Main / MysticMC

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Wizard Kits


Note: This kit is taken from the book Complete Wizard's Handbook.

Another Mystic kit is available from the book "Skills and Powers".

Thoughtful, reserved, and extremely introspective, the Mystic is devoted to self-enlightenment and sees the study of magic as the key to spiritual awareness. The Mystic enjoys nothing more than spending long hours contemplating the mysteries of the universe and attempting to become more in touch with his inner self. The Mystic is not necessarily a student of religion or philosophy; he seeks an awareness that can only be found intuitively.

The Mystic is by no means a reluctant magic-user. In fact, the Mystic believes that the casting of each spell and the acquisition of each new magical technique brings him closer to perfect awareness. The mental discipline necessary for the mastery of magic is the perfect compliment to self-knowledge.

The Mystic can come from any culture, but he is usually from a society that places a high value on philosophy, art, and scholarship. His is most likely to join an adventuring party for the opportunity to broaden his outlook, discover new things about himself, and use magic in new, enlightening ways.

To be a Mystic, a wizard must have a Wisdom score of at least 13.

There are no special rules for abandonment of this kit. If the Mystic grows weary of the contemplative life or feels that he has reached a pinnacle of self- awareness, he can simply leave this kit behind.

Preferred Schools: The Mystic prefers the schools of illusion, divination, and enchantment/charm.

Barred Schools: Because the Mystic is predisposed against magic that harms other living things, he is barred from specializing in the schools of necromancy, invocation/evocation, and conjuration/summoning. He is not prevented from learning spells from these schools-- he simply prefers to limit his association with them.

'Role: In many societies, the Mystic is considered to be little more than a crackpot, an eccentric with an utter lack of ambition who serves no useful purpose. In more enlightened cultures, the Mystic is seen as a seeker of truth, a sensitive soul engaged in an inspiring spiritual journey.

In a campaign, the Mystic is quiet and non-aggressive. His very presence is soothing to the party, and he always has a word of comfort or encouragement for his companions. The Mystic avoids combat whenever possible, but courageously rises to the occasion when his comrades are threatened. Only in the most extreme circumstances will the Mystic intentionally take a life; however, he will kill if necessary to preserve his own life or the life of a companion.

Secondary Skills: The Mystic must take one of the following as his Secondary Skill (player's choice, based on the Mystic's background): Farmer, Forester, Groom, Mason, Scribe, Tailor/Weaver, Woodworker.

Weapon Proficiency: Required (the player chooses one of the following): Dagger, dart, or sling.

Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus: Astrology, Religion.
Recommended: (General) Agriculture, Artistic Ability, Carpentry, Etiquette, Languages (Modern), Leatherworking, Pottery, Seamstress/Tailor, Stonemasonry, Weaving; (Wizard) Ancient History, Herbalism, Languages (Ancient), Reading/Writing, Spellcraft.

Equipment: The Mystic may buy only the weapon associated with his Weapon Proficiency. As his adventuring career progresses, he can buy (and use) only daggers, darts, knives, and slings. He must spend all of his starting money; any leftover gold is lost.

Special Benefits: The Mystic receives one of the following special abilities from the list below. The special ability is chosen when the character is first created and can never be changed.

1. Once per week, the Mystic can feign death as per the 3rd-level wizard spell; he can use this ability only on himself. The Mystic can feign death for up to 24 hours, awakening at any time. To use this ability, the Mystic must merely concentrate for 1 round; no components are necessary.
2. Once per week, the Mystic can transform his consciousness into a ghostly spirit form, leaving his physical body behind. The spirit form has the appearance of a misty cloud in the shape of the caster. The spirit form cannot attack, speak, or cast spells, but it can fly at a movement rate of 24 (Maneuverability Class B) and can pass through the smallest opening or tiniest crack. The Mystic's spirit form can travel an unlimited distance from his physical body as long as it remains in the same plane of existence. The spirit form is invulnerable to all attack forms, but dispel magic or a similar spell causes the spirit form to instantly return to its body. While in spirit form, the Mystic's physical body remains comatose. The body is subject to all regular attacks and suffers damage normally. The spirit form can remain away from the body for up to 24 hours, but once it returns to its body, the Mystic revives and cannot use his spirit form for another week. To use his spirit form, the Mystic must merely concentrate for 1 round; no components are necessary.
3. Once per week, the Mystic can use a special levitate self ability for one hour. Once initiated, the Mystic can use this ability to levitate himself straight up in the air at a rate of 10 yards per round. He can stop, hover, descend, and ascend at will, though horizontal movement is not empowered by this ability (however, the Mystic could push himself along a wall to move laterally). While levitating, the Mystic can carry as much weight as he can normally. Unlike the levitation spell, the Mystic using levitate self suffers no attack roll penalties when attempting to use missile weapons. To use this ability, the Mystic must merely concentrate for 1 round; no components are required. As soon as a levitating Mystic touches the ground, his use of this ability is over; he can use it again in another week.

Special Hindrances: A Mystic must spend two consecutive hours per day meditating. These two hours must always occur at the same time of day; the player can decide which hours are devoted to meditation, but once decided, the time period can never change (typical meditation times are the first two hours of dawn, the first two hours after sunset, or from midnight to 2 a. m. ). If the Mystic neglects to perform his meditation, is unable to perform it, or is interrupted more than once (for more than a total of 1 minute), the following day he is able to cast only the number of spells allowed to a wizard one level lower than his actual level. For instance, if a 4th-level Mystic is unable to meditate on Day 1, on Day 2 he will be able to cast only as many spells as a 3rd-level wizard.

Wealth Options: The Mystic receives only (1d4 + 1) x 5 gp as starting money.

Races: No limitations