Main / NWP-Enamor

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Enamor Non-weapon Proficiency

This proficiency allows a ninja to trick an NPC into falling in love with him or her. It is more than the skill of knowing which flowers to send or garments to wear. Enamor proficiency allows the ninja to study his target like a thief studies a vault, looking for weak points to exploit.

Standard use of the Enamor proficiency takes a week of constant contact for a susceptible victim, a month or more for a more difficult target. The DM can allow bonuses to the proficiency roll for a PC who is thorough and clever in his research into the victim's psyche and who takes extra time, and can assign penalties to one who spends too little time or makes wrong assumptions. At the end of the contact period, the DM rolls the Enamor proficiency for the ninja and compares the results with those listed in Table 14.

Table 14: Enamor Proficiency Results

Ninja Lost by 4+ The victim has been (accidentally) insulted during the romantic pursuit. The victim may attack the ninja, may arrange to have the ninja assaulted, may pretend to be seduced in order to cause the ninja some great harm later, etc.

Ninja Lost by 2-3 The victim is not interested in the ninja and may become irritated with continued pursuit.

Ninja Lost by 1 The victim is flattered but not convinced. The ninja can start over with a –2 penalty to his Enamor check, or can abandon pursuit, perhaps leaving behind some hard feelings.

Even Roll The victim is flattered but not convinced. The ninja can start over or can abandon pursuit with no hard feelings.

Ninja Won by 1 The victim is flattered but not convinced. The ninja can start over with a +1 bonus to his Enamor check, or can abandon pursuit with no hard feelings.

Ninja Won by 2-3 The victim is infatuated by the ninja but will not change ethics, goals, or loyalties.

Ninja Won by 4-6 The victim is in love with ninja and will help ninja in any way that does not violate important ethics and loyalties.

Ninja Won by 7+ The victim is madly in love with the ninja and will abandon all ethics, goals, and loyalties.

The DM, at his discretion, can additionally make a Wisdom check for the victim. If the victim makes the Wisdom check by more than the ninja made his Enamor proficiency check, the results are as for an Even Roll.

Ironically, the more complete the ninja's success, the more dangerous the situation becomes. A victim who is madly in love may do everything the ninja wishes, including betraying state secrets and turning traitor, but expects the character with Enamor proficiency to be just as much in love. The victim becomes dangerously jealous of potential rivals (seeing anyone remotely suitable as a potential rival) and could become murderous if he realizes he has been duped. The relationship built by use of the Enamor proficiency need not be a romantic one. Depending on the situation, the relationship might be a friendship or the winning of someone's loyalty away from an enemy.

Although nothing prevents good-aligned characters from learning the Enamor proficiency, the first time they ruin a life with it may be the last time they use it.