Main / NWP-Hiding-MustBeABarbarian

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Hiding Non-weapon Proficiency

(must be a Barbarian)

This proficiency lets the character use the natural elements of the immediate environment-vegetation, shadows, depressions-to conceal himself. A successful check means he’s virtually disappeared from view. The hidden character must remain motionless and silent to prevent discovery. The concealed character stays hidden unless the creature or character searching makes a successful intelligence check, modified as shown on table 35. If more than one character or creature is searching the same area, base the check on the highest intelligence score in the group. The DM may prohibit the use of the hiding proficiency in situations where no natural cover is available (a smooth stone plateau, a feature less room). Further, the proficiency has no effect on creatures who detect their prey with senses other than sight

Barbarians: As explained in Chapter 1, a barbarian automatically has the hiding proficiency in his homeland terrain. If he spends two slots, he may use this proficiency in all types of terrain.

Table 35 Hiding Modifiers

Searchers's IntelligenceModifier
3 or less-5