Main / LucienThevenin

Non-Player Characters

Friend Lucien Thevenin is a Priest of Aclim. His father was priest of Aclim and his mother was a roadside tavern-owner. His father fell in love with her and fathered a child with her. The pull of the road and promises of riches and glory was to strong for him. He left the inn after only spending a few months with his son after he was born. His mother understood that she could not hold him back and let him go. His parents love for one another never faded and his father returned a number of times a year to provide lavish gifts and gold that he obtained while on traveling the world.

His father shared his stories with his son who took to them like a moth to flame. It was apparent that he had found his father's love for traveling. When he was old enough he joined the priesthood and became a full priest. Once he was ordained he took to the road preaching the glory of Aclim and joining mercenary bands. He met Tristan on the road when he was heading to the Jistille Estates. Since they were traveling in the same direction Tristan invited him to join their traveling group. Impressed with his ability with a bow as well as his ability to move quickly as a make shift scout, Tristan invited him to join him and come to the Jistille Estates. Enticed with the promise of meeting some of the famed Dragonslayers, he agreed to join him. Tristan also promised to eventually take him on grand adventures with the Dragonslayers once he was fully inducted.