Main / MarioVetere

Players & Characters

Mario Vetere
cel: 714-830-8728


Mario was part of a group of players that joined our game all at once that were related to someone else in the game somehow. Mario's brother Robert had played with us for a while and Mario became interested in our game.

One of his characters was a thief who lasted two rooms of his first adventure before being crushed by a falling block. "Blackie? go squish" is still heard when ever a character trips a crushing trap.

After a very long hiatus, Mario returned to the game, married Bob's sister Jo-Ann for bonus XP, and has played two characters in two years. Anton, a farmhand fighter who couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag, lasted exactly fifty weeks, to be immediately replaced by Kel, a super-stat hero of the Elvin clan Divaekah.

When asked, Jo-Ann commented, "For bonus XP, sure I'll marry you!"

Player Comments


Scroto Baggins



Keldorldrin Teken'lyl

Mara the Blessed

Rhibosi Sahnjhasi