Main / NWP-CityFamiliarity

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

City Familiarity Non-weapon Proficiency

(Urban setting only)

A character with this proficiency is unusually knowledgeable about one specific community, chosen when the proficiency is purchased. City Familiarity gives the character a good knowledge of the important political and financial figures in the community, an understanding of which families (and criminal organizations) are most important and how they relate to one another and a good grasp of the city's main streets and byways. The character needs no skill check to call on this information. When the character wants more detailed information such as the precise layout of streets when he's running away from city guards, the name of the number-two man in a specific crime organization, or the knowledge of which politicians are cheapest to bribe the character must make a proficiency check with a difficulty modifier determined by the DM.

A character can must have lived in a city for at least three months before he can purchase the City Familiarity proficiency and except for the town in which he grew up he can do so only with DM permission.