Main / NWP-Boatwright

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Boatwright Non-weapon Proficiency

The boatwright proficiency allows a character to construct all kinds of watercraft up to a maximum length of 60 feet. Larger vessels cannot be built. Those require the Shipwright skill

The time required to build a boat depends on size. As a general guide, a boat requires one week of construction time per foot of length. Two characters with the boatwright proficiency cut this time by half; three reduce it to one-third. A maximum of one boatwright per 5 feet of length can work on the same vessel.

The basic boat includes hull, masts (if applicable), deck, and benches as required. Features such as a cabin or a sealed hold add about a week apiece to complete. Characters without the boatwright proficiency can aid the boatwright in construction, but two such characters equal the time savings that one additional skilled boatwright could provide.