Main / Aclim

Aclim - Kayugan - Priests - Gods

Aclim is the youngest son of Belinos. He is the patron god of scouts, rangers, and adventurers. Aclim is the chief scout for his brother during times of war. He is often seen as a loner and prefers the company of his wolf Neesha instead of others. There is no rivalry between him and his older brother Cahus. Aclim does not want any claim on his father's right. A free spirit with endless curiosity, Aclim prefers wandering into unknown places and seeking out danger to test his skills. Spending most of his time in the wilds he is deeply in tune with the plants and animals that surround him and he has learned how to hold control over them. He is an excellent marksman and loves hunting.

Role-playing Notes:

Aclim's followers are adventurers and often pray to him for safety before undertaking a quest or trip. Many are seen as guides to merchants or other travelers through unsafe passages. His priests are often part scouting parties of military orders or mercenary groups. Followers are often consumed with a wanderlust and find it nearly impossible to be locked down in one place. That is why most temples to Aclim are also free travel lodges for weary adventurers. It is not uncommon to find many of these temples empty since priests come and go as they please and are encouraged to seek out adventure for the glory of their god.

Gods Information

Alignment: NG
Worshiper's Alignment: Any but evil is extremely rare
Area of Control: Travelers, Adventuring, Nature
Symbol: A fully drawn bow

Avatar Information

Notes and descriptions of how the God's Avatar appears.

Str Dex Con
Int Wis Cha

Special Att/Def: description of the special attacks, defenses, and abilities of the Avatar

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: Wis +9, Dex +12
Alignment: Any but evil is extremely rare
Turning: None
Armor: Any
Weapons: Swords or any missile weapons
Level Limit: N/A
Hit Die: D8

Major: All, Animal, Combat, Plant, Travelers, Protection
Minor: Divination, Healing

Level 1 - Alertness Non-weapon Proficiency
Level 3 - Draw Upon Holy Might once per day
Level 12 - Hero's Feast once per week

Duties of the Priesthood

Priests of Aclim are often seen as guides and helping hands to travelers on the road. Often hired as guides by other adventurers or wealthy merchants, they are seen as expert scouts. They seek out adventure and are regularly seen in the company of mercenary groups who give them opportunities to see the world and spread the teachings of Aclim.

Known Worshipers

Lucien Thevenin - 3rd level Priest of Aclim at the Church of the Defending Mage, in the Jistille Estates