Main / Loki

Loki - Norse - Priests - Gods

Loki is the god of mischief and strife. A sly, vengeful trickster who is always causing trouble among the gods, he is tolerated in Asgard only because of the great services he has performed in the past, such as helping to create Midgard and the wall guarding Asgard. Loki has the power to change his shape into anything. If any being, including other gods, look at Loki for more than three rounds, he can exert his influence over them in the form of a suggestion spell with no saving throw. He also wears a pair of boots that allow him to walk on water, fly, and run at a movement rate of 50. In his true form, Loki is a handsome young man who is always dressed in some combination of red and black.

Role-playing Notes:

As the god of mischief and strife, Loki is one of the most active and unpleasant of gods. Yet, there is also an attractive side to his personality: he is handsome, sociable, and has a good sense of humor. Loki is one of the few gods who is at home with giants and dwarves, and often turns to them for help in his schemes. He is invariably in some sort of trouble with his fellows and will not hesitate to turn to his worshipers for help in extracting himself. Omens from Loki usually come in the form of an illusion.

Gods Information

Alignment: CE
Worshiper's Alignment: Any Non-Lawful
Area of Control: Mischief and Strife
Symbol: red and black boots

Avatar Information

Loki's avatar is a handsome man dressed in red and black. He can call upon the illusion/phantasm school of magic for his spells. (Illusionist 18, Thief 15)

Str 18/95 Dex 18 Con 18
Int 18 Wis 14 Cha 18
MV 25 SZ 6' MR 25%
AC 2 HD 18 HP 144
#AT 1 THAC0 3 Dmg 1d6 (sword) +5

Special Att/Def: Loki's avatar is immune to magical control and can be fooled by illusions only when they are cast by a wizard of 18th level or higher. At will, can employ a suggestion spell on others.

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: Standard
Alignment: any Non-Lawful
Turning: Nil
Armor: Any
Weapons: Any

Major: All, Charm, Combat, Creation, Divination, Elemental, Healing, Plant, Summoning
Minor: none

5th - Mass Suggestion
12th - Shape Change

Duties of the Priesthood

In order to collect a large gathering of followers, Loki is rather loose in his requirements and generous in his gifts. Priests of Loki may be of any alignment except lawful, and are not required to perform any services except those occasionally demanded by the god himself. When a priest prays to Loki for some personal gain, there is a 1% chance per level that Loki will send his avatar to help the priest (but never more than three times in a lifetime).