Main / Leaftender

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Halfling Kits


The Leaftender is similar in many ways to the druid--he or she is a priest who lives in and watches over the wild places that are so important to the halfling race. Despite the fact that his or her home and burrow is located deep in the woods, the Leaftender is not antisocial--halfling visitors will always find a warm welcome and be invited in to share a cup of a tea, a bit of conversation, and a warm fire. Nonhalflings will meet with a similar reception once the Leaftender has ascertained that they offer no threat to his or her treasured domain.

Unlike the Forestwalker, who is devoted to keeping the forest the way it is, and the Homesteader, who wishes to turn it into farmland or pasture, the Leaftender works to slowly tame a forest without destroying it. He or she will plant nut trees and berry bushes to provide more food for the local wildlife, tend sick trees, and generally make the woods he or she dwells in a healthier, friendlier place.

Roads to Adventure: The Leaftender is like a wilderness gardener. Anything that threatens to undo his or her work by endangering the peace or health of the trees, water, or animal life in his or her woods will draw the ire of the Leaftender--and compel him or her to take steps to counter that threat.

Role: The Leaftender is more integrated into his or her society than is the druid--he or she is not a hermit, even though he or she may live some distance away from the community. Since the wild and beautiful places are so important to halflings as a whole, the community tends to be very supportive of this cleric's activities.

When a Leaftender visits nearby halfling communities (which he or she will do far more often than would, say, a druid) he or she will bring gifts of the woods' bounty--berries, mushrooms, and herbs--to add variety and spice to the village menus. Alone of all halflings, Leaftenders are vegetarians and eat no animal products.

Secondary Skills: Agriculture is a possible, though not a necessary, secondary skill for a Leaftender.

Weapon Proficiencies: The Leaftender is limited to the following weapon types (listed in order of preference): sling, sickle, spear, scythe, dagger, staff, club, and dart.

Bonus Nonweapon Proficiencies: The Leaftender receives Herbalism and Survival (Woodlands) as bonus proficiencies.

Recommended Nonweapon Proficiencies: Weather Sense and Direction Sense can prove very useful, as well as Animal Lore, Swimming, and Firebuilding.

Equipment: The Leaftender will assemble whatever materials he or she needs to carry out his or her work of tending the forest.

Special Benefits: As they advance in level, Leaftenders become increasingly attuned to their environment, granting them the following abilities:

At 2nd level, the Leaftender can pass through overgrown areas at his or her normal movement rate without leaving a trail.

At 3rd level, he or she can identify plants, animals, and pure water with perfect accuracy.

At 5th level, he or she becomes immune to charm spells cast by woodland creatures such as dryads and nixies.

Special Hindrances: Leaftenders cannot use metal armor and will not use leather armor. They may, however, use wooden shields.