Main / NWP-FortuneTelling

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Fortune Telling Non-weapon Proficiency

This non-weapon proficiency covers knowledge of a variety of methods of divination—all of them fake. The thief with Fortune Telling is familiar with numerous devices and methods, such as tarot cards, palm reading, interpreting the flight of sparrows or the arrangement of a sacrificed animal's entrails, and so forth or at least the thief is familiar enough with these practices to make it appear that he's an authentic soothsayer. (If fortune telling can make accurate predictions in the DM's campaign, this proficiency does not necessarily enable the thief to do so; it confers no magical powers.) The thief makes up the prediction he wishes to tell.

A successful proficiency check indicates that the thief's customer or client believes the fortune he was told to be authentic. If the check fails, the sham is discovered in some way, or the prediction is simply not believed. If the DM wishes, the same modifiers described for fast-talking (above) may be used, based on the Intelligence and Wisdom of the subject and the believability of the fortune predicted.

Optional Rule: If a natural 1 (or another number secretly chosen by the Dungeon Master before the die is rolled) comes up, the event that the thief predicted actually comes true!