Main / NWP-Chariot-jump

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Chariot jump Non-weapon Proficiency

(must be from Celtic area)

The character must have the charioteering proficiency before choosing this skill.

By using this feat a character can actually jump a chariot over a chasm, a stream, or a low obstacle such a fallen tree (or a fallen comrade. The feat requires a Balance check modified according to the nature of the obstacle. A chasm or stream imposes a penalty of -1 per 3 feet of width (rounded up) while a standing obstacle imposes a penalty of -1 per foot of height. A prone character is about 1 foot high, and a fallen tree can be somewhat higher. There is a -3 penalty for every character in the chariot apart from the charioteer. In all cases the chariot requires a clear approach distance of at least 30 yards.

If the check is successful the chariot leaps the obstacle and lands safely on the other side. If not, it slams full-tilt into the obstacle, risking damage to the chariot and injury to the horses and passengers.