Main / NWP-Concentration

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Concentration Non-weapon Proficiency

A character with this talent has rigorously trained himself to ignore distractions of all kinds, deadening his mind to pain or sensation. This allows a wizard to ignore annoyances or disturbances that might otherwise interfere with the casting of a spell. In order to use this ability, the player must state that his character is concentrating when he begins to cast a spell. If the character is struck by an attack that causes 2 or less points of damage, he is permitted to attempt a proficiency check to ignore the distraction and continue to cast his spell (unless, of course, the damage is enough to render him unconscious.) The wizard can try to ignore grappling or restraining attacks that cause no damage but suffers a –4 penalty to his check. Spells that incapacitate without damaging, such as hold person or command, still interrupt the caster if he fails his saving throw.

A character using this ability must focus on the casting of his spell to the exclusion of all other activity, even direct attacks. Any Dexterity adjustment to his Armor Class is lost, and in addition flank or side attacks are treated as rear attacks, with a +2 bonus to hit instead of a +1.