Below is a list of the non-weapon proficiencies available. Each of them is fully explained inside of the game using KloOge. There are also the non-weapon proficiencies data files for use with KloOge.
Name | Group | Sub Group | # of Slots | Ability | Mod |
Acting | General | | 1 | Leadership | -1 |
Administration | Priest | | 1 | Reason | +1 |
Agriculture - Rural setting only | Craft | Rural | 1 | Knowledge | +0 |
Alchemy | Mage | | 2 | Knowledge | -3 |
Alertness | General | | 1 | Willpower | +1 |
Alms | Priest | | 1 | Appearance | +0 |
Ambidexterity | General | | 1 | N/A | +0 |
Anatomy | Mage | | 2 | Knowledge | -2 |
Anatomy | General | | 1 | Knowledge | +0 |
Ancient History | Priest ; Rogue ; Mage | | 1 | Knowledge | -1 |
Ancient History - for Dwarves only | Priest | Dwarves | 1 | Knowledge | +0 |
Animal Handling | General | | 1 | Willpower | -1 |
Animal Lore | Warrior | | 1 | Knowledge | +0 |
Animal Noise | Rogue ; Warrior | | 1 | Willpower | -1 |
Animal Rending | General | | 1 | Aim | +2 |
Animal Training | Craft | | 1 | Willpower | Leadership | +0 |
Appraising | Rogue | | 1 | Reason | +0 |
Appraising - for Dwarves only | General | Dwarves | 1 | Reason | +3 |
Arcanology | Mage | | 1 | Knowledge | -3 |
Armorer | Warrior | | 2 | Knowledge | -2 |
Armorer - for Dwarves only | Craft | Dwarves | 1 | Knowledge | +0 |
Armorer, Crude - must be a Barbarian | Warrior | Barbarian | 1 | Knowledge | -1 |
Artillerist | Warrior | | 1 | N/A | +0 |
Artistic Ability | General | | 1 | Willpower | +0 |
Assimilation | Rogue | | 1 | Reason | +0 |
Astrology | Priest ; Mage | | 2 | Knowledge | +0 |
Astronomy | Priest ; Mage | | 2 | Knowledge | -1 |
Athletics | General | | 1 | Balance | -1 |
Awareness - must be from Al-Qadim | Warrior ; Rogue | Al-Qadim | 2 | Willpower | +0 |
Bartering - must be a Barbarian | Craft | Barbarian | 1 | Reason | -2 |
Begging | Rogue | | 1 | Appearance | +0 |
Begging - must be from Al-qadim | Rogue | Al-Qadim | 1 | Appearance | +0 |
Blacksmithing | Craft | | 1 | Muscle | Knowledge | +0 |
Blacksmithing - for Dwarves only | Craft | Dwarves | 1 | Muscle | +1 |
Bladesong - Elves only | Warrior ; Priest ; Rogue | Elves | 2 | N/A | +0 |
Blind-fighting | Rogue ; Warrior | | 2 | N/A | +0 |
Boating | General | | 1 | Willpower | +1 |
Boating - for Dwarves only | General | Dwarves | 1 | Willpower | +0 |
Boatwright | Craft | | 1 | Reason | -2 |
Boatwright - for Dwarves only | Craft | Dwarves | 1 | Reason | -1 |
Bookbinding | Mage; Priest | | 1 | Knowledge | +0 |
Botany | Priest ; Mage | | 1 | Knowledge | -1 |
Bower-Fletcher | Warrior | | 1 | Aim | -1 |
Bower-Fletcher - for Dwarves only | Craft | Dwarves | 1 | Aim | +0 |
Bower-Fletcher, Crude - must be a Barbarian | Warrior | Barbarian | 1 | Aim | +0 |
Brewing | Craft | | 1 | Knowledge | +0 |
Brewing - for Dwarves only | Craft | Dwarves | 1 | Knowledge | +1 |
Bribery | Rogue | | 1 | Leadership | +0 |
Bureaucracy | Priest ; Rogue | | 2 | Reason | +0 |
Calligraphy | Craft | | 2 | Aim | -1 |
Calligraphy - Oriental Lands only | General | Oriental | 2 | Aim | -1 |
Camouflage | Warrior ; Rogue | | 1 | Willpower | +0 |
Cantrip | Proficiency Mage | | 1 | Knowledge | -2 |
Carpentry | Craft | | 1 | Stamina | Knowledge | +0 |
Cartography | Craft | | 1 | Reason | -2 |
Cartography - Cartographer Only | Craft | Cartographer | 1 | Knowledge | +0 |
Ceremony | Priest | | 1 | Intuition | +0 |
Chanting | General | | 1 | Leadership | +2 |
Charioteering | Warrior | | 1 | Balance | +2 |
Chariot-jump - must be from the Celtic World | Warrior | the Celtic World | 4 | Balance | +0 |
Cheesemaking | Craft | | 1 | Knowledge | +0 |
Chemistry | Mage | | 2 | Knowledge | -2 |
Chicanery | Rogue | | 1 | Aim | -1 |
City Familiarity - Urban setting only | General | Urban Area For 3 months | 1 | Knowledge | +0 |
Clockwork Creation - for Clockwork Mages only | Mage | Clockwork Mage | 2 | Aim | +0 |
Close-quarter Fighting - Humanoid races only | Warrior | Humanoids | 2 | Balance | +0 |
Clothesmaking, Crude - must be a Barbarian | Craft | Barbarian | 1 | Knowledge | -1 |
Cobbling | Craft | | 1 | Aim | Knowledge | +0 |
Concentration | Mage | | 2 | Willpower | -2 |
Concocting | Craft | Apothecary | 1 | Reason | -2 |
Cooking | Craft | | 1 | Reason | +0 |
Craft Instrument | Craft | | 2 | Aim | -2 |
Crowd Working | General | | 1 | Leadership | +2 |
Dancing | General | | 1 | Balance | Appearance | +0 |
Danger Sense - Humanoid races only | General | Humanoids | 2 | Willpower | +1 |
Debate - must be from Al-Qadim | General | Al-Qadim | 1 | Reason | +0 |
Del Chliss - must be from the Celtic World | Warrior | the Celtic World | 2 | N/A | +0 |
Detect Signing - Ninjas only | Rogue | Ninja | 1 | Knowledge | +1 |
Diagnostics | Priest | | 1 | Willpower | -1 |
Diplomacy | Priest | | 1 | Leadership | -1 |
Direction Sense | General | | 1 | Willpower | +1 |
Direction Sense - for Dwarves only | General | Dwarves | 1 | Willpower | +2 |
Disguise | Rogue | | 1 | Appearance | -1 |
Disguise - for Dwarves only | Rogue | Dwarves | 1 | Appearance | -2 |
Display Weapon Prowess - must be from Al-Qadim | Warrior | Al-Qadim | 1 | Balance | +0 |
Distant Sense | General | | 1 | Willpower | +0 |
Dowsing | Mage | | 1 | Intuition | -3 |
Dramatist | General | | 1 | Reason | -2 |
Drinking | General | | 1 | Fitness | +0 |
Dwarf Runes - for Dwarves only | General | Dwarves | 1 | Knowledge | +2 |
Eating | General | | 1 | Health | +0 |
Enamor | Rogue | | 1 | Appearance | -2 |
Endurance | Warrior | | 2 | Health | +0 |
Engineering | Priest ; Mage | | 2 | Knowledge | -3 |
Engineering - for Dwarves only | Craft | Dwarves | 2 | Knowledge | +0 |
Escape | Rogue | | 2 | Aim | +0 |
Etiquette | General | | 1 | Appearance | +0 |
Falconry | General | | 1 | Willpower | -1 |
Fast Talking | Rogue | | 1 | Appearance | +0 |
Feign-detect Sleep | Rogue | | 1 | Knowledge | +0 |
Field Of Study | Craft | | 1 | Knowledge | -2 |
Fire-building | General | | 1 | Willpower | -1 |
Fishing | General | | 1 | Willpower | -1 |
Foraging | General | | 1 | Reason | -2 |
Forgery | Rogue | | 1 | Aim | -1 |
Forgery - for Dwarves only | Rogue | Dwarves | 2 | Aim | -1 |
Fortune Telling | Rogue | | 2 | Appearance | +2 |
Fungi Recognition - for Dwarves only | General | Dwarves | 1 | Knowledge | +3 |
Gae Bolga - must be from the Celtic World | Warrior | the Celtic World | 6 | N/A | +0 |
Gaming | Rogue ; Warrior | | 1 | Leadership | +0 |
Gem Cutting | Rogue ; Mage | | 2 | Aim | -2 |
Gem Cutting - for Dwarves only | Craft | Dwarves | 1 | Aim | +0 |
Genie Lore - must be from Al-Qadim | Priest ; Mage | Al-Qadim | 1 | Knowledge | +0 |
Geology | General | | 2 | Knowledge | -1 |
Giant Kite Flying - Oriental Lands only | Rogue | Oriental | 1 | Aim | -3 |
Glassblowing | Mage | | 1 | Aim | +0 |
Grooming - must be from Al-Qadim | Rogue | Al-Qadim | 2 | Balance | +0 |
Haggling - must be from Al-Qadim | General | Al-Qadim | 2 | Willpower | +0 |
Healing | Priest | | 2 | Willpower | -2 |
Healthy Cooking | Priest | Halfling & Cooking , Healing, & Herbalism | 2 | Willpower | +0 |
Heraldry | General | | 1 | Knowledge | +0 |
Herbal Brew - must be Druid and have Herbalism*3 | Priest | Druid & Herbalism*3 | 0 | Willpower | +0 |
Herbalism | Priest ; Mage | | 2 | Knowledge | -2 |
Herbalism - for Dwarves only | Craft | Dwarves | 2 | Knowledge | +0 |
Hiding | General | | 2 | Reason | -1 |
Hiding - must be a Barbarian | General | Barbarian | 2 | Reason | 0 |
Hold Breath | Rogue | | 1 | Fitness | +0 |
Horde Summoning - must be a Barbarian | Warrior | Barbarian | 2 | Leadership | -2 |
Hunting | Warrior | | 1 | Willpower | -1 |
Hunting - for Dwarves only | Warrior | Dwarves | 1 | Willpower | -2 |
Hypnotism Proficiency | Mage | | 1 | Leadership | -2 |
Iaijutsu - Oriental Lands only | General | Oriental | 1 | N/A | +0 |
Information Gathering | Rogue | | 1 | Reason | +0 |
Intimidation | Rogue | | 1 | N/A | +0 |
Investigation | Priest | | 1 | Reason | -2 |
Jousting | Warrior | | 1 | N/A | +0 |
Juggling | Rogue | | 1 | Aim | -1 |
Juggling - for Dwarves only | Rogue | Dwarves | 1 | Aim | -2 |
Jumping | Rogue | | 1 | Muscle | +0 |
Languages, Ancient | Priest ; Mage | | 1 | Knowledge | +0 |
Languages, Modern | General | | 1 | Knowledge | +0 |
Law | Warrior ; Priest | | 1 | Willpower | +0 |
Leatherworking | Craft | | 1 | Reason | +0 |
Light Sleeping - must be a Barbarian | Warrior | Barbarian | 1 | Fitness | -1 |
Linguistics - only after 3 other languages are known | General | Lang*3 | 2 | Knowledge | +1 |
Local History | Priest ; Rogue | | 1 | Leadership | +0 |
Local History, Dwarf - for Dwarves only | General | Dwarves | 1 | Leadership | +2 |
Locksmithing | Rogue | | 1 | Aim | +0 |
Locksmithing - for Dwarves only | Craft | Dwarves | 1 | Balance | +1 |
Looting | Rogue | | 1 | Aim | +0 |
Lower Plane Knowledge | Mage, Priest | | 2 | Knowledge | -2 |
Masseur - Oriental Lands only | Craft | Oriental | 1 | Aim | +0 |
Medicinal Cooking | Priest | Healthy Cooking | 2 | Willpower | -2 |
Mental Resistance | Mage | | 1 | Willpower | -1 |
Metalworking | Craft | | 2 | Balance | -2 |
Metalworking, Al-qadim - must be from Al-Qadim | Craft | Al-Qadim | 1 | Aim | +0 |
Military Science | Warrior | | 1 | Willpower | +0 |
Mining | Craft | | 2 | Willpower | -3 |
Mining - for Dwarves only | Craft | Dwarves | 1 | Willpower | +0 |
Mountaineering | General | | 1 | N/A | +0 |
Musical Instrument | Priest ; Rogue | | 1 | Aim | -1 |
Musical Instrument - for Dwarves only | Priest ; Rogue | Dwarves | 1 | Aim | -2 |
Natural Fighting - Humanoid races only | General | Humanoids | 2 | Stamina | +1 |
Navigation | Priest ; Mage; Warrior | | 1 | Reason | -2 |
Navigation - for Dwarves only | Priest ; Mage; Warrior | Dwarves | 1 | Reason | -3 |
Necrology - Necromancers only | Priest ; Mage | Necromancers | 1 | Willpower | +0 |
Netherworld Knowledge | Priest ; Mage | | 1 | Willpower | -3 |
Night Vision | Rogue | | 1 | Willpower | -2 |
Noh - Oriental Lands only | General | Oriental | 1 | Willpower | -2 |
Numeracy | Mage | | 1 | Reason | +0 |
Numerology | Mage | | 2 | Reason | +0 |
Observation | General | | 1 | Reason | +0 |
Omen Reading | Mage; Priest | | 1 | Intuition | -2 |
Oratory | Priest | | 1 | Leadership | -1 |
Orienteering | General | | 2 | Willpower | +0 |
Origami - Oriental Lands only | General | Oriental | 1 | Aim | +0 |
Papermaking | Mage; Priest | | 1 | Knowledge | +0 |
Persuasion | General | | 1 | Leadership | +0 |
Persuasion | Priest | | 1 | Leadership | -2 |
Pest Control | Rogue | Dwarves | 1 | Willpower | +0 |
Philosophy | General | | 1 | Willpower | -1 |
Poetry | General | | 1 | Reason | -2 |
Politics - Nobles only | General | Noble | 1 | Leadership | +0 |
Pottery | Craft | | 1 | Balance | -2 |
Pottery - for Dwarves only | Craft | Dwarves | 1 | Balance | -3 |
Prestidigitation | Mage | | 1 | Aim | -1 |
Prophecy - Seer Only | Priest | Seer | 1 | Intuition | -2 |
Prospecting | General | | 1 | Balance | -1 |
Quick Study | Rogue | | 2 | N/A | -3 |
Reading Lips | Rogue | | 2 | Knowledge | -2 |
Reading Lips - for Dwarves only | Rogue | Dwarves | 1 | Knowledge | -2 |
Reading-writing | General | | 1 | Knowledge | +1 |
Religion | Priest ; Mage | | 1 | Willpower | +0 |
Research | Mage | | 1 | Reason | +0 |
Rhetoric | General | | 1 | Leadership | +0 |
Riding, Airborne | General | | 2 | Willpower | -2 |
Riding, Camel Spec - must be from Al-Qadim | Warrior ; Rogue | Al-Qadim | 2 | Willpower | +4 |
Riding, Horse Spec - must be from Al-Qadim or Horde | Warrior ; Rogue | Al-Qadim or Horde | 2 | Willpower | +4 |
Riding, Land-based | General | | 1 | Willpower | +3 |
Riding, Land-based - Dwarves only | General | Dwarves | 1 | Willpower | -2 |
Riding, Sea-based | General | | 2 | Balance | -2 |
Rope Use | General | | 1 | Aim | +0 |
Rowing | General | | 1 | Stamina | -1 |
Running | Warrior | | 1 | Fitness | -6 |
Sage Knowledge | Mage; Priest | | 2 | Knowledge | -2 |
Salmon Leap - must be from the Celtic World | Warrior | the Celtic World | 1 | Balance | +0 |
Scribe | Mage; Priest | | 1 | Aim | +1 |
Seamanship | Craft | | 1 | Balance | +1 |
Seamanship Aerial | Craft | | 2 | Balance | +1 |
Seamstress-tailor | Craft | | 1 | Aim | -1 |
Seamstress-tailor - for Dwarves only | Craft | Dwarves | 1 | Aim | -2 |
Set Snares | Rogue ; Warrior | | 1 | Aim | -1 |
Shield-rim - must be from the Celtic World | Warrior | the Celtic World | 2 | N/A | +0 |
Shipwright | Craft | | 1 | Knowledge | -2 |
Shipwright Aerial | Craft | Shipwright | 1 | Knowledge | -2 |
Sign Language - for Dwarves only | General | Dwarves | 1 | Knowledge | +2 |
Signaling | General | | 1 | Knowledge | -2 |
Signaling - for Dwarves only | General | Dwarves | 1 | Knowledge | +2 |
Silk Maker - Oriental Lands only | Craft | Oriental | 1 | Balance | +0 |
Singing | General | | 1 | Appearance | +0 |
Singing - for Dwarves only | General | Dwarves | 1 | Appearance | +2 |
Skating | General | | 1 | Balance | +0 |
Skiing | General | | 1 | Balance | +0 |
Slow Respiration - for Dwarves only | General | Dwarves | 1 | N/A | +0 |
Smelting | Craft | | 2 | Knowledge | -2 |
Smelting - for Dwarves only | Craft | Dwarves | 1 | Knowledge | +0 |
Soothsaying - must be a Barbarian | Priest | Barbarian | 2 | Reason | +0 |
Sorcerous Dueling | Mage | | 2 | Reason | -1 |
Sound Analysis - for Dwarves only | General | Dwarves | 1 | Willpower | +0 |
Spear Catch - must be from the Celtic World | Warrior | the Celtic World | 2 | Aim | +0 |
Spellcraft | Priest ; Mage | | 1 | Reason | -2 |
Spelunking | Warrior | | 1 | Reason | -2 |
Spirit Lore | Priest ; Mage | | 2 | Appearance | -4 |
Sports | General | | 1 | Aim | +0 |
Statecraft | General | | 1 | Willpower | -2 |
Stewardship | General | | 2 | Reason | -2 |
Stonemasonry | Craft | | 1 | Stamina | -2 |
Stonemasonry - for Dwarves only | Craft | Dwarves | 1 | Stamina | +0 |
Street Fighting - Urban setting only | Warrior | Urban | 2 | Aim | +0 |
Street Sense - Urban setting only | Rogue | Urban | 2 | Leadership | +0 |
Stroke Of Precision - must be from the Celtic World | Warrior | the Celtic World | 2 | N/A | +0 |
Style Analysis - Oriental Lands only | Warrior | Oriental | 1 | Reason | -1 |
Survival | Warrior | | 2 | Reason | +0 |
Survival, Underground - for Dwarves only | General | Dwarves | 1 | Knowledge | +0 |
Swimming | General | | 1 | Stamina | +0 |
Swimming - for Dwarves only | General | Dwarves | 1 | Stamina | -1 |
Tactics | Warrior | | 1 | Reason | -1 |
Tactics of Magic | Mage | | 1 | Reason | -1 |
Tattooing | Craft | | 1 | Aim | +0 |
Tea Ceremony - Oriental Lands only | General | Oriental | 2 | Willpower | +0 |
Thaumaturgy | Mage | | 1 | Knowledge | -2 |
Tightrope Walking | Rogue | | 1 | Balance | +0 |
Toxicology - Ninjas only | Rogue | Ninja | 2 | Knowledge | +0 |
Tracking | Warrior | | 2 | Willpower | +0 |
Trail Marking | Warrior | | 1 | Willpower | +0 |
Trail Signs | Warrior ; Rogue | | 1 | Willpower | +0 |
Trailing | Rogue | | 1 | Aim | +0 |
Tumbling | Rogue | | 1 | Balance | +0 |
Undead Lore | Priest | | 1 | Knowledge | -1 |
Underclass | Rogue | | 1 | Willpower | +0 |
Underground Navigation - for Dwarves only | General | Dwarves | 1 | Reason | +0 |
Venom Handling | Priest ; Mage | | 1 | Willpower | -2 |
Ventriloquism proficiency | Rogue | | 1 | Reason | -2 |
Veterinary Healing | Craft | | 1 | Willpower | -3 |
Voice Mimicry | Rogue | | 2 | Appearance | +0 |
Warrior's Scream - must be from the Celtic World | Warrior | the Celtic World | 2 | Health | +0 |
Water Walking - Ninjas only | Rogue | Ninja | 1 | Aim | -1 |
Weapon Improvisation - must be a Barbarian | Warrior | Barbarian | 1 | Willpower | -1 |
Weaponsmithing | Warrior | | 3 | Reason | -3 |
Weaponsmithing - for Dwarves only | Craft | Dwarves | 2 | Reason | -1 |
Weaponsmithing Crude | Warrior | | 1 | Willpower | -3 |
Weather Sense | General | | 1 | Willpower | -1 |
Weaving | Craft | | 1 | Reason | -1 |
Weaving - for Dwarves only | Craft | Dwarves | 1 | Reason | -2 |
Whistling-humming | General | | 1 | Aim | +2 |
Wild Fighting - Humanoid races only | General | Humanoids | 2 | Health | +0 |
Wild Fighting, Barbarian - must be a Barbarian | Warrior | Barbarian | 2 | Health | +0 |
Winemaking | Craft | | 1 | Knowledge | +0 |
Yoke-pole - must be from the Celtic World | Warrior | the Celtic World | 2 | Balance | +0 |