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Diplomatic Entanglements

Merchants of the Free Range - In Character Discussions

Characters involved:

NPCs involved:

Kenneth of Gronth 20 wagons 24 guards

Evening 22-10-1266 TGR

"Master Indigo, I have splendid news. I was able to acquire you a horse. Not quite a steed, but a perfect traveling mount if I may say so. He is just 12 hands high, smaller than most horses, but just as trained. The owner of the livery used the horse to teach his daughter to ride. So it is used to having a rider. And at just twelve hands high, it seems the right size for you. I did check it over, and it seems healthy enough for your mission.

His name is Jennet, and is notable by his caramel coat and snow-white mane. He is fully ready to ride, with saddle and tackle.

If you are not fond of him, upon your arrival, I would be most gracious to care for him, or we can sell him back to the owner for a small loss.

Let Jennet serve you well, Master Indigo, and fare thee well."


Morning 23-10-1266 TGR

"Master Indigo, welcome to our group. We will be escorting this caravan across the Principality. Things should be easy going until we get to the river. Then once we get a ferry we will really need your help getting into Gold Hills."

"Good morning, Master Kenneth!" Indigo replied brightly, patting his new horse happily. "Why do you need my help especially getting into Gold Hills? I hope you don't need directions because I've never come into Gold Hills from the East, like from here before," he said thinking for a moment. "Ahhhh .... Are all the trolls by the river?"

Kenneth continues to ride along the front of the caravan. "I am not certain of what we will encounter. I have not done this trip by wagon before either. I normally take a ship but it sank on the docks of the City. So when I was talking with the dockmaster she said that Sir Indigo would be the person to help me get my goods to the Gold Hills. She helped me draft a message to you. Thank you for agreeing to do this."

Indigo shook his head. “No, I should be thanking you for hiring me. And the Dockmaster. She’s a very nice lady. I like Shell. I will have to buy her a present and a few drinks at the Overturned Tankard with my earnings when I get back.’

“It’s been many years since I’ve been home. And I’ve never been to the capitol in my whole life. So this will be very exciting. I’m from Crickhollow myself. The Bolger family. But I guess you really don’t need to know all that. No one really knows them except for the people in my village. But I will make sure that this caravan and Gold Hills is safe from trolls. I heard there was a troll invasion a ways back and then I heard it was a rumor because there can always trolls, but this way I can see for myself. I can also read and speak Hin so that should help if you need a translator when we get there. I'm sure in the capitol there won't be a problem though, but maybe as we pass villages along the way.”

The two rode along in silence for a little bit and then Indigo coughed and spoke again. “Ummm … I was listening to you and I have a couple of questions. How does a ship sink when it’s docked? Isn’t the dock supposed to be the safest place for a ship? And if someone purposely sank your ship, do you know who did it? And speaking about ships, exactly how big is this ferry? If it’s not a great big ferry, it could take a while to get all the wagons across,” he said, picturing a little ferry and their long line of wagons.

"I had thought that it was too. The harbor that is. Apparently there are creatures under certain parts of the harbor who do not like ships coming near. You would think that the Prince would do something about that. When I asked the harbormaster she said not to bring it up unless I wanted to spend a lot of money on offerings to the church. So I just cut my losses and found other means to get my goods to the Gold Hills. Too bad about Gregory, he was a good man."

Riding in silence for a bit

“That’s not good at all! We have a knarr out there in the harbor. We can’t just let monsters eat our ship. I’m going to ask about it when we get back. I don’t know what the church has to do with the monsters, but Branwyn won’t be paying the church money for monsters that eat ships. I am sorry for your friend though. They should’ve put up a warning or something.”

Indigo reached down into his saddle bag and pulled out one of Jilly’s scones. Breaking it, he held out half to Kenneth. “Have a scone. They’re really good. It’s about time for second breakfast,” he said with a hopeful smile.

Walking around the camp in the evening just outside of the town of Ferrins Crossing Indigo finds a couple of guards and a couple of merchants playing dice. As Indigo watches he notices that one of the guards replaces the dice in a slight of hand maneuver hiding the original ones in his jacket pocket.

“Hey! I saw that. You put the dice in your pocket,” Indigo cried and reached out to tug at the guard’s jacket pocket holding the dice. “Lemme see the dice you’re using.”

Grumbling, he pulls out the pair of dice from his pocket and holds them up in the palm of his hand. "Come on Captain, we were just having a bit of fun. These lads here are all good with everything."

Indigo was happy that this seemed to work itself out so easily, as he was prepared to have to fight the cheating guards because of his interference. He looked at the merchants to see if they indeed looked like they were good with everything. He said, “I suppose it’s fun if that’s all you’re doing. But if you’re playing for coppers, then it should be a fair game. Maybe I’ll sit and watch for a bit. I like dice games.”

Indigo settled in and let them resume their game. “So, what kinds of things are you going to be selling in Gold Hills? Have you ever been to the capitol before? What’s it like? I bet it’s really big and fancy. Oh, my name’s Indigo and I’m working with Master Kenneth to help guard your caravans like these gentlemen.”

"I hope to sell some of these silks and other luxuries that have come from far away lands."

Another speaks up "I have spices and pepper from across the Great Mountains. I anticipate that I will fetch quite a nice sum from the chefs in the Gold Hills. Some of this has been traveling for almost eight months to get here. Perhaps we should consider hiring you for the return trip as well if we get a good return on our investment."

“Ohhh, that sounds fine. They must be rich in the capitol! I can’t wait to see it for myself. Maybe when we get there, you might let me buy some presents for my friends back home. Jilly would like some different spices and everyone likes presents, don’t they,” he said half to himself.

“Are you going back to Dryads Lair? I thought you were travelling to Gold Hills to stay there a long while. Or moving somewhere else. But if you’re going straight back after a short while, it only makes sense to escort you back to Dryads Lair if that’s where you want to return to,” he said, then thought a minute about what the merchant told him. “Wait, wait, you said eight months travelling? That’s practically a whole year! You travelled eight whole months just to go to Gold Hills? I hope they have a parade for you or something special. Where are you from that’s eight months away?” Indigo asked, trying really hard to think of the farthest place he could imagine.

Wu Sen Cho's travel log

Wu Sen Cho looks at Indigo and asks, "Master Indigo, this young girl Julie seems to make you smile more often than I would expect. You have called her the wrong name several times and seemed to be very happy when she showed you her sling shot. Why do you stumble over her name so?"

He looks over the small stone walls and mentions, "Do you know who buys all this pipeweed?"

"Master Indigo! Master Indigo! I am going to run over and get some milk from Farmer McCrown so you can use it with your tea tonight with your friend." She starts off and whirls around, "I know what you are going to say, but my mother said to call you Master Indigo and so I am going to keep on doing it. I am not going to listen to you." She runs off between the wagons with her empty water skin.

Indigo blushed and shook his head. “Julie. JU – lie. I suppose I do mess that up. Maybe that’s why she keeps calling me Master Indigo,“ he said looking up at Wu Sen Cho. “She just reminds me of a friend of mine back home whose name is Jilly. Jilly and Julie are almost the same and sometimes Jilly just comes out. Maybe she thinks I can’t talk right. That would be better than her thinking I meant to get her name wrong. I will try harder. I’ve known Jilly for years since she led us through the countryside when we first got to the Jistelle Estates. She was just a kid then, but she knew her way around everywhere and used to hunt hedgehogs with her slingshot. Now she works for Branwyn and does most of the cooking at the house. She doesn’t listen to anybody very much either and does what she wants to do. So being around Julie is kind of like being around Jilly. And Jilly isn’t even a Halfling. Jilly would probably make a very good Halfling though if she could. I wonder what she would say if I told her that?” Indigo said breaking out into laughter.

After he settled down for a moment he remembered that he was asked a question. “Who buys pipeweed? Everyone around hereabouts buys pipeweed. I don’t buy pipeweed, but that’s because I left home before Papa would let me use any. He said it would stunt my growth if I started smoking too early and it was only for the men. Then when I ran off to be a sailor, I didn’t have much money for those kinds of things and then well, not a lot of people smoked pipes like they do here and so I didn’t want to do it and just never did I guess. But here almost everyone has pipeweed. Do you need some? I can get some for you if you want.”

Wu Sen Cho smiles at Indigo, "No I do not smoke thank you. I am not certain that it would be a profitable item for me to take home either. I traffic in small valuable items and this pipeweed would take up far too much space for me to be able to make much of a profit."

"I am interested in what you want to see happen after we reach Needlehole. As I understand it that is the town we will come to after we find our way through this maze of tracks and paths through this farmland. Are you coming to the capitol with us? Is that where you lived"?

“Of course I’m coming to the capitol! That’s what I was hired to do. Though I think you all didn’t really need me much. Well, other than those wolves. And the other guards could have taken care of those, really. But I would really like to see the capitol! I’ve never been there before. But I dunno about Needlehole. I like seeing all the new places we visit. Travelling is a good thing. Seeing new places is the reason I left home in the first place,” Indigo said, but then added cautiously. “Do you know if we’re going to stay in Needlehole for a couple of days? Or maybe even a full one day? Because if we carry on through Needlehole, we should go straight on to the capitol in no time. I was sort of hoping we would stop in Crickhollow. Or if we stayed in Needlehole, maybe Master Kenneth would let me ride over to Crickhollow and see my family for a short visit. I suppose I can see them on the way home. I know I caused a delay with the barn raising. I don’t want make it any worse.”

“When was the last time you saw your family?” Wu Sen Cho asked curiously.

“It’s been over five years now. I hope they aren’t mad at me for leaving. I wrote them a letter a month or so ago when I thought there was going to be a troll invasion here. But we haven’t seen any trolls and I was listening to a person who liked to tell stories more than anything. So, I might have scared them for nothing on top of them being angry for leaving and not writing more often. And then if they found out I was just a few miles away and didn’t come to visit, well, that wouldn’t be a very good thing to do at all, would it? So, I suppose I will have to see when we get there if we’re just passing through or not.”

{3-11-1266 TGR}

Kenneth walks along side of Indigo as they are watching the wagons go up and down another ramp to get from one pathway to another. "It does seem strange that there are not many real roadways here in Gold Hills. I have only come through Bywater to Michael Delving stopping at Needlehole along the way. That trip takes about 160 miles over roadways. Now cutting around farms and winding through these lanes I am not sure we are making any better time. It is about 60 miles to Needlehole from Undertowers, then another 55 miles to the Capitol. On my way home we are going to go straight to Bywater, I will hire a ship when we reach there to bring us back to Dryads Lair."

Watching the last wagon heave up and over Kenneth said"I heard from Wu Sen Cho that you wanted to visit your family in Crickhollow. On our way back home you could stop there if you like. We could continue along without you. Or you if you would like you could go there after we reach Needlehole in a few days. It is another 50 something miles across the farmlands to get there from Needlehole. You did everything we needed you to on the journey so far. You helped get to the river, you helped with the guardians at Undertowers and then the mayor was very grateful for your help there. Once we are on the main road again the locals should be ok with us traveling for trade."

Then Kenneth pointed to a farmer coming across the fields towards them, "But first I think you will have to calm another of the landlords here that we are not trying to turn their cows milk sour. I will go catch up with the leaders while you talk to him. "

“Uh-oh,” muttered Indigo, looking at the angry farmer approaching. He took a deep breath and strode quickly over to meet him half way.

As we reached him, he smiled and waved in greeting. Speaking rapidly in Hin, he said, “Good morning! My name is Indigo Bolger from Crickhollow. I’m with the caravan that’s passing through. Can I speak with your cows please? Well, not really to your cows. But we could go see them and then talk nearby them and they could listen if they want to. Could we do that?” And with that, Indigo started walking towards the barn.

Startled by the strangeness of the Halfling’s request, the farmer coughed and said, “Well, if you want to see my cows, you can, I suppose. But it’s not going to do any good if the milk’s done and gone sour with all the racket you’re making, scaring them and all. Bet you’re selling milk to make us buy what you all done ruined. Is that your game? Can’t trust the travelling showmen from who knows where. You’re far from home yourself. You really want to throw in with this lot?”

“Oh, they don’t do shows. Hmmm … I wonder if they would do a show if we asked them. We all helped raise a barn in Undertowers, but that’s different from singing songs and playacting. But anyway, they aren’t performers. They have come from really, really far away to sell things that no one around here may have ever even seen before. I think it’s pretty exciting, myself. And I’m just making sure that they get to the capitol safely. Usually the merchants travel the main road, but this time they wanted to see the countryside. I am sorry if we are bothering the cows, but I think they will be okay once they know it is all right. Oh, here we are,” Indigo said stepping inside the barn to see the farmer’s cows.

The farmer followed anxiously. “Now don’t get my cows riled up any more than they already are! Luna’s so scared she wouldn’t even give milk this morning. I don’t even want to let them out of the barn to graze with all your ruckus going on.”

“Oh, you have hens too! Hello lady chickens. Good day to you, lady cows! And a special good day to Mistress Luna,” Indigo said brightly and gave a bow with a flourish to the farmer’s livestock.

The farmer just stood there staring at Indigo and scratching his head.

“You have very fine animals, Sir. It’s no wonder that you were worried. But I think they will be just fine. And we will be done passing through and on to Needlehole in no time at all.” Indigo proceeded to walk up to the cows, giving them soft pats and telling them individually that they had nothing to be bothered about and that they should go along as they normally would. “Lady cows, you should follow the example of the brave lady hens among you. They are not frightened by the sight of a few wagons. We are just friendly neighbors passing through and paying our respects along the way. We wish you … wish you … ummm … happy milk days!”

Indigo turned back to the farmer and grinned. “I think they will be all better now. And we really are just passing through and are very happy to see the beautiful countryside of shires. It’s been so long for me. Can you wish us well on our journey?”

The farmer kicked a bit of hay into the air in front of him. “Well, I s’ppose so. You won’t be here long?”

Indigo shook his head.

“You didn’t do any magic on my cows, did you? Don’t like magic. No, Sir. Can’t trust that stuff. Fishy wand waving gets you nothing but trouble. If you did, you better undo it right now.”

Indigo shook his head again. “Oh no. I don’t know how to do any magic. I was just being nice to cows and hoping they would listen. We can’t understand them so we think they don’t understand us. But I think they do. Sort of anyway. Thank you for the well wishes!” Indigo finished and stuck out his hand.

The farmer shook hands with Indigo and then watched as the little man with the swords hurried out of the barn and across the pasture to meet up with the caravan again. “That’s what happens to you when you stray too far from home. You get soft in the head. Isn’t that right, Luna?”

Indigo caught up with Kenneth as he was overseeing the merchants beginning to pack up. “Hello, Master Kenneth! I spoke with the cows and they are much better now. I mean, the farmer. Well, and the cows. Everything is better and the farmer even wished us well in our travels.”

He paused for a moment, a bit uncertain as he looked up and saw the mirth in Kenneth’s face. “I was thinking of what you said this morning. I am grateful for your offer to release me early. You are very kind. But the agreement was to help escort the caravan to the capitol and so I wouldn’t feel right about not doing what I promised. I would feel better cutting across to Crickhollow on the way back if it’s all right with you."

Kenneth nodded to Indigo. "You should be able to help us get through these farm lanes and over to a real pathway in a couple of days. When we reach Needlehole you can send word to your parents that you will visit them soon. Hopefully you can get word about how the troll invasion is going. Keep an eye out. It is hard to imagine trolls rampaging through this countryside in any great numbers but I also do not see anyone but the occasional sheriff sitting under an apple tree. Maybe you can talk to one the next time you spot one."

“I could send word? I didn’t think about that. That would be a nice idea. Thank you. I will do that. But I don’t know about asking about the trolls,” Indigo said shaking his head. “I do always try to keep my eyes out for trouble, but the person who told me about the troll invasion? I think he just liked to tell stories. I’ve been looking since we entered Gold Hills and we haven’t seen any trolls at all. I wouldn’t want people to think I was crazy or anything.”

{7-11-1266 TGR}

Indigo rode along the Greenway with mixed feelings. Most of him was happier than he had been since he was named Captain of the Royal Marines without having to stop being a knight, which he did like a lot. When he left home long ago, it was because the only life he saw for himself was growing vegetables and feeding chickens like his father wanted him to do. But now that he was back and he was home, but not really home. As a visitor seeing home without the pressure of having to live there, everything looked beautiful to him. And he was happy that he didn’t have to try to explain it to anyone since he thought he probably wasn’t very good at explaining things like this. Most of the days were quiet. With the merchants in the wagons and the other guards separated out along the caravan. So, Indigo could just ride along humming a little song and enjoying being home but not home at the same time.

Even with all the humming and happy thoughts, there was part of him that felt strange. He didn’t really know why he was here since there had been practically no danger to speak of. He hadn’t ever travelled so much when it wasn’t really a quest for some thing that someone else wanted but didn’t want to die over so they sent us. So he was feeling a little like maybe he was supposed to be doing something that he couldn’t do here. That made him slightly uncomfortable when he let himself think about it. It was kind of like an itch in the exact middle of your back and your arms don’t reach that far back but almost, so you try anyway until you have to give up when you know that you just won’t be able to scratch it. Then you have to realize it would be better not to think about it and wait for it to go away on its own.

These were all the things running through Indigo’s head as he lazily rode along one of the wagons. Jennet was a good horse and hardly needed any encouragement to go where he was supposed to.

“Indigo! Oh, look! Master Indigo!” Wu Sen Cho cried, leaning his head out of the wagon and pointing to the town just ahead.

Indigo awoke from his reverie with a start. Snapping the reins on Jennet, he hurried him up to Wu Sen Cho. “What’s the matter? Are there bandits?”

“Oh no, I didn’t mean to alarm you. I just think we might have missed a turn a ways back and left Gold Hills. Just look at these buildings ahead. They’re not small like what we’ve seen before,” Wu Sen Cho explained.

Indigo tossed his head back and laughed. “I’m sorry to laugh, but we’re still in Gold Hills. Up ahead there is Needlehole. Not everyone in Gold Hills is Hin. Anyone can live here. Well, maybe not the trolls, but just about anyone else. Needlehole has the largest human population in Gold Hills, so it would make sense there would be larger buildings here. It will be a good stopover. And you won’t have to worry about hitting your head this time.”

Wu Sen Cho’s face flushed and is hand instinctively went up to the back of his head that he had hit walking out of a doorway when they were visiting the last town. He still had a small lump. “Yes, I will be grateful, though I believe I have learned to be more careful now.”

Wu Sen Chos Travel Log continued

Indigo considered what the options for the group were and .....

Indigo sopped up the last of the gravy on his plate with the heel of a loaf of bread, folded it and took a big bite while Wu Sen Cho finished telling Indigo of Master Kenneth’s thoughts about the caravan.

Indigo held up a hand so he could finish thinking and chewing before he spoke. He had been whacked with Jilly’s spoon too often for him to speak with his mouth full any more. Wu Sen smiled and stroked his beard while he waited.

Indigo swallowed and dropped the rest of the bread on his plate. “Hmmm… we did have a pretty good day today. I’m not a merchant, so I dunno if I’m the right person to ask about these kinds of things. But I guess it all depends on what you want. Did you want to bring your goods and spices just so you could sell them and go home? Or did you want to keep coming back selling things? Because if you just want to come here once, then I think Master Kenneth has a pretty good idea. You and the other merchants will be able to sell most everything here. Why, people might even start coming here from other places to buy stuff. News travels fast in Gold Hills. But, if you want to come here every other year or something, then it might be a good idea not to sell everything in one place. We never really talked about it. What was your plan?” Indigo asked and then picked up the rest of his gravy-soaked bread.

Wu Sen considered Indigo's question.

"The way I see this we can go north to the Capitol and sell the remaining inventory I have. I am concerned that I could sell the rest of what I have here for a dependable profit or risk making more by going north. Yet you say it is only a day or two so I think that we should take that risk and continue our journey."

"We can leave in the morning and then after we conclude there you will be able to visit your family."

“I guess I better get some rest then instead of playing dice in the back room. I’ll be ready to go at first light. I think it’s a good decision. You don’t want to give the same people too much. This way they’ll miss you and be extra happy when you come back!” Indigo said as he got up from the table. “You do like it here, don’t you? Gold Hills is a pretty peaceful place. Everyone likes you too, Wu Sen. You will have lots of friends here when you come back. Goodnight and I’ll see you in the morning!”

{10-11-1266 TGR}

The caravan left early the next morning and made the journey to their final destination, the capital of Gold Hills. As they finally approached the city, Indigo began to get restless on his horse what with the necessary slow pace of the caravan. He rose up in his seat, trying to see further ahead. Suddenly his foot slipped out of the stirrup and he found himself sliding. Indigo threw himself forward and put his arms around Jennet’s neck managing to keep himself on the horse and not falling into the mud below.

“Keep your seat there, Indigo! Don’t want you going and getting yourself hurt, when we’re almost there,” said Master Kenneth as he rode by to lead the caravan into the city. Indigo nodded and got himself steady again on his mount.

A short while later, they had truly arrived. The caravan passed through the gates and Indigo took a look around excitedly. ‘Where were all the flags and the banners? Where were the fountains, statues on every corner, and decorations encrusted in gold? Shouldn’t there be … more?’ Indigo thought to himself, but then shook his head. ‘We have only just entered the capital city. You can’t put all the nice things on the outskirts.’

The group slowly made their way around the curve and came upon a large flat circular valley with the sides dotted with round doors, some large and ornate, some simple and home like. In the center of the large circle was a market square with several paths leading down into the center. Along the southern rim were a dozen human sized houses that the Greenway road lead through. Wu Sen Cho pointed to the large tent in the middle of the open area and asked Indigo, “Master Indigo is there a celebration today?” Indigo shook his head, “I do not think there is, but there are banners up around the square. Maybe it is a market day?”

As the group started to descend along the circular path towards the floor of the valley Indigo stopped and stared. “What do you see?” asked Wu Sen Cho, “Those banners have markings on them that I have not seen before. They look a bit like the house signs we saw in Needlehole?. “ Indigo shook his head, “That can’t be right, it says welcome home Indigo Bolger, there must be a party for someone from my family. I wonder who it is? I do not remember any other Indigo’s that my mother talked about. Maybe it is a cousin?”

Kenneth slapped a hand on Indigo’s back, “I think they are welcoming you Master Indigo” he said with a chuckle. “Could there really be that many other Indigo Bolgers?” Indigo paused and thought as they continued to ride along. “No I suppose that there could be but maybe you are right. I wonder how they knew I was coming? Who would throw a welcome party for me?”

As the caravan came to the floor of the valley the camping area opened up to their right and Kenneth had the wagons pulled into a row in a clear space. Kenneth, looked at Indigo, “Come Master Indigo let’s go see who awaits us.” Wu Sen Cho glanced over at the two of them as he was checking on his wagon. Indigo looked over and asked, “would you like to come see a party? I guess they will have lots of food, you should come.” Wu Sen Cho smiled and bowed low to Indigo. “I would be pleased to accompany you.” The two humans and Indigo walked the rest of the way towards the center of the market. A large colorful tent was set up in the center with a band playing, people dancing and many Hin walking around with mugs of ale and trenchers of food. Two Hin with tabards and daggers at their waists came forward and asked, “Are you Sir Indigo Bulger, Knight of Drillian and Captain of the Royal Navy?” Wu Sen Cho glanced down at Indigo and raised an eyebrow. Kenneth’s mouth opened a bit then closed. Indigo gave a bit of a shrug, then straightened up. “Yes I am Indigo Bulger, but I like just Indigo please if you can.” The two guards looked at each other and nodded. “You are a bit late Sir Indigo, we were expecting you at Noon. Come right this way please, King Oakspine Delving is holding court.”

Kenneth, muttered to Indigo, “I am sorry if we made you late” Indigo sputtered, “I did not know we had an appointment, he must be very busy.” Then he paused, “The King?” he said with a bit of awe.

The three of them followed the guards into the large tent and found themselves surrounded by happy Hin. Eating and drinking, cups were pushed into their hands filled with ale. Indigo swallowed one in two large gulps and was handed a second cup. He started to drink then paused, “I should wait till after I see the King before I drink too much.” Indigo did grab a pastry off of a passing tray to help steady his nerves. As the group approached the center of the large pavilion Indigo gave a start and started towards the side, “Mother!” He almost shouted as he spotted her sitting at a table to the right of a large platform. “Ahh I see our guest of honor has arrived,” boomed a voice from a large chair on the platform.

Indigo spun towards the sound of the voice. With a short gasp, what was left of the pastry fell from his fingers to the ground. He glanced at his mother, back to the King, and then hurried up to the platform. He sank to one knee and bowed.

“Good afternoon, Your Majesty. I am Sir Indigo Bolger and I am sorry I am late. If I had known, I would surely have tried harder to be earlier. It’s an honour to be here, Your Majesty, on this … umm … festive occasion,” Indigo said loudly so he could be sure the King heard him. He raised his head a little so he could take a better look around him.

"Indigo Bolger, " the King said in a loud voice again. "Knight of Drillian, Captain of the Drillian Navy."

He pauses and raises a toast to Indigo and the rest of the tent, CHEERS go up.

"You do not have any land here, other than the farm your family works. You need land to be a knight. Yet you took it upon your self to warn your family and your King of the coming invasion of trolls. Not that I would have called it an invasion with only a dozen of them. We did give them a sound beating and sent them back running into the Old Forest? which is what they deserved. It was a good deed, worthy of a hin of your reputation. Adventurous, curious, dangerous it might be said."

Murmuring through the crowd, unsure how to take that.

The King gestured Indigo over, "It was well done lad" clapping him on the shoulder. "I see you bring human companions, some from I do not know where. It is good that someone is out there looking after our interests."

The King stood up on his platform and picked up the sword that was laying next to his chair. He held it out over Indigo's shoulder, "Indigo Bolger, I deem thee Captain of the Bounders" Touching Indigo's shoulder with the sword, "Go out and protect our borders from the dangers that threaten us."

The King set the sword down, handed Indigo a chalice and offered a toast, "To Indigo Bolger, Captain of the Bounders!" The crowd cheered and drank and refilled and drank again.

After a few rounds Indigo found time to go over to the table where his mother sat. "Mother, how are you? You got my message! Where is Dad?"

She smiled at Indigo, "You always were an inquisitive child, I am glad you have found a place in the world." She took a drink of her mug. "Your father is fine, he is home resting. He broke his leg when Horace the old mule kicked him during the winter. He will be fine in time for the planting. " Indigo started and began to plan, his mother stopped him, "You have a task to do now, you work for the King." She smiled. "I am glad you are happy. You are happy aren't you?"

“I’m happy. I’m a little confused right now, but happy most of the time. It’s better than not being happy. There isn’t any point in that. I’m just glad that you aren’t mad at me for leaving and not writing very often. I was thinking you might be. Or really I was worried that Dad might be mad at me. I hope he isn’t and he didn’t break his leg so he wouldn’t have to see me. And I’m really glad that King Oakspine was able to stop the troll invasion. I can’t believe Jondar was actually right! I will have to tell him so the next time I see him. But …” Indigo said, slowing down for a moment.

“I don’t really understand what you’re saying. I’m not working for the King. I have to go back to Dryads Lair. I have to help Branwyn and do this work for the Queen of Drillian. I wish she could have come and got a chance to meet you. Branwyn, I mean. Not the Queen. I just heard about this offer to guard the caravan and thought this would be a good chance to come and visit. But I can’t stay! I think King Oakspine meant that I go home and be on the lookout for more news of troll invasions. I can do that. And I do like to be two captains at once, but there is one more thing I don’t understand.”

Indigo leaned in close to his mother and whispered, “What’s a bounder?”

"Dear, Bounders are very important. They work with the Sheriffs to guard the borders of the comfortable lands. It is a very big responsibility. I am very proud of you, I am sure your father will too when he hears. The next time you come home to visit you can see the new barn. We painted it red. Oh and of course the new chickens. Rosy Red laid a nest in a bush behind Old Fern Cotton's storage shed. She managed to get half a dozen hatched before we caught on. Clever girl that Rosy is."

Indigo shifted in his seat uncomfortably. “I’m going to have to be a bounder from home then. I can’t be a guard any more when I’m a knight,” Indigo said, glad that he did not have any hen stories of his own. As much as he thought he wanted to come home to Gold Hills, the more he realized that this was no longer his home. He was suddenly filled with a desire to go home. Home in the manor with Branwyn and his friends. At least until they went home to Drillian.

He stood up and leaned over his mother to give her a kiss on the cheek. “It was really good to see you again. I’m glad I came. It was a very good thing and I am very glad you and Father are well and that you have a new barn. I brought some people from the caravan and I haven’t talked to them at all. I should make sure that they feel welcome. I hope you get to see Wu Sen Cho’s stall tomorrow. He has many fine things you might like. I love you, Mum,” he said, giving her a hug and then turning to look for Kenneth and Wu Sen Cho so he could see about when it would be all right for him to head back home.

Wu Sen Chos Travel Log continued

Indigo bounded off the dragon boat and smiled at Wu Sen Cho, "You will have to come to the residence and meet Branwyn. She will be very happy to talk with you about your ideas of travel." He smiled with a twinkle in his eye, "She really does not like the city and I bet you can convince her to travel some. Especially if it has to do with being an Ambassador. Come for dinner tonight and you can stay with us."

Indigo lead the way through the streets and finally arrived back at the steps of the Residence.

He thought, I am back, and smiled.