Main / MysticSP

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Other Kits


Note: This kit is taken from the book Skills and Powers.

Another Mystic kit is available from the Complete Wizard's Handbook.

Thoughtful and introspective, the mystic seeks to find the answers to the mysteries of the universe by traveling across the globe. Nonviolent by nature, the inquisitive mystic seeks only truth, and he avoids confrontations when possible. However, if the mystic must battle his way to enlightenment, he will do so. Mystics are usually found among cultures that place a high value on art, philosophy, and scholarship. As seekers of knowledge, mystics often become adventurers while they search for the answers they seek.

Social ranks: Mystics tend to be well-educated, coming from the more affluent segments of society. Roll 2d6 to determine the rank of a mystic.
2d6 roll Rank
2–7 Upper Middle Class
8–12 Upper Class

Requirements: A mystic must have a minimum Wisdom/Intuition score of 13. This kit is closed to thieves and bards. Only characters of the following races can choose this kit: human, elf, half-elf, gnome, halfling, aarakocra, alaghi, centaur, githzerai, swanmay, and wemic.

Weapon proficiencies: Mystics can wield any weapons appropriate to their classes. However, most prefer lighter weapons which do not weigh them down.

Recommended nonweapon proficiencies: Astrology, astronomy, religion, etiquette, languages (modern or ancient), history, (local or ancient), reading/writing, heraldry, riding (any), herbalism, healing, gem cutting, musical instrument, navigation.

Equipment: Mystics can select whatever equipment they desire and can afford. However, these characters are known to travel unencumbered, so care should be taken in what they purchase and acquire.

Recommended traits: Artistic ability, empathy, obscure knowledge, ancient history, precise memory.

Benefits: A mystic can temporarily boost one of his 12 subability scores by +2. If the mystic is a ranger with a 16 Balance score, by meditating the score can be temporarily increased to an 18. If the mystic is a warrior trying to boost a Muscle score of 18/30, the bonus counts as 20% rather than 2 points—each point equates to 10%. The mystic warrior’s Muscle is temporarily increased to 18/50. To gain this subability bonus, the mystic must meditate, building up his body and mind for this feat. The subability score remains boosted for one-third of the mystic’s meditation time. If the Mystic mediated for three uninterrupted hours, he could boost a subability score for one hour.

Hindrances: The process of meditation requires effort. While a mystic could meditate in the cabin of a ship, he could not do so if that ship were in the midst of a terrible storm. Attacks or very loud noises also disrupt meditation. The time spent inmeditation does not alleviate the mystic’s need for food and sleep. So it is unlikely that a mystic could spend three days in meditation in preparation for an adventure. Further, a mystic cannot gain multiple meditation bonuses at one time.

Wealth: A mystic is interested in knowledge, not material items. As such, he cannot own more than he can carry. A mount is an exception, as such a beast is useful in taking the mystic to new places.