Main / Mercenary

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Halfling Kits


The halfling Mercenary is a bit of a rare bird--one of the small folk proficient enough as a fighter to earn a place alongside warriors of larger and more aggressive races, and one who doesn't mind the difficulties of campaign life or the terror and confusion of battle. Note that this stops well short of saying: "A Mercenary loves to fight and kill."

A halfling Mercenary must have ability scores of at least 13 in two of these categories: Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution.

Roads to Adventure: It would be a rare halfling who would adopt the Mercenary lifestyle by choice. Mercenaries are almost always outcasts who for some reason or another have been disowned by their families and driven from their villages, forced into a life of violence and danger. Many of them are, not surprisingly, quite bitter about this involuntary exile. Whether or not the individual was actually guilty of the crime of which he or she is accused is irrelevant; the effect is the same in either case. Whatever misdeed or misfortune drove the halfling to become a Mercenary, it tends to be a private matter, jealously guarded.

Role: The Mercenary is an outcast from halfling society who is forced to mingle with humans, elves, dwarves, even goblinoids--and consequently, over time he or she will begin to acquire some of the characteristics of those races. Now and then in his or her wanderings, a Mercenary might enjoy an opportunity to visit a friendly burrow and sit by the hearth of a fellow halfling for the night or two, but soon he or she will be wanting to move on, perhaps propelled by the frowning looks of neighbors less open-minded than his or her host.

Secondary Skills: Since no halfling plans to grow up and become a Mercenary, he or she could have almost any secondary skill to represent his or her former profession.

Weapon Proficiencies: The halfling Mercenary must be proficient with at least one melee and one missile weapon. If the optional weapon specialization rules are used, the character must have a weapon specialization by the time he or she reaches second level of ability (see Special Benefits, below).

Bonus Nonweapon Proficiencies: None.

Recommended Nonweapon Proficiencies: Halfling Mercenaries have been known to find the following proficiencies useful: Carpentry, Riding, Armorer, Blindfighting, Bowyer/ Fletcher, Tracking, and Weaponsmithing.

Equipment: The Mercenary will typically be offered decent weapons and armor by his or her employer--nothing special, but equal to the equipment of the rest of the company. Anything superior to this has to be provided by the Mercenary himself or herself.

Special Benefits: Due to his or her continual exposure to warriors--and typical Small Folk quick-wittedness--the halfling Mercenary receives two extra weapon proficiency slots upon reaching second level. The slots must be used to purchase a weapon specialization, if he or she does not already have one. Like the Archer, the halfling Mercenary can specialize in the bow or other missile weapon at a cost of only two proficiency slots (not three).

Special Hindrances: This is not generally considered a socially acceptable career for a halfling. Thus, a halfling Mercenary is likely to be given quite the hairy eyeball by others of his or her race--at least, those who know what the character does for a living. This translates into a -2 penalty on Reaction Rolls.