Main / NWP-Bribery

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies - Thief Special Abilities

Bribery Non-weapon Proficiency

This skill is open to all rogue characters. If the DM agrees, it may be available to other classes on a case-by-case basis. Attempts at bribery are not restricted to those familiar with its intricacies, anyone may attempt to bribe someone else. Those with this skill will be able to determine a "fair" price and avoid a potential double-cross. Whenever a character without bribery skill attempts to use this skill, they must make a Charisma check at -4. Failure indicates that the bribe is refused and that the character may be turned over to the watch for his actions. Those with this skill will obviously suffer no such penalty. It's important that the DM not allow the use of bribery skill to replace the role-playing aspects of such transactions. Players who role-play such attempts well should be given a positive modifier to their bribery check while those who do not should suffer for it. As you can see, there is much more to bribery than just saying "I'll offer him 10 gold pieces to look the other way." It's much more interesting to negotiate skillfully yourself, with phrases like "Hello, Sir Walter! I'm so happy you could attend. I didn't have time to get a gift for your lovely wife, so why don't you take this small gem and pick something up for her yourself?"