Main / NWP-Falconry

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Falconry Non-weapon Proficiency

This is the Animal Training (Falcon) proficiency. A character with this skill is an expert in training and handling falcons, enabling him to teach them tricks and tasks.

This proficiency also allows the training of hawks at an additional -1 penalty. Owls are a separate proficiency and would require a -2 penalty if attempted to be trained with this skill.

A character can teach a falcon 2d4 tricks or tasks in any combination. It takes 2d6 weeks to teach the falcon a trick, three months for a task. At the end of the training period, the character makes a proficiency check. If the check succeeds, the falcon has learned the trick or task. If the check fails, the falcon is incapable of learning more.

If not using falconry training equipment the success roll required for training is penalized by -2.