Main / NWP-Escape

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Escape Non-weapon Proficiency

This non-weapon proficiency allows a character to slip out of ropes and other types of bindings. When a character is bound or tied, the DM assigns a penalty based on the type and circumstance of the binding. Table 15 shows standard penalties for a variety of situations. The character with Escape proficiency can try to use his skill in order to free himself. He rolls his proficiency and applies the appropriate penalties. If the roll is successful, he can untie himself.

Table 15: Escape Proficiency Penalties

Binding Type - Penalty (Cumulative) Standard rope - 0 Rawhide, dry - -2 Rawhide, soaked and shrunken - -4 Wire - -3 Fingers individually tied/taped - -4

Circumstance - Penalty (Cumulative) Binding character takes extra time/attention - -2 Binding character takes little time/attention +2 Binding character is a thief or ninja - -3 Binding character makes find/remove traps roll - -2* Character with this proficiency tries to untie another character - +4 Bound character with this proficiency tries to untie another character - -4

Escape proficiency does not allow the character to undo locks or escape other sorts of traps. Those tasks require the open locks and find/remove traps skills.