Main / NWP-Cartography-CartographerOnly

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Cartography - Cartographer only Non-weapon Proficiency

This proficiency permits a character to create maps of any kind. To do so, the character must develop an excellent sense of spatial relationships and become a good judge of distance.

When called upon to manufacture a new map, the first thing a cartographer must do is research the area to be mapped. The length of this research depends upon the size of the area. Obviously, mapping out the bordered of a kingdom is a much more involved task than mapping out the streets of a small town.

While performing his research, the character may make several sketches. Once he is done with his research, the cartographer uses these sketches, along with his other notes, to construct the map. The DM then rolls the die and secretly checks the result against the mapper's cartography skill.

If the check fails, the cartographer comes up with an inaccurate and entirely useless map. The cartographer could sell the poorly made map, but his reputation would suffer, and the purchasers will certainly come looking for the seller once they discover how bad the map is.

If the DM rolls a 20 on this proficiency check, the cartographer does not realize the inaccurate nature of the map. Otherwise, the character is aware that the map contains flaws. If the DM rolls a 1 on the check, the cartographer has created an almost perfect map. The cartography community at large will use the perfect map as model from with all other maps of the area in question be based. Such a map is worth triple the normal experience points for the cartographer.

A cartographer can also use this proficiency to create a map of a specific area from memory. When making a map entirely from memory - without notes or sketches - the character suffers a -3 penalty to his proficiency check. Success, however, means that the cartographer reproduces a useful map of the area in question.

The cartography proficiency can also be used to estimate distances. In most cases, a cartographer can automatically estimate distances with 90% accuracy. The cartographer can choose to make a proficiency check which, if successful, enables him to judge distances with 100% accuracy. There is no penalty for failing this check.