Main / NWP-GenieLore

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Genie Lore Non-weapon Proficiency

(must be from Al-qadim)

Characters with this proficiency are versed in the nature and background of all geniekind, from the smallest elemental gen to the grandest noble pasha or caliph. They know the proper manner for greeting and conversing with a genie: in other words, the manner least likely to offend the creature. In contrast, other characters must rely on successful Charisma checks both initially and every time they commit a potential faux pas (in the DM’s opinion).

Characters who have genie lore also know the hierarchy and organization of geniekind. At a glance, they can tell whether a creature is a marid, djinni, dao, or efreeti. They can also say whether a creature they're conversing with is noble or base. If a genie is masquerading as a common human, a successful proficiency check reveals the ruse. If this check fails, perception is completely reversed from the truth. In other words, the genie seems definitely to be a common person, and a common person seems definitely to be a genie. A character with genie lore can perform only one check per suspect. The DM rolls this check separately and secretly (not revealing the true results). If an individual with genie lore has no reason to be suspicious, the check is made with half the usual proficiency score, rounded down.

Genie lore also enables a character to detect the work of genies:that is, the physical manifestation of genie spells, as well as items created by a genie's spell-like abilities. The chance of success is limited. The character makes the proficiency check using half the usual score, rounded down. If successful, the individual may discern, for example, whether a wall has been constructed by genie-magic, whether a meal was summoned into being by a djinni, or whether a princess is enamored magically by the effects of a dao-granted limited wish.

Genie lore does not enable a character to detect genies moving invisibly through the immediate area. Nor does it help the character see through an extraordinary disguise unless the genie is working some wonder of magic at the time.