Main / NWP-ArmorerCrude

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Armorer, crude Non-weapon Proficiency

(must be a Barbarian)

With this proficiency, a character can make crude but effective armor from natural materials like hides, furs, and shells. He can’t create armor better than AC 6. It takes one week per level of AC below 10 to make crude armor (assuming the availability of the necessary materials). A character can make hide armor in four weeks, a shield in one week. Crude armor tends to be more flawed and less durable than standard armor. After crude armor is created, make a proficiency check. If the check fails by more than 4, the armor is unusable. If a failed check is within 4 of the amount needed for success, the armor is flawed and functions at an AC 2 worse than normal (but never worse than AC 10). Flawed crude hide armor has AC 8; a flawed crude shield offers no protection whatsoever. If flawed crude armor is struck in melee with a natural die-roll of 19 or 20, it falls apart. The wearer’s AC immediately worsens by 4 (to a limit of AC 10). Removing the useless armor takes 1d4 rounds; during that time, the wearer moves at half his normal rate and suffers a -4 penalty to all attack rolls.