Main / NWP-FungiRecognition

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Fungi Recognition Non-weapon Proficiency

(for Dwarves only)

Although they prefer not to, dwarves sometimes have to survive on a diet of fungi. They would rather use these as supplements to their regular diet, but when times are hard, or when involved in an extended underground expedition, it is useful to be able to tell edible fungi from the poisonous or unwholesome varieties. Approximately 50% of underground fungi are poisonous. They may cause an upset stomach or be so poisonous they cause death. It is impossible to harvest edible fungi without the fungi identification proficiency.

If the character has plenty of light and an opportunity to study the fungus in question closely for 10 minutes, no proficiency check is required. If he is unable to see the fungus properly, often the case when using infravision, or has to make a hasty decision about edibility, a proficiency check must be made.