Main / MarinerSP

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Other Kits


Mariners are devoted to the sea. They may be young, old, poor or wealthy enough to own the ship they sail. They travel the world’s oceans because they love it. They live for trading, exploring, and discovering new lands.

Social ranks: Mariners tend to be educated individuals from families with a reasonable amount of gold. Roll 2d6 to determine the rank of a mariner.
2d6 roll Rank
2–6 Lower Middle Class
7–10 Upper Middle Class
11–12 Upper Class

Requirements: A mariner must have a minimum Intelligence/Knowledge score of 9. The mariner kit is prohibited for dwarves, aarakocra, alaghi, bullywugs, centaurs, mongrelmen, ogres, orcs, satyrs, swanmays, thri-kreen, and wemics.

Weapon proficiencies: Mariners can be versed in any weapons applicable to their classes. However, weapons such as spears, pole-arms, and nets are practical.

Recommended nonweapon proficiencies: Weather sense, navigation, fishing, seamanship, swimming, rope use.

Equipment: Mariners can carry whatever equipment they desire, however much of it should be useful in their trade. Further, these individuals tend to wear little or no armor,as heavy armor is not practical on a ship. They prize rings of protection and bracers of defense.

Recommended traits: Keen senses, light sleeper, lucky.

Benefits: Mariners enjoy a +2 bonus on reaction rolls from sailors, ship captains, and aquatic races. And they gain a +1 to hit bonus with nets.

Hindrances: Because mariners are so at home on the sea, they are often uncomfortable on land. When there is no water in sight, they are out of their element, and they suffer a –2 reaction roll penalty.

Wealth: Standard for the character’s class.