all orcs have names. It'd be nice to know their names."

[Mentor (!!) (to DM only)] I search the orcs with Val

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Why? They don't care about ours."

[DM (to !! only)] ok

[Tori (Vicki) (to DM only)] Shorg?

[Ariella (Christy) (to DM only)] I'd like to pocket 3, being sneaky sneaky of course

[Taurus (Hans)] "You're the party leader, so that's fine with me."

[DM (to Vicki only)] yes Shorg, typing only to you so you have to translate back to the group

[Masked Avenger] "Orc names are about as important as bug dung."

[Taurus (Hans)] "Plus you're the one who speaks orchish and we might find something useful."

[DM] talking to Tori in whisper mode as the orc, she will translate back toyou what he says

[Tori (Vicki) (to DM only)] male?

[DM (to Vicki only)] yes

[Ariella (Christy) (to DM only)] they're too busy interrogating my new slave to notice

[Tori (Vicki)] ::Translates:: His name is Shorg.

[DM (to Christy only)] yes, chuckles

[Masked Avenger] "She is not the party leader. Khan is the one in charge."

[Tori (Vicki)] ::in Orc:: "Nice to meet you, I'm Victoriana. What was your group doing? Raiding?"

[Tori (Vicki)] ::translates for the rest of the party in Comm::

[DM (to Vicki only)] we were searching for food, looking for deer

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Mike, Khan is in charge, but Tori is the translator between us and orcs))

[DM (to Vicki only)] and stryign to stay away from the stinking elves

[Mentor (!!)] She's the leader now since Khan is gone and she is the only one who speaks orc

[Ariella (Christy) (to DM only)] did that SP include all the orcs or just the ones around the live one?

[Tori (Vicki)] ::snickers::

[DM (to Christy only)] all of them

[Masked Avenger] vicki, that's bradwarden, not me.

[Tori (Vicki)] ::translates:: His group was looking for food and trying to stay away from elves."

[Tori (Vicki)] ((sorry Mike))

[Masked Avenger] "You may follow her if you wish. I have my orders from Finglas."

[Mentor (!!)] ((Yes Vicki and I am speaking as Mentor))

[Tori (Vicki)] "Thank you Mentor"

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Christy)] a good idea. be scared of elves. that's right. We are wicked, I tell ya.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Christy)] oops

[Mentor (!!)] ((Evil creatures we are))

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((LOL - so glad it's not just me who does that))

[Ariella (Christy)] kick your behind before you even see us

[Mentor (!!)] I wonder why it was so quick to agree to be our slaves? Could it be because it is the slave of other elves?

[Tori (Vicki)] ::speaks in orc:: "What do you know about the others speaking of raids going on in the area?"

[Tori (Vicki)] ::translates for others::

[Tori (Vicki)] ((too lazy to type it twice))

[DM (to Vicki only)] raids on who?

[Taurus (Hans)] "What elves is he talking about? THe drow?"

[Tori (Vicki)] "He said, 'Raids on who?'"

[Valiant (!!)] What drow?

[Valiant (!!)] I speak orc as well

[Valiant (!!)] I just remembered

[Tori (Vicki)] ::speaks orc to Valiant:: "Calm down"

Valiant (!!) raises eyebrow at Tori but keeps silent

[Masked Avenger] ::stamps impatiently::

[Taurus (Hans)] "What elves is he talking about?"

[Tori (Vicki)] "I can't remember who the raids were on... any help? I can translate to this orc for us, unless of course Valiant remembers."

[Masked Avenger] did any of these orcs have our crest on them anywhere?

[Tori (Vicki)] ::speaks in orc:: "What elves are around here that you speak of staying away from?"

[Tori (Vicki)] ::translates the next question::

[DM (to Christy only)] you can say you did not find any dragonslayer emblems on them

[DM (to Vicki only)] we stay away from all elves

[Taurus (Hans)] ::bends down to retrieve Shorg's axe.::

[Valiant (!!)] ((Mentor is searching them now))

[DM (to !! only)] we stay away from all elves

[Taurus (Hans)] ::and slowly hands it to him, handle first::

[Ariella (Christy)] I did search these guys and found no dragonslayers markings

[DM] Mentor does not find anything

[Tori (Vicki)] ::in orc:: "Do you know of anyone Carrying the Dragonslayer's crescent?"

[DM (to Vicki only)] who are the dragonslayers?

[Ariella (Christy)] I did find 11 SP for whoever is carrying that stuff

[DM (to !! only)] who are the dragonslayers?

[Taurus (Hans)] "He'll need this to defend himself. He's as good as dead without it."

[Valiant (!!)] These orcs know nothing about elves or raiding on the roads

[Masked Avenger] "Do not give the orc his weapon back. That would be folley."

[Taurus (Hans)] He said he was running from the elves, didn't he?

[Tori (Vicki)] ::in Comm:: "He wants to know what dragonslayers."

[Valiant (!!)] Nor does he know anything about the dragonslayers

[Taurus (Hans)] "I don't think he'll be any problem, Masked Avenger."

[Masked Avenger] "If he was running from the elves we should tie him and drag him back to them."

[Valiant (!!)] We know you avoid the elves but to do so you would need to know where they reside...can you tell us where we might find them?

[Tori (Vicki)] "He also stays away from all elves"

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Valiant was speaking in orc there))

[Tori (Vicki)] ::translates Valiant's words::

[Masked Avenger] "Of course he does. He is an orc. It's like an elf saying to stay away from the drow."

[DM (to !! only)] we hide from the sneaky stinking elves

[Ariella (Christy)] does he stay away because he is so unattractive? I know it's hard for ugly people to be around us

[DM (to Vicki only)] we hide from teh sneaky stinking elves

[Tori (Vicki)] "Dwarves and orcs do get along"

[Valiant (!!)] Hide from them or stay away from their area?

[Taurus (Hans)] "Okay, the area is cleared. I think we would best be served by continuing to investigate these woods."

[Valiant (!!)] Have you or anyone of your tribe or even another tribe done any raids on caravans nearby?

[Taurus (Hans)] ::to find whatever we're trying to find::

[DM (to !! only)] hide, they roam the woods, they are in league with the wizard in the tower

[Ariella (Christy)] So did anyone else call dibs on the slave?

[DM (to Vicki only)] hide, they roam the woods, they are in league with teh wizard in teh tower

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Why would an elf want an orc slave?

[Tori (Vicki)] "He said, 'We hide from the stinky elves.' My guess is he can't stand the smell"

[Taurus (Hans)] ::what would you do with an orc slave, other than make Mike's char mad?::

[Masked Avenger] "HE can't stand the smell? Stupid orc."

[DM (to !! only)] we raid farms and caravans when we can get close

[DM (to Vicki only)] we raid farms and caravans when we can get close

[Masked Avenger] we could torture him for kicks?

[Ariella (Christy)] :I need someone to carry my stuff. He'll do for now

[Valiant (!!)] When was the last time you raided any farms or caravans?

[Tori (Vicki)] "They hide, and stay in the forest, and are in league with the wizard in the tower. They raid farms and caravans when they can get close."

[Masked Avenger] "I'd rather carry it for you than have this orc around."

[Valiant (!!)] IF you don't speak orc I wouldn't suggest him as a slave.

[DM (to !! only)] we stole a goat from a farm three days ago

[Tori (Vicki)] ::translates Valiant's words::

[Taurus (Hans)] "Ah, there's a wizard here."

[DM (to Vicki only)] we stole a goat from a farm three days ago

[Ariella (Christy)] He's obviously not very bright if HE thinks ELVES stink

[Taurus (Hans)] "That explains a lot."

[Tori (Vicki)] "He only stole a goat from a farm 3 days ago"

[Valiant (!!)] So can you take us to the wizards tower?

[Ariella (Christy)] Why thank you Masked Avenger!

[Taurus (Hans)] "Or, rather, it lends itself to mysterious happenings."

[Tori (Vicki)] ::translates for Valiant::

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Elves do kinda smell like tree."

[DM (to !! only)] no the stinky elves are there, we hide from them

[DM (to Vicki only)] no the stinky elves are there we hide from them

[Masked Avenger] the char name is bradwarden

[Taurus (Hans)] "Great idea, Valiant."

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "I hate tree..."

[Valiant (!!)] oh

[Ariella (Christy)] Well, Brad, I really only need help carrying the heavy stuff like my bedroll and what-not.

[Masked Avenger] "Your bedroll is heavy?"

[Tori (Vicki)] "He said that the 'stinky elves' are in the tower."

[Taurus (Hans)] that's too much to keep up with. We've got Fritz chatting as '!!', Mike chatting as 'Masked Avenger' while he's playing a char named bradwarden. I promise I will forget by the end of the night (12 mins away, too)

[Valiant (!!)] If Tori feels uncomfortable with an orc slave we shall have him accompany us. He can lead us to the tower

[Ariella (Christy)] not heavy, but not very fun to carry

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Well, that's where we're headed. lead on."

[Masked Avenger] "Good. Then let's get rid of him and be on our way."

[Tori (Vicki) (to DM only)] Valiant speaks orc so I'll be able to translate in Comm

[Masked Avenger] okay, the wizard is a necro and the elves smell because they're undead

[Valiant (!!)] He can be our servant for the time being

[Ariella (Christy)] seems I have no need for a slave. He can go then, or kill him. Whatever

[Taurus (Hans)] "Yes, Valiant. Bang up job, mate."

[Masked Avenger] "If he stays heh will remain bound at all times. I will not have an enemy loose around us."

[Tori (Vicki)] "Valiant, I think we should take him with us. He knows how to call off the others and such."

[Masked Avenger] "And carrying your bedroll will not be a problem."

[Masked Avenger] "If any other orcs attack us, we can defeat them just as easily."

[Valiant (!!)] So Tori (in common) do you wish him to be your slave or would you like us to have him serve us for the time being us being Mentor and myself?

[Masked Avenger] "We haave nothing to fear from orcs."

[Taurus (Hans)] "Bradwarden is correct."

[Ariella (Christy)] ::smiles sweetly:: You have to be just about the nicest centaur I've ever met

[Valiant (!!)] Ditto Ariella

[Taurus (Hans)] "He's a very aggressive centaur. I like that."

[Valiant (!!)] I agree with that statement

[Masked Avenger] "Well, we centaur are just misunderstood by most races."

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Tori, does he know why the elves are raiding? And what's with the wizard?

[Valiant (!!)] /whisper hans

[DM] (have you seen teh new Centaur page Mike the full text of that document is there for you now)

[Taurus (Hans)] "And they don't seem to be in the position to clear up any misunderstandings, either!"

[Tori (Vicki)] ::in Comm:: "I think the three of us could handle him."

[Masked Avenger] the full text of the three conflicting documents? lol

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] And did you ask him if the elves are disguising themselves as orcs when they raid?

[DM] (yes, grins, you and Kaz and look it over and work together on that over the next couple of months)

[Masked Avenger] "The other races think us stupid merely because we live in the woods and have no need for cities like the humans."

[Tori (Vicki)] ::translates in orc for Taurus::

[DM] translates what?

[Masked Avenger] "Ask him if the elves are the undead."

[Valiant (!!)] Well I suggest that (in common) only one of us be his master as it will be to difficult for him to follow separate leaders..IF you wish it is fine

[Ariella (Christy)] What would the other races know of a wonderous creature like yourself?

[Masked Avenger] "If his words, however unlinkely, are correct, foul smelling elves working for a wizard sound like the undead to me."

[Valiant (!!)] No we think you are stupid because you shit, talk and walk at the same time

[Taurus (Hans)] ::ROFL::

[Ariella (Christy)] that's just efficient

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) waits patiently for an answer

[Lira (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "... Okay, so tower then?"

[Masked Avenger] "That just sounds like jealousy to me. You two legs are so limited."

[Tori (Vicki) (to DM only)] I can't remember

[Taurus (Hans)] "Yes, Lira. Everybody else?"

[Valiant (!!)] No my legs aren't limiting just the pants I am wearing

[Taurus (Hans)] "Um, you look kind of like a horse, dude."

[DM (to Vicki only)] Rhys asked a question, but I did not see one from Taurus

[Masked Avenger] "Well, then don't wear the pants."

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) waits for an answer to the two questions he asked of the orc

[Tori (Vicki)] ::translates for Rhys::

[Valiant (!!)] Thought about it but didn't want to make you feel inadequate.

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has left the game on Fri Jun 13 22:55:49 EDT 2008

Christy has left the game on Fri Jun 13 22:55:57 EDT 2008

Kaz has left the game on Fri Jun 13 22:55:59 EDT 2008

Hans has left the game on Fri Jun 13 22:56:04 EDT 2008

Masked Avenger has left the game on Fri Jun 13 22:56:12 EDT 2008

has left the game on Fri Jun 13 22:56:14 EDT 2008

Vicki has left the game on Fri Jun 13 22:56:55 EDT 2008

Lorie has left the game on Fri Jun 13 22:57:26 EDT 2008

[DM] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jun 13 23:09:27 EDT 2008 ====

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 23:10:18 EDT 2008

[Vicki (to DM only)] sorry about that, I thought Taurus did

Vicki is receiving the map Forest One...

Vicki has received the map Forest One.

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 23:10:51 EDT 2008

Vicki is receiving the map Forest One...

Vicki has received the map Forest One.

[Kaz] hello

Lorie has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 23:11:44 EDT 2008

Kaz is receiving the map Forest One...

Kaz has received the map Forest One.

[DM] hey there

[DM] sorry the whole net just stopped here

[Kaz] I don't know how that feels.... :D

Christy has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 23:12:51 EDT 2008

[Vicki] so... do you want to answer Rhys' question then see what others want to do?

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 23:13:28 EDT 2008

[DM] sure, let me scroll back up

[Vicki] thanks... saves me from doing so

Lorie is receiving the map Forest One...

Lorie has received the map Forest One.

[DM (to Vicki only)] we stay away from the stinking elves, and the wizard tower, I don't know who they could be raiding

[Kaz] Basically, it was - why are the elves raiding and are they disguising themselves as orcs when they do, and about them conspiring with the wizard

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM (to Vicki only)] but they are working together against us

[Tori (Vicki)] "He stays away from the elves and the tower, so he doesn't know who the wizard or elves are raiding, and apparently they're working against these orcs."

[Kaz] and I kinda feel like we're leaving out something basic, since I can't imagine why the elves would suddenly start behaving in such a way

has joined the game on Fri Jun 13 23:15:44 EDT 2008

[Tori (Vicki)] ::in Comm to the others:: "Could it be possible that the wizard and elves are falsifying the Dragonslayers?"

[Kaz] Maybe we should get technical and ask if they are above-ground elves, or drow

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] "Makes more sense than orcs"

[Tori (Vicki)] ::in orc:: "Are they drow or ones that are above ground?"

[DM (to Vicki only)] elves in trees

is receiving the map Forest One...

has received the map Forest One.

[Tori (Vicki)] "He says they're the elves in the trees."

[Tori (Vicki)] ::in Comm::

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Thank you, Tori, for asking.

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) falls silent and frowns.

[!! (to GM only)] Character sheet for Valiant modified: Personal Information -

[Tori (Vicki)] "You're welcome Rhys."

[Christy] ::shakes head:: I suppose there are bad elves out there

[Tori (Vicki)] ::in Comm, she asks the group:: "So what do you think?"

[Christy] perhaps they are behaving under durress

[DM] you can ask him more questions next week when we pick up again

[Christy] sounds like a plan

[!!] Thanks Bob...

[DM] debate and discuss during the week

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] The thing is, isn't this forest part of the domain of Greenborough?

[DM] no

[Christy] it's late and I need a shower

[Tori (Vicki)] ::in Orc, she tells Valiant:: "I think we should keep him with us and we may have an orc army for us"

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((ok))

[DM] you are hundreds of miles east of greenborugh

[DM] over the Great Mountains

[Tori (Vicki)] ((ok))

[DM] you are north of Hallstatt

[Kaz] Really?

[DM] nods

[Vicki] That was a lot of typing...

[Christy] do we know anyting about the area

[Vicki] my fingers had a nice 10 minute break ;)

[Kaz] I thought we were on lands that were overseen by Greenborough. Huh.

[DM] no, you did not do any investigating before blipping here

[Christy] well, typical dragonslayers

[!!] Christy and Vicki we can finish the rest of your characters (the 5%) we need to do next week.

[DM] jsut zeroed in on where the attacks on caravans where

[Vicki] Christy, we sort of jumped right into the action

[Christy] yes we did

[!!] Good night all

[Christy] I would love to finish

[DM] during the week I will download and test the new version

[Christy] thanks Fritz!

[DM] have a great night everyone

[Vicki] Good night, Fritz

[Kaz] Good night!

[DM] finsih what Christy?

[Vicki] I'd like to finish as well

[Vicki] Thanks

[Vicki] our characters

[DM] ahh

[Lorie] Okay night all

[Christy] just a couple character things with Fritz

Lorie has left the game on Fri Jun 13 23:22:52 EDT 2008

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] night

[Vicki] night Lorie

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has left the game on Fri Jun 13 23:22:59 EDT 2008

[DM] waves

[Christy] night all!

Kaz has left the game on Fri Jun 13 23:23:05 EDT 2008

[Vicki] night all

[!! (to DM only)] WE haven't completed their characters. very little left to do

[DM] ok

[Vicki] save me the trouble for saying that after people leave

[!!] I saved your characters as they are at this moment on my computer

[Vicki] Ok

[Christy] thank you!

[!!] has left the game on Fri Jun 13 23:24:32 EDT 2008

[Christy] bye!

[Vicki] bye

Christy has left the game on Fri Jun 13 23:24:46 EDT 2008

[Vicki] *waves*

Vicki has left the game on Fri Jun 13 23:24:56 EDT 2008