Main / Morrigan

Morrigan - Celtic - Priests - Gods

Morrigan is the Celtic goddess of war. She is a fearsome warrior, causing great fear in her opponents, driving home her own battles with a spear in either hand. She is terribly ugly, laughs a maniacal laugh, and has dreadful manners. She expects all Celts and especially her followers to fight constantly, encouraging petty wars where there otherwise would be none. She can shape change to fool her opponents, and often calls upon four minor goddesses of war to fight by her side. At one time, Morrigan tried to seduce the hero Cu Chulainn, but on failure she turned against him and nearly killed him.

Role-playing Notes:

Morrigan is bent on warfare every turn. She will readily pick fights, preferring to get mortals to fight each other by whatever means. She will use many forms to trick otherwise peaceful parties into conflict. Morrigan often observes battles and will not tolerate fear among her followers — she will strike dead any follower that turns and flees from a battle she is watching.

Gods Information

Alignment: CE
Worshiper's Alignment: any Evil
Area of Control: battle and war
Symbol: Celtic sword hilt

Avatar Information

Morrigan’s avatar can appear in many forms, most commonly a hag, but sometimes as a crow or beautiful young woman.

Str 18/76 Dex 18 Con 18
Int 15 Wis 12 Cha 5
MV 15+ SZ 6' MR 80%
AC -2 HD 20 HP 200
#AT 5/2 THAC0 1 Dmg 1d6 (spear)+4

Special Att/Def: Morrigan’s avatar can cause fear every round she is in combat in every enemy she can see. In a chase she can adjust her speed to any amount to keep doggedly pursuing a victim until it runs out of energy. Morrigan can become invisible at will and fight freely while in a state.

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: Wis 9+ Alignment: any Evil
Turning: Turn
Armor: any
Weapons: any

Major: All, Astral, Chaos, Combat, Elemental (all), Guardian, Numbers, Protection, Thought, Time, War, Wards
Minor: nil

1 - Morrigan will heal 5 hit points over night for her priests who have killed anything the day before

Duties of the Priesthood

Priests of Morrigan have to band into battle groups or attach themselves to groups of warriors at all times. It is rare that Morrigan will allow one of her clerics to travel independently, unless they are in search of greater, more intense combat situations. Morrigan’s priests have no power to heal, since it is her will that those who fall in battle should die.

Known Worshipers

descriptions and or links to characters

Note: These roleplaying notes are taken from the Legends and Lore Book, the Monster Mythology Book and many other reference sources; it also incorporates many alterations to those works. The information is provided in this layout for existing players ease of use and access to campaign details.