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Wu Sen Cho's Travel Log

Being the personal diaries of Wu Sen Cho, illustrious merchant of the House Wu of Fo Liche Gai

Day 85 from Dhaztanar

Wolfspack has been a good experience again. Every time I come to this city I find a new wrinkle. The clock maker's ingenious device might be worth something one day. Mother Juniper Ionswort's poltices are still as effective as ever. I am convinced by her words that I will find others like her in her ancestral homeland. I have enough goods to short my sales here in Wolfspack and continue along with the ships captain the other merchants have hired, a Kenneth of Gronth. I am certain it will be interesting to see just how wide this world is on the wrong side of the Great Mountains.

Day 192 from Dhaztanar {20-10-2605 SLR } I am surprised that Kenneth is this adept at handling tragedy. The sinking of his ship is bad enough but to lose half of the cargo as well must have really hurt his finances. I am slightly surprised that some of the other merchants were not as prepared for such potential problems. One cannot blame the captain if your goods are not water tight when sailing.

Day 195 from Dhaztanar {24-10-2605 SLR }

I must say this new young warrior that Kenneth has supplied us with is an interesting character. It is rare to see anyone so amazed by simple stories of travel. He devours every detail of life on the road. Other's always question why I look the way I do or ask after what to them would be rare and exotic beasts or monsters. This young lad wants to know why we tie our money on knots like we do. Who taught me those knots, and a stream of other questions. He looks to be much younger than he must actually be. He has just a hint of danger about him. I think the other guards under estimate his skills.

Day 196 from Dhaztanar {25-10-2605 SLR }

It turns out from listening to the local guards that Kenneth has hired that Tumbledown is some sort of ruin just south of the road we are taking. Most people have stopped using this pathway because of that. Again our young warrior proved his worth when he fended off two wolves that came out of no where.

That seems short and uninspiring, I will rephrase for anyone who reads this journal on my return home.

We were traveling along what seems to be a rarely used roadway. Kenneth told the guards to be careful of things from the south. Indigo the captain of our guards seemed to take this warning lightly and rode along both sides of the caravan. His instincts proved correct just after midday. There was a shout from the guards up front when they discovered a trail leaving the roadway and into the ruins to the south. As two of the guards started down that path to try to determine who or what made the trail our captain suddenly rushed off to the north and a great snarling and snapping of teeth ensued.

It was all over before it had begun it seemed. Indigo had two wolves laying at his feet and a man was running away with four other wolves in a pack about him. He muttered something about being lucky he did not need silver but other wise seemed unfazed by such a sudden brief violent encounter.

Kenneth gathered up the others and got us underway with a minimum of delay. I tend to agree now that perhaps this route is best accomplished only during the day and I am not worried about the timing of our arrival.

Day 197 from Dhaztanar {26-10-2605 SLR }

Today's river crossing looked to be delayed. The ferry was not here as expected. We arrived in Easthaven late last night and quickly bedded down. This morning there is no ferry but Indigo seems to think that when the sun warms the ice will break enough for us to get the barge close enough to the landing of Trader's Harbour. Indigo apparently has never crossed here but Kenneth thinks he will be invaluable to our needs. I will seal all my goods again for the water crossing.

Day 197 from Dhaztanar {26-10-2605 SLR }

Our crossing was accomplished in a quiet and uneventful way. A strange old man greeted Indigo upon our arrival on the far shore and he seemed surprised to be recognized. "I did not know that Mr. Silver had a father, but of course everyone has a father I suppose" I heard him explain to Kenneth.

We apparently are not allowed to stay on the water so we have to stay in a town called Undertowers. Every house here is so short with ceilings so low it makes all of us seem like giants. Perhaps in the morning I will be able to explore more and ask Indigo how to behave here.

Day 198 from Dhaztanar {27-10-2605 SLR }

I discovered this morning that I am actually quite small. Unseen in the gloom last night this town of halflings and the inn we stayed at last night is in the shadow of enormous towers. While inside this short dwellings I seem to be a giant. Then walking outside and feeling dwarfed by the immense structures only a half mile away. Even at this distance they seem to loom over everything.

It appears that our stay in Undertowers will take longer than Kenneth anticipated. My new friend Indigo somehow managed to become involved in a barn raising that is happening today and interestingly found a way to get most of the caravan to contribute. I believe that it partially came about when we found out that there is not any actual roadway to the rest of the Gold Hills from this town. We were told that we could hire a boat to take us down river to a town called Bywater or we could go slowly through the countryside till we come to a town of Needlehole. It would seem that the shorter distance is over land but it will be a rougher go of it.

As Kenneth was negotiating for a guide Indigo was investigating the town and found out that there was to be a barn raising today. He volunteered to help, apparently he has been part of several building projects. When asked I agreed to assist him if other were doing the same. Now apparently we have all agreed to assist in this endeavor.

Day 201 from Dhaztanar {2-11-2605 SLR }

I am not sure if I should be upset with Indigo or impressed. Three days that could be seen to be wasted, I had not the energy to even make an entry.

At home when the peasants want to build a barn the entire village gathers and over the course of a few weeks a new structure is built. Over the last few days it is as if a barn grew up out of the ground over night. Indigo has turned out to be quite the leader. It seems that he was everywhere leading an entire village to create a barn out of thin air. He convinced a local priestess to assist him and somehow even the mayor joined in. I have not worked so hard in a very long time myself.

Over the last three days I am tired but suddenly this small little hamlet has a brand new barn that will help them with the harvest next fall. Should I be upset that I have lost three days on my trip or happy that I have at almost no cost to myself helped out a group of families?

I had to smile at Indigo by the end of this for a very different reason than his building skills. There is a young woman, perhaps a girl, it is hard to tell with these small people, who has agreed to lead us through the farmlands and help us navigate to the next town of Needlehole. We leave in the morning.

Day 208 from Dhaztanar {9-11-2605 SLR }

I need to write about my experience in the town of Needlehole in case I ever send someone to trade in this area in the future. Young Master Indigo has again proved his skill at negotiation. I wonder if I should hire him for my return trip home.

It was when we arrived in Needlehole two days ago that our latest adventure started. I admit I was happy that after the last few days of sleeping in wagons or small short rooms. The inn where we stayed had Hin rooms on the lower floor and human rooms on the upper floors. There was one towering bell tower in the middle of town and we had rooms in an inn right underneath it. Or my room was directly under the bell it seemed. The Bell Tower turns out to be a very apt name for this inn. As we entered the town in the evening the square was clear but quickly seemed to swirl with people trying to find out what we were selling. It turned out there was a market fair in the morning. Or more appropriately there was a market fair every morning and there was some negotiating of where we would fit in. Master Indigo was able to secure us a space just outside the stables of the inn we were staying at. Kenneth did not think the space was good but Indigo thought it was the best available.

It turned out that the bells are very loud.

After breakfast and setting up Indigo convinced Kenneth to give away some samples. Which I would have thought as normal except rather than to cooks or shopkeepers Indigo gave the items away to young children. It was a stroke of genius on his part. It turns out that the adults of this area, at least among the Hin are fairly traditional. My supplies in particular are not seen as normal fare by all. Indigo hit upon the idea of the youngsters being more adventurous and they brought their friends back for more. Then the mothers were here to find out what the commotion was about and several chefs attempted to purchase all of my goods. Indigo says that there will be more interested people in the Capitol when we get there. Kenneth said we could sell now and not reach the Capitol at all.

I spoke with Master Indigo about that and he spoke of future missions and spreading the word of where we might have contacts for more trade in the future. We decided to head north to the Capitol under his guidance.

Day 211 from Dhaztanar {12-11-2605 SLR }

I owe Master Indigo, as he does not want to be called Captain Indigo, another favor. He must have quietly mentioned my business in his meetings. The next morning after he was awarded by his King the King's household purchased all of the goods I had left as a very pleasantly increased price. I have now easily made the most rewarded trip that my family has completed. Provided I do make it back home.

Master Indigo seems to be ready to head back to the city of Dryads Lair and because we all have empty wagons Kenneth has sold those and we will ride on horses to the port rather than the slow roads through the farmland that we took here.

Day 213 from Dhaztanar {14-11-2605 SLR }

We have made excellent time along the roads here in this peaceful lands. I find it hard to believe that more people do not come visit these lands. It seems I have to have my robes altered after all the good food I have eaten in the last few days.

We are to take a ship when we arrive in the port Kenneth says we will take some time to find one but Master Indigo seems confident that we will be able to find ships going many places there. I have asked him about perhaps sailing west instead of east. It might be closer to arrive in my homelands to do that. Master Indigo seemed intrigued by the idea of going west to head east. He said I have to talk to the Ambassador in Dryads Lair that is his friend. She will know better and Indigo said she might even want to travel with me to see new sights.

Day 217 from Dhaztanar {18-11-2605 SLR }

Again Master Indigo has proved to be a true find. He has stumbled upon blonde bearded captain of a ship that will take us east to Dryads Lair. Captain Eric of Sargil expressed interest in the idea of sailing westward also. He believes that there is not a direct river route to my homelands but it will be something to consider. His crew are able to row quick quickly even against the current and we are making good time. The river dragon prow of the ship reminds me of ships of home.

Day 211 from Dhaztanar {21-11-2605 SLR }

Sailing into the harbor again at Dryads Lair this evening Master Indigo had a glow about him. He seems happy to be here. I will have to find a way to convert my new wealth into a more transportable means.