Main / NWP-AnimalRending

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Animal Rending Non-weapon Proficiency

This proficiency confers expertise in skinning and butchering animal carcasses. It lets a character derive the maximum amount of food from a carcass (see Table 33 in the hunting proficiency entry). It also lets him harvest valuable products from the carcass without damaging them. Such products typically include furs, horns, teeth, hides, and organs.

(See the appendix for more about animal products. Use of this proficiency requires access to the necessary tools. No proficiency checks are necessary to butcher most animals, but the DM may require checks in unusual situations. For instance, a check may be required to butcher an animal the character has never seen before, or to successfully harvest a delicate body part (say, the eye of an immature beholder). If the check fails, the character is only able to obtain an average amount of food (the number to the left of the slash on Table 33), or he damages the body part he was attempting to harvest.