Main / Kch2

Kindred by john anstett

chapter 2

Now let me tell you, nights on the road are never good. If nothing happens, your still sleeping outside on the ground. Sure, camping can be fun, but beyond the civilized world, you never know what's gonna happen. Someone has to be awake at all times: in big groups, it's not much of an issue. There are people who's job it is just to be awake at night. But when you are in these small groups            we are talking three people at this point, and I was kinda alone, it was scary the first night. I was tired from...a .. Let say traveling, but I wanted to know what was happening so I slept with one eye open. I will spare you the suspense, it was a quiet night, everything was packed up and they were off before I was fully awake. Don't run off quite yes and some of your answers are coming and some new questions but trust me, you are no more prepared for what was in store for our little trio today than they were.

As I said they had awoken, eaten, packed and were on there way before I had time to change. It was eat as you go for me and hope I did not miss anything important. They were mostly quiet for the morning, they knew the woods had ears beyond mine. It was clear they intended to go straight through the deepest part of the woods and were shooting to make near record time. Darren kept a good pace for being as loaded as he was, Brad was always in his sights just ahead of him. Kesindera, however made then look as slow as turtles. She would dart into the woods and disappear to the left and before I knew it, she was coming back from the front right just to check on the boys and then she would be off again. Brad stopped her before too long to have a little chat. "Kesindra, do you feel it necessary for all the scouting? Wouldn't it be better to stay close and conserve your energy? " "I know this part of the woods is more dense than your used to, but for me this is cozy, Kesindra replied trying not to sound condescending, when we get deeper in, it will be a must, but for now, I like to keep a wider parimiter while I can. I can slow it down in general, if it's too much for Darren." she finished with a kind smile. That caught Darren by surprise."You run around all you want, until Brad says stop or you say turn, I'm gonna keep on marching, well hiking at least." Brad did not want to admit how fast the pace was for him, so he tried to sound more patient. "There is no telling what the rest of the day will bring, let alone the night, and a day or two will not change the outcome of our mission. Safety has to be our primary concern. Darren and I will keep a steady, but not quite so quick pace. Kesindera, keep a within a reasonable closing range. Let us know if there is anything of concern and keep an eye out for a suitable campsite as it get dark quicker the deeper we go." Everyone agreed and continued on till it was getting late for lunch. Kesindera had just mentioned it had been unusually quiet and it may be quicker to eat from their supplies when she stopped short and raised her hand to halt the group. I was hoping for venison but that was not what we got. She took a step and waved us to follow. We were all on guard as she moved slowly, and guided us around a wall of brush and into a bit of a clearing where everyone but Kesindra was surprised to hear. "Greetings fellow travelers."  It came from a man I would come to know as a true friend. At the time, it was his mere presence and serinity that surprised everyone. Not particularly tall, but with dark hair and a strong chin, he commanded attentionand instilled confidence just being around. The same could not be said for whom he was with. His companion, while not quite what you would expect seems more aproperate for the location. I know you have heard of goblins and Orc and the link, some of you may have seen one, if only dead, but trust me this thing was alight to see. At first hidden by a large cloak, all we saw was a figure, as it stood and turned arround there apeared a moment of grace as what we assume was female removed her hood and put head down as if to say, "go ahead, look in horror of what I am". It was as if the bones on her face were trying to get out and escape the pale green skin. Clearly, this was a monster. The three adventures I had been following all prepared for battle, raising their weapons in defense. "STOP" was all that had to be said to break the tension and put the focus back on the man. In a firm and gentle voice, he contined with interruption. "My name is Peter and this is my dearest friend Margarete; you will come to know us as heroes and a great deal more but for now you must understand, she is not what you might think she is and we mean you no harm. We only wish to have a meal with you and tell you a story. At that point, what happens is up to you. Just know I have sworn to protect this woman, and I always keep my word.

His voice hung in the air for a moment as Brad considered how to handle the situation. "You seem to know something we do not or maybe you were just waiting for someone to pass by. I admit, I do not trust how comfortable you are in this situation but I can find no reason to let that stop us from a meal. Maybe we will save our names and our story, yours is certainly more interesting, just based on your traveling companion"

Then, for the first time, she looked up, eyes wide open and Margarete spoke. I have herd ventriloquist that could make you believe your drink was singing or your horse spoke dwarvin, but the voice from that face was like a cool breeze comming from the pits of Hell. It was so kind and so gentle,Darrian almost fell over in disbelief. He quickly regained composure when he heard what she said. "I know I should wait 'till we actually are introduced, but my code of honor forbids it." She went down to one knee, bowed her head and opened her arms wide as if offering herself to Brad and said quietly. "I am at your service, your royal highness."

This sent more shock waves through the forest then just seeing this creature did. Brad looked arround as if making sure no one else heard and then gave Margarete and Peter a look of betrayal and discust. "Who sent you, how did you find out and for God sake how did you know!?"

"All in good time my good man" Peter stepped up between his friend and the three with yet another reason to kil her. "I asked her not to start with that, but as she said to you, she simply had no choice; in many ways she is as stubborn as me. Please sit, eat and I will ease your concerns. "

It took a while for everyone to be seated; Margarete quietly stepwd back and prepared some meat and veggies she had set aside. Darren and Kesendra stayed close and flanked Brad and they eased into the campsite. It took time for them to relax, but even longer me me, as Peter told his story, almost as interesting as mine.

"Please sit, you have nothing to fear from us, and believe me, we do not know nearly as much as you fear. We are not from arround here and have no working knowledge of who you are or what you are doing. My friend here is, beyond a wonderful cook, she also has a keen sense of when something important is about to happen. Now I am sure that may be a little unsettling, now that everyone is starting to settle I will yield...."

"not quite," Margarete intrupted early and made my hairs stand on end. She looked right at me, whistled and held out and hand full of walnuts. I had no choice, I love walnut and I was rather hungry so I scampered down and began to eat.

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