Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits
Halfling Kits
These kits are reserved for halfling characters only.
Each kit presented in this section is made up of several different parts. The first is a general description of the kit and the requirements of entry into that kit. Any who do not meet the requirements cannot take the kit for their character-No Exceptions!
- Role - This is the role of the PC in general and in hin society in particular. Note that
the exclusion of either male or female pronouns does not mean the kit is restricted to gender. All kits are available to both sexes.
- Weapon Proficiencies - These are the weapon proficiencies required of the hin to fill
the slots available. Usually, not all of these slots will be filled by the required weapons, leaving some degree of choice. Please note that weapon proficiencies are not bonus proficiencies unless specified as such. Most are simply required, not actual bonuses.
- Bonus Nonweapon Proficiencies - Most kits provide some nonweapon proficiencies. These are free-even if they belong to other character classes. Note: All civilized hin know Reading/Writing but have to pay for it with normal nonweapon proficiency slots.
- Recommended nonweapon proficiencies - These nonweapon proficiencies are recommended, but are not bonus slots. If a hin character wishes to take one of these proficiencies, he must pay the full cost of the proficiency. Again, these are
recommended to maintain kit flavor, but are not required.
- Equipment - This is a list of equipment that the kit typically uses. Some kits use special equipment, while others require that their users refrain from using certain items.
- Special Benefits - Most of the kits allow certain privileges to their users.
- Special Hindrances - To counterbalance the benefits received from these kits, most kits also have some specific hindrances.
The Halfling kits are: