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Khamsa's Folly - In character discussions


"Sir Paul it is I who is actually in your debt. Your honor, courage, and integrity have been examples that I have trully come to respect."

Changing to a full 6 foot sized version of himself Rave motions to Paul to walk with him so they may speak in private. Using his skills with ventriloquism so that no one looking at his mouth would be able to decipher his words, yet speaking distinctly and softly so that his words would carry no further than the man walking beside him, Rave continues; his tone serious and pensive. "Plus I have come to know a young child with a charming smile, and joyous demenor. Yet in his eyes I see a destiny painful and unfulfilled."

Sighing inwardly Rave tilts his head briefly towards Paul, "I believe he will someday soon need your guidance and wisdom. Without your presence he will be unable to control the demons that drive him. He will need you to help him learn to judge others not only by the darkness of their skin, but by the darkness in their heart.

Stopping and turning suddenly to face Paul so he can look into his eyes and heart Rave, pauses momentarily to use his skills and inate magic to measure the true worth of the man before him. "So it is not only my loyalty to the powerful and noble DragonSlayers, nor my oath to a wise woman of small size yet great stature, but my concern for the future of Androw that I swear to you - Paul Elvenstier of Gon - that I will bend all my talents to see that you survive to fulfill your role as a father."


Paul sleeps. As he does he dreams. He dreams of Finn trying to wake him and having to teleport with Finn to the middle of the ocean and using the pool's control crystal to return to his bed. He remembers Rave wanting to talk. He dreams of teleporting with him to a lake in the protectorate where the inhabitants mate with new comers for a year. He again uses the pools control crystal to return to bed, feeling good that he has some time to fix up his new temple, but feeling bad that he will have to destroy Lady Kylia's pool in order to have a little more time to himself. He sleeps deeply relieved and at piece that everything will work out as he has planned. Paul sits up straight, momentarily feeling for the Flail he fell asleep with in his hand. Quickly he grabs the circle from his head and throw it down. He gathers himself up and walks out to the rest of the Dragonslayers gathered for lunch in the main banquet hall.

"I think this will prove we destroyed the flail, showing the circlette to the group. I thank you all for some fine teamwork, but mostly, I thank the latest addition to the DragonSlayers, Rave. I am truly in your debit"


Khan speaks up. Just before his resuce, Paul had cast and held the spell Improved Strength, thinking they were going to be there for a while. Now that everyone is safe, he has taken off the ring and the effects of the spell have worn off making him verry tired. He plans on sleeping a few days in the Lab here in Roadhaven then going to do research on the flail. He left me instructions to offer any assistance incluiding getting Kit and or Kazza to travel with you back to the underdark. Just say the word and I am ready.


Since he is no longer a RAVE-ing loonatic (I have been waiting for a long time to say that) Rave looks around at those that have survived the adventureCurse of the Foolish Pharoah or Anura, Anura What for Art Thow Anura. "So tell me what happened with the Flail. Hey has any one seen Paul? I could have sworn he was here just a minute ago".


Fin and Kira,

I understand and share your concern. The first thing we must do is get the team back. I fear we have no choice but to travel the hard way home or to a town where I can acquire a spell book, to borrow. Once I have stone to flesh back in my head, I can restore Kylia and get the control crystals and we can all go home. I will have to try an invoke the power to these items to get to Morria, Rave and Liam, but I think I have a better idea. If we can get home, I suggest we use Liam's sword to save him and us all. It is fitting Fin that you should take the sword and cast it's last charge to wish that after the first dream you had used one of our dimensional pools to send this Flail to the priest in this temple. Then our party would never had gone on this quest, like we did. We should all awake as this never happened, and truly this will have been a dream, nay a nightmare. I would like to say I had thought of this before, but as they say hindsight makes what we should have done in the past clear.

What do you think Fin? Can we do it?


"Believe I mentioned it yesterday ::ooc note I thought I posted it somewhere, if not, my bad, not Fin's:: But according to my amulet, even the sand in this place is tainted with evil. Be that as it may, I still think the answer lies before us. Obviously, this flail and this temple are connected. I have the suspicion that we cannot get out of this dream by normal methods. I think we have a goal to accomplish here, even if we don't know it. I can ponder over the Flail some more if you want to give me some time, but I will not delve into it and explore it's powers unless that is the only way. I am also going to pray. I only hope I will be heard."

So sayeth Finglas the First, Emperor of the Land of useless crazy people and lots and lots of sand

Rave shrugs his shoulders and says, "I am sorry if I am personally unaware of when I might have offended you or your brother, or when I was 'spiteful'. I apologize for it, and will strive not to be antagonistic towards either of you. Of course you could point out the specific situation so I will be sure to refrain from doing it again. But if you choose not to let by gones be by gones, and give it another try to work together as comrades, then there is naught I can do.

One thing I am curious about is your comment about this 'entire plane' being evil. When did you perceive this? I had no idea about us being on an 'evil' plane. If we are that would lend credence to us being on the plane of Set or within the Flail itself."

Flys around in a circle pacing.

"If that is the case then we may need to rethink how we are going to procede. Our main goal may therefor be NOT to enter the edifice infront of us, but actually to return to our normal plane of existence. Maybe we should try and come up with a way to awaken."

Turns towards Paul, "You are our resident planar expert at this time Sir Paul. What would you suggest might be our best means of returning?" Chuckles out loud, "Could we just 'pinch' each other and see if we are dreaming. Do you think Finglas' amulet might be able to transport us home? Can you teleport from one plane to another or just within a plane? Do you think there is some way we could contact other Dragonslayers? Let's say we are in a psuedodream realm/plane of Set. Do you think we could 'dream' or 'think/wish' ourselves to the others? Could we even send them a 'dream' message that would help them locate us and get us the heck out of here?"

"Rave, I treat those how they treat me. You have been antagonistic to me and by accounts even worse to my brother. Even when we were in the underdark you were being rude as we were trying to deal with Melaeger and the flail, rather than taking our quest seriously. I know how you pixies are, but even for a pixie you are rude and spiteful. You have indeed been helpful, but so is a table. It does not mean I thank the furniture for being helpful. If you wish to show remorse for your behavior and change your attitude you may. But when I offered you that chance before you refused. And rudely. Perhaps in your prior job of hunting for criminals that kind of behavior was acceptable, but if you go with us I personally will brook no rudeness to those I consider friends or family, and especially not to myself.

Now, moving on to the real concern before us, as I have said before, I will not use the power of the flail unless we need to. So far we have been able to handle everything that has come our way without it. You may not understand it, but I have much to risk for any item that may corrupt as this has been proven to. As a cleric, my god will always come first, and this item has the capability to come between my god and myself. I would rather die faithfully than live through a twisted means that cuts me off from my god. If I fall, feel free to pick up the flail and taint your own soul as you will.

It does look as if we will be running into more religious zealots in the temple. I will do all that I can, but as Moirra said, my power is very limited here. I only have my holy symbol, and sand and rock aren't too helpful for my spell casting ability. Through the amulet I have some ability with turning, but it is limited. The amulet lacks my strength and ability, sadly.

I will say that I am unsure whether the flail should be destroyed or reunited with the pharoh. I first feel it should be destroyed. The dreams say reuniting it will bring prosper to the land once again, but reunite it with what? A thousands of years dead ruler? That sounds like undeath and nothing good comes from that. On the other hand, the entire plane we are on is evil. The nomads said the flail drove the gods to destroy this land and if destroyed might bring prosper to it again. But they are denizens of this evil, cursed place. How far can we trust their word? I think we must have faith and venture forward into the temple and see what we will see in it. I think that once we go inside the choice will become clearer to us."

so sayeth teh Finglas


Moirra peers thoughtfully off into the distance for a few minutes before turning to Paul. "I am not able to turn undead, it is not anything I have ever learned. But I can charm a person and I can still heal, and if by chance you have conjured up some incense, I can protect us from evil for a time." She gives a little, helpless shrug. "Were we in a forest, I could be of much more use. But in this place? I do not know. I will do what I can, of course."


Rave becomes visible and flies in front of the group. Looking at Finglas, Paul, Moira and Liam as they peer at the structure he takes a heavy sigh and states. “I know that some of you don’t really consider me of significant import, and really only find pleasure in putting me down by calling me ‘Bug’, but I feel compelled despite your negative attitudes towards me to warn you. I have in my years as a bounty hunter, tracked and captured groups and individuals that thought to escape ‘justice’ by hiding in desert areas. I have some experience in these places. I tried to come prepared by putting a lot of provisions such as food, water and rope, tents, poles etc in the portable hole before venturing here. I am still uncertain why we appeared without these things, but I have some ideas that I will bring up later. What I want to state first is that these areas are rarely what they seem at face value. Most often these ruins have been here for centuries and the sand has blown over them covering vast expanses of buildings and terrain. Often what may seem to be a doorway is actually an upstairs window. The rest is covered by tons of sand that has blown over the structure for scores of decades. Also the sand filters inward covering rooms that are now covered in so many layers of silt that you can’t see them. What you may think is the bottom floor of a tomb, turns out to be the topmost turret of a cathedral. Going inside can be extremely dangerous as the sand is usually unstable and may give way, creating a type of sand pit trap. It can suck you down to the bottom in a matter of seconds. It is worse than the quicksand of the jungles and swamps. At least there you generally have a few minutes to try and escape. These ‘quick sand pits’ appear as soon as you step on them and suck you in faster than a stirge on a blood sausage. So I would suggest utmost caution before walking in.

Next I don’t know where we are for certain, but this truly doesn’t appear to be our home plane. Are we in the realm of Set? I wonder at the words the Bedouin used. I have a suspicion that if this is simply a collective dream and we are on some ‘dreamscape’ then we should be able to awaken ourselves by trying, or even recreate our items by thinking about them. But what I suspect most strongly is we may be in a plane created by the Flail itself.” Turning to look at Finglas, “I know you don’t want to have anything to do with the Flail, or pursuing what it’s powers are, but I believe it really would be in our best interest if you would put aside your pride and misgivings and try and contact the Flail. See if it may be able to tell us where we are, or even when we are. Clearly if the extra planar being in your medallion is unfamiliar with what is going on, then this may be someplace only accessible through or with the Flail of Kings.

We are all in this together and so far we have spent ‘2 days’ relying only on our wits and luck to keep us alive. However bizarre this place may seem, whatever happens appears to be real. Our thirst is real, our hunger is real, our need to sleep is real. The only new variable to our equation is the Flail of Kings. That to me means it is a key. To what, or to where I am not sure. I would hope it would be to the real world or the wakening world, but I do believe that unless we examine it fully we are missing something vital. Realize Finglas that we are now all truly at your mercy. We are as much your victims as you are the victim of what is happening. What more do we have to lose at this point? Will it be that one of us has to die for you to agree to investigate the power of the Flail? Or will it be your untimely death at something that occurs here that then frees us to explore what has befallen us?”

Shaking his head further he goes on to say, “I know that you don’t think I am a member of this group, nor do you even value the contributions I have tried to give. But believe me if I say I am a Dragon Slayer. Sure I also belong to the thieves’ guild, but you are also a cleric of your church. You are a ruler of a kingdom. You have multiple allegiances. Does that make any less your loyalty and commitment to Paul, or Kylia? I would hope at some point you would see I am not your enemy. For the first time someone has actually shown gratitude to my presence and role within the group. For weeks now I have put my life on the line by scouting ahead to ensure the safety of all involved. I have used my abilities countless times to aid in the resolution of dilemmas facing the Dragon Slayers. But only just now, when Paul thanked me for incapacitating the Bedouin warrior of Set has any one shown the least bit of gratitude towards me. For that I thank him. I don’t say this to have someone pat me on the back every time I do something. I bring this up because I hope you will realize that my words and suggestions are not selfishly motivated, but for the safety and survival of ALL the Dragon Slayers.”

Turning around slowly in mid air he continues, “As you can see I have none of the ‘tricks of the trade’ I have collected over the years. I have left for the day the ability to detect alignment, dispel magic, create dancing lights, illusion, read others thoughts and of course my shape change ability. I am not discounting my invisibility but other than not being noticed it can’t do much else. If I change into an animal such as a bear, or lion, or constricting serpent I am endowed with their combat ability. Should I choose something like a lizard, or crab, or serpent I can negotiate through and into the sand with relative ease. Otherwise I am left with the talents of my trade. I can find traps, but without the proper tools, disarming may not be possible. Stealth of course will still be my forte. I can track like Liam, but although not as well, I can at least assist him. I have keen powers of observation, ventriloquism and voice mimicry. I don’t know how any of these things will be of assistance at this time, but believe me when I say,” He pauses to look at everyone gathered together, “that whatever talents I may posses they are at your disposal.”

“Paul something you stated I do wish to reiterate. It may be better if we relied on Liam’s ability with the sword over yours and kept at the ready your talents with magic – limited as they may be. I would be otherwise interested as you have stated as to what other talents lie within our group.”

With that he stops and looks at the others waiting for them to speak.



Ok guys and gal, we are where we think we want to be, just take a sec before we enter. I have a few combat spells left but most are an area so they may not work in tight areas. I wanted this scimitar because I know how to use this sword. I know Rave and Morria would not want and I suspect Fin would not but I am not sure and I thought I should give Liam the chance if he can use it. I would certainly hate to be holding a sword when I should be casting. I just do not know enough about each of your abilities. Specifically, if we are going to run into more humans, are either of our priests able to cast hold or charm person? Can either or both turn undead if we encounter any?

I hope this is not going to rely on combat, so I am still thinking this will come down to using or negotiating with the flail. I hope you are ready for that responsibility Finglass.



Khan returns to Roadhaven after being gone on the woods for a while. Quickly accessing the situation, he makes a quick trip to Gon, where he is shocked to find Paul's two magic rings. He steps into the pool, not taking the time to see where he is going, but quickly realizes he is in the Memorial Dungeon. After quick conversation with Kit, he teleports to Roadhaven to offer his services to Lady Kylia.

"Lady Kylia, if you truly feel Paul is dead, then these rings are mine. If you feel I can be of assistance in what ever secret plan you might have, I am at your service.

At this point Khan wakes up from his own dream, rolls over and goes back to bed.

NOTE: This is not exactly what happens. I will write up a description for Khan on what he sees to start off with that roleplay with Kylia BOB


Aroused from the dream that is as curious as it is questionable, Rave flies upward into the treetops and stares out into the night sky.

"Curious that such dreams wouldn't have driven someone such as Meleager to return the flail on his own. He doesn't seem a fool, and does indeed to have a heart...even if it may be troubled. I doubt he would go so far as to travel all the way into the Underdark just to get away from such dreams when he could have gone to Manetho on his own and returned it. I would think it would be much more hazardous a journey into the Underdark than to travel to an area not far from his own homeland."

Chuckling to himself he thinks of the one who has been blessed with such a task.

"Of course this pharoh obviously doesn't realize that the flail was 'entrusted' to Finglas who could give a rat's ass what happened to some human kingdom centuries ago. I am sure he would be more likely to find some fool of a tavern drunk and trick him into taking the flail from him, than to travel leagues from his home just for a dream - let alone a dead pharaoh and his lost peoples. It would be extremely interesting if Finglas acted in an opposite manner from his usual elvish sense of self importance and chooses to be felicitous and actually search for Manetheo. Sure this could be a true vision from the spirit of the pharoh or just as equally a ruse to entice us to bring the flail for some vile undead necromancer's resurection."

Continuing to ponder the veracity and implications of his interrupted sleep he takes in a heavy sigh.

"Well as my bretheren would say ' You are just as likely to get a dwarf to kiss a goblin, as get an elf to commit a selfless act '. I guess at this point there is naught for me to do but wait and see what direction the others take. Whatever it may be my instinct feels it should be done with extreme caution and preparedness for a perilous adventure and environment await. I believe that this will require all my skills and cunning to assist my companions, and ensure that we all survive. My experience and chosen profession has prepared me for adversity in many different lands and situations. A bounty hunter must be adaptable, and I am the best at what I do. Of course given the reputation of my companions I trust that they will be successful in whatever path they choose."

As his personal nocturnal musings end he curls up in a corner of a tree branch and returns to sleep. Confident that whatever happens the Dragonslayers will be up for the challenge.


The nightmare that Finglas had that spread to Moirra, Kylia and outward to include everyone in the area around Finglas.

Since your discovery of the curious golden flail, your livf has been thrown into chaos. Each night has been a restless ordeal, haunted by vivid, unforgettable dreams. The nightmare never varies: Across the gulfs of time and space, your consciousness shifts to a strange, foreign land where desert sands swirl against a temple hewn into blackened rock. An authoritative voice, its source hidden within the shadowy confines of the structure, calls to you. "Friends, my sleep is as troubled as your own. Centuries ago, blasphemers shattered the fragile tranquility of my afterlife, and blight seized my homeland in its evil grasp. Once I ruled a lush and bountiful kingdom. None of my subjects knew poverty or unhappiness. Upon my death, my followers toiled to create this blessed place, and sent me on my journey to the afterworld.

But under cloak of darkness, tomb robbers invaded my temple and defiled my sarcophagus, interrupting my voyage. Among the objects stolen from my gravesite was the artifact you now possess. The theft of the sacred flail of the desert kings was a truly disastrous omen, for the presence of the flail and the vitality of the kingdom are linked forever. When the flail was seized, crops withered, rivers dried, and my people abandoned their homes to avoid starvation. Not until the flail is returned to my burial place will the health of this nation be restored. "Fate ha~ borne the flail of the desert kings into your hands, so that you might deliver my kingdom from its affliction. "Return the flail ... restore my land." The voice fades, and you awaken with jolting suddenness.

Moirra: I can see how that would be a terrible nightmare to a selfish prick like Meleager. <let me say as an aside this made me just laugh so loud that the dogs got scared>

Moirra: Okay, so based on what the voice said in the other dreams, I feel like it's more of a documentary then a nightmare, if that makes sense. Like, it's more factual and a plea for help, then it is trying to scare or hurt anyone. And since Moirra doesn't trust Meleager in any way shape or form, she is feeling like the worst thing they could do is destroy the flail. It needs to be returned.

So that was the first part of the visions as they were spreading throughout the group. They started more research but you will get the second part just as you log in on Friday night's session. Then you will make your choices on how to deal with this.