Mieszecz Group
This is a group of small islands in the Island Kingdoms that all cluster around a large extinct volcano. The Mieszecz (pronouced Mier' Shush) group is a peaceful waypoint along the archipelago.
This island chain is inhabited entirely by halflings. There are no human sized dwellings anywhere in the various settlements.
1 | Dowodzic |
2 | Strzelnica |
3 | Domostwo |
4 | Urwisko |
5 | Ciotka |
6 | Stryj |
7 | Stara Panna |
8 | Bezladny |
9 | Kowadlo |
10 | Klopot |
11 | Nianka |
12 | Bekarci |
13 | Sierota |
14 | Cwiek |
15 | Pasierb |
16 | Mlode |
17 | Ostatni |
18 | Piaty |
19 | Drobny |
20 | Pierworodny |
21 | Wiekowy |
22 | Dziecko |
23 | Macierz |
24 | Dziki |
25 | Najdalszy |
26 | Skala |
On the island of Dowodzic is the Mayor's house, the primary seat of government for this area. There are several great halls or 'Modlitwy' that are used for gatherings.
The other notable location in the area is Skeldale house that is built on the shores of the island of Macierz. This is where a retired halfling warrior settled down after a life of adventuring. He helped fight off an incursion of pirates and decided to do something to enhance the security of the overall island group.
He established a paladin order of the Chasers of Arvoreen? here on Macierz and trained several young halfling warriors. This is unusual as normally only humans create orders of holy warriors. The other factor about this order is the choice of training. All members of the order are both warrriors and clerics who are required to take airborne riding as a proficiency. All members of the order are mounted on giant pelicans.
Sailors from far away lands are often taken aback to have their ships met by a knight on pelican back.