Main / NWP-GemCutting-ForDwarvesOnly

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Gem Cutting Non-weapon Proficiency

(for Dwarves only)

A dwarf with this proficiency may cut 2d8 gems per day instead of 1d10. He also has a greater chance of increasing the value of a gem. If a dwarf rolls a 1 or a 2 during cutting, he increases the value of the gem to that of the next most valuable class (see page 134 of the Dungeon Master's Guide). For example, Duram is cutting a fancy stone with a finished value of 100 gp. He does an exquisite job and actually increases its value to that of a precious gem with a value of 500 gp.

Any character who fails a gem cutting roll cuts the gem, but does so poorly and reduces its value to the next lower category. Duram, flushed with success, tries his hand at a precious stone with a finished value of 500 gp but he slips with his chisel and reduces its value to that of fancy gem (value 100 gp).

A character who rolls a 20 when cutting a gem splits it in half and ends up with two uncut gems with a combined value one class lower than that of the original gem. Duram starts one more gem. It has a value of 50 gp. He places his cutting clamp, over tightens the jaws, and splits the gem in half (he rolls a 20!). He now has two uncut gems with a value of 5 gp each.